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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/11/08 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=153, 179, 1484 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:153|Casey Jones (...")
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Latest revision as of 11:35, 11 November 2017

Manny the Pizza Dude
Date of Scene: 08 November 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Casey Jones, April O'Neil, Savage Dragon

Casey Jones has posed:
    She's been busy! Christmas time is coming up. People are shopping a little more. Blogging never stops, and while Casey tries to help, he has his own business to run. He has a late meeting with the accountant (Casey has an accountant? Hilarious!)
    When it rains it pours? SO, today, she ordered pizza. Given their pals, they know most of the pizza guys. Go figure. THis guy, from Gino's is new. A little guy. A little older. Balding pate. A slight paunch. Thick glasses. Graying mustache. Thick fingers and a scratched up gold wedding band. He wanders into the shop in his buster browns with a large pie and something sweet in a little box. "Hello?" He calls out as he enters, moving towards the counter with kind of heavy footfalls. he must be really out of shape, as he is breathing a little heavy.

April O'Neil has posed:
April was cleaning up a mess in the back furniture room, some damn kids had broken in again while she'd been away at work. It was the neighbor's grand kids, they never took or stole anything from the old antique shop, but they did like to play hide and seek in it and leave their snack food wrappers everywhere.

When she heard the voice of the delivery man, April poked her head out of the back room and then stepped out holding a handful of wrappers that she carried toward the counter.

April had a yellow hoodie on, some jeans shorts and some white/black running shoes. "Hey there." She said to the pizza guy, friendly tone. "How much do I owe you?"

Casey Jones has posed:
    The ashtmatic or something older guy asks, "Miss O'niel?" He stares. "Oh wow! You are the lady with the Superhero blog-thing on the interweb!" He starts as if to point at her. He sort of flubs it, almost drops the pie and dessert. "Oops! heh. Sorry. It says here 28.50?" He starts to push the pizzas on the counter top. "You and the big scary-looking guy who works the camera? Carrie?" He scratches his head. "Casey?" He asks. "Well, you are just amazing. My wife, Gladys? She loves you!"

April O'Neil has posed:
April grinned at the man's words as she went around the counter and crouched to get her messenger bag that she had put back there. She watched him almost drop the food as she stood back up and listened to his words, smiling friendly-like at him. "Thats so sweet." She said, and then grinned a little.

"Casey's not my camera-man. He owns the mechanic shop a few blocks down." She corrected him. "Vernon is my camera guy, he's the super tall one." She sorted around in her messenger bag to get the money out and she pulled out a small photo of her too and a little black ink pen. "Here, let me sign this for you and your wife then." She often had these on here to give out to people who seemed to be fans of the News personality. "Whats your name?"

Savage Dragon has posed:
The bump in to April last night and their friendly rapport has Dragon swinging back around today. Its sad to say she might be the first pal hes made here in New York, perhaps more but thats a thing for time to tell. Theres definitely a bit of attraction there but then again maybe its just been a long time for the green skinned, oversized Police Officer. A whistle cuts through the air, off pitch as he forgets exactly what he was supposed to be grabbing for dinner, Angel will be upset. He'll mix it up like usual.
The pizza scent? No, maybe a reminder and that wasn't it. The kid will live.
"April! Hey!" Dragon says loud enough to carry through the conversation. Who needs manners in New York right?

Casey Jones has posed:
    "I'm Manny!" He says. 'Oh. Casey is the guy always talk too off camera?" He eyes her as she vanishes, features changing while out of sight. Back to normal before she gets up. "He ain't around here nowhere then? A shame. He-he seems cool." He says. "M-A-N-N-Y. and G-L-A-D-Y-S. Gladys and Manny." He explains again.
    Then there is that booming voice. Manny actually jumps, hitting his knee on the heavy front panel of the counter. "ook!" He hiops once or twice, as if to make it stop. His features are unpleasant for a moment. That must have really hurt!

April O'Neil has posed:
April would sign the photo of her in her, whats become, signature yellow leather jacket and she flashed a grin at Manny. "Thats Casey, yep." She laughed softly. "Okay." She said, handing him the photo and thirty five dollars. "Keep the change, tip for the kind service. Oooh, are you okay?" She asked when she saw him bump his knee.

April's blue eyes went up then and over to the doorway. "Well hey there, Officer Dragon. Couldn't get enough of my charming personality, right?" She'd raise her hand up and wave at the big green guy then. "Come on in. Want some pizza?"

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Something like that. I was just swinging by and nah. Not tonight. We're on for Sunday still though? That podcast thing?"

Manny gets a chuckle, "Hey there fella. Sorry about that, don't mind me. Just double checking since I suck with cell phones and I'll be out of your hair."

Casey Jones has posed:
    Officer Dragon. Manny goes weirdly pale. He sweats a little. His breathing was labored before but he wheezes a couple of times. After coughing his lungs clear, Manny says, "Thanks! Gladys will love it!" he reaches up to adjust his snap brim cap, pulling it a little lower. "Freak'n cold out there!" He nods. "Sure thing, erm, officer." He starts to limp towards the door. "Th-thanks, April."
    There is a jangle at the door and Manny almost gets bowled over by casey. With chinese. "Woah dere!" Casey says. "I'm sorry bud!" He holds open the door for Manny, who slips out. Casey walks right past him already forgetting him. "Everything awright, doll? What is up Officer?"
    Manny stares into the place for a moment, then walks on along. He stares at the picture as he plods on along.

April O'Neil has posed:
April would smile to Dragon and she'd nod her head two quick times, pushing her hair out of her face then. "Yeah, Sunday, eight pm. Thats when we go live." She'd smile more openly then. "I already told some people that you'd be there, so they're prepping all their questions for you. Mutant Town cops are some of the most interesting of all cops in the city."

April would wave to Manny as he made his way out and then she'd smirk when Casey barged in. She saw the food he had. "I text'd you and told you I was ordering pizza." She said to the gruff and ruff mechanic. She put her hands down on the two boxes and lifted them up. "Pie too!"

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Not all that cold yet. You should be in Chicago right now that is cold."

"Strange guy." Dragon remarks before Casey bursts in and Manny exits. The question from the man gets a curious uplift at the word, "Shes fine. Taxes." He responds with a large green smile, white sharp teeth exposed. "Why wouldn't she be all right?" Dragon questions the scruffy man, an arch of his brow drifts towards April then he nods, "Cool cool. I will make sure to be here with bells on or some shit."

A hand thrusts out to Casey, "Dragon. Hello."

Casey Jones has posed:
    "Texted me?" Casey fumbles in his coat. "Right here. It sez exactly that. I ordered pizza, so you do not need to bring chinese home." He reads it in a softer tone, as if he is gently mimicing April. "Hooked on phonics, it worked for me. Sorry, babe." He makes a little face. He juggles the phone and the bags. "Well there is a large metahuman officer in the shop? I was just make'n sure she was okay. Izzat okay, Officer?" He seems unintimidated. If he knew better, he probably would be. His handshake is firm and his hand hard and calloused. Knuckles hard from work on cars (and/or faces). "Casey Jones, Officer Dragon. I, uhh, live here. So, is there a problem?" he flicks his gaze to April, as if to confirm nothing is amiss. Concern washes over him, but his brows knit in consternation.

Savage Dragon has posed:
The brow arch and the smile doesn't vanish, Dragon find's himself confused and will chalk it up to young people at this rate, "Large metahuman officer in the shop says she is absolutely okay. If you think on that one." A chuckle rumbles forth, the cop isn't around to intimidate. He actually does his best not to be around people. Life is easier when they're accepting and not apprehensive or odd.
The hand is withdrawn, the Earthbased alien folds his arms across his chest, tucking each one in to the opposing bicep. "You live here? Huh?" A click sound as a tongue flicks across teeth, "Hadn't a clue. We're just friends. No worries, bud. You can turn your worry down a notch."

Casey Jones has posed:
    To be fair to Dragon, when he puts it that way, Casey nods. "Want some food then?" The man spoke his language. "'Cause somebody can't read his phone, like a freak'n doofus. Come on up?" He gestures at the officer. Oddly, Casey is not offput by the green alien guy. "I mean a guy your size, you gotta eat a lot. Please? Any friend-uh April's is good people. Dat simple." He looks over at April. "Ginos?" He sniffs. 'Ya had ginos?" he ask Dragon. "It's the sauce." He explains. "It's da best. Come on. Can't be a rule against gett'n fed, amiright?"
    Meanwhile across the street, staring for a long moment longer at the blurry yellow hoodie, Manny finally, ploddingly leaves.

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Thanks for the invite but I got to get back to my kid. Shes at home waiting and I'm already running late. My GPS doesn't navigate these streets well. You two have a great night." The cop is a cop, Manny still lurking gets one brief look but he passes it off. If theres trouble they know the numbers to call. April can likely even find him in the police directory, hes listed.
"Sunday. See you then, April. Casey, nice to meet you."
With that the Dragon-man-Cop begins to stride on down the road again, that broken off key whistling picks up again. He swears he knows the song hes after but cannot find the proper pitch.