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Revision as of 18:57, 27 November 2017

Into Hostile Territory
Date of Scene: 24 November 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ravager, Nightwing

Ravager has posed:
Pulling up to the apartment building, Ravager stops in front and looks up at the Moon. She idles the motorcycle a moment and then turns it off, silencing the motor. She waits for Nightwing to pull up too, and then hops off her motorcycle, "This is Fei Long's territory, so they've probably spotted us already," she explains to Nightwing as she walks over to him, "We probably shouldn't go in the front door."

Ravager has posed:
Pulling up to the apartment building, Ravager stops in front and looks up at the Moon. She idles the motorcycle a moment and then turns it off, silencing the motor. She waits for Nightwing to pull up too, and then hops off her motorcycle, "This is Fei Long's territory, so they've probably spotted us already," she explains to Nightwing as she walks over to him, "We probably shouldn't go in the front door."

Nightwing has posed:
A little outside of his normal territory, but Nightwing promised Rose that they would take care of the guys that sent her friend to the hospital. His own custom bike pulls up next to Rose's, and he locks his helmet in place as he looks around. "Yeah, think I saw a few guys in the alley a block back callin' someone..." the Vigilante confirms, "...oh well. I don't know this neighborhood that well anyway." He gives a crooked grin, adding, "Batman would skin me alive for going in half-assed."

"Doors?!?" Nightwing says in mock surprise, "How we do this... we don't use doors..." That said, he reaches out, taking Rose around her hips, and his grapple gun fires off at the rooftop of a nearby building. They are quickly pulled to the neighboring building, a better view of the area they plan on assaulting, "Ok, so we go in, beat up some bad-guys, and leave a mess for the cops to clean up..." his eyes drift to her for a moment, "No killing, right?"

Ravager has posed:
"I don't need permission from Batman to kick the ass of a few gangers," Ravager says. As Nightwing closes in on her and grabs her, Ravager looks at him strangely, "Hey!" she says with a smirk, and looks around the roof, "Usually people ask permission to grab me," she mutters, "What? No blowing the place up?" she asks him, looking astonished.

Ravager snickers, "Yeah I know, Nightwing. Geez. They put my friend in the hospital, so I'm going to break a few knee-caps. Yeah I /am/ listening. I brought by clubs and not my mega sharp swords from Japan," she explains, patting the clubs strapped to either leg.

Nightwing has posed:
Once they land, Nightwing asks, "Hey, do I have permission to touch you?" He dodges away, half expecting a slap at that, but not quick enough to really avoid it if she wanted to teach his smart mouth a lesson. "No, I think it's less permission, and more disappointment that I'd not take a better look before going in." he replies to her Batman comment.

""I know, Ravager..." Nightwing falls back to codenames given where and what they are doing, "...if I didn't trust you /we/ wouldn't be here together. Force of habit."

He nods in agreement with leg breaking, as he taps his own Escrima sticks. "Ok, from what I can tell, they're too stupid for the windows, especially not near the fire escape..." He points at an open window a few stories down from their roof, "In there, clean house, and back in time for your shift? Sound good?"

Ravager has posed:
Ravager smirks and holds up a hand as if to say 'talk to the hand', then points at him, "Shut up," she adds blandly. She then looks across at the building, "Okay, don't start that again. Trust me as far as you can throw me or whatever the hell that shit saying is," she says and then adds, "Whatever, sounds good. Let's land on the fire escape and go in. Unless they have sub-machine guns, I don't think there will be any surprises. This isn't even Fei Long's main place," she says.

Nightwing has posed:
Nightwing puts a hand over his heart like he has been truly injured, "Ravager?! It almost sounds like you're getting bored of my witty banter. I am truly wounded..." A bit more serious tone, "..I trust you far far farther than I can throw you."

"Fire escape it is..." He takes a running leap off of their building, "...don't miss out on the fun." he vaults off the edge of the roof and he flips in mid air.

He lands with little sound on the fare fire escape, and begins checking the window for any sign of traps. Shaking his head with a little sigh, "Oh well. Guess this is like Idiocracy for Gang Bangers..." and quietly slides the window open.

Once Ravager lands, he motions for her, "Ladies First!" and he's checked to make sure the room, is in fact, empty.

Ravager has posed:
Ravager gives an exaggerated sage nod upon hearing Nightwing logic and runs her eyes back to the building. She jumps after Nightwing and lands on the fire escape next to him, "**** Gang Bangers," she notes. She kicks in the fragile window, breaking the wood of the frame. It drops to the floor with a thud. Ravager hops into the window and down onto the floor, and looks around the empty room, which smells like rat piss. She frowns as she looks at the nearby door and the holes in the wall, which give away the light in the next apartment. Some men can be heard laughing.

Nightwing has posed:
Nightwing follows in close behind Ravager, escrima sticks in his hand already, and he frowns at the smell. "Mmm..." he whispers, "...just like Gotham likes to make." His eyes glance towards the apartment with the light and laughter, and silently moves in that direction. Already his equipment is working to give him information about the building and the numbers inside, "Probably four or five in that room..." he says quietly between them, "...lets see what they're up to.." looking to sneak a peek through the makeshift peep holes.

Ravager has posed:
Ravager twirls one of her sticks as Nightwing looks in the other room like a dirty peeping spy, seeing the weekly poker game. The five guys have lil poker chips and some drinks and it looks like they had some tacos together as they pass the time. Someone was a real nice guy and bought tacos for all the guys, passing them off. The wrappers of the family err gang dinner sit in the trash bin with some of them balled up nearby. All five of them are nondescript Chinese guys, one of them with a crew cut and one who has dyed his hair blonde for some dumb reason. The group has the Basketball game on in the background as they idly play poker, but it doesn't look like they are taking it all too seriously.

"Are you god damn done yet?" Ravager whispers.

Nightwing has posed:
"I guess /you/ should tell me if these are the right guys..." Nightwing whispers back, "...I usually know who I should beat the hell out of..." Of course his Masks's facial recognition program identifies all the men in there as criminals with priors, some with a current warrant for their arrest. "Nah, nevermind.. I"m good.."

That said, he kicks in the door to their apartment, spoke pellet following quickly behind the surprise of the door, and then he rolls into the room headed for the furthest man that happens to be sitting with a shotgun near him.

A foot lashes out, breaking his jaw, and then a stick takes him in the knee and the elbow... both a sickening crack... but Nightwing is utterly silent while at work for now.

Ravager has posed:
"Shut up, it's the right place," Ravager says coldly, tunnel-focused on kicking the ass of these Chinese family men. She follows Nightwing along into the apartment of the accused and silently starts targeting their knees, like they targeted her friend. WHAP. She connects with one solidly. WHAP. She makes sure the other knee is slammed home with her strength for good measure.

One of the larger Chinese guys (which isn't saying much; that's not racial) lunges at Nightwing to grab him and wrestle him. The guy with the blonde hair is heading for the fire escape because he's a chicken shit and doesn't get what's going on. Two of his pals are on the floor from the evil Nightwing and Ravager by the time he opens the window.

Nightwing has posed:
As the Wrestler decides to take a roll with Nightwing, the young vigilante steps into the charge, grabbing the offered limbs. A quick twist of his shoulders, hips, and there is a Chinese Wrestler flying 'ass over tea kettle' into the wall across from them. He makes a sizable dent at the same time as a *POP* can be heard from his shoulder. As he lands on his head, he doesn't seem to be moving, and Nightwing turns to regard the poor sap who is about to get Ravager'ed.

Nightwing does do a quick scan on the area, looking for more doors or hearing more voices that could come with the commotion in this apartment.

Ravager has posed:
Three more guys come to the door as Nightwing and Ravager clean up the room, drop guys on their head, and break some knee caps. They're pretty much done in about a minute, so it's pretty impressive. The guy at the window though doens't want any of it, yelling something in Chinese to the guys at the door, who are carrying guns and knives. Ravager doesn't turn to stop them from drawing their weapons, because she's pretty intent on stoping the blonde from leaving the party, which is probably not the best decision. She pulls out a cute lil crossbow she stole the idea for from Robin probably, and fires a bolt at the blonde guy, burying it through his hand into the wall. He starts yelling like a baby. The three thugs have probably pulled their guns by now.

Nightwing has posed:
Guns. Nightwing really does not like guns. He appreciates their effectiveness, but not a big fan of the noise or mess they leave behind. He throws his escrima sticks, first and then second, each flying unerringly towards a gun pulled from a different thug. He rolls in behind his throws, for the third Thug, and sweeps his legs out from underneath him. As he falls towards the ground, Nightwing grabs the offending wrist of the hand holding the gun, and with a quick twist the gun goes flying out of the hand.

Ravager has posed:
One of the thugs goes to pull the trigger and shoot Ravager, but Nightwing apparently has good aim and quickness, disarming all three in a few seconds. Imagine that. Two of the thugs jump at Nightwing from their position and take a swing at him, while the other recovers on the floor, getting up to his knees so he can lunge at Nightwing too. Meanwhile, Ravager ignores the whole thing and closes in on the blonde guy at the window, who has now pulled his hand free but he's a bloody mess. He swears and yells in Chinese, taking a swipe at her before Ravager trips him to the ground and starts whapping his legs and knees repeatedly. Ouch ouch. WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP.

Nightwing has posed:
Nightwing does not want to get caught trying to wrestle with three thugs, and so he rolls to his left to avoid one on the right. This tactic opens him up to a swing by the thug on his left, but he's practiced taking hits his whole life. The wild swing glances off his shoulder, cushioned by body armor, and further mitigated by his roll to buy him some space.

Unfortunately for the thug on the ground, this means that when Nightwing uses his legs to kip himself to a standing position, that a well placed boot takes him in the temple... that he lunges right into... and putting him down for the count. Back in a standing position, Nightwing gives the two Triad Thugs a humorless grin, "Well, well, well. Two on One? I don't think that's fair at all..." his hands curling into fists, he adds "...you probably want to find some more friends."

Ravager has posed:
The brutal Ravager beats the blonde-haired thug until he's unconscious, both of his legs broken. She straightens up and considers hitting him in the head while he's down, glancing across the room to see if Nightwing would notice. For some reason, she doesn't try to kill the thug in front of her, instead turning away from his lifeless body and picks up her pace back toward Nightwing to save him from evil.

The three thugs are not out and focused on trying to beat up Nightwing. The thug on the ground is kicked solidly in the head, right between the eyes and flops backwards in front of Ravager. She grabs his ankle and uses some advanced leverage technique to launch him to the side, through a cute lil wooden table and into the electronics near the television. The two other thugs are trying to trade blows with Nightwing, and the bald one smiles, taking out a KNIFE like he's Crocodile Dundee or something. He stabs for Nightwing. STAB STAB. SWIPE SWIPE.

Nightwing has posed:
Out of the corner of his eye, Nightwing barely catches what Ravager is up to, and lets out a sigh of relief as she leaves the thug breathing... barely... However, his attention is brought back to the two thugs in front of him. When Baldie puls out his giant knife, Nightwing says to him in Cantonese <Listen here, Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting, you better put that down before you hurt yourself with it...>

Obviously he doesn't take the advice, two stabs causing Nightwing to dodge left then right, and bringing him close to the second thug. Then as he comes in with two swipes, Nightwing steps inside the attack, pulling the arm farther forward, and right into the oncoming attack of his friend. The knife sticks in the second thugs shoulder, eliciting a bevy of curses in Mandarin, and Nightwing adds <Well, maybe you'll hurt your friend with it...> and then dislocates the shoulder of the first thug to get him to release the knife.

He slides his foot backwards, dipping his shoulders and extending his hips so that he throws the would be Slasher into the wall with a resounding *THUD*.

Ravager has posed:
Ravager stands there ambiguously as Nightwing deals with The Butcher and his pal. The thug with the knife in his shoulder struggles against the pain, crawling along the floor from where he fell to escape Nightwing and heads toward Ravager. <Ahhh! Pull it out! Pull it out!> the Butcher screams in pain. Ravager steps on his wound and stops him from escaping, "That's what she said," she jokes without smiling. He shouts in pain.

The second thug has a dislocated shoulder and is down for the count, having been trashed by Nightwing. He's passed out from the pain, but The Butcher has an unusually high pain tolerance which has earned him his namesake. Ravager tests this by pressing her foot on the knife, sinking it into his wound further, <AAAHH! AHHH! You bitch! No no! Pull it out! No!> he lets out loudly. Ravager sighs at his pleas and pulls out the knife from his shoulder in one smooth motion, splattering blood on her boots in the process. The Butcher passes out with a groan.

Nightwing has posed:
Nightwing looks around the carnage here, his eyes falling on the few that felt Ravager's ire, and his face remains passive as he considers what happens next. "Ok, a little..." trying to figure out the right word, "...zealous. But no one is dead..." Speaking of which, Nightwing goes over to check on the shoulder knife wound, a quick check, and he stuff it with gauze and uses tape from one of his pouches. "He won't bleed out that way."

He stands, looking at Ravager, "Probably not many more in this building..." He taps his mask, "Gang fight. Current coordinates. Multiple hostiles down and with illegal weapons." After a moment, he tells Ravager, "Cops are on their way. Probably have, five to seven minutes before they're here..."

As an afterthought, Nightwing goes through the guns, removing the ammunitions, and bending the clips so they can't be reused. "I don't want to the cops walking into something if one of these idiots wakes up early."

Ravager has posed:
Ravager shrugs a little as Nightwing helps the fallen thugs, who are mostly unconscious and bleeding from their brutal attack. She crosses her arms impatiently as Nightwing administers first aid, "Can we go then?" she asks him with some attitude.

She walks to the window as Nightwing now tends to the ammunition, "C'mon," she says, thumbing toward the window a couple of times, "Let's go," she says to him, climbing out onto the fire escape. She bends down and looks in on what he's doing, wasting time trying to save thugs and help police.

Nightwing has posed:
"I know, I know..." Nightwing says as he catches the look in her eyes, "...just beat the hell out of them, and now I'm making sure they don't die." He moves towards the window once everything is done, "That's the difference, I guess, is that if I don't have to cripple or kill then I won't. I don't see a point to it, because I feel like most of the time it's about personal satisfaction than an actual necessity."

He moves through the broken window with some grace, adding "It's also not my job to judge. I may know a lot, but I know I don't know everything. Some kid, in the worst situation, doing what he thinks he can to survive..." He shakes his head, maybe he could have seen himself in that situation if he wasn't taken from the Orphanage, "...hate to think I killed that kid when I didn't have to, or could have taught him a better way."

He fires his grappling gun across to the other roof again, "I'm not trying to convince you my way is /right/... by the way..." holding her gaze for a moment, "Just offering a different view of the world." Then he's pulled along, up and over the roof ledge, and waiting on her catch up.

Ravager has posed:
Ravager looks past Nightwing as he fires his grappling gun, probably preparing to saying something snarky and stupid, "Tell that to my friend in the hospital," she says, which is about as good as she can muster without being totally rude. "They're just gangers. Fei Long's gangers who are pieces of ****. Hey, they're not dead. The police will be here in two minutes to help them and they'll be fine," she adds, unable to help herself. Walking to his grappling line, Ravager uses it to escape the gang's building and follow Nightwing.

Nightwing has posed:
Nightwing waits as Ravager heads over to the opposite building, waiting for the cops to show, and curious to see how it plays out. "You know I'd do what I need to in order to protect people like your friend." Nightwing sighs out, tired and frustrated over the fact that innocent people get hurt every day. "Big difference between Vengeance and Justice. Don't let Vengeance drive you. It's a long and lonely road, because it'll never fill the hole." His words said for her ears, but maybe there is more to it than just this conversation. "See Justice done for her, that you can do, but Vengeance is a long bloody road that just leaves you with nothing but a trail of broken bodies."

Around the five minute mark a few squad cars show up, and head into the building. Nightwing looks over to Ravager, "Thanks for letting me help tonight. I know it's not a big dent, but every little piece makes a difference. Enough of Fei Long's guys get beaten and sent to jail, most of these kinds of guys will shy away from him, because they don't want to deal with it." He looks over at her, eyes searching for a moment, and asks "You good?"

Ravager has posed:
Ravager listens to Nightwing's lecture, "You and I are just different, sorry. Batman and I are really different. Anyway, you know how I am," she says and looks like she can't explain it anymore. She shrugs, "I'm not an evil bitch, anyway," she notes, as if that's a good thing.

She watches across the horizon at the other building, and the mysterious Ravager then backs away from the edge of the building where she was watching, "Fei Long won't stop. I should know," she comments, "What? Oh yeah, I'm okay. Are we done?" she asks him.

Nightwing has posed:
"I know you're not evil.. or a bitch.." Nightwing tells Ravager. "And we're definitely different, but that doesn't mean we don't work together well." A small smile on his face as he nods to the Triads being taken away by the cops, and an ambulance being called for to help a few of them.

"We won't stop either," Nightwing assures her, "Whenever you want to bust up another one of these places come find me. Always better to do it as a team." He nods once when she responds that she's fine, "Good. Yeah, I think we're done for now." His stomach rumbles, and he adds "Uhm, anything good to eat around here? I"m starving..."