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Latest revision as of 23:45, 16 November 2017

Is it the hair
Date of Scene: 16 November 2017
Location: Greenwich Village, NYC
Synopsis: Rayner, Lyssa, and Hermione meet up over a stupid mugger and a burger.
Cast of Characters: Radiance, Raijin, Breath

Radiance has posed:
At the end of the day, Hermione waves to her co-workers at Stark Industries. She loves her jobs. She loves welcoming people to the Tower, giving them directions to where they need to go... heck! She even likes being sent to get the lunch order for the corporate types. She doesn't get to see Mr. Stark as much as she would like, but he's a busy man.

Her paycheck was sent straight into her bank account, but she likes having a bit of cash on hand at all times. And so, she heads to one of the nearby ATMs. In the evening light, her glow is perceptable. Light eminates from her like soft candlelight. She is just about to put the money in her purse when she feels something butting into her lower back. "K' Mutie. Hand over the dough and you don't have to get hurt."

Hermione looks up at the camera of the ATM and lets out a heavy sigh. "Really? Really?! Is it the hair? Do I have some sort of invisible tattoo that only muggers can see? Is it because I'm short? WHat is it? I'm curious."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner actually just got out of work. Just fixing up computers for one of his old friends who offered to pay him handsomely for it...even though he really didn't need the money, Lord knows he has enough of it. He was just carrying his tools over his shoulder when he sees apparently a thug messing with...whoa..fdjlksjdf....she's pretty...gurbluuuuh....

After he's done mulling about that, he checks his hands, and sees that they are actually quite cold. He attempts to move behind the gunman and put two fingers at the base of his neck like he had a gun. helped that his hands were cold to add to the realism. "Hey mutie...put the gun down or you get your brains blown off." he says straight to the gunman.

He says nothing to Hermione for now, but she may be able to see his reflection in the camera.

Radiance has posed:
Minnie is looking at the reflection in the ATM at her attacker, not willing to give him her money. THe worst that could happen is that he tries to shoot her, at which point he finds out that she doesn't just glow. It does make a person feel a little invulnerable when bullets are really only a deterant to her clothing.

And so, looking at the reflection, Min is able to see the approach of another person. He goes to mug the mugger, using only his fingers. The thug seems unhappy. "I ain't no mutie! She's the mutie! Look at her all lit up like a christmas tree! You some sorta mutie lover?"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa figured she would meet her roommate for a bite to eat before she had to go wear a boy costume. grmbl. And... there she is. Being held up by a mugger. Sigh. Guess I have to go rescue the mugger...

She whistles. "Hey! Mugger dude! Are you, like, stupid or something? Seriously." She walks over, inhaling casually so she can spit in his face if the gun starts moving her way. "Pointing guns at people that glow in the dark? Not a great survival skill?"

Raijin has posed:
Rayner does not seem amused by the Mugger's defense. "If you value your life whatsoever, I would suggest you put the gun down." he actually makes a pretty solid vocal mimicry of a pistol hammer clicking back, ready to shoot. Wow...intimidation tactics much?

Though he does turn his head to Lyssa, putting a finger over his mouth as if to quietly suggest that she doesnt tell the mugger Rayner doesnt actually have a gun. Though he -is- bulletproof, so he's not afraid. "I know right? no common sense." he says in humor...even though he's mostly serious most of the time.

Radiance has posed:
With the approach of yet another person coming to the small woman's defence, the mugger starts to smarten up. He looks around him and starts to back away from the three. He waves his gun at the three as he tries to make his escape. "All you muties are gonna pay. You'll see! Once you get all registered, then we'll know where to find ya and terminate your asses!" He then turns to run.

It's now that Minnie turns. She sighs softly. "Really, Lyssa, what is it? Do I look that much like an easy mark? THis is the third time since I moved here!" She looks then to the young man with his fingers and smirks. "Are those going to go off?"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa shrugs helplessly. "You glow in the dark, you act like you're not from around here, and you're pretty. I mean, come on. You dated a God. You're going to get all the attention. I get totally different kinds of attention."

She waves at the other guy. "Hey you. I totally owe you a bite to eat or something for rescuing my roomie. Totally awesome heroics deserve a burger or something."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner chuckles faintly as the mugger runs off, apparently not afraid of threats. "Bring your pals while your at it! it'll be a party! I'll put football on the TV!" he says with only a small smirk and perhaps a little pride. Though he looks to Hermione at her question. letting his hand relax, he shakes his head but offers a warm smile.

"Nope. I own a gun but I left it at home." he says with only a little bit of a southern hint in his tone, not obnoxiously so. Though he turns his head to Lyssa, speaking in a more accent-neutral tone. "Hey there. No worries, just saw someone who could maybe use a hand and lent it. You don't owe me nothin'." he smiles then. "I'd be happy to grab a bite to eat with you gals though."

Radiance has posed:
Hermione looks apologetically to her room-mate, lifting her shoulders in a shrug. "I think we might still be dating. He came back to say he wanted to try again." She shrugs again, uncertain. "Maybe I'm some sort of trouble magnet? Is that a thing?"

She puts the money in her wallet. "Today was payday, so it's my treat. And I'm sorry about not getting you to see my boss yet, Lyssa. He's been super busy. He's practically living in R&D." She offers her hand to the young man with the fingers that scare off muggers. "I'm Hermione. And this is Lyssa. And we do owe you a burger, so don't argue."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa smiles. "Awesome. But he still had that weird.. THING with the whole.." she wiggles her fingers together awkwardly. "..you know? Might be more trouble than he's worth, honestly. And yeah, I can forgive you for making me dress up like a boy for a few more days, honest." She makes a bit of a face. "Ugh, I HATE that. So yeah. Where to?"

Raijin has posed:
Rayner probably sighs defeatedly, but he remains upbeat. "No arguing there I guess." he shrugs then "Alright, I accept." he says to the offer of getting food, even though it was more of a requirement now apparently. Regardless, he stretches out his hand to shake Hermione's. A firm, yet paradoxically gentle grip and shake.

"My name is Rayner. Nice to meet you Hermione, Lyssa." he bows his head lightly as well, though he does kiss Hermione's knuckles if she lets him. Must be his French side. He also extends his hand to Lyssa, and would do the same if she let him. though the action in itself seems gentlemanly and chaste. "I'm up for anything really."

Radiance has posed:
Hermione blushes and nods to her room-mate as they talk in their secret code. "I'll explain that later. There was a reason he had that weird thing." She starts to walk in the direction of home, knowing they will hit a burger place on the way. "You know, we have the first two months paid for at the new place. Quit! You'll get a new job before we need the money for rent."

At the kiss to her knuckles, Hermione breaks out into a wide smile and giggles. She looks over to her best friend to see what her thoughts are on the matter of Prince Charming types. They keep walking and soon come across a Fatburger. "Valentine was way too small to have one of these. Or even a McDonalds, so, I know you're going to say it's terrible, but I can't help it!!"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa is used to chasteness. Her ROOMMATE is the pretty one. She's the weird trans one. She winces a bit. "I guess I can, I just worry about affording stuff like, you know.. food. And hey, I'm not complaining. Not THIS one though, the night manager gave me shit about the bathroom the one time, and I just don't want to deal with it. The Speedyburger down the block is actually nice, I know someone who works there."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner smiles to Hermione warmly, then to Lyssa, though his attention returns to the former when she speaks of where to eat. "This place works I think. I'm not really picky." a small chuckle then as he moves on forward. "Though I'm up for whatever you ladies want."

Apparently he's not very decisive either...at least when it comes to food.

Radiance has posed:
While most other people think of Hermione as the pretty one, Hermione herself thinks that her room-mate is plenty pretty. "If it becomes a problem, I'll talk to Mr. Stark and ask for a raise." She laughs then. "It's a shame he isn't nearly as lecherous as the media says he is. I could bat my eyes at him and see if that would work."

When told that the Fatburger has treated her room-mate poorly, Hermione frowns. "Is it bad that I want to rip the bathroom doors off to make a point," she asks as they leave and start heading up the street.

Rayner's indecision amuses Hermione. "Are you always this easy going? Hope you like Speedy."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa shrugs, "I thought about doing that, but like, can you see the news stories from that? 'Transgender mutant vandalizes women's bathroom, news at six'.. I'd be the bogeyman of conservative talk radio for MONTHS. So I just don't go there."

She jogs up the front of the steps to the Speedyburger, then stops.. oh yeah, right, there's a boy here, almost forgot.. and waits for everybody else to get here. "I think I have some coupons in my bag.." She fishes through her duffle a bit.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner smiles faintly to Hermione as he follows the two ladies to Speedyburger. "I hope so too. Never been there." he gives her a charming, yet sly grin. Though he does tilt his head at Lyssa when she speaks of awful radio talks and the like. "ah huh..." he says in a 'noted' kind of way.

Though he does seem to give pause when she starts digging in her bag for coupons, before he looks to Hermione "Oh? you work for Tony Stark? Neat." he smiles then.

Radiance has posed:
Hermione says, "Well see?! That's why I should do it. Avenger vandalizes bathrooms to showcase transgender rights. But, I don't know if the Captain would approve. He says we shouldn't use our abilities for ourselves, just for the betterment and aid of others." She glances over at Rayner, guaging his opinion on the matter. Though she may have been unsure of her thoughts on the matter when she first met her room-mate, Hermione has since become a staunch defender of her best friend and her rights.

"Coupons would be good. Mr. Stark pays well, but I'm only a receptionist, after all." She nods to Rayner at the question. "Not for him directly. Just his company. I'm sort of his apprentice. He gives me flying lessons.""

Breath has posed:
Lyssa shrugs some. "I guess... I just don't think it would, you know... HELP things. And like, see, this is why I dress like a boy for a few hours a day, so we can afford stuff like this. Oh, here they are.." She pulls out a coupon book. "I told my friend about what happenned at the other place and he gave them to me." She hands the coupons over to Hermione, giving Rayner a couple more seconds to decide to open the door.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner was already on the move, moving just around the two ladies to open the door for them to walk through. "After you, madamoiselles." he says a little bit of French then, perfect and smooth. Though he did look at Hermione when she speaks of knowing Captain America and all that, he nods in agreement. "I agree."

Though then he looks to Lyssa, hearing her words but he doesnt have a quick response to them as of yet.

Radiance has posed:
Hermione gets in line after getting the coupons from her room-mate. She looks over the menu and orders herself a salad and fries and then waits for the other two to add their orders to her own. "You're probably right. It wouldn't help. But I still think that it's not very nice for anyone to treat you like that. I'm not going to Fatburger ever again. Not if they are treating people like that."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa slips in and curtseys a bit. "Thank you!" She slips in and studies the menu, then the coupons, then grabs the one for the fish burgers and hands it over. "I'll get that."

She nods. "I appreciate it. I sent in some feedback, but I don't know if anything ever came of it. Sucks. So what are you doing in town, dude?"

Raijin has posed:
Rayner stays silent as they seem to dispute this major issue between Lyssa and Fatburger, though he doesn't pry into it simply to be polite. When Lyssa thanks him, he gives her a small nod and a warm smile in appreciation before he follows them in. At her question to him, he answers "Hm? Oh just finished fixing a computer system for a friend of mine. I'm a tech guy." and the heir of a multi-billion dollar company, but he doesn't talk about that because he doesn't want to 'buy' friends.

"Though I am happy to have come across Hermione when I did. I never did like people treating others like dirt just because they're only a tad different."

Radiance has posed:
Hermione goes to pay the cashier when all the orders are made and nods her head to Rayner as he talks about others being different. "I mean, sure, I glow. But it's not that bad. It's not like I'm out to hurt anyone. Mind you, it means having a secret identity is pretty much not going to happen. I mean, how many glowing girls are there in New York?" She takes the empty cups and goes to the drink dispenser. "Lyssa? What do you want? I'm just getting iced tea," she says to the other woman. "It must be nice to be smart about computers and things."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods, "Yeah, totally. I'm more of a jock. Not much future in that, but it got my dad off my case. I totally appreciate you helping my friend, though. Huh? Oh, I'll get some diet."

She nods, "Yeah, I have to ask other people for computer help. It sucks."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner smiles to them both before his cell phone goes off. "Crap." he sighs then. "Forgive me ladies, but I'm afraid I have to run off now." he bows apologetically and turns for the door after probably exchanging numbers. "Thank you!"