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Latest revision as of 22:54, 20 November 2017

Bruce Wayne, Philanthropist!
Date of Scene: 17 November 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Oracle, Flash, Batman

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon is a pretty familiar figure in Gotham PD's headquarters. Not only because she does contract work for them but because her father's office is in the building and she brings lunch or what have you. Today, however, her arrival has little to do with her father or even work-related activities and far more to do with a request made by an acquaintance that will also lend itself to keeping Bruce Wayne's image alive and well. She makes her way through the reporters who are flocking the front stairs, ducking her head against any queries from them. It's the one part of the Wayne connection that she really really hates -- the press.

As she enters the front doors near the intake desk, the desk sergeant calls out, "Miss Gordon! What the heck are the vultures doing out there now?"

"Apparently they caught wind of the fact that Mr. Wayne has a meeting here. Would you do me a favor, please, Sgt. Grossman, and let the forensics lab know when he arrives? I'm going to go warn Mr. Allen." She grimaces slightly. "Craziness."

She makes her way up to that lab and pokes her head in. "Barry?"

Flash has posed:
Hidden away in the deep parts of the lab is one man in a lab coat with a tee-shirt and jeans under it. The lab is a mixture of chalk-boards with large mathmatical formulas on one side, and chemicals, beakers, even a small experement going on the the other side. As she peeks in he is standing by the beaker area with his arms out-streached into the air.. "It's alive alllliv.. Oh umm.. come in!" he turns a bit embarassed at being cought in mad scientiest mode though he hides it with a large grin.

He turns to see who it is, and to his surprise it is Barbara, "Oh hey.. its you again.. I am sorry I haven't called bout that follow up tour, but work has kept me so busy here I tell ya your father is a real piece of work when it comes to fighting crime." he chuckles, and shakes his head. "Almost inspiring how focused he is I tell ya.. But you prob already know that." he takes a seat, and wheels over to stop over by her and the door. "Whats up? You need my help on something? I got a few cases going right now, but I have a few minutes before those get finished."

He smiles up at her still like he does to everyone, though he just continues talking, "Though it seems to be kinda loud out there... wonder what is up? I mean it isn't the usual perp screeming innocince.. kinda wierd." he eyes her, it seems like he didn't even realize anything was up, just now coming back to reality after being buried in his lab work.

Batman has posed:
    For many things, Bruce Wayne is fashionably late. For a social function, for a charity exhibition, for an amazong after-party, he shows up late and looking like he's already been enjoying himself for hours and hours, and often he's accompanied by a model or two who seems like they've been entertained themselves for just as long.
    But for something like this, for a meeting during the day with someone that might actually be able to help or make a difference, he treats it a little differently. Oh the limousine still rolls up to the car port of the Gotham PD HQ, curving past the news vans and the bevy of reporters who are trying to get shots of the man inside the vehicle. Flashes go off, questions are already hurled even before the man manifests.
    And when he emerges he's smiling, wearing a clean black and grey business suit with that million dollar smile that he offers easily. He lifts a hand in not quite a wave as he looks between people and meets the officer who advances through the crowd to help guide him into the building. For a time it's all waves, smiles.
    "Mr. Wayne, is it true you're advocating the privatization of the police force?"
    "Mr. Wayne, did you dump Tawny Williams for Harmony Grey? Inquiring minds what to know!"
    "Mr. Wayne, what are your opinions on the Foreman Act?"
    Though to these he answers none of them. Instead he holds up a hand to his ear as he walks towards the door, pausing there as he smiles. "Sorry guys, no time right now. Had a long night."
    Laughter comes from the reporters. Then he steps to the door and... blessed quiet.
    Inside the police station there's just the relative white noise of keyboard clicks and telephones ringing. Sgt. Grossman looks up and tilts his head, "Oh heya, Mr. Wayne."
    "Hello, Sergeant. I'm here to meet with a Barry Allen?"
    "One moment, sir." He reaches over, picks up the phone and dials.

Oracle has posed:
The redhead smiles at the compliment to her father. "I do know that," Barbara replies. "My father is incorruptible. The best cop I've ever known." She's very proud of him, clearly. "I don't need help... I need you to clean up a little because you're about to have your mug plastered all over the newspapers. Bruce Wayne is on his way here to speak with you about that donation you needed."

Glancing back over her shoulder toward the bullpen, she looks back at Barry with a grin. "I'm really sorry about the publicity -- I swear to God, they're piranha. I don't know if they'll be brave enough to follow him into the building, but Sgt. Grossman is going to--"

She's cut off by the ringing of Barry's lab phone. "And there he is. Brush your hair back a little and leave your lab coat here, okay?" She's kind of teasing him, but she also is hustling him downstairs.

Flash has posed:
Barry nods in agreement about her father, he actually liked the man he reminded him of Joe which ment he was one of the good ones. When she says about the news he kinda looks down.. "Oh man.. Oh man.." he starts rushing around like a mad man as she continues talking. He reaches into one of the drawers of the desk pulling out some fabreeze spraying himself down. He was in a hurry so it would have to do for now, and he had spent a good amount of time in this lab. "I didn't think he would come here.. I mean he is rich don't those rich people like never come out."

He is rushing so much as the call comes in and he runs over lab-coat still on though he at least has his hair combed down a little, looking more like a respectible person then someone who spent the last twenty-four hours in a lab. "Oh right!" he adds taking off the coat not even realizing it was on. He does a little twirl for her.. "how do I look, I mean.. you know what I mean." he waves it off. Baarbra was a friend when that is what he needed so didn't worry about all that jazz.. Though he wouldn't have time to worry about it as he is shoved out of the lab joking.. "I got to doll myself up to meet this Mr. Wayne... Want to make a good impression who knows could always use a sugar-dad..." though he stops with a wave as he is shoved out to the meeting area with the rest of the people.

"Sorry I am late! Those alkaloids didn't want to seem to harden on time!" with a grin.. Those who knew would know they don't harden they disolve given time so it was a science joke, though he was trying!

Batman has posed:
    Outside the door there are still cameras flashing and the sound of voices, though they're primarily of the police officer trying to enforce some semblance of order on the unruly press. Some of them try to take quick pics of Barry when he arrives, some asking the officer then what Bruce Wayne is there about.
    But inside the station itself, much quieter. Enough that when Barry emerges he's the focal point of all the attention as Bruce Wayne steps forwards to take the man's hand. "Mr. Allen, good to meet you. I've heard nothing but good things about you." He looks the man in the eye and then adds, "Is there somewhere we can talk? I don't usually have much time during this part of the day, but someone I hold in high esteem recommended we share a few words."
    At that last he'll even dare to wink towards Barbara, but then shifts his attention back towards the forensics scientist. He uncurls a hand to the side, "Please, lead the way."

Oracle has posed:
As she nudges Barry down into the lobby area, where Sgt. Grossman and other officers are doing their jobs and doing the same kind of mild gawking that everyone does, Barbara flashes a quick grin at Bruce. She points both of the men toward a glassed-in room on the side of the bullpen. "Since I know you can't stay long, we can use the watch commander's office. He said it was fine." Being the commissioner's daugher has perks.

Leading the way toward the office, she holds the door for both Barry and Bruce to go inside the office. ALthough she casts another glance back toward the front doors, where the officer is trying to make people behave, she merely shakes her head at the situation and sighs. Then she closes the door behind the three of them so they can speak in privacy.

"Your show, Barry," she tells the young man.

Flash has posed:
Barry gives his best smile, and queen wave before Bruce takes his hand. He tries to keep a straight face, he looks down at his hand then back at Bruce mouthing oww quickly but keeps his same smile. "Aww was hoping to show him my laboratory!" is about all he gets out as he is now pushed the other way. Barry really had no choice in this meeting just dragged along like a small boat in the waves so he just went where they told him, smiled all the time, and shook the hands of the people he was shoved infront of. At least from his smile he seemed to be enjoying it.

As he is let alone to talk he glances at Barbra, and then at Bruce. He smiles a bit before he continues.. "Oh umm.. right this is my spot to speak.. Wow so nervious don't know what to say.. Hah, that is a first.. If ya knew me.. Which he doesn't of course, you would know I always have something.."

He then stops and takes a deep breath. "Okay.. to the point.. right." he pulls out a small piece of paper. "Hello.. My name is Barry Allen.." he reads.. "I was asked by the govener of Central City for your assistance on a school for the gifted minds of our future scientiest. I would like to ask if you would help us as our city is currently in some financial issues after the rebuilds though, we do not have much to offer so we needed unconvential means." he looks up from the paper.. "I think he means me there.. Right.. sorry.." he continues reading.. "We would be happy to dedicate a wing as the Wayne Foundation so that people know it was your forethought to bring such knowledge to these individuals.. Thank you, and good day night."

He stops looking up at him, "I think that is it.." he adds looking a the back just to be sure.. "it was from the Mayor, and I promised I would read it to you. He seemed kinda worried about me rambling before getting it out can you imagine?.. But I told him it was for kids so I would try my best."

Batman has posed:
    Once they're in the watch commander's office, Bruce Wayne smiles at them both and then moves to take one of the guest chairs, resting a hand on its back and turning it just so that he can look levelly at Barry as the other man speaks. He listens easily enough, features friendly and jovial as he watches. At one point his eyebrow inclines slightly, his head tilting to the side with a twinge of curiousity. But at the end he nods in understanding.
    "Well, Mr. Allen. To be fair the Wayne Foundation does what it can and makes a lot of effort to try and help many different causes. I'd like to tell you right now that of course we can do this, no problem, and it will all be alright..."
    A glance is given to Barbara, but then he looks back and smiles. "But I really should let this go through the proper channels before giving you a sure thing yes or no."
    After handing out this doom and gloom answer he then counters with, "However. I like what I hear, and if you or another representative can put together a treatment and a proposal, get it couriered to me, I'll give it directly to Lucius Fox and tell him that I strongly would like to make you and your people happy."
    He starts to rise to his feet, smile warm. "Is that acceptable?" He offers his hand again.

Flash has posed:
Bary listens to him quietly, and watches him though he has a bit of a puzzled look. "Umm.. Well that is great and all Mr. Wayne, but I really have no idea how it works from here to be honest. I am just a science guy I try to stick to my lab cause no problems.. maybe show up on time now and then" and grins a bit. "I am glad to hear you are moving forward, but I really want to distance myself from the politics of it. I think I am just the messenger because the Mayor doesn't want to ask publicly for some reason." though he just shrugs at that.

He holds up his hands before Bruce can speak, "I can deliever the message, and they will have people who know what that means.. As long as the kids are getting help I am good with it." he chuckles, "Money, Politics, all I really care about is the little guys, and gals getting their education ya know?" he holds out a hand, "If you just want to check to make sure it is really doing that then I understand fully Mr. Wayne, I just hope next time he can pick up a phone and call cause this is all a bit too crazy for me."

He laughs again.. "Thank you for your time.. and yours Miss Gordon. If this goes through I will send a picture of the first class to both of you that is a promise."

Batman has posed:
    "To be fair, Barry..." Bruce looks to the side and out the window of the office, still able to see some of the madness of the reporters assembled outside still trying to get a sight line on what's going down and maybe some pictures. "It sometimes gets too crazy for me, too." That said he smirks back at the man, then turns away and smiles as he then offers his hand towards Barbara.
    "Ms. Gordon, always a pleasure. Try not to be such a stranger." His smile is there and is indeed what would be the downfall of the most obstinate saint. And once the shake is shared he'll turn away, straighten his tie, then tells them over his shoulder. "Once more into the breach, dear friends."
    He grins, then opens the door and makes the march back towards the front of the police station, the door, the reporters... and then ideally to the safety of the back seat of his limousine.

Oracle has posed:
As she watches the proceedings, Barbara can't help but chuckle. Barry has no idea how amusing she finds it when Bruce does stuff like this -- especially since he knows exactly who Barry is. What he tells the scientist is basically the same thing she told Barry, but Barry needed to be able to tell his bosses that he actually delivered the request to Bruce Wayne personally. So... there you have it.

"Thanks, Bruce," she tells him with a grin. She takes his hand and then leans up to kiss his cheek lightly. "It's really too bad that someone leaked your plans to be here -- I didn't intend the press to be hounding you." Her tongue is firmly lodged in her cheek because she knows exactly who alerted them. "I'm sure the mayor of Central City will appreciate it, though. See you later."

Glancing at Barry as the door closes, she shrugs slightly. "And there you are. You've made your request, and that's all they could ask of you. You're in the clear, my friend."