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Latest revision as of 03:33, 11 November 2017

Aaayyyy Its Brooklyn!
Date of Scene: 07 November 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Savage Dragon

April O'Neil has posed:
Its about 7:00pm on a Tuesday night.

April had just delivered six pizzas into the sewers and now she was coming back to her apartment with a paper bag that had HER dinner in it. she was walking along the side streets of her childhood neighborhood and she was glancing down at her phone, typing on it with her thumb... replying to people on her Youtube channel about a video she'd posted last night. IT was a video all about a masked murderer in the area that went by the calling card of Candles setup all around his victims bodies... and INside them. They were calling him... the Candlight Killer. Not exactly unique.

April was a few doors down from her closed-up Antique Shop's front entrance.

Savage Dragon has posed:
Back in blues. The Dragon since his time on Earth has never found a better uniform to wear it just feels right to him anymore. A slight pay cut from Chi-Town to NYC is not too harmful as the location is much better for his daughter. Thumbs tucked in to his pants he is strutting on towards a coffee shop, getting the lay of the land one could say. He stands out. Green and wide as a barn with a giant fin atop his head, not easy to miss. Which is why he tends towards Mutant Town and is stationed at Precinct 11 but, hes always been known to stray.

A whistle escapes his lips, a song breaking up then picking up again only to cut off as he sees a familiar woman walking, "Hey! April O'Niel!" A gruff shout at first he tailors it down to sounding more friendly, "Remember me?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April was sighing at some of the rude and awful comments on her video... she'd have to clean them up yet again once she got home to her laptop...

She heard the whistling, but wasn't paying it too much attention, not until he'd spoken her name then and thats when she stopped and looked up at him...

April had had some trouble with people finding out where she lived online and coming to her house to harrass her, to say the least, it'd lead to the Turtles walking her home all dressed up in strange costumes for an entire month...

So her first reaction was a bit paranoid and she showed him a look of 'fear' and as though she might be about to -attack- or... run.

But then she realized she DID remember him and she saw his uniform. "Oh, hey, yeah!" She said at him, now lightening up. "Cop Guy... from the other day, with the drunken guy."

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Cop guy? Officer Dragon works. Better than 'Cop Guy'" Dragon nods, "Right and you're the Reporter Lady. Fancy seeing you here, I was about to ask if you're stalking me." He moves up beside her, casual like until hes near enough to stare down at the woman. "Just enjoying the night out, not on duty. Got some hours to kill. I didn't get to stick around and hear your statement but how did that whole thing go with the Detective and uh Mr.KungFu?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April would grin at him as he came to step along beside her and she couldn't help but be amused by his words while they now walked together. "I'll admit that 'Officer Dragon' is a pretty amazing name and really beats Cop Guy... But... I wouldn't write off Mister Kungfu either, that one has a nice ring to it also." She'd grin over at him then.

"And I'm -not- stalking you, no. I live right down the street in that old antiques store. It was my mothers." She adjusted her brown paper bag that she had rolled up to make a paper handle with from her left hand to her right. "I was visiting some friends and am just on my way toward the wonderful place known as Sleepyland." She'd say with a sly grin.

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Asleep at this hour?" Dragon checks his wristwatch, "I guess it is late enough for some." The hand drops and he looks at the building then back at her, "I was going to say, its okay if you stalked me. I dont mind a nice tail from time to time." He can hear Angel now in his head giving him shit about dad humor. " Okay so that wasn't very funny. I do rather like my name, guys back in Chicago stuck it to me after they decided I was cool." His hands place upon his hips, "So... that question about what it was about, you never did elaborate. Something about that Detective put me off too. Instinct maybe. I dunno. His face had a 'punch me' vibe to it."

April O'Neil has posed:
April would continue to grin lightly as they walked together. "Okay, not quite sleep." She admitted. "I usually spend three or four hours on my computer editing videos and preparing the next video to film this weekend." She looked back at him then and shook her head. "Detective Black? Nah... he's harmless. I've worked with him on some stuff around here before. He's just kind of quite and... whats the word, demure? But he's nice, for an old guy." She'd grin again then.

"So you're from Chicago then?" She'd ask him, cause she was just curious by nature. "You're a mutant, yeah?" More questions. "Thats pretty impressive that you made it into the police and have actually fit in. From my perspective, the majority of cops around here are pretty... one dimensional?"

Savage Dragon has posed:
A lift of dark brows against the green skin, "As far back as I am aware and no, not a mutant. I'm classified under 'other' I suppose. My kids a mutant, takes after her mom. Which is why I'm in Mutant Town now." Dragons thumb brushes against his nose, comments about the 'old detective' brushed aide. "So a lil bit of a night owl. I feel ya. One dimensional? In what way? These New York guys are definitely not like my boys back home. I feel like a traitor out here but I'll squeeze in somewhere."

April O'Neil has posed:
April didn't have a good relationship with most cops. She meddled in their affairs and they didn't really like it, and she'd called some of them out by name on-air at her News gig... which was even worse to them.

"Ah... don't let me influence your opinion if you're new here. Especially since they're your co-workers. I just... have my grievances about their response efforts to situations around here, if you know what I mean." She smirked at him when her phone buzzed with a text, which she glanced at.

(Mikey4Life: Aaaaaapril! Donny ate my spare pie! Git me another!!! <3<3<3)

April put her phone back down, ignoring that text. She grinned at him. "Mutant Town is a hard beat to be assigned to. Its not too far from here, you wandering around here just makes me think you're stalking -me-, Officer Dragon." She said with a grin at the cop.

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Its already influenced. The do it to themselves. Yeah at least the 11th is an easy crowd, no one wants to work there and the ones that do are freaks like me or they wanna prove they're hardasses. Easy shit to handle." Dragon's arms rise up, folding hands behind his head and he grins at April, white sharp teeth showing, "What if I was stalking you? Plan to call the fuzz?" Beat.
"You realize, you're a reporter. Only thing cops hate more than that is lawyers and rentacops."

April O'Neil has posed:
They drew near to the antiques shop, its windows were all covered over by curtains inside and the CLOSED sign hung visible on the eastern window's front corner. April just smirked at him. "Oh I know they hate me, its okay, I'm not too fond of them either. Some of them." She glanced at him then with her blue eyes. "Some others are alright though... at least kidna alright." She'd smirk before shaking her head at him. "And you're not a freak." She had to answer that, had to.

"The freaks are the people who think just cause they're human that makes them 'normal' and somehow 'superior'. Which couldn't be more asinine." April reached into her yellow leather jacket pocket to pull out her shop's keyes and let them jingle/dangle at her side.

Savage Dragon has posed:
"I'm pretty damn normal most days." Dragon grins, "So I might take offense to that whole bash the normal dude thing." He looks down at his hands and green forearms, fingers opening as sinew bounces, "Except the obvious skin condition. Mikey wasn't alone." Dragon is teasing again, in his own corny way. Hes allowed while off duty. "I'll make sure we dont hate eachother too much, just no uh, no bad pieces about me. Maybe you can write a nice fluff piece making me look good then we'll be real pals." A stop at the shop with her, the belt around his waist jangles, "Alone? Thought you said it was your moms."

April O'Neil has posed:
April paused outside the front door and she looked over and up at the cop, smiling at him. "You know what I would like to do with you?" She said to him, sometimes unaware of the way she said/phrased things, cause she was a little socially awkward. "I... like to interview people on my Live Sunday Night podcast online. It'd be really great to have an interview with a new local cop who's not from around here, especially one that is as... unique as you are." She tried to be politically kind with her words there.

April leaned back against the doorframe then, placing it between her shoulders. "You'd probably draw a lot of great call-in questions. Though some of my listners are a little... eccentric." She laughed softly there.

"But yeah, your take on how things seem around here, as an outsider coming to the inside... It could be really cool to have on my show."

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Oh shit. You're one of *those*." Dragon says, "Podcasting and hip." A groan faked obviously rolls free of the big man, his hand on the back of his neck as the other drops to his side, hooking a thumb again in his belt just behind a nightstick. Not that his fists arent more effective. "Kidding, sure. Not a local cop though I'm more uh... still a tourist. Lead the way, April."
Habit he ducks his head through the door, Dragons eyes flicking over the place. Then stops, "You were inviting me in right? I realize I just waltzed on in and did a quick corner sweep."

April O'Neil has posed:
April grinned at the man and she slowly nodded her head. "Yeah. I'm... one of those." She said at him then. "I got a lot to say about a lot of topics, and the internet has allowed me to do that in ways that my Reporter job just doesn't do. The Media is controlled by the rich and corrupted, you know that right?"

When he ducked past her into the open storefront she looked at him and laughed at his words. "The podcast isn't until Sunday, Cop Guy." She teased before stepping in as well. She flipped on the store's lights causing about fifty lamps across all the shelves and walls to all turn on to a medium-lighting leve which filled the antique store with orange light.

"And no, I don't live with my mother." She'd reply to his earlier question. "She passed away, a long time ago. Cancer. And then my father in a fire a few years later. I inherited this place after that, though only just moved back here last year after getting out of college and not wanting to live in Manhattan itself."

Savage Dragon has posed:
"It is. I got proof of that but they'd have me locked away for good if I showed it to anyone." Dragon winks at April, he could be serious but never know. Might just be screwing with her because shes one of those.

"Internet tends to just frustrate me. I got a lot of bad press over a lot of things before I managed to be a hero in Chicago. Some mean kids out there." His grin isn't gone, "Oh... I guess I'm eager and the jig is up."

"Sorry to hear that. My wife passed away a while back. Left me saddled with a kid, not a nice shop."

"You live alone too then from the looks of it. "

Dragon inspects only briefly before hes studying the reporter. "I can step on out if you need, I didn't mean to intrude. I kinda feel like an ass now."

April O'Neil has posed:
April didn't shut the front door as of yet but she did walk over to the counter to set her things down on it, keys and the bag with her garden salad inside of it. She grinned at him as she turned around. "Yeah, I live alone, but I got some protective... relatives that like to look in on me and make sure I'm safe."

April would then motion skyward with her right hand. "My apartment is above this though, so don't worry about 'barging in' on my house, cause ya haven't done it, this is just the store that my mom used to run while my dad was at the lab."

April leaned against the countertop's corner then and crossed her forearms over her stomach. "Sorry about your wife. But hey, a kid isn't all bad, right? Its... ya know, companionship. Like a dog." She flashed a grin. April was only in her early 20s, she didn't fully grasp parenthood as of yet in her life.

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Well never know." Dragon says, "It was a while ago, loss for anyone is never good and yeah, a daughter... shes a teenager and its a nightmare for me. I am not good at playing 'dad'. Too much to learn. A dog?" A grin flashes back, "Much worse." His dark green eyes pull off of her smile and he looks out the door, "Maybe I should take off though, we can catch up another time. Unless you're up for a couple hours of chit chat. I am a bit of an insomniac myself."

"You can tell me about the places in New York worth eating and tell me your thoughts on some of the cops around here, dirty ones to keep an eye on and good ones to get on my back."

April O'Neil has posed:
April would show a grin to this and she'd softly shake her head side to side. "Boy... its going to take a lot longer than a couple of hours." She joked as she walked over toward the door and closed it then. "If you don't mind watching me eat, then I don't mind having some company for a spell. But yeah, you'll have to come back on Sunday to spill your beans to an audience of several thousand."

April would move to grab her stuff off of the counter then and make her way through the musty and dusty old store filled with all kinds of crazy old forgotten antiques.