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Latest revision as of 05:01, 26 November 2017

Date of Scene: 25 November 2017
Location: Jamaica Bay
Synopsis: Lar Gand shows he is closr to Superman than Kenan is
Cast of Characters: Super-Man, Mon-El

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan runs across the water to a smallish island out in Jamaica Bay. It is dederted and a good distance away from the nearest inhabited land...a decent place to practice using powers with a high powere opponent with...hopefully...little damage to the area.

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El follows Kong easily, given he has just discovered he can fly thanks to his friendly tussle with Vanya. And now that he is really pushing himself to keep up with Kenan, he has learned that he can not only fly but fly faster than sound. When they arrive at the island, he glances back. Oh, right...Vanya hadn't any way of following them. It seemed she'd had enough for one day though, and to be honest he was a bit concerned he might accidentally cause permanent damage.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan says, "They call me Chaoren, in my language it translates to Super-Man. I am not at my full potential, but I have nealy all the powers of the Kryptonian Superman, though at a weaker level. I am told that my powrs work by channeling the Qi, or Spirit, of Superman. As Superman lives, I assume this the the metaphysical archetype, rather than his actual personal spirit. I have yet to find out if this means my powers are mystical, or are simply a metahuman power that manifests in an apparently mystical way."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Were you born that way, or did you gain those abilities through some kind of process?" Lar asks once they arrive, landing on a rock near the beach.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan says, "The Ministry I work for gave them to me, they used a device called the Origin Chamber, it was destroyed during my creation, but I have no notion how it worked really. It bathed me in some kind of energy that this costume I wear helped focus to grant me my powers without killing me."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh, so you always have to wear it?" Lar asks, raising a brow slightly. He settles down on top of the rock, taking in the surroundings. It does seem fairly deserted here, minimizing the risk of any collateral damage that might result from a super-powered brawl.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan replies, "No, not at all, but it also helps me out in many ways." Well, mostly it helps defend him when his is not invulnerable...given his powers take concentration on a given power to focus properly, he can only use one at a time to full effect. Thus he is not invulnerable when using other powers. It also helps the ministry moniter and control him, but generally it is worth it.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Right then." Lar nods. "I guess I'll have to find out what those 'many ways' are. "At least, that -is- why we came out here, is it?"

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan assumes a Tai Chi posture and renders himself Invulnerable, it tends to be his standard way to begin, find out what the enemy can do, then find a weakness. He says, "Ready, let us find out what we can do."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar stands up, then drops down to the ground in front of Kong, holding up his hands in a gesture of invitation. "You go first, Chaoren." He might be a little bit overconfident...but honestly everyone thus far who has tried to take him on has basically gotten the smackdown--literally. "Hit me with all you have." he says with a smirk.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan takes a moment to study Lar with his Penetration sight, it can do more than just see through things...it can also help him see what is there more clearly. He can tell, with a brief study, that his opponent is possibly even more physically impervious to harm than he is himself. He decided he can take Lar at his word and hits him HARD, Amanda Waller once stated that Kenan can wrech a Skyscraper with a single blow. It is not quite Kryptonian level, but stronger than most people on Earth will ever get.

Mon-El has posed:
    Well, that was harder than Vanya started out with for sure. Mon-El is sent flying backward, knocking down a long line of palm trees in the large grove behind the beach they'd arrived on. In fact, he continues until he smashes into a towering rock formation about a half a mile back. There is a CRUNCH and the rocks where he impacted crack and split, boulders already starting to tumble from the top. Yeah...it's a good thing they came out to his deserted island instead of trying it in Central Park.

    Undeterred, Lar recovers quickly and rockets up into the sky above the rockslide he just caused. Once he locates Kenan he flies back toward him and focuses hard, remembering the thermal vision from earlier. The eye lasers come down from above, targeting the young Chinese national. Can he take it? Or will he dodge it?

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan sees the glow of Lar's eyes and focuses his Qi into his mouth, countering the heat vision with Freezing breath. He might have been able to tak the heat if invulverable, but there are better counter moves.

Mon-El has posed:
    Ha, score! Mon-El managed to voluntarily activate the heat vision, unlike before when he seemed unable to control it. "Not bad, Kenan!" He pauses the onslaught to compliment the counter move. "But how long can you keep it up?" With that, he descends, getting closer to the ground before firing the thermal vision again, this time to test Kong's limits.

Super-Man has posed:
This time Kenan uses a different move, shifting his Qi to his eyes to activate his own heat vision. Much like a laser, you get a harmonic interferance when two such energies meet that renders them ineffective. His heat vision is the one power he has that is closest to as potent as a Kryptonian...and unlike a Kryptonian his power does not drain his solar reserves because he has a different source of power.

Mon-El has posed:
    The red beams indeed neutralize as they strike each other, so Lar doesn't push the attack for too long. Instead, he charges forward at that incredible supersonic speed, angling a shoulder forward in an attempt to send Kenan hurtling into whatever rock or other unyielding obstacle was nearest.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan is not quick enough to change focus fully before being hit, as at this distance Mon-el is in him in roughly one three hundredth of a second...which is substantially less than an eyeblink. He is knocked back and probably would have taken substantial internal damage if not for his containment suit. As it is he is forced to switch as fast as possible to invulnerability and still is left with bruises he will have to speed heal later.

Mon-El has posed:
    As soon as Kenan hits something hard, Lar lets up, quickly X-ray examining his opponent to make sure he hasn't done any irreversible damage. Or anything too severe. He certainly doesn't want to inadvertantly kill the guy.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan is made of stern stuff, and has a suit designed, in part to help protect him when his powers do not. He has not taken serious damage yet. It is clear though he is not quite up to Daxamite levels. Kenan pulls himself out of what he wound up dug into, dusts himself off, and bows to Lar, "Well struck." This time, he sets his focus on speed to give himself a chance of reacting.

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El is relieved to find that Kong has not taken any serious damage, though it is pretty obvious that he probably wouldn't be able to continue taking it for too much longer without that eventually happening. "Same to you, though I have a feeling you haven't quite gotten to realize your full potential just yet." he says with a wink. "Maybe another time, when you're stronger or something?"

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan admits, "My power is limited, I am told it depends on how much like the ideal Superman I am behaving. If ever I achieve perfect compassion for all, my power might be unlimited. As it is, I am far less." He bows again, "It was a pleasure practicing with you." He turns and runs out across the water back towards New York.