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Latest revision as of 00:13, 17 November 2017

Under Escort
Date of Scene: 12 November 2017
Location: Bellevue Hospital
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Poison Ivy, Cyberdragon

Poison Ivy has posed:
Doctor Isley has been in the care of Bellevue Hospital for five days, now. By all reports she's been a model patient, if one profoundly distressed. Most days she's sat quietly and done little or nothing at all beyond her mandated therapy. But the good people on the hospital staff are not lowering their guard, they've put out a call for any and all heroes who might be immune to her influence to help keep guard over her in the relative freedom of the comfortable ward she's being housed in.

It didn't take long for her doctors to suppose that, being partially plantified, she might be fading due to lack of fresh air and sunshine. They moved her to a room with a small window, but now have decided to give her some free time in the patient courtyard. Of course, they've cleared the area of other patients, locked it down and found a kind volunteer to escort the Doctor outside and make certain she behaves. He's been told to wait outside the ward while she is produced so that he can take her down the hall and out into the courtyard. She has one half hour allotted for this first trip. If well-behaved, she could get longer spates of outdoor time in future.

Cyberdragon has posed:
For one who is skilled in gardening Cyberdragon has made a few orders for special equipment. And after a day of testing to make sure it was right settings Cyberdragon has chosen to meet with Pamela Isley. And when he comes it the large dragon smiles at her bringing out a Light that he plugs it in to turn it on. It's very well calibrated to provide proper UV light, as well as a Timer to help her recover her strength. With his ability to sense energy patterns and feel them he knows which lights provide the best effects. This is proven because his garden in his home absolutely thrives.

"A pleasure to see you again. I thought I would bring something that should help you." The dragon says, tail moving behind him wings tightly folded. Being immune to carbon based toxins, or most all toxins that effect carbon based life has it's uses. Watching her as he smiles kindly.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Doctor Isley doesn't look like much when she's escorted out of the ward to the waiting area where Cyberdragon is waiting for her. She's not restrained in any way, but she may as well be, by the faint, listless shuffle of her steps, the drape of her thin arms to her sides. She's in a pair of sweatpants with the drawstring cut out of them, and a plain grey sweatshirt printed with the hospital ward and her patient number. Her only accessories are her chunky eyeglasses and the plastic patient bracelet tagged onto one of her graceful wrists. Her hair is done into a long braid which hangs to mid-thigh behind her, tied in a simple elastic band, and her face looks-- tired. Grey and tired. She meets his gaze briefly, returning a nod at his expression of pleasure in seeing her again. Her lips twitch like she's about to respond, but he's bringing out his lantern, and she's quiet again, slowly lifting her hand to feel the glow from the lamp, to flex and unflex her fingers experimentally in the light. "Gro-lite?" she asks. It would sound incredulous if she had the energy to be incredulous. "I thought they said I could go outside." It's not really a complaint, it's only a point of fact. She'll stand here under the gro-lite if that's what the doctors want.

Cyberdragon has posed:
"No not that I just wanted to make sure that it would suit you before I asked the doctors to take it to your room. We'll be going outside soon. Consider it a gift." And he allows her to come over to feel the light and the engery into her. The dragon smiles at her allowing her a chance to feel the energy and the act. And finally once she seems to asjust he will stand beside her and offer his arm as an escort. The dragon assuming the role of a gentleman so he can take her to the outside area.

Once outside he smiles watching her reaction. "I told them that simply short term visits outside would not be all that healthy, like an emotional rollercoster for one who is connected to the Green." he says and lifting a hand, "Telling them about the Parliments was a headache in and of it's self." he says.

Poison Ivy has posed:
"A gift," Doctor Isley repeats, looking fairly awkward as she shifts to her side and aims to thread the crease of his elbow with her own limb. "I don't know why you thought to bring me a gift," she goes on, "But if the doctors say it's alright-- thanks," she implants a tired monosyllable of gratitude in there as she moves along with him. She almost smiles to hear of his troubles trying to advocate for her. "It's not worth the bother. They'll either learn or they won't. Same as me, I guess."

Cyberdragon has posed:
"Well, some of them understood it similar to Star War's Force." And as them come out and he watches her in natural sunlight. He also knows that seasons would effect someone tied to the Green as well and he watches the area. To be fair she should be someplace like the rainforests were seasons are not extreme but alas. He places his hand over heres. It is a warm touch, metalic, but not unyeilding. "Feeling better?" he asks of her. With the fresh open air flowing through the place it might be cold outside but he is thinking of an idea but he would need to speak with batman of it. A green house for her to tend, might also help her psycologically.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Doctor Isley lets the Cyberdragon be her strength, his hand on hers getting her anchored to her escort. She walks slowly, she's bare-footed and makes her way along the carpet and then timidly across the threshold into the cold shock of winter daylight. She leans slightly against his upper arm and closes her eyes as she just stands and basks for a moment, barely breathing, before she sets out one set of small, delicate toes, tentatively treading on the lifeless stalks of yellow winter grass and holding onto Cyerdragon's elbow when her knees try to give way beneath her. "Mhm," is a choked sort of noise.

Cyberdragon has posed:
Instantly his wings come out and he will wrap one around her, to help support her when she seems to grow weak. Carefully slowly he will support her as he doesn't hold her in such away that he is trying to keep her from moving, simply support her. His form grows warm, almost with a slight surge tappering down some. But should help keep her mostly comfortible. And once her strength has recovered he smiles at her. "Glad to hear it." Never once does he try to block her connection to the Sun. The Sun's brightlight shining on her. He never once attempts to be anything other than a gentleman, or gentle dragon.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Doctor Isley isn't trying anything, herself. You would expect the grounds to sprout with vines where she does tread, but it remains lifeless in its winter of discontent, ever as before. Maybe he couldn't tell if she were trying to toss pheromones in his direction, but she's not doing that either. She only holds close to him, he's warm in he cold, and draws her head back to face the sun full-on, like some sort of thirsty sunflower. Finally slipping her arm from his elbow, he treads ahead of few steps and then sinks to the grass, kneeling down and then sitting with her legs crossed, pulling up her sweatpant legs to the knee just to expose more grey skin, and she lies down, arms and legs spread, sunlight glaring off of her glasses. "Thank you for coming," she finally speaks, keeping her eyes closed. "I know you're here to make sure I don't hurt anybody, but still-- it makes a difference. You've been very kind."

Cyberdragon has posed:
AS she recovers her strength and slowly moves to the side and then comes to side down beside her almost in a medatative stance. The warmth is a little less now. But still there as he says. "Everyone deserves kindness. Even you." Mind you if asked about the joker... he might have to choose his words more carefully. "I have been around for a very long time on Earth, the only thing that can stop pain is kindness." he says softly.

Cyber and John are communicating, as Cyber explains some of the guardians he has met of the green. Right now he just wants to be there both supportive and kind. "Over my long life I have met many who are connected to the green."

Poison Ivy has posed:
Doctor Isley finds herself leaking from behind closed eyelids, and she slips a finger up underneath one lens of her glasses to try to deal with the situation before it gets worse. But she's been weepy a lot recently, she's just about used to it by now. At least, even if she's gotten little to no sunshine, she's been thoroughly hydrated and nutrified. "Sorry," she murmurs, maybe a little embarrassed to be all teary-eyed in front of the superhero. "This happens to me, now," she tries to pitch the words lightly, as a joke, but it's obviously not, since it is, in fact, happening.

Cyberdragon has posed:
As he doesn't judge her and says. "It won't last. Winter will turn to spring and you will feel better. And there is no shame in crying. There are plenty of times when I cried. When I loose someone close to me. A friend, family." Making sure that he is careful of how he rests on the grass he makes it so that he doesn't harm the grass under it. Especially with his heat. Just spending time with her not questioning everything she does. He knows they are being watched as she stretches out wide and her body feeds on natural sunlight. Even in winter it is important for his plants to get it, as well as keeping the soil refreshed.

Poison Ivy has posed:
"It's not that," Isley sighs deep, then, turning her head to the side to look at the Cyberdragon with her big glasses-magnified green eyes, "It's not //just// that," she edits her comment to be better truthful. "Nothing I've ever done has done anything good for the world," she puts out those dire words most feebly. "You'll never know what that's like."

Cyberdragon has posed:
As he thinks and very very carefully Cyberdragon chooses his words. "Hopelessness. Useless, that nothing matters. There are many times I have felt that." He says and thinks turning back his thoughts to recount an event. Over two thousand years, some people had been fighting the Roman Empire, no matter what they did, all it did was bring more pain, more suffering around them. Just watching the might of this seemingly unstoppible force crush and stamp out all resistance."

"There was another, a creature a bringer of death and destruction, one who rules through survival of the fittest. I faced off against his minions and agents more than once. Nothing I have done has stopped him, but I never gave up. And with each encounter I change my tactics, I have to. If brute force does not work. Then one must be more subtle, instead of trying to confront him. I made sure that there were people who knew of him. Who could watch for his inevitible return."

"If there is one thing that is the most important thing in the world. The one unstopible force, it is change. For one who has been around for some 20,000 years..." he smiles at her softly. Just planting a seed that perhaps she could change her approach to handling humanity's treatment to the world around them. They are learning...

Poison Ivy has posed:
Doctor Isley gains enough energy to roll to her side, the better to pay attention while he's talking, but, finding the amount of her skin exposed to the sun now too small, she contonies the roll and flops to her stomach, giving the backs of her arms and legs a chance while she nuzzles her face and toes down into the soil. She's listening, though. Tendrils slowly uncurling in her brain. In the end, though, it's just a little much, and she just falls back to quietly weeping on the ground under the supervision of her escort until her time is up.

Cyberdragon has posed:
As he speaks to her he is making sure she understands that change is important. That if one path doesn't work, try another. And mos timportantly that if he for as old as he is can change his approach and way of doing things. So can she. And slowly as she breaks down crying he comes over to help hold her allowing her to just release the pain from inside of her own actions. As he doesn't do more than simple be there for her. Like a supportive brother.