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Latest revision as of 11:36, 11 November 2017

Creative Shopping
Date of Scene: 08 November 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Star-Lord, Molly Millions

Star-Lord has posed:
     The Milano bursts through the warp point with Peter at the controls. Ahead of the ship, Angulo, a piss yellow gas giant surrounded by a cluster of equally uninteresting moons. Well, they would be uninteresting except for the Kormor Brothers, a group of four thieving Kylorians and their crew of equally kleptomaniacal aliens had set up a base on one of those moons and had some things that the Guardians needed to finish their bomb. The bad news was, they weren't in a mood to sell.

As Peter angles towards one of the moons he taps his screen turning on the intercom. "Molly, you ready? We're almost there."

Molly Millions has posed:
    First there was the trip to get a new chip, and then... well, she's been at least playing around with the non-lethal ordinance, because she certainly believes in being prepared... but also, toys. Shiny, tech toys that are pretty much guaranteed to make even the old cyborg squee like a schoolgirl. So it takes a moment for her to pop up on the intercom, clearing her throat and endeavoring to keep a straight face when she offers.
    "Ready. Yep. At least I assume there's no rip in this thing." that 'thing' being their version of a spacesuit. She's still getting her brain around the idea of a field being any kind of safe and reliable.

Star-Lord has posed:
     "It's fine trust me, we'll be down in five," Peter says keying a command on his board marked "Now You Don't' dampening the ship's overall sensor profile as they streak towards the base.

The ship bounces and rocks as they come down into the atmosphere and hit a few thermal layers on the way down, the moon did have an atmospher, but not a particularly breathable one, so suits and masks were definitely a good idea.

     When they land, Peter, powers down the ship, then slips out of the pilot's chair and slides down to the ladder to the lower deck. His jacket is extended out to it's full trenchcoat version, the Element Guns on his hips. He turns, "Okay, we do this like we discussed, nice and quiet, get the parts we need and get out, shouldn't be any problem at all. Any questions?" he asks as he starts moving towards the ramp at the rear of the ship.

Molly Millions has posed:
    "Pretty sure those are some famous last words." Molly drawls, clutching on at the shudders that go through it with all the grim determination she can muster. She shakes her head slightly as she elects to follow after, a glance in the direction of the cockpit,"Pink humans, galactic weapons and a moon in the middle of nowhere... nothing can possibly go wrong. And if it does... get the bits and come back, I remember." at least she's not a total stranger to low gravity situations, even if it might have been a few decades in the interim,"And I've been looking at those pictures the rat provided, shouldn't have any problems spotting them."

Star-Lord has posed:
     "Well at least I didn't say, 'what's the worst that can happen' that one is always bad, oh, or, 'I have a bad feeling about this', that's always bad news too," Peter prattles on from the cockpit before he comes down.

     He grins at her summary of the plan. "That's it pretty much, oh, and if things go bad, try to take out their ships, it's much better when the guys you just pissed off are stranded on some stupid moon."

    He walks to the edge of the ramp taking a moment to press the device by his ear and engage the mask before hitting the button for the ramp to lower. When the ramp hits the surface, the moon is revealed in full, the terrain is rocky and dimly lit by its star through rolling purple clouds, that light is aided by the phosphorescent fungi that clings to the rocks. Peter, doesn't take in the view though, he strolls down the ramp, drawing one of his guns as he does and starts walking. His steps stutter a moment when he moves out of the ship's gravity at the end of the ramp and into the planet's much weaker one, about 80% of what's normal on Earth. Producing a device from his pocket, he checks the read out and nods towards a jagged slope ahead of them. "Camp should be up this way, about a kilometer."

Molly Millions has posed:
    "Yeh, well, I have a bad feeling about this." Molly provides as drily as she can, fumbling to tap on the 'suit' before he opens the door, because damned if she knows how these fancy forcefield things work and she'd rather not find out by virtue of having a reaction to the atmosphere. It's not until she gets to the end of the ramp and can feel that distance that she grimaces about having made a fool of herself, just a little bit, but at least uses it as an excuse to stop and eye the fungi for a second.
    "The gravity, at least, isn't so bad." she's smart enough not to decide to go 'oooh pretty' and start collecting the fungi, in favor of giving a testing little jump after him,"Better them than us, yes. And just to make sure... if you get lost or shot... I should totally abandon you here to die a horrible death alone and forgotten?" she's kidding, of course, though there's little more than the way her lips quirk to expose it.

Star-Lord has posed:
     Peter slows his pace and looks back. "Yeah, I've definitely been to worse, there was one time I did a job at 10% standard and well, anyhow, it was a real bad time," he says cutting the story short before he got too into storytelling and got them nabbed by the guys they were here to rob. There is a snort from Peter at being asked if he should be left behind. "Well if you do, better hope I gave you the start code for the ship," he counters his smile is hidden behind his mask, but it comes through in his voice.. Actually, he totally forgot to lock things down. Remembering, he pulls out a device from his pocket and presses a button, the ramp raises and locks into place. "Code's 1-9-9-6. Autopilot preset for Earth is 'Country Roads'."

     Just then two guys in equally glowy suits like Molly's appear around a rock face, "Hey!" one of them says, translated through the implants.

    "Crap," Peter says lifting his gun as the guys lift theirs, "So much for smooth!" he pulls the trigger sending a blast of fire at one of the guys while the second aims his gun at Molly.

Molly Millions has posed:
    "About that. With a broken leg." Molly counters, smirking as he locks the ship down and provides the information,"Aw, now I guess I'll have to at least take your body back. If it's not too hard." never mind that of the two of them she's the novice when it comes to this kind of deal. Still. She's got the rifle she borrowed from the 'armory' cradled casually in her arms when suddenly options go from 'stealth' to 'surprise!'.
    Lifting the gun? That's easy. Firing it? Okay, can do. But she's not good at standing still, and that's where the difference in gravity certainly does her no favors. Digging in the toes to push off... that's easy, but she overshoots where she'd planned on putting her next foot down and stumbles in the effort to insure she doesn't fall flat on her face, uttering a curse that doesn't exactly need the translator to be understood.

Star-Lord has posed:
     "That's what I like about you Mols, you're all heart," Peter quips before they find themselves in a sudden firefight.

     Peter's blast hits his mark, but the shield eats much of the heat and the guy fires back, Peter throws himself clear, landing behind some rocks, having adjusted for the gravity.

     Molly's guy fires at Molly before her plasma blast catches him in the chest and burns a hole through his shield, chest and part of the rock behind him. Yeah, that gun's got some kick. Peter's guy has some sense after that, taking cover himself, but squeezes off a shot at Molly before he does. Once he's in cover, he starts talking in a low voice. Probably on comms.

     Peter curses hearing the noise, and picks up a rock, lobbing it towards where the last guy took cover shouting "Grenade!" Hopefully it'll scare him out of cover.

Molly Millions has posed:
    "Pretty sure I had that removed in twenty-two seventeen." Molly wasn't expecting that kick, she thought she was, but well, signs point to 'no' when she has to pick herself back up off the ground. The problem with being hyper tuned is that where she needs to be slow for precision she's overcompensating and nearly catches the shot from the second guy with her teeth.
    Grenade? That's a... oh, of course. She snorts where her eyes track the rock, bracing herself among the fungi and waiting for the inevitable panicked attempt to skitter away. At least her eyesight isn't shot, damn extraterrestrial landmasses. Still, the recoil makes her grimace as she shakes her head,"It sounded like he might have been talking to someone. So I'm guessing we go to 'screw stealth, grab it and go?'.

Star-Lord has posed:
     Another snort at the follow up joke, then it's action time.

     The plasma blast hits this alien in the back and drops him like the first. Peter, gets up from cover and moves over to check on the bodies, making sure they're down, in space you never know who can grow what back. Both seem to be down, he nudges a big green one to be sure. "Yeah, definitely, screw stealth. Time to move. Gonna be okay in this gravity?" he asks.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Twenty percent makes a difference. I just got to remember to keep things... slow." Molly offers with a small shake of her head, prowling over after him because, well, why leave guns with a dead guy? Aint too proud to loot, especially if it means that she doesn't have to worry about someone else picking it up later.
"Not all that different, just that I think the twitch reflexes are probably overamped in this gravity and well, if I punch myself in the face you don't have my permission to laugh." not that it would stop him, but still, she peers off in the direction of the camp and enquires,"Flank them or stick together?"

Star-Lord has posed:
     "Yeah, it can be a trick to get used to," Peter says remembering his first low-G job for the Ravagers. The guys each have energy weapons, the big green guy, who went down first's gun, is pretty hefty and seems to pack a big punch, the second guy's gun is slimmer, and having seen it fire seems to be a little lighter on the destruction than Molly's borrowed rifle.

     When the question of tactics are brought up, Peter thinks for a moment before his red eyed mask drifts back to the ship. "Split up," he says. "I'll distract them, you get in and get the stuff," he says while he reaches into the pocket of his suit to produce a device the size of a deck of playing cards. "Aerorig, basically a jet pack, slap it on your back and then the controls are more or less intuitive, might help. Head up to the camp and when you're in place signal me and I'll come in and give you your distraction."

Molly Millions has posed:
    The heavier gun's just a little too much baggage to want to carry, but the second guy? Yeh, she'll take that, even if it takes some care about putting the damned thing inside the suit. It's all weird to her,"You're going to be the distraction, and you want me to use a jetpack." just to confirm, especially given the dubiousness of her tone as she holds out her hand in his direction for the odd device.
    "If you recall... nanites, granted, I'm pretty sure that shot would have killed me, too, but well..." pause,"Nevermind. You're familiar with exo-worlds and low gravity. Distract away. I'll try not to fly into the sun." jetpack. It should be the sort of thing to warm the black recesses of her heart, but instead gets a dubious look while she tries to work out the whole 'slap on your back' thing, mumbling under her breath as she pads down the ridgeline to go around.

Star-Lord has posed:
     Peter rolls his eyes, but then he's got his mask on, so he remembers to scoff. "Or don't use the jetpack, whatever works for you, but we've got a whole big angry camp that probably knows we're coming, so trust me we're going to want my distraction." He sighs though and when she heads off, he pauses a moment second guessing himself, before he turns back towards the ship, pulling out his remote to open the door.

     Up the ridge camp is like what their informant's pictures had laid out. The Kormor Brothers had made their camp in a horseshoe of jagged rock on the moon's surface, which they covered with an atmospheric shield like the one that made up Molly's suit. A few of their men, masked and suited, patrol the upper lip of the horseshoe, and down below the men are spread out between the gang's four ships at the inside bend of the shoe, and the handful of semi-opaque shield domes spread like tents around the ground around them. It looks like the alarm has been sounded though, as pirates leave off with their drinking and the playing with their selection of love bots and are in the middle of grabbing weapons and getting ready to fight.

Molly Millions has posed:
    Lookit all those people, Molly certainly does, where she bellys up to peer over the edge. Bad luck has it that she stealths up near one of the patrols, who luckily is as surprised to see her as she is to see them, and doesn't get too much of a chance to fire at her as she jerks them down to her level and elects to find out just how well those suits do against blades.
    "Plenty of super unfriendly looking people up here, Star-boss." she elects to inform him unnecessarily, scanning the grounds in search of her target with a small shake of her head,"This is what you get, Molly-girl, for agreeing to things when you're drunk just because he's got a cute smile. But I guess it beats dying in Nighttown."

Star-Lord has posed:
     The two man patrol goes down easily, the shields as it turns out are atmospheric only. Steel and other deadly sorts of metal can pass right on through. As Molly soon finds out leaving them bleeding strange colour blood, with only a bruiser or two for her trouble.

     "Where is it, where is it," comes Peter's voice over comms before he replies. "Time for me to do my thing?" he asks before saying, "Ah-ha! There you are." Yep. A real professional is Star-Boss.

    The shield-tent the snitch pointed out, is naturally in the middle of the camp, thankfully unguarded at the moment as people are running around trying to get armed. One group though, is already equipped and is heading up a path towards the top of the horseshoe on the side Molly is on.

Molly Millions has posed:
    "Yes, ideally before the large group of very angry looking aliens with big guns manages to realize I've taken out their patrol and would look better as swiss cheese." Molly offers calmly as she eyes the approaching group. She's already fumbling to try and fathom the controls of the aerorig, easing herself away from the bleeding bodies carefully as she unships her rifle again,"Knew I should have picked up the grenade." next time, she'll remember. At least she's got no problems with snuggling in amongst the dirt and fungi as the shield allows to give herself something resembling cover, torn between firing and trying out the new toy.
    She's at least going to give him the time to enact whatever plan he's got in mind, but then one of the guys below finally realizes there's a patrol missing, and about the time he points up at the ridge she fires off a shot aimed at his head, because, well, better to thin the numbers /before/ they reach her.
    "Any second now... would be good."

Star-Lord has posed:
     Peter replies, "On the way," as he says that he slips a tape in the player in his quarters and hits play before he scampers up the ladder to the cockpit.

Now Playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roqoA08QdbA

     Up in the cockpit Peter punches in the quick start protocol and sinks into the orange foam of the seat as the Milano comes to life around him. "Alright, let's do this," he says to himself as he pushes the throttle forward lifting the ship off the ground and then using the flight stick turns the ship and zooms towards the camp. As he gets close he punches the controls to pipe his music over the loudspeakers just as the song gets to the chorus.

     Seeing a bunch of the pirates clustered together looking up at him in confusion and raising their weapons Peter, angles towards them and throws the switch that turns on the tractor beam. White light lances out from the bow of the ship and lifts the cluster of pirates off the ground and takes them with the Milano as she passes over the edge of the horseshoe. The Milano flies right by, arcing to turn around for another pass, the pirates, not so much, they hit the wall at a fair clip and fall back down limply as they're torn from the grip of the Milano's beam by the impact.

     The aliens coming towards Molly, turn and look in dismay, then draw weapons and fire at the Milano joining a number of the pirates on the ground as they do the same. So far its all small arms, expecting to be attacked by people not ships but one of the aliens on the ground hefts a big thing that looks like a rocket launcher and puts it on his shoulder.

Molly Millions has posed:
    Biggest weapon on the block means first thing to be taken out. With Peter coming in, Molly gets to her feet, sighting in the direction of the guy with the bulky thing and squeezing off a 'round'. She doesn't stay put to see whether or not it's on target, though, one step, two, the third's a little too large for comfort and she elects 'ah the hell with it' and endeavors to find out which button activates the jetpack, which... well, it helps, and it doesn't.
    It helps because /whee/ she sort of throws herself at the ground and misses. That's always a good step when it comes to the whole 'flying' thing instead of the 'falilng' thing.
    It doesn't help so much because well, it's generally a good idea to pick a direction and have an idea about how to steer instead of just... throwing oneself in the general direction of her target and trying very hard to not lose her lunch at the very graceful and totally unplanned spiral of flying doom she performs.

Star-Lord has posed:
     Molly's shot drops the guy with the rocket launcher thing, he falls, the launcher hits the ground and whether by design flaw or spasm of the dead guy holding it, it goes off, sending a rocket skimming across the ground seeking a heat source. In this case the camp generator, the glowing rocket beeps excitedly as the target is detected and then plunges head first into it ending its journey in a ball of blue and red flames as the generator explodes around it. The atmosphere shield falls around the camp and pirates who didn't mask up to start with start running for them.

     Coming by on the return pass Peter spots the aliens by Molly and gives them the guns. No! Not pointing his fingers at them but the ships guns, the tri-barreled plasma guns under the wings thunder along with the beat of 'Raise a Little Hell' lighting them up. Three of the five are chewed up by the blasts, another is missing a leg, but a fifth looks up from where he cowers and finds himself unscathed. He looks around and spotting Molly in her spiral, he reaches into his pocket, pulls out a glowing blue ball and throws it at her, the ball zooms off as soon as its thrown chasing after Molly like a little blue comet.

Molly Millions has posed:
    Chaos, and death, and war... of a sort at least. Molly's too busy worrying about finding the 'off' button before she collides with something to worry overly. There's the flare and collapse of shields and explosions and the chatter of the ships guns and she's busily slapping anything that might constitute a control, totally oblivious to the glowing blue ball of death that's tracking her path.
    One thing that's generally in the 'good idea' category is making sure you're at least... close to the ground, when you finally find the button to turn off the aerorig, but well, that step sort of got skipped in Molly's totally-not-really-panicked slap-fight with the controls because eff exoplanets, and aerorig's, and explosive devices.
    At least to her credit hyped up reflexes are /great/ for tuck and roll, it's not a pretty landing, not by a longshot, but it's one she can at least... well, maybe walk away from, if the glowing ball of blue doom doesn't decide to spray her across the surface.

Star-Lord has posed:
     The blue ball of death (tm) was built to seek targets, but it wasn't particularly bright, so when Molly drops from the sky, it flies right past, it's little grenade brain running, seeking, seeking, as its sensors sweep the area for it's target. It finds her at the end of her roll and zooms back around towards her but at least now it's coming from an angle she can see.

     Peter turns the Milano and for a second takes in the chaos they've unleashed on the camp so far, it was sort of impressive. That said, he missed Molly's spiraling dive. Though when he spots the ball he shouts a warning over comms. "Incoming!" but there's not much else he can do but watch and hope this dumb plan of his didn't get her killed.

Molly Millions has posed:
    Wait what's that... her first instinct, of course, is to try and swat the glowing blue ball out of her path because... well, flying thing. At her head. Fortunately her brain catches up to that little piece of information that it seems markedly unfriendly in that 'probably going to blow up' kind of way before she manages to swat it into exploding in her own face, lurching sideways out of its path and scrambling back up.
    "What the hell /is/ that?" she elects to demand of the comms, slinging the rifle about to her to grab the smaller weapon and fire it at the next closest pirate she spots,"Next time... how about we just come in and blow them all to hell and /then/ steal it. Yeh?" chances of outrunning it are minimal, even she recognizes that, still, it's the opportunity to learn how to move at speed in low gravity as she bounds towards the target as fast as she can, swerving deliberately towards some of the pirates in the hopes that maybe blue balls of death might enjoy some targetting choices.

Star-Lord has posed:
     The Blue Ball of Death sails past Molly and then reoirients and chases after her as she runs towards the target. Peter watches with his heart in his throat. "Tracker grenade," he supplies as he opens fire at a group of pirates who were beginning to group together. "And yeah," he brings the ship down low, over the battle. "Smash and grab was definitely the way to go." He fires a short burst in the direction of the grenade as he does, but the blasts fly past it.

     The ducking and weaving keeps the grenade from hitting it's mark but its not close enough to acquire a new target, though Peter sees what she's doing and says, "Those guys to your left, dive right through them," he says and squeezes off a burst of shots to keep their mind on something other than the cyborg coming their way. Not the best plan but she had better odds with he blades and blasters the pirates had than with the grenade.

Molly Millions has posed:
    "Fantastic... I'd appreciate it... so much... /more/ if it wasn't trying to kill me." screw graceful, she's at least used to bob and weave, even if it's not exactly the precision she's used to. It's a war of attrition, however, and one she's bound to lose if she doesn't take Peter's option, rising from her last dive to sprint in the direction of the distracted pirates after his pass. Whee!

    From their perspective it's probably less cool when, as they're trying to fire back at the Milano while seeking their own cover that the lean woman dives among them, hardly pausing when one of them twists in her direction gun first,"Present for you." is all she can offer as she plants and twists to the side to dart off in a new direction.
    "So... new plan... pull it out of the box and... you pick it up with the ship?" she huffs as she sprints in the direction, electing not to look back immediately to confirm whether or not she's still got a tail.

Star-Lord has posed:
     "What?" one of the pirates says as Molly bursts through their group. He slashes at her with some sort of sword with a glowing edge, but it only cuts air. A moment later the blue ball hits him square in the back, there is a beep, then a beat, then boom. He and his piratical companions explode in a flash of blue light that leaves little more than multicoloured paste behind. Some of it splatters onto Molly. It's warm and sticky.

     Peter flinches as he watches the guys explode. "Good plan, and remember it's the big metal tube we want. It's got those Quantum filament things like in that grenade I gave you." He turns the ship and opens fire on the pirate ships in preparation for making their big escape.

     The shield-tent is ahead, and as Molly closes in, she sees two pink skinned aliens in masks coming out, two of the four brothers. Between them, a big metal tube, they step back into the tent, one of them raises a pistol and fires a burst of energy rounds as they do.

Molly Millions has posed:
    Worst thing is; Molly's had worse. Doesn't make it less unpleasant to feel the hot drip of ex-pirate drool its way down her, but it's a concern for whem someone's not trying to shoot at her,"Big metal... TUBFU..." she stutters, dropping low. Fast, but not quite fast enough given the ripple that goes through the shield and the sudden smell of burnt meat that accompanies the new hole in her arm.
    Oh, that hurts, definitely hurts. Filiments are fused together and the gun in that hand consequently has no hope of firing or being dropped to it's alternate. It's not that she doesn't quite want to pass out with the sudden pain, but rather that the adrenaline spike of knowing that doing so would be lethal right now that carries her into range of Mr. Pistol and a slash with her still working hand at his legs.
    Possibly, it sounds worse than it is, over the comms, especially given the way she disappears out of sight into that tent, rasping heavy, controlled breathes to try and keep herself focused in the hopes she's not about to find out whether or not she'd survive round two.

Star-Lord has posed:
     Without shields or anyone at the helm to dodge the pirate ships go up like so many fireworks as Peter pumps plasma rounds into them. The explosions light up the sky, he almost smiles but hearing Molly over comms stops it from appearing. "Mols! You alright in there?" he calls out over the channel.

     Ships destroyed the pirates are furious! A few having gotten jet packs, leap up onto the ship and start firing away at close range. Peter works the controls to get them off but keeps the ship close to the tent in case Molly needs back up.

     Inside the tent the two Kylorians have backed up from the door, one clutching a pistol the other, another of those glowy edged swords. The tube is set down behind them. The one with the pistol fires, the one with the sword charges.

Molly Millions has posed:
    Dodging is hard, especially when she's still trying to get to her feet. Speed helps, but damnit she was hoping to take out at least one of them. The pistol shot's more accurate than she'd like, but that just makes it more imperative to stagger into the lee of the one with the sword, aided by his own sword.

    Granted it means that she has to try and avoid the blade, of the two she'd rather the pistol blast than get tangled with the blade. That's why it's more acceptable to take the shot, let the blade brother stall out to try and not foul his siblings line and drop to one knee like she was about to fall over flat on her face.
    At least for Peter there's the sound of a scream over the comms line that doesn't sound quite Molly in nature, maybe, even if she's not about to distract herself in replying as she uses the low position to try and strike for the tender place under the blade wielding brother's arm.

Star-Lord has posed:
     The energy shot hits, passing through the shield to burn flesh. It's oddly less painful than a bullet with the perk of no bleeding to worry about but her body begins to slow as a result of the damage. She's still fast enough, on adrenaline and augs to strike the brother's arm and get him to drop his blade. He staggers back gripping the pained appendage shouting "Get her brother, get her, as he tries to get clear of his line of fire." The brother behind him fires off a few rounds but none of them hit their mark.

     On the Milano, Peter spins the ship but a few of the pirates manage to stay on. Plus no word from Molly. He pops the cockpit window and jumps up assisted by his jet boots and draws his element guns and blasts one of them off the ship, then another, before the third hits him with a blast from a pistol, he staggers back hand over the burning hole in his Ravager coat. He lifts his other gun and fires but the shot goes wide. The alien pirate's gun clicks empty when he takes his next shot but he doesn't waste any time following up with a leap at Quill, driving the wounded Terran to the hull of the ship. They struggle before a blast of fire ends the fight and the alien slides away to the ground below the Milano. Peter stands up in time to see four more aliens jetpack up to the Milano, weapons drawn. "Mols, I am hoping you're still alive down there, if you are we really need to get out of here." Then he adds. "Y'know, with the tube if we can."

Molly Millions has posed:
    Molly skips trying to pry the weapon out of her frozen hand, instead wrapping her other one around it to lift and fire back at the brother with the gun,"I'm taking that." she offers flatly to the pair with a nod at the tube,"Not here for you two, but doesn't mean I wont kill you both." it's all about faking it until you make it. Yes. The nanites are doing their trick, but it's all about sauntering over like it doesn't hurt, like she's got both arms in working order, because hell if she's going to leave without getting it.
    "Still breathing." is affirmed to the comms,"And I know we have limited time before they decide to launch. Was just explaining to the boys it's in their best interest to give me the tube." because, when it doubt, bluff. At least with her silver lenses on her eyes can't give her away

Star-Lord has posed:
     "Great, get it and you out of the tent and I'll get us gone," Peter says over the sound of weapons fire. He slides across the hull of the Milano and dives into the cockpit, hitting his remote as he does, keeping the small arms fire at bay. Not that he didn't pick up a couple of wounds for his trouble. He pulls himself into the seat and throws up a middle finger at on of the pirates bashing at his cockpit with a sword.

    The blaster shot sent the brother with the gun staggering back. The unarmed one says, "Wait, launch? Launch what?" as he puts his hands in the air.

Molly Millions has posed:
    Molly lurches forward to grab the tube with her good hand, it's not going to be easy, maybe not even liftable with one hand, still, she keeps an eye on the unarmed one as she grabs it and elects to give a slow and nasty smile, as slow and nasty as she can manage while endeavoring to rob them of the tube.

    "Oh see... if I don't come out of here with this... and soon, they're planning on nuking the site from orbit. Badoon's... no sense of humor, you know. Some idiot sells them a keurig and the next thing... they want to test it." she's relying on the idea that the translator is probably not going to translate that word back into 'coffee maker', but well, it's all about just how fast she can drag the tube outside before they realize she's lying through her back teeth.

Star-Lord has posed:
     The tube as it turns out is draggable and most of its weight is just the containment stuff, the filaments themselves weighted almost nothing. The Kylorians eyes widen at the mention of the Badoon, and it's pretty clear the translator didn't make much of Keurig, since they shoot worried glances at each other. "W-what is a Keurig?" one of them asks.

    Molly makes it outside before one of the brothers realizes. "Wait, the Brotherhood of Badoon would never send a woman..." But it's too late, a white light drops down from the hull of the Milano and yanks Molly and the tube up and into the ship, though even before they're inside, the Milano rockets forward, angling up and out of the horseshoe which is now just a collection of shield-tents in the middle of a war-zone.

     In the cockpit, Peter had been watching with concern as that energy blade started to crack the window, but as the speed is poured on the pirate on the hull, tumbles, then with the squeak of body, gear and clothes on glass, he vanishes from sight. "That's for dinging my windshield, a-hole," Peter says before he hits the comms. "We all good down there?" he asks.

Molly Millions has posed:
    Saved by the tractor beam. She went with the first alien name she could think of, and it... worked. Which possibly explains the laughter that comes across the comms as she elects to sprawl out on the floor and squeeze her eyes shut, happy to be finally not moving.
    "One tube full of filaments. Everything else will heal." with enough time. All she has to do is pry the gun loose from her frozen fingers and settle back down comfortably on the metal floor,"What about you, and the ship? We not going to blow a flux capacitor..." it's his own fault for trying to distract her with movies on the way over,"or something, are we?"

Star-Lord has posed:
     Peter grins when Molly laughs, he takes that as a good sign. He takes them up out of the atmosphere and then punches the 'Country Roads' autopilot command letting the ship take them home.

Getting up he pauses at Molly's question even as he smiles at the flux capacitor bit that follows it, he checks the crack in the widow. It wasn't bad. "We're good," he answers. "And we're topped up on fuel so you won't have to go dumpster diving to feed the Mr. Fusion either."

     He grabs the med kit before heading downstairs to find Molly. "Also, Mol's I'd take it as a favor if the rest of the crew never hears about my plan."

Molly Millions has posed:
    "Damn. And here I was looking forward to finding out just how rancid alien trash can smell." Molly's content on the floor, right where the beam left her,"Leave enough time before we get there and there wont even be a hole for them to know any better." she offers from behind closed lids,"But at the end of the day... we got the tube, that's all that really matters. If they're not here, they don't get to fault a plan."

The silver lenses are pushed up so she can squint up at him, and the med kit,"Tell me you have some derms in that thing. Delicious, potentially hallucination inducing derms. The nanites will deal with the wounds, but it still hurts. Like a lot. And I threatened them that we were going to launch a Keurig at them."

Star-Lord has posed:
     "See this is why I like you," Peter says about not letting the others criticize the plan. He sits down next to Molly and opens the kit. "Yep, we've got all sorts of stuff in here," he produces a hypo of something blue. "This one will keep you seeing fun colours for a bit," he advises before setting it down and digging out a device for himself. He runs it over his wound flinching when it makes contact but with each pass there is less and less visible wound.

He looks up from his work, curious, "What's a Keurig?" he asks.

Molly Millions has posed:
    "And here I thought it was for my fantastic personality. Fun colors works, as long as it's not like that poison that they produce on earth... ninety percent industrial chemicals and only traces of the good stuff." maybe she's off on her percentages, a little, but still, she has to laugh when he asks too,"It's a kind of fancy instant coffee machine. Very popular about... fifteen years ago, apparently. Clarice found me one in an old store for when I'm too lazy to wait for real coffee. But I figured that probably the chip wouldn't recognize the word either.. so it worked."

Star-Lord has posed:
     "Well that too," Peter says with a smile. "And I have no idea what's in that stuff, but it works," he says of the drugs before snorting about the coffee maker. "Nice," he says. "And hear I thought that they thought you were working with the Badoon was funny. Nuked by a coffee maker," he snorts again shaking his head. "We should have led with that you know, give us the tube or we nuke you from orbit with our deadly keurig."

Molly Millions has posed:
    "Jab away." Molly invites, what's the worst it could do... wait, no, probably a bad idea to wonder too hard about that,"It was the first species I could think of. He'd already shot me twice and I figured it was... worth it to try the bluff. Let's hope they never find out what a Keurig really is." she smirks,"But next time... I say go for it... terrorize the galaxy with the threat of being nuked by scalding instant coffee." there's another rusty kind of laugh,"That was... yeh. Never done anything like that before. Let's leave out the bit about nearly smashing my face into the ground, too. Clarice doesn't need to know that I suck at flying."

Star-Lord has posed:
     His wound down to a sore looking red mark on his arm, Peter sets down the tool he'd been using and picks up the hypo, pressing it against Molly's arm. "Deal," he says about not letting Clarice know about the mission. "We'll just say it went perfectly, no problems and never speak of it again," he says as puts the hypo away. "So, you need some help over to the couch, or are you good there on the floor?" he asks as he closes the kit.

Molly Millions has posed:
    "I'm good here. That's some... pretty impressive medicine. At least the rest of the galaxy isn't as backwards as our home." well, okay, her home, but he is an ex-pat at least and she's not fully inclined to worry about the semantics right now,"Yep. Everything went perfect. Not a problem, and I'll swear to that if anyone asks."