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Latest revision as of 22:46, 20 November 2017

Artistic Expression
Date of Scene: 17 November 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Bombshell, Rogue, Shatterpoint

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
It's dark, admittedly past curfew for Negasonic, but when did that ever bother her. Today she decided to test some boundaries, and take an outlet for artistic expression. After all, the Art Teacher at Xavier's suggested each student tries to do art outside of the classroom to develop creativity. So here's Negasonic, standing against the wall of the mighty Fisk Towers, purple spray can in hand, and she's currently halfway through spraying "FISK IS " and a very amaeturish drawing of a penis. There you go, expressive art, with a public exhibit to boot. She's not shy about her work.

Bombshell has posed:
Bombshell is walking through Midtown Manhattan in the middle of the night. She's wearing a black leather short jacket, and a grey knit beanie that helps cover up most of her metallic skin, and her hair, so she doesn't reflect as badly. Though Midtown is a well lit area so she stilll is kind of like when a cop car's lights bounce off chrome car parts. But it's just littls spots of reflective. Like her face, and her hands. Hands that she has tucked into the pockets of her jacket as she walks along. She spots the spray paint artist from a short ways away and slows to a stop as she reaches her, stepping back a few paces to take in the whole of the artwork. "Purple though? Was purple the right color? I"m not sure it was..." She tips her head to the side, a smirk on her lips though as she watches the other girl continue with her art.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was on her way home from a friend's place, she was on her skateboard and was making her way through some alleyways. With black wool knit hat on her head and a black wool jacket on, she was bundled up pretty good since it was cold out now... her skateboard rolled down the concrete pavement (powered by her flight ability) while her eyes just glanced around minding her own business, she'd put her phone away moments ago...

Rogue spots a couple of figures up ahead, but since it was dark she had trouble seeing what they were doing. Her right hand came up and a second later a burst of white light shined foreward onto both of them while she slowed down on her board.

"... Ellie?" She asked to one of her former bridesmaids, not recognizing the other person though.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Purple's what I got," Negasonic snorts at the voice of the critic without even bothering to turn around to see who it is. But then she hears a more familiar voice, and turns to look at Rogue, frowning a bit mostly as she still recalls that horror show of a wedding. Naturally she suffered great trauma there, she was forced into a Bridesmaid Dress. "That's me...you better not tell the Dorkmeister I broke curfew."

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Caroline is... Wandering around, as she does. It's really nothing more complex or cool than that, though tonight she's dressed a bit oddly compared to the sensible sweater and jeans Negasonic had seen her in in the subway. Tonight, she's wearing a pair of slacks, and a button-up blouse- and nothing else to shield her from the cold. She pauses, as she hears voices, and her attention lights on a familiar teenager... And, seemingly, others. Her brow raises, and on the outskirts of the talk, Caroline just sort of lingers. For now.

Bombshell has posed:
A burst of bright light hits Bombshell? It reflects all around the alleyway, lighting it up like a spotlight almost, causing the silver skinned woman to blink a few times, turning metallic eyes on the new woman to arrive in the alley. "The hell? Would you put that light out? Advertise to the cops what your friend is doing here." She looks back over to Nega then. "Yeah but purple? Not even classic black? Or white? Purple? Meh. You're better than purple." She smirks though and looks over to Rogue again, and then there's another new person approaching. She turns her head to regard her as well. "I guess we're having an art show?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stepped off the back of her skateboard and dropped her left booted foot down onto it cause it to pop right up off the ground and into her left gloved hand. She kept her 'flashlight' on the artist(s) and started walking toward them. "I ain't gonna tell nobody, sugah." Rogue muttered in her southernly husky voice while her light source turend and went over to the painting on the wall. "Who's 'Fisk'?" Rogue would ask anyone listening then.

She'd glance over to the Lady Colossus and give her a grin. "Sorry about that, here, you can shut it off." She said before tossing her 'flashlight' at Bombshell. It wasn't a flashlight at all, it was a baseball sized magic ball of light, weighed about as much as a lightbulb in one's hand too. "Doesn't shut off, has to burn out in a couple hours. Toss it in the trash if ya want."

Rogue looked then to Caroline and gave her a 'look over' but said nothing at her since she didn't know her.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie doesn't remember much from the subway incident, other than weird monsters, hating the subway and more so Bludhaven, and mostly hating being picked up by Dorkmeister of all people. There were others there, sure, but it is all fleeting. Either way, she's not the sort to wave someone over, so it's moot even if she does notice Caroline.

Ellie stares with a deadpan expression at Bombshell, not moved enough by her decrying of the use of purple, before reiterating, "like I said, purple's what I get, when you give me an alternative, we can talk...I don't see you spraying dicks on Fisk's Building, so purple it is."

Turning to Rogue, Ellie does quip, "Miss Color Wheel does got a point about the light though." She does laugh when Rogue asks who is Fisk, "he's the douche who owns this building, rich guy, does whatever the fuck he wants because he can, open a newspaper sometime, 'sugah'," was that Ellie mocking Rogue's lilt? May very well have been. She does that on occasion. "That's why he's a dick, like all rich priviledged assholes. I'm just letting him know in case he forgot."

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Caroline isn't entirely bothered by the idea of the graffiti. She is... Curious, and admittedly, the set of them did handle the woman who was injured, so Caroline somewhat felt the need to approach. She notes Ellie's attitude- but it's not the first time she's dealt with a teen before. She's almost certain that she'll receive some form of backlash for her attempt to gather information, but gather she does. She steps forward, and ponders exactly what she's about to do to the crowd in the alleyway- but, sadly, she really can't avoid it.

    "Ellie," she begins, using the name that Rogue revealed. The word is... Horrid. The voice that utters it a voice in concept only, more of a harsh -noise- twisted into syllables and letters. "I would like to ask you some questions." Sure, Ellie probably has no answers for her. Caroline has NO way of knowing that, however. "They are about the woman you and the others took from the subway."

Bombshell has posed:
Bombshell catches the light in her hand and peers at it for a few moments. It is very bright, and more so as it reflects off her chrome skin like that. "A couple hours? Nah..." She focuses on it for just a second and it begins to dim, sputter and then drain away, the light literally soaking into Bombshell's hand, doused as the lest of the energy is drained off. "Pretty though. Useful I imagine." She looks back up to Rogue, then over at Negasonic, grinning as the girl repeats herself. "What if..." She walks up to the wall that Negasonic has been painting and puts her finger against the wall next to some of the purple paint. Her finger lights up, and then gets brighter and... hotter, and she starts trying to draw along the edge of the sprayed painted words, outlining them when.... her finger burns into the wall and then her hand starts to burn a bigger hole in the wall. "Noooooope." She pulls her hand back and grins. "Nevermind. Don't have the control for that." She takes a few steps back and eyes the small hole she burned in the outside of the Fisk building. "Ummm my bad." Bombshell's head jerks around at the sound that comes from Caroline. "The hell?" She repeats, looking at the woman now, blinking a few times but not commenting further on her voice, just peering at her studying her.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would tuck her longboard underneath her left elbow up against her body while she fished around for her cigarettes, pulled them out of a pocket and then went to light one up. After puffing on it she plucked it from between her lips. "Alright, alright, sheeze..." Rogue huffed out a little laugh and then tilted her head "Do they even still make newspape'ahs anymore?" She asked back to her friend and sorta-teammate.

Her green eyes looked over to Caroline then, watching her ask this made her interested about... well... whatever it was she wanted information on. Carol's voice was pretty interesting too, but she'd heard similarly odd voices on people before. It happens.

Her eyes would go to watch Bombshell soak up her Lightball and it made her flash a grin. "Far out." She said softly before taking another puff on her cigarette and blowing the smoke off to the right away from everyone. "Yeah, I'm in... Magic School... or some shit. Harry Potte'ah kinda stuff. I'm terrible at it." She grinned softly then, just throwing that out there as an explanation to how she even pulled that little sphere of light off.

"So Fisk is a Purple Dick." Rogue then said, nodding once. "I'll remembe'ah that."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
When her name is called by a not quite familiar voice, Ellie turns to look coldly towards Caroline, shaking the spray can in her hand as she prepares for another coating. "What the -fuck- are you on about? I didn't take anyone from anywhere," Ellie is as one might expect defensive, she's not sure if that was telepathy, or an attempt at using some power on her, but she does know she didn't like it one bit. For now she just gives Caroline the evil eye.

"Shame you did that," Ellie takes a moment to refocus on the real matter at hand, turning to Bombshell, "I could have used that for the dick's balls, would have been perfect to complete this artistic display." She looks a bit surprised when Bombshell readily uses her power to try and improve on the artwork, but when all that happens is damage to the wall, Ellie grumbles, "now if they catch me they'll add vanadlism on top of it. Great."

At Rogue's diss, Ellie sticks her tongue out and mouths, "newspapers are online, you stupid redneck." Ellie does laugh at the Harry Potter metaphore, "yeah, I'm totally Slytherin. Because god knows no hat that wants to stay alive will sort me into a gay house." She does take a little bow when Rogue is now educated about who Fisk is, "just imagine if they let me teach Current Events."

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Caroline isn't psychic- she just heard the name and Ellie's voice responding to it when she arrived, just after Rogue. Still, she'll take it putting Ellie on the defensive. "I am on about," Her voice hitches and lingers on certain syllables. "A situation that erupted in the subway of Bludhaven. A lone woman was being attacked by a group of..." she lingers on the thought for a moment. How to describe it? She'd heard a term or two that worked. She combined them. It was cheesy, but admittedly, accurate. "Ninja Vampires. One exploded. Your friends took the woman, who had been injured, with them. You went, as well. The man in the... Visor, specifically. I want to know whether she lived, and where she was taken."

Bombshell has posed:
"Fisk /is/ a dick though." Bombshell confirms as if it needed confirming. "I think they still print some newspapers. Most of it's online though. Which kidn of requires ready access to the internet." Bombshell's shoulders shrug with a soft creak of leather, then drop back down. "Just tell them some silver lady did it. They'll probably believe you. In all honesty they probably will." She stares at the wall she burned for a few seconds. "Yeah... shouldn't be a problem. How many people have fire powers around here?" She pauses a moment. "A fucking lot." She admits with a shrug of her shoulders and tucks her hands into the pockets of her pants. "I dunno what I'd be. Probably Slytherin. Don't care about the rules, not overly concerned with my fellow man. And never was much of a student. So... Slytherin I guess?" She pauses when things turn to subjects of rescue and potential abduction. "Vampires? Wait seriously? I want to kill some vampires! That sounds like fun. Especially if they're ninja vampires. Would be hilarious when they try to bite me and their fangs break."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would show a grin at Ellie's response. "Ya got me. I don't read the news. Its too damn depressin'. If I did, it'd probably make me..." She glanced over to the vandalized wall. "Go'n draw dicks on buildins." Another puff on her cigarette was had then and she put her eyes onto Bombshell.

"Two slithe'ahs, huh? No wonde'ah ya'll are hangin' out here drawin' dongs. I'm straight up Hufflepuff though. Mostly just cause I love that word."

Rogue's phone would buzz as she got a text, she'd take a step away and spend a moment reading it while Caroline explained herself. Rogue just released a laugh then while replying to the text. "Ninja Vampires... this freakin' city is so messed up."

A return text was sent and her phone chirped as she turned back to look at the other 3, puffing on her cigarette again.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie frowns as Caroline reminds her of one particular awful night, "look, I was out of it, I have no clue what went on, who did what, and Dorkmesiter was only there because I broke curfew...like I'm doing now, so if I'm unlucky and you are, you'll get to meet him again, that's Visor guy by the way." Ellie clearly has no idea a woman was even injured that night, she barely recalls anything. At least she acknowledges Cyclops playing the cavalry and blasting stuff with optic beams of doom.

Ellie much prefers to talk about stuff she knows and understands, like the fact Fisk is a dick, "thank you," she quips at Bombshell, "that's why my art exhibit is important."

"Drawing dicks on buildings is a healthy response to the shitshow that is the news, like, cajillionaire fatso Fisk buys everything, poor are executed to make more room for his money, you know?" Ellie giggles at Rogue's admitting to having affinity to Hufflepuff, "it sounds like something I'd smoke to get high."

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Caroline's eyes narrow for half a moment, but the fact of the matter is that while Ellie is a teenager, Caroline is still well-versed in telling when someone is lying. So it's pretty easy for her to figure out- to tell, explicitly, that Ellie, as unlikely as it may be, isn't lying. Which, frankly, bothers her more than if she were- because she still has to get to the bottom of this, but there's no lead here. "Hmm." she states, slipping her hands into her pockets. She doesn't seem to be the type to say goodbye, but unless stopped, she is going to turn and make with her departure. She isn't about to get angry about some basic property damage. There are bigger fish to fry.

Bombshell has posed:
"I guess. I only read a couple of the books, mostly saw the movies. But I heard not all the Slytherin are bad. I wouldn't say I'm bad. Definitely not evil... just... not overly concerned with other shit. Got plenty of my own problems to handle. And I don't fit any of the other houses so..." Bombshell makes a face, metallic features scrunching up, though she doesn't shrug this time, which is kind of her default action. "Fisk is a dick. Just like most people with power and authority. They screw with people's lives and have no qualms about it. THey sleep fine at night and don't give a fuck who's lives they've ruined." There's a bit of a growl to her voice when she says it, and there may or may not be light building up around her hands. When she looks down and sees it she shakes her hands as if that's going to make it go away, but the light does drain off and she ends up stuffing her hands back into her pockets, her jacket pockets this time. She watches Carline turn away from the group. "Hope you find the answers you're looking for!" Called out loud enough so that she can be heard, and there's sincerity in her voice too when she says it.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue openly laughed at Ellie's words on the subject of Hufflepuff and she responded to them by just sighing and shaking her head side to side. "Ya live a more interestin' life than me, Ell'." She said back to the girl then before glancing back to Caroline who was seemingly less than pleased with that response. "Wish I could help, miss. But I ain't go the slightest idea what any'a that is about."

With a little grin, Rogue regarded the shiney lady and she nodded at her. "I think the groups just represented attitudes, not so much... evil or good, per-se."

Rogue sighed then, "Alright, I gotta scuttle off back t'my place in the Village." She flicked her cigeratte's remains into a puddle on the ground then dropped her longobard and stood up on it.

Before pushing off to leave though, Rogue glanced at Ellie. "Hey, if you need a quick way back to X Land, text me before ya leave. I got a much faste'ah way back than takin' the full trip."

Rogue would then push off and likely skateon past Caroline.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Fat chance," Ellie remarks to Bombshell, "that chick wants answer from Dorkmesiter, the guy who thinks 'faXion' is an awesome team name, please, she'll get nothing." Bold prediction!

She gladly takes the distraction of Rogue's comment, and responds by taking a bow with a flourish, "there's a reason you wanted me as a bridesmaid, no? I still don't forgive you for the dress, by the way, just so you know. I'm still traumatized," yup, she ain't bothered at all by the encounter with crazy Spiral who shut down her powers and condemned her for a two week stay in hotel medbay. "Show me right now!" Ellie demands, tossing the can of spray in a nearby trash bin.

Bombshell has posed:
"X land? you guys from the Institute? Met someone from there earlier at a bar. Blonde, jacket and an attitude. Seemed a decent sort though, little older maybe a teacher? Or an X-man dunno. He got all warm and shit, like heated up the air around him." Bombshell waves to Rogue since the woman is leaving. "Take care of yourself!" Names? Who needs names. "You ladies have an awesome night. I gotta jet." And with that the silver woman lifts into the air and after waving goodnight flies off. She jets off... so to speak.