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Latest revision as of 00:13, 23 November 2017

Talking To The Moon
Date of Scene: 21 November 2017
Location: Avengers Mansion, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Captain Marvel (Danvers), Silk

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
After her recent run in with Silk, Captain Marvel extended an invitation for Silk to come talk to her in a more private setting, one on one in Avengers Mansion. Today is finally the day where the two were able to match schedules, and Carol is waiting for Cindy in her own private room, where she'll be ushered upon arrival.

Silk has posed:
    And Cindy arrives- she's been here before, it seems. She's led to Carol, she knocks on the door and peeks inside. "Hello? Captain Marvel?" she notes Captain Marvel there and ready to speak. "Oh, hi! Um. Cindy, Cindy Moon. I don't think I told you my name before.."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Come in please," Carol says rather casually from the other side, and when Cindy comes in, she walks up to her and offers her a hand, "you can call me Carol, and it's very nice of you to give me your name, Cindy, I'd have settled for Silk, lovely codename by the way. Was it give or you picked it for yourself?"

Silk has posed:
    "Oh. I picked it." Cindy replies, "It seemed to make sense, with my powers..Spider stuff. I produce my own silk, so. It kind of fit. Its better than Spider-Man. That's for sure." she shakes her head and takes a slow breath. "So, um. What did you want to talk about? Am I in trouble or something?"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"It's spot on," Carol says with a warm smile, before laughing at the diss on Spider-Man, "you certainly got moxie. So...did you meet the Spider-Man?" She keeps it on small talk for now, but as Cindy insists, she waves it off, "no trouble...you said something that was troubling to me. How many years in an underground bunker?"

Silk has posed:
    "Spider-Man opened the door. He shouldn't have opened the door, but he opened it anyways. Eight years. Over Eight years." Cindy says, next, answering the question. "I was fifteen." she answers a question that wasn't asked. "Well. Almost fifteen."

    Cindy finds a chair and sits. "I was there to protect people. TO protect everyone, and myself, and the whole world- and now, I'm out." she sighs, "And all that was for nothing. It was for nothing, Carol! Spider-Man means well, but he's an idiot, and he opened the door without asking why and now people are dead. People are dead because of me. Because of my freedom."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Eight years is too much for anyone to suffer, who locked you there, and why are you saying Spider-Man should have kept you locked?" Carol is a bit disturbed by this suggestion that Cindy should still be trapped underground.

"Why do you think that your being free is a problem?" Then comes the explanation of death, and Carol arches a brow, as if to mark she's interested, "how is your being free responsible to people's death?"

Silk has posed:
    "Because I'm being hunted, Carol. I'm being hunted by people who want to use me in a blood ritual to do something terrible. To do something terrible that will hurt everyone, everywhere." Cindy replies, "And being in that bunker.. it protected people. It protected me, and it protected you, and it protected my family." she says, "I sacrificed everything. EVERYTHING! Just.. just to keep people safe. And now, because of Spider-Man.. its all gone, its all for nothing."

    Cindy pulls out her phone, "Look. This girl, Gia. Dead. Dead because of me. And this kid- This kid with the rat tail? Dead! Because of *me*. Because I'm out of that bunker and now they can smell me and they want me.... and they're going to kill me. Its my fault, I should have disable the keypad- I didn't think anyone would come, no one ever came before!"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"A blood ritual? That sounds horrid! I wish you've come to the Avengers rather than decide to seal yourself in a bunker for eight years..." Carol frowns, she is not pleased at the news, not one bit. "What can you tell me about those people? I would very much like to put the Avengers, if not Alpha Flight to paying them a visit and stopping their interest in blood rituals."

As Cindy visibly gets ore emotional, Carol moves to stand by her side, and little by little moves to wrap an arm around her, offering her a supportive squeeze. "I've done the same, Cindy, though it might surprise you, believe me, I know how you feel. But I also know you're wrong...you should never face such odds on your own."

"Life is a path with many experiences, and loss is one of them...I'm sorry you've lost Gia, and that kid with the rat tail, but they did not die because of you...why not go on the offensive? Eliminate the threat. We have more than enough firepower here to put a stop to those who are after you."

Silk has posed:
    "How?! They run up and down this thing called the Web of Life and Fate and it lets them jump from dimension to dimension, from reality to reality without a care in the world. They're not afraid to die- one of them basically killed themselves just to deny everyone else a prize." Cindy says, staring now at Carol as she comes closer. She's half frozen when that arm goes around her- shivering. Uncertain.

    "Please, don't." Cindy says, then. "I. I'm not comfortable with it. With.. closeness." Some of those eight years showing themselves, now. "I have this sick feeling that its not over with that one, either. Daemos, he called himself. Its.. they're coming after me."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Dimensional traveller? Mmm...I might even consult with the Guardians on this one," Carol muses to herself. "That is something you need to learn to overcome," Carol informs Cindy while letting her arm linger until she's done talking, at which point she removes it per Cindy's request, "I had my share of traumas, we all need to overcome them, that's what ultimately makes us strong, not giving up." She walks around to her desk, and pulls out a communicator which she hands Cindy, "this is a personal line to me, activate it if anything happen, I'll get a transponder for your location and I pity anyone who dares assault you when I get there. I'm fast, so I promise to be there in no time."

Silk has posed:
    Cindy nods, looking at the communicator. "Okay, sure. I'll call if something comes up." she replies softly, scooting a little further from Captain Marvel, just incase another hug is initiated. "Its not that simple, I don't know if even you can take these people on your own, Carol. I don't think anyone can."

    "I've talked to the Titans, Kaldur thinks they'd help... I think he's right, and I came by when you weren't here and already spoke to Captain America. He said he'd help, I'm sure the same way you would." She sighs softly, and puts her hands in her face. "Oh, this is so complicated. It was so much easier in my bunker. I had a schedule- it was easy. Get up, everyday at six-thirty in the morning. Do a workout. Eat breakfast. Clean the dishes...."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I want you to know you can count on me, Cindy," Carol says as she looks directly in her eyes, searching for that look of acknowledgement. "I don't think you've ever seen me at my worst...you should talk to Star Lord first, then decide," Carol offers and there's a sense of an inside joke that Cindy might not necessarily be inside on.

As she notes Cindy's rising discomfort, Carol moves to sit behind her desk, looking at her intently, and in silence. Letting her talk, and share her concerns, before eventually nodding at her, "routine is easy, curve balls are the things most difficult to deal with. You're doing well so far..."

Silk has posed:
    "I'm just trying to do the right thing." Cindy says, as she puts the communicator in the pocket of her dress. "Oh, um. Thanks for everything, Carol." she says then. "Its really nice..." Cindy pauses a moment, giving Carol a long look. "Hey, what size dress do you wear?" She wonders, "I know, weird question, I just. I want to do something nice for you."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol blinks at the question, looking a bit uncomfortable at the idea of receiving any kind of gift, as she shakes her hands dismissively, "please, there's no need, I am offering to help you because I can sympathize with you. Even though you can't quite know that, trust me, I do," is that a faint hint of a blush on her cheeks, "if you must, I'm a size 12, but please...don't get me anything."

Silk has posed:
    "No, its okay.." Cindy states, as she's already started crafting something- silk appearing from her fingertips. "Favorite colors?" She wonders as she looks up at Carol as she continues to weave the dress. "I can make it in colors, if you want." she offer next. "Or black is good, right?" she asks as she continues her weaving- the bottom of the dress coming into vision in the deepest of black silks.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"My colors have often veered between black and red, black and gold, and blue, red and gold..." Carol says while looking with amusement at Silk weaving her magic, or rather, the aforementioned dress, "you're really quite good at this, aren't you? This is impressive. Black is always good, you can continue with black."

Silk has posed:
    "Okay, black if that is what you want." Cindy says, as she continues the weaving until she's nearly finished with the thing, "Oh- straps? Strapless? Maybe a little something to show off the girls? I mean, you got more going on there than me..." she says, with a bit of humor.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol seems a bit out of her element the way this meeting has turned towards its conclusion, last time someone made her uncomfortable with fashion was the very demanding Janet Van Dyne. At least Cindy isn't nearly as forceful, leading to Carol agreeing with both variations, "sure, straps...okay, strapless, but really, you shouldn't...I wasn't looking to get a gift or anything. But...thank you all the same, be careful, and remember to contact me if you are attacked by these...dimensional travelers?" Carol insists to cement the key point, as far as she's concerned.