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Latest revision as of 23:34, 16 November 2017

'Cause That's What Friends Are For
Date of Scene: 27 September 2017
Location: Coney Island
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Spoiler, Batgirl (Cain)

Spoiler has posed:
    Hand clamped firmly on Cassandra's, Stephanie urges her onward. "Come on, Cass! You haven't lived until you ride the Cyclone at least once!"

    Of course, it was Stephanie's idea to go to Coney Island, in civilian attire no less. It was also Steph's idea to take Cassandra somewhere so she can experience what a typical young woman would experience. As typical as the pair could be, of course. So, with no real plan in mind, which is Stephanie's usual method of operations, she somehow persuaded Cassandra to take a day off. And go to an amusement park. But just not any amusement park.

    It had to be Coney Island.

    "You'll like it, Cass. It's the oldest roller coaster still in operation." Of course, that may not be all that convincing for Cassandra to want to try it, but Stephanie will not be denied. "It's a historical monument!" Another light tug is given. "It will be fun..."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Of course, Cassandra had -heard- about roller coasters. And, about Coney Island. But, she'd never seen any real reason to ever go there. It seemed - to lack any real purpose, or reason. But, that was before she had a 'friend', and before that friend insisted on dragging her there. And, for all the stuff she's put Stephanie through, and knowing Stephanie meant well -- well, Cassandra had agreed, only partially reluctantly at first, to come along.

    The hand holding? Well. That might be necessary to keep her from wandering off, like a small child. Or, just leaving completely. She can read people's emotions, certainly. But that doesn't mean she feels in her depth. Even with the 'exercises' she's done with Diana and the Themyiscarians to try and learn a bit more about - well, being a person.

    She allows herself to be tugged, and, really, she can't but help but smile a little at Stephanie's enthusiasm, nodding a little. Ok, Stephanie. She'll try it. Just for you.

Spoiler has posed:
    It isn't like Stephanie is completely obvilious to Cassandra's feelings on the subject. She keeps checking on Cassandra, watching her reaction. Stephanie may not be able to read emotions as well as Cassandra, but Steph knows uneasiness when she sees it. Hence the hand holding. Though, it seems just second nature to the blonde...no ill intent behind it. Other that making sure she doesn't lose Cassandra. After all, one of them was trained to disappear...and it certainly isn't Stephanie.

    Stephanie's useless trivia spouting seems to have another intent. Not only is it to provide some information, however meaningless it may be, but it also fills the void. It isn't like Stephanie really needs to talk...but she has a thing about uncomfortable silences.

    They are really uncomfortable.

    And yet, it seems Stephanie knows that Cassandra is really only trying it out because Steph asked. So, as they wait in the line, Stephanie talks. And...as they get to the loading platform, she keeps talking. But, as they get in the car (the back car, so that the two of them can see everyone else in front) Stephanie grows silent. She only offers the following. "This is going to be so cool!"

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Cassandra tilts her head, to give Stephanie a somewhat doubtful look, crosses her arms, and then unfolds them and takes Stephanie's hand again. She looks at the coaster more thoughtfully, surmising something. She even ventures a word. "Grap-ple?" She inquires, forcing the word out after a moment of measured concentration that works it's way into her forehead.

    Stephanie may, or may not realize that Cassandra is comparing it to the nearest experience she can in her estimation. Going up, with the grappling hook, and then jumping off of buildings. But, that's not fun. That's - work.

Spoiler has posed:
    "Grapple?" There is a moment of confusion...but then a sudden burst of realization as the hand is reclaimed and the train rolls out of the station to start the ascent. "Oh! The hook!" The exclamation is replaced with a big smile, as Stephanie nods. "Exactly! But you don't have to hang on for this. Just sit and go along for the ride."

    And...it might dawn on Cassandra that it may be Stephanie's intent all along. To try to help Cassandra find a way to relax and just 'go along for the ride'. And, as if to accentuate her point, Stephanie lets good of the bar in front of them, holding her right hand in the air when the train reaches the apex of the climb....just on the verge of cresting the hill to plummet down the other side.

    And yet, even as the familiar tug of gravity is felt, lurching the roller coaster cars down the wooden track, Stephanie keeps a hold of Cassandra's hand as the cars quickly reach the top speed of 60 miles per hour down that first hill, heading for the second rise and fan turn. Which....is itself remarkable, considering how smooth the Cyclone ride is *not*.

    But hey, considering the ride was built in the late 1920's, it is a miracle the ride still runs, right?

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    There is some surprise on Cassandra's face - it IS, but it also IS NOT like the grapple hook, or like wind-gliding after jumping out of the bat-jet. And, as Stephanie, who is no doubt, still holding her hand, raises hers, Caassandra follows suit as they go down the large hills. She, however, does not scream with Stephanie, or the rest of the crowd. But ... well, if Stephanie looks there may be an odd smile on Cassandra's face. Maybe she IS enjoying herself. Just a little bit.

    As the ride shivers and banks, she is not complaining how old it is, or how they could've ridden a metal, smoother coaster instead of the shakey wooden one. Perhaps part of the fun, for her, is thinking that the ride might break and fall apart while they're on it, and what she'd do if it it did. BUt, that's Cassandra for you.

    As the ride slows, and comes to a halt after the final hill, she once again looks over to Stephanie, and nods. "O.K."

Spoiler has posed:
    There might have been a glance stolen, once or twice, as the pair rolled around on the track, but only a couple...for Stephanie was certainly paying attention to the ride. And it is definitely part of the thrill for Stephanie to be tossled and jumbled a little bit. A smoother ride may not have been as thrilling. Something the two girls share, perhaps, with Stephanie's own plans in the back of her head on how she would escape certain death on the coaster. It would certainly explain Stephanie's penchant for her formerly recklessness on the rooftops before.

    In any case, as the train stops and the riders disembark, Stephanie pauses, regarding Cassandra as she offers her two syllable endorsement. That actually proves enough to render Stephanie speachless (for once) as she offers the widest of smiles to Cassandra, then nods her head to the right, indicating they should get off.

    The speachlessness lasts until the pair once again touch earth, then Stephanie speaks up with a sly grin upon her face. "Come on. We should go over to the midway and play some of the games there. With the training we two have, there should be no reason we cannot walk away from the milk bottle ball toss game without a pair of giant stuffed unicorns. Or, something dark, if you want. Like a cute little chibi bat." There is that wicked little grin again. "Wanna give that a go?"

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    "Yes," comes the simple answer. Games of skill are easily more familiar to her. And, if she can win her friend a prize for it, while she's at it that Stephanie really seems to want? Well, all the better. Though, she does make a screwy-eyes sort of face, at the 'Milk Bottle Toss', the question as apparent as night and day, without actually being asked. More information is required, please. She re-takes Stephanie's hand as they walk towards the Midway, and Cassandra seems in no particular hurry to get there. Who knows. Maybe she actually -is- having a good time, for once.

Spoiler has posed:
    The unspoken question is answered promptly, and with maybe a little giggle mixed in. "There's a trio of what looks like three metal old-school milk bottles. You know, like what they used in the 50's when the milk man was an actual job and not just an euphemism for having an affair. You take a baseball and throw it at the bottles to knock them off of a pedestal. If you do it, you win a prize." As the pair walk to the midway, they adopt a rather leisurely pace. It would seem that Stephanie senses Cassandra's enjoyment. Not that she would tell. Stephanie continues with her explanation. "But, you have to be careful. Sometimes, the game is rigged to make it harder to win. Like...the bottles could be filled with sand to make them heavier, or other stuff like that. Which is why I think we would be able to win. Because, you know, we are stronger than we look. And the carnies don't know that." Then, with a wink, she adds a single word. "Yet."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Ah. It all makes sense to her, now. She nods her understanding, and then moves her finger between herself, and Stephanie, and shares a brief, but earnest conspiratorial sort of smile with her best (and only) friend. She nods again, fully confident in her abilities to knock three simple bottles off a stand. Afterall, she can throw batarangs and hit moving targets. Ones standing still? Easy.

    And, so, the rest of the day will go splendidly for the two girls. Cassandra, experiencing Coney Island for the first time in her life, very nearly like a real person. All thanks to Stephanie Brown, spoiling Cassandra yet again.