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Latest revision as of 02:30, 26 November 2017

'Boxing' in Central Park
Date of Scene: 25 November 2017
Location: Central Park - Manhattan
Synopsis: Vanya and Lar 'box' in Central Park.
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Feral, Super-Man

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar and Vanya have made their way to a more open area that will give them more room to 'spar', so to speak. Since they'd just been at Grand Central Station, Central Park seemed 'wild' enough for such an occasion. 'Seemed' being the key word. Truthfully, Mon-El has no idea what exactly he can do nor what Vanya can do. But she seemed to think that area would serve the purpose just fine, and she's familiar with the local environment so what could possibly go wrong?

Feral has posed:
    So many things, so many things...

    Oblivious or perhaps encouraged by the potential mischief, the wild-eyed Russian at his side looks around with a toothy smile and rolls her shoulders. Her peanut bag is long-since empty and discarded, a casualty of the brawler's cavernous appetite, and as they reach a thick oak tree, one of her fists leaps out to give it a friendly jab.
    "I hope you don't mind cold," she chuckles as a cold November breeze rustles the evergreen leaves still hanging tenaciously overhead. Her sharp bronze eyes turn back to Lar and sweep the young man up and down. "You said you're an alien? You look human to me."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Yeah, I did find it a strange coincidence that humans look so similar to us. When I first woke up here I almost thought I was still at home." Lar chuckles slightly.

    Suddenly, he blinks and squints a bit, frowning at her as the X-ray vision flickers unexpectedly in his field of view. "What the..." he blinks again and it goes away. "You...are different too. Are you a mutant?" He asks, since some mention of unusual humans called mutants had been made previously.

    But he shrugs anyway. "Well, I don't know how you decide who makes the first move, but if you would like to--I invite it." Lar says with a smirk.

Feral has posed:
    Vanya chuckles at the observation and sets a hand on her hip. "I'm not all human if that's what you mean. How did you notice?" she asks with idle curiosity while rolling her neck loose.

Mon-El has posed:
    "I'm...not sure." Lar replies, frowning thoughtfully. "I saw something just now that I don't normally see. As if I could see inside of your body. Your bones aren't like the humans'." He tilts his head slightly. "So what are you?"

Feral has posed:
    "You could see my insides?" Vanya echoes, furrowing her brow in confusion and looking down while tugging at her shirt. Yup, clothes are still on - and skin.
    "Hah, korosho, that is an interesting power you have. I'm mostly human, I think. Just more evolved..." And with that, the same jab that was aimed at the tree flicks out at Lar's chest. It's a fast but shallow attack, perhaps to test the alien's reflexes.

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El was expecting a punch or kick or something at some point soon, though that was a bit quicker than he'd expected. He actually has a history of combat expertise, but at this point he doesn't actually remember any of it. Thus he is caught off guard and takes the jab to the chest, although it doesn't really cause him to flinch. He smirks a bit. "Oh come on now, I know you're stronger than that! That doesn't count."

Feral has posed:
    "I don't want to start too hard and break you. This is your first time, da?" Vanya smirks gamely back as she snaps her fist in and throws it back out, harder, at Lar's face. This one might break a nose if allowed to connect.
    Well, a human nose...

Mon-El has posed:
    "Trust me, I am pretty sure breaking me is harder than you think." Lar replies, chuckling and remembering what had happened at that pub in Vernon when those bar brawlers attacked him. But maybe, since Vanya is clearly more than human unlike those men, she could actually hold her own against him and put up a good fight?

    The punch to the face does connect--his bones do not break although he does stumble backward a bit. Recovering quickly, he steps forward again and throws an experimental punch of his own in her direction. He isn't -trying- to actually hit hard at all, but a severe lack of control on his part results in a force enough to send a typical athletic male human flying back several feet.

Feral has posed:
    Vanya continues to smile as she watches Lar take the punch and her eyes widen as he throws one back. Bringing her arms up to block, the brawler's body yields like a steel frame; crushing in, bowing faintly, then springing backwards with a sudden jolt as Lar's momentum wins out. Vanya's sneakers skid against the ground and for a moment, the Russian goes completely airborne.
    Landing a short distance back, the brown-haired woman smiles *widely* and laughs as she flexes her arms at her sides, joints popping as a hard shell of muscle swells her sun-baked skin. "So you *can* throw a punch! Not bad, alien. You could win money with that."
    Relaxing herself, Vanya shifts into a sidelong stance and sinks slightly lower to the ground with her arm hanging in a low guard. The brawler's eyes dance eagerly as she offers Lar an opening to approach and try again.

Mon-El has posed:
    Well, the strange woman seems to be thoroughly enjoying this, which is a good thing, right? Lar arches a brow at the money comment. "I take it this is how -you- make money? Or at least one of the ways." He wasn't consciously planning on taking the opportunity, but yet another trick decides to reveal itself to her now--red laser thermal vision shoots out of his eyes, lancing through the air toward her. However, it does miss, scorching the ground to her left instead. The Daxamite looks somewhat abashed at this. "Oops." he laughs a little.

Feral has posed:
    Vanya leaps right with alarm, far faster than her earlier jabs. The Russian looks down at the blackened ground then back at Lar with a couple blinks. "Kakogo cherta, did fire just come out of your eyes?" she balks.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar shrugs. "I guess you could call it that." Lyle called it 'heat vision' or something. "I didn't mean to use it, actually. I swear! I'm sorry. It only happened once before, so I thought--" he shakes his head. "It won't happen again. At least I hope not. Well if you're afraid, we can call it off."

Feral has posed:
    The brawler chuckles easily despite nearly becoming Kentucky Fried Russian a moment earlier. "Hah! Are you kidding? That was awesome! Just don't start a fire or people will start panicking."
    "Nothing on Earth has learned how to do that yet..." And just like that, Vanya's patience expires. Darting forward, another jab feints towards Lar's head before the were-woman's foot sneaks out behind it, aiming low for the alien's leg.

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El's brows go up when Vanya is undeterred and actually seems to want more where that came from. "Right then. More where that came from!"

    The feint works like a charm, and he ducks his head only to end up getting nailed in the leg instead. It knocks him off of his feet, sending the two of them tumbling into a large rock formation on the edge of one of the small lakes in the park. He attempts to scramble away from her and climb to the top of the formation.

Feral has posed:
    Vanya comes up easily in a low crouch and scampers up after him, laughing low as she flips herself over the rocky lip and flips a long, arcing axe kick at the alien from the resulting handstand.
    Mon-El might not be the only one who's bad at holding back.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar was just about to get up to a standing position on top of the rock when Vanya flipped into a handstand and sent a flying axe-kick toward him. She nails him in the shoulder and he loses his balance, falling backward toward the water on the other side. But before he falls, he attempts to grab her foot and pull her down into the lake with him. If he's going to get wet, so is she!

Feral has posed:
    "Ack!" Vanya yelps as she's pulled along for the ride.


    And so upwards of five hundred pounds of friendly sparring take a dunk in the lake. The late in the year, the water is shockingly cold, and surprise if nothing else stops the woman brawler from lashing immediately to get the alien off of her leg.

Mon-El has posed:
    Now they have probably started to draw some real attention to themselves, especially with that giant and very cold splash of water that no doubt soaked some bystanders.

    The two fighters sink into the depths for a few seconds, thrashing about. He lets go of her leg and seems to disappear for a few fractions of a second, then suddenly comes up under her and aims to push her straight up out of the water -and- beyond to smash into the underside of Bow Bridge. Did he just jump extremely high, or was that flying? One thing is for sure, not a lot of control is being exercised on his part.

Feral has posed:
    Mon-El may be fortunate enough to be buoyant but once she's submerged, Vanya sinks like a stone. Kicking sharply at the water underneath her, the brawler forces the lake to hold her steady as she looks around for her alien playmate. Her eyes blink in an inhuman way, with a third lid sweeping sideways across them and sealing shut to keep out the foamy water - it's just transparent enough to see through and blends her 'natural' bronze into a murky grey.

    Sweeping the frigid lake around her, Vanya catches a glimpse of motion just before Mon-El slams into her from below. Once again she's like moving a pile of stones, but the force propels the startled Russian up through the lake with a trail of bubbles. Th breach comes to a sudden and jarring stop as she's slammed into the bridge's underside and Vanya coughs in pain as her body's crushed in between a rock and a hard place. Rallying after another stunned moment, she laces her fingers together and slams them down on Lar's back. After that, there's really no holding back. This blow strikes like a sledge hammer.

Mon-El has posed:
    This lady probably really does make a fortune punching people as Lar had guessed earlier, even though she hadn't really answered the question. She definitely hits a -lot- harder than those guys at the bar the other day. Harder than he'd even expected after seeing that she was different from the typical human.

    Her fists slam down hard, sending him back down toward the cold waters of the lake. He doesn't fall in this time though, instead stopping inches away from the water and just hovering there. He stares down at himself then looks back up at her. "Right, apparently flight is another thing. But--not bad. You're definitely stronger than I thought!"

Feral has posed:
    Vanya falls as well even though there's a new crack where she impacted and the brawler splashes loudly back into the lake beside the hovering alien, spraying him and everything nearby with a fresh coat of November water. A few seconds later, brown hair breaches again and the were-woman bobs on the surface, looking up with surprise, amusement, and yes a bit of a grimace.
    "Kokogo cherta, you hit like a truck, and you can fly? No fair, Comrade Alien." One hand moves below the waterline as Vanya rubs at her stomach, wincing slightly. "At least you didn't break anything... I think. What did you say you were, again?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El grimaces a little too when Vanya winces. "Oh, no I hope I didn't cause any permanent damage or anything did I?" he exclaims, sounding worried. He concentrates, hopefully not hard enough to make the lasers come out but enough to perform an x-ray scan. "Oh, phew. Just a little fracture."

    Yep, the bridge is definitely cracking where they both slammed into it. There's a grinding noise and a large chunk of the structure comes loose, threatning to fall on top of her and some tourists in a canoe passing by. Fortunately, Lar reacts quickly, grabbing it and throwing it off to the side. "It's Lar Gand." he smiles when she calls him an alien, remembering that they haven't properly been introduced. "And you? What do they call you?"

Feral has posed:
    Vanya's arms go up to protect herself before Lar intercepts the vengeful concrete. "Nnn... okay, I feel it now," she hisses as the sudden action stresses her wound in ways treading water did not. Despite the pain, she chuckles and kicks herself backwards, out from the shadow of the bridge. As fresh sunlight strikes her face, the wild-eyed brawler's runic brand looks just a little redder than black where unkempt brown locks haven't matted themselves in the way.
    "Vanya. Priyatno poznakomit'sya as they say in my country," she offers in a rare show of formality.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Vanya, it's a pleasure to meet you." Mon-El responds. "And I'm from Daxam." He continues, remembering her request to remind her what he was. "'Priyatno poznakomit'sya'...is that another Earth language or is that part of your name?" The Daxamite hovers over the water until he reaches the shore, then lands lightly on the ground.

Feral has posed:
    The Russian laughs, floating over to the shore to join him. "I said it's nice to meet you in Russian. That's what some of us speak on the other side of this mud ball." Climbing out of the lake, water floods off Vanya's body and a hand comes up to pull her loose hair off of her face. Unsurprisingly, the brawler is completely soaked.
    "Where's Daxam and what about that crazy planet made you evolve that incredible body?" she asks with a smirk while poking at Lar with a finger.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh. I thought maybe it was another Earth language. Daxam is in Sector 1760." Lar replies, though it probably doesn't mean much to Vanya. He arches a brow at her when she pokes at him again. "I--thank you? Someone who claims to have known me says it's the solar radiation on this planet that enhances my physiology." He quietly wonders if she's flirting with him, though he isn't very familiar with Earthly customs so he isn't going to make any assumptions.

Feral has posed:
    "So you're like a plant?" Vanya chuckles as her skin begins to shift in tone, turning brown as fine hairs sprout from the surface before threading together into a matted pelt of fur. Grabbing the hem of her soaking wet shirt, the were-brawler pulls it up and over her head as her new coat spreads rapidly to cover her from head to toe. "That's funny; I'm an animal," the bear hybrid notes, though her voice is already distorted by the growth of a short, thick muzzle.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Uh...I guess?" Mon-El laughs. "I suppose you could think of it like that. He watches as she starts to turn into some kind of hairy mammalian thing, eyes widening. "Impressive, so you're like a shapeshifter? And, I take it you concede this victory to me." he grins with a slight air of mischief.

Super-Man has posed:
OK, so Kenan is only in training with Shield, but he is one of the most powerful superhuman actually in the organization (or so he has been told). Therefore, when word come in of a meta-brawl in Central Park, he leaps into action. LITERALLY since he jumps off the side of the Helicarrier to get there. He lands in the park with remarkably little impact, absorbing the force with his legs as he slows to a halt. He soon spots the cuplrits. A familiar alien and a large bear. He Rushes over and says, "OK, so care to explain what is going on here?"

Feral has posed:
    "Something like one. I told you I'm a more evolved human," Vanya growls cheerfully as she drops her pants and falls onto her hands and feet, limbs that at the moment are sporting much larger claws than they were a moment ago.
    "And you can have round one only because I don't want to ruin another set of clothes," she adds with undiminished playfulness. Whipping her head from side to side, the werebear shakes her fur loose of clinging lake water, spraying Mon-El and anyone else nearby... including the new arrival from SHIELD.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar chuckles amiably. "Round one? Wow you sure don't quit easily." He watches with fascination as Vanya starts to become even more bear-like.

    Then Kenan suddenly shows up. That guy looks familar. Oh yeah, the one who had to deal with the police after the Vernon incident. Eheh..."Oh, hi there. Uh, nothing really. We were just um..." He glances behind momentarily. Yup, there is definitely a large chunk of Bow Bridge lying on the ground there. "...we were just 'boxing'. I hope the payment for that bar from the other day went through all right?"

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan says, "Boxing hmmm. Well one does need to practice with their powers, but this place is not the best choice. Central park, even in the late fall, has a lot of people. Did you notice the cardboard boxes taped together under the bridge you hit where the homeless man lives? Have you taken care to avoid the ones filming the scene from behind the trees?" Kenan glanced around with his X-ray vision as he listed people who might be endangered by the fight.

Feral has posed:
    "Let them watch. We were having fun," Vanya dismisses flippantly as she stands back up and sets her hands on her hips. Her bronze eyes look the newcomer over from beneath a thick brow as her nose twitches visibly, then the werebear's gaze turns back to Lar. "Friend of yours?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "I--yes, of course I did!" Lar says defensively. "That's why I intercepted that piece of bridge and made sure it didn't crush anyone. Look, no one was hurt this time, okay? And yeah, sure I don't care if they watch. I'm sure it was entertaining."

    He glances at Vanya when she asks if Kong is a friend. "Er, not really. I met him once, but...I hope we can be friends? Maybe?" He sticks out a hand, again remembering the Earth custom of 'handshake.' "Lar Gand."

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan extends his hand, "Kenan Kong. I would have to ask, but I might be able to arrange a safer place for you to practice." He is not completely sure if he believes Lar Gand's protestation, but there do appear to be no injuries, she he may be telling the truth. He frowns at the bridge, chemistry is not his forte but he is sure there should be something he could do to fix the bridge. He adds aloud, "We really should do something to make sure the bridge stays stable, but I an not quite sure what."

Feral has posed:
    "Let the experts worry about that," Vanya responds in the same flippant manner, not seeming to have much care for the collateral damage of their fight. The crack that Kenan's vision might glimpse in her lowest rib might reveal why; the werebear doesn't mind a rough fight.
    "And where is that safer place, Kitayet?" she asks Kenan.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh, really? That could be nice." Mon-El responds, appearing interested in the suggestion of arranging for a safer place to do this boxing thing. Although, Lyle did mention earlier there was something on that ship he was on earlier.

    He glances at Vanya as she shrugs flippantly and seems to mirror her attitude. "It seems stable enough to me for now. I'm sure someone will take care of it. If they need compensation, I think Lyle Norg will handle that." Like he did last time. Right? Heh...

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan talks a bit into an ear piece and says, "It seems the training facilities are for Agents only, but they reccomend that Latourette Park in Stanton Island may be less crowded...or one of the islands in Jamaica Bay is likely to be uninhabited."

Feral has posed:
    Vanya looks around at the park, indifferent to the stares drawn from her bear-coated appearance. "An island is good. Or if Comrade Alien can hold his breath, we go swimming," she suggests with a fanged smile towards her sparring partner.

Mon-El has posed:
    Yes, they've definitely attracted a lot of attention from bystanders. Probably quite a few of them are even filming them on their phones.

    Lar smirks. "So you really do want more, despite the broken bones?" he comments. "I guess you're just one of those people who enjoy getting smacked around."

    He arches a brow at Kenan's mention of agents. "Agents? Who do you work for then?"

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan replies, "I work for the Chinese Ministry of Self Reliance, but I have been transferred to SHIELD for advanced training as a guesture of International Cooperation." Of course, the symbol on his shoulder resembles the Chinese flag, so those familiar with Communist China probably recognize it. He is not alway in the best of standing with the Ministry, but when it comes to defending China and the World from danger, he is on their side.

Feral has posed:
    "I also like to give as much as I take," Vanya retorts slyly before taking a moment to study Kenan more properly. Her brow furrows as she peers at the Chinese heroe's national marks, then the old Russia laughs. "Ya znal, chto uznal etot flag," she mumbles mirthfully to herself before turning a similar smile Lar to Kenan.
    "Are you people still Communist? No new revolution?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "So you still think you can hit as hard as I can, huh?" Lar replies playfully. "I'll believe that as soon as I see it." He isn't familiar with Earth nations, so he doesn't recognize the Chinese symbols at all. "Communist?" he asks, also unfamiliar with the political term.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan answers, "In general yes, China remains Socialist. It is not properly Communist. Some people advocate for Capitalist reform, especially with Hong Kong having recently rejoined the nation." He does not mention the Freedom Fighters of China, who were until recently lead by his father...things involving his father are a bit of a touchy subject with Kenan.

Feral has posed:
    "Maybe, maybe not. I do know some tricks," Vanya taunts, showing her shiny, new, 3" long claws.
    "Hmph, then you've been lucky. No rule by old men," she adds to Kenan.

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El chuckles. "Well I look forward to finding out what those tricks are, then! And I will try not to hurt you too much." He glances at those claws, which are pretty impressive actually.

    Lar isn't very familiar with all these Earth political terms just yet. Nor is he familiar with Hong Kong. He just kind of listens and nods, pretending like he sort of gets it though he doesn't actually. To be honest he is not sure if 'China' is another planet or another region on Earth.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan says, "I can lead you to the suggested area of islands. We may have to be careful not to hit each other too high though, as it is possibly in the flight path of aircraft on a landing pattern."