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Latest revision as of 19:16, 27 November 2017

A Date
Date of Scene: 26 November 2017
Location: The Lux, New York City
Synopsis: Jean Grey has a date with Lucifer Morningstar. He seems like such a nice guy...
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Phoenix

Lucifer has posed:
Assuming you show up, it's actually the middle of the day. An odd time for a dinner date but for someone who runs a club and such, the place is most empty during the day. And so you get a candle-lit...lunch. Indeed, there he is, sitting at the piano, just playing for the moment a medley of classical music. He's in a black suit with a red shirt, a red tie matching that is almost but nto quite invisible as it shows when he moves. He looks up to the door as it opens, letting in the light from outside, and he smiles, rubbing his hands together rather eagerly before playing some more.

Phoenix has posed:
The choice of attire is a bit strange for the middle of the day. Yet, Jean doesn't really get asked out on a lot of dates. It's probably not surprising. Sure, she's pretty. But she's also an assistant headmaster at a private school. Most people that are not in the educational field find that sort of thing dreadfully dull. Her fellow staff members are more like family so dating them seems an odd idea to her. Although recent situations with children from alternate universes fathered by one of those teammates has had her wondering.

At the appointed time, she comes in the door with a long jacket covering her fully to keep out the chill of the weather outside. Even during the day, it's a bit to chilly to go without. Plus, in truth, she felt she needed to be covered while outdoors. That gown she is wearing isn't really made for daywear.

As she enters, she pauses to let her eyes adjust to the dimmer light then moves toward the piano where Lucifer is playing. She gives a soft smile in greeting but doesn't interrupt.

Lucifer has posed:
Finishing his song, he rises and smiles, "Good afternoon Miss Grey...." he says with all the charm in the world as he walks towards you. "I'm so glad you could make it. I was worried you might think my offer a bit presumptuous but I had such a good time last time you were here. And we only got to talk for a little bit," he says and he has to see....as he moves around behind you and you feel his hands go to your shoulders. They rest there a moment, his presence lingering, before he slides the coat from your shoulders if you let him, moving to slide them off and to let the jacket fall to your wrists, for you to gently pull your arms out before he hangs it on the coat rack that no one uses since usually there is a coat check room.

"I trust the weather wasn't too brutal, the drive not too bad? You know I'd be happy to send a driver for you if we ever have any more of these...rendezous....do you think there's a plural to that word? I should check at some point," he says, teasing, clearly enjoying the dialogue, the banter, as his gaze focuses now to see how you wear the 'gift' he sent. "I wasn't sure if you were a meat, or fish type, so I've had both prepared..."

Phoenix has posed:
As his hands touch her shoulders, Jean clutches the lapels a moment longer as she contemplates if she should do this or not. After all, the gown was a gift from him. The attention is nice to be getting and he is quite charming. Her last visit was pleasant, enjoyable. She isn't uncomfortable, thanks to the influence of that entity sharing her body. She just is feeling a little shy. A moment later, she lets go and allows him to slide the coat down her arms. Beneath she is wearing a red evening gown. It has a sweetheart neckline but most of her back is bare, only a single strap across the middle. This leaves her lower back and her sides mostly bare before the gown slides over her hips then falls to the floor. There is a high slit on the left side, showing a lot of leg.

She turns aroun d to face him, a slight blush staining her cheeks as she feels self consscious once again. "I'm not picky," she admits in regards to the food. "I'm an omnivore so no problem with meat. A nice steak would be good." She smooths a hand over the skirt absently. "The trip was fine. I didn't have any problems with weather and I wouldn't feel right about you sending a car for me. I mean, the dress was already entirely too extravagent a gift."

Lucifer has posed:
"No...." he says as you turn to face him, as you take that beautiful view away from the back and give him an even better one, that face, those curves, the jewels of the dress teasing against her skin, catching hte light of the club. "It was most certainly not too extravagant. I dare say it was the -perfect- gift," he says, which would sound cocky if it weren't for the fact that the reason it is so perfect has nothing to do with the dress and -everything- to do with how you wear it.

HE steps back and holds out an arm, "Come..." he says. "Steak it is." And thus the menu is set.

By the time you're seated an appetizer is brought over chilled duck in a citrus sauce with a light melon on top of it. There is wine poured, and before you can even thank the attendants they are gone as quickly as they arrived. "I wanted to get to have more time to talk to you. Did you ever get to meet up with your friend who was supposed to meet you here?" He has set them in a circular sort of bench, not a love seat per se it's a booth that curves, so that they can be close enough.

Phoenix has posed:
Close enough, but not too close. Jean keeps a distance that is expected for propriety. After all, she barely knows him. No matter how pleasant his company may be. "Yes, I found her later." She doesn't explain she had to use her telepathy to do so, tracking the girl down in the neighborhood. The girl had a drug problem and had managed to score a hit. When Jean found her, she was high as a kite in a not so nice location. She managed to get the girl home to safety but the evening had been a bust. Other than meeting Mr. Morningstar, which has been the one positive.

She takes a sip of her wine before she continues. "She wasn't feeling well." Not really a lie but not quite the full story either. "I'm glad she had suggested this place though. It is a lovely location. After seeing the evening crowd, I didn't know what to expect at lunch time." She takes a bite and chews, swallowing it before asking, "How long have you owned it?"

Lucifer has posed:
"I'm sorry to hear that. But she comes here often? You should tell me who it is again and I'll make sure to keep an eye on her. It sounds like she's important to you," he says with a smile before taking another breath and settling back, enjoying a sip of the wine as well but he doesn't make you toast. Still, perhaps there's something in your voice that hints at there being more to it but he doesn't push. "Well, hopefully she is feeling better now. AND....I am glad that you don't have to meet her again. I can be selfish at times...and I am looking forward to keeping you for every minute that I can."

he settles back and ask you ask about the club he laughs. "Oh sometimes it feels like an eternity..." he says. "New York can be -brutal- on the bar and restaurant scene. It's part of why some things are so over the top. I swear if every night weren't a bacchanal I'm not sure how I'd manage to survive them...." he says with that little bit of a chuckle, giving a little exhale. "But I suppose in truth it's only been a short time. A couple of years. What about you? I don't remember you telling me what you do?"

Phoenix has posed:
That earns a faint laugh from Jean. "The address didn't give it away? Ah, it was probably just the number and street instead of the school name." The cat is now out of the bag so she continues. "I work at a private school. I'm the assistant headmaster. They wanted to use vice principal but I hate that title and it sounds like it should be a middle aged man with grey hair, a little overweight and a pair of thick glasses. Instead of, well, me." She shrugs, a ripple of movement through her shoulders as she forks up another bite of the duck. A thoughtful moment chewing.

"I attended the school as a teen and it helped me learn so much about myself, taught me about the world and my place in it. I wanted to give back and somehow I ended up in my current position. It's more like a home than a job. Though, sometimes, it is just nice to get away from it all. I love the students and faculty, I truly do," she adds adamantly, not wanting to be taken wrong. "But there are moments I need a break from it all."

Lucifer has posed:
"Oh," he says, his face wrinkling just slightly. "All those....children? And you like it?" He seems surprised but there's an honestly to it. H e's not a big fan of children, obviously, but still. He listens then, "And are they...high school? Or younger?" He is going to try to feign interest....cause it obviously seems imoprtant to you. "Oh dear no. If you were an overweight man with thick glasses I most certainly would not have bought you that dress," he adds now, trying to add a bit of humor then and as you get to the end of it, he can't help but laugh just slightly. "Oh my Jean....I can't even begin to tell you how much I understand. For me it was more the burden of family than the whole school thing but having a job to do, the rules, the expectations....a break is -exactly- what we need from time to time."

And with that the next course shows up, a delicious seafood chowder. Most are used to clam chowder, but take the best clam chowder you've ever had, and add a little garlic, and other types of seafood such as lobster, maybe even a scallop or two.

Phoenix has posed:
"It's a very... private school. We have less than a hundred students but they have special needs. Most are teens although there are a handful that are a bit younger. It all depends." Jean doesn't explain that it depends on their mutancy. Most people still have a problem with mutants. While he has his own powers, which he exhibited some during their first meeting, she isn't sure his feelings on mutants. If he is one. Or what he is precisely. Metahuman instead of mutant. Why one is alright and the other is looked upon suspciously, she will never understand.

She scoops up some of the chowder, blowing on it lightly to cool it down then taking a careful bite. Her eyebrows lift is surprise. "This is excellent." She takes another bite, getting a bit of lobster and a scallop. Quite delicious. "Your family situation is what led you here? Since your accent shows you are probably not a local," she says in a slightly teasing tone.

Lucifer has posed:
"DEFINITELY from out of town...." he says with a chuckle. "But yes, you could say we have a bit of a family business and there are expectations. We all have our roles...FATHER knows best," he says with an eye role even as there's a thunderclap outside, coincidence one is sure, and he looks back to you. "But I decided I had enough. I may go back to it but for now, I'm stretching my wings - seeing how I can fly on my own as it were...." and yes, the innuendo is right there, totally hidden and yet, everything he says is so completely on the up and up that when one finds out what he really is, or even when he tells them, it just doesn't click until finally...it does.

"So then...school teacher by day...naughty school teacher at night? Am I right?" He leans in teasingly but then sits back after a moment and he ponders, looking to you. "And you yourself...you're more than just a headmaster...assistant headmaster. You do seem to have some bit of...uniqueness to you as well? I could tell when you walked in. You carry yourself too tall...too strong. You're not afraid when you walk into a place. You're finding the threat, not fearing it. It's an interesting trait to be the huntress..."

Phoenix has posed:
That observation has Jean leaning back slightly in her seat, glancing over at him as she considers. Truth or not. How much should she say? She's not sure what his views are or how he will react. Although their first meeting, he learned she was telepathic. He also recognized there was another entiry joined with her. She even turned her gown from one to another in front of him. He knows she's different. Again, he reads her better than she expected. Recognizing she is one to head into danger instead of away from it. That is the nature of her team.

Realizing that if there is ever going to be anything between them, honesty is paramount, Jean makes a choice. "You already know about some of my abilities. I'm a mutant. My abilities are such that I don't feel afraid going places, even alone. I am sure I can handle things."

Lucifer has posed:
"And I am sure I'd let you," he says now with a laugh as he looks you over a moment, looking entirely too entertained. "A mutant, then," he says. "Well, that is all the buzz in the papers now isn't it? Genosha...the Mutant Registration Act." He just tut-tut-tuts quietly. "Isn't it amusing when people try to exert control over what they have no control over just to make themselves feel better? As if registering would actually stop someone from using their powers if they had to. It's not different than registering a firearm. They're useless by themselves. Registration doesn't tell you the simple fact that manners maketh man, and a registration slip isn't going to tell you a man's manners," he says with a sigh.

"Still though. On a scale of one to ten, I'm going to have to say that your luck is at least a 13. I've seen the side effects of some mutations and they can be a bit off-putting at first. You, my dear, don't have a single off-putting thing about you."

Phoenix has posed:
At that little joke, Jean's cheeks pinken slightly but thankfully he moves on quickly and doesn't linger. "But unlike firearms, mutancy isn't a choice. People choose to carry a firearm or not. Why should someone have to register just because they are born different. I mean, should all redheads have to register because they are the lowest portion of the population? Or people with green eyes just because of how they are born? It makes no sense and it doesn't keep anyone safer. The people who are going to break the law will continue to do so, mutant or not, registered or not."
    He apparently hit on a subject she feels strongly about as she leans forward, a bit more animation in her movements and expressions as she argues her points.

When the compliment comes, she isn't prepared and the blush is back as she gives a faint smile. "Thank you. I think."

Lucifer has posed:
"Oh they should...they absolutely should. That way when you tire of me and I am left to console myself at the loss of the stunning Miss Grey, I'll have a lovely list of references to go to," he says, and while at first you may have thought he was going to say yes, it is abundantly clear that he is teasing. The chowder bowls have been cleared away and the table is wiped down for any crumbs and such before the glasses are refilled with a nice syrah, and the steaks are brought out with a side of brussel sprouts with pancetta as well as a mac'n cheese in a skillet that has it still cooking and browning on the edges so that it will have a crunch to it when one eats along with the melty gooey cheese. "I agree - it's a useless tool regardless of the reason. Man lets fear rule their thoughts and feelings far too often which is why someone like a .... Magenta? Magnet boy?" Of course he's talking about Magneto. "It's how he's able to plant a seed because one one side pleads fear, you just have to work on the other side in equal fashion."

Phoenix has posed:
The steak is cooked to a perfect medium rare. Everything looks amazing and smells even better. She doesn't take a bite but she does pick up fork and knife, slicing into the beef to get a manageble size piece on the tines of her fork. She frowns at the mention of, "Magneto. That's the name he uses." Her distaste is obvious in her tone. "He offers mutants a place in Genosha but he honestly believes that mutants are superior to humans. Which is ridiculous. No one is better than anyone else." She starts to take the bite but pauses, waving the fork briefly as she continues her mini rant. "I believe as Charlies Xavier does." He is known to be a mutant rights activist although his life with the X-Men is secret. "That mutants and humans can live in peace. It's crazy that people are more accepting of aliens, of the extraterrestrial variety, than they are of mutants born here right next door to them. Then Magneto goes out espousing how mutants are 'homo superior' which just makes it worse."

Lucifer has posed:
"I think that you're lovely, and sweet, but that is a bit naive," he says in that way that's blatantly honest. Either you're going to love that about him, or it's going to drive you away. On the flip side, how often can you know what someone is thinking in full without reading their mind? It could be a nice change. "They are better. Just like certain people are better athletes. Some people are better fighters. Some of us are better lovers...." and yes, he included himself in that with the us....just in case you missed that.

"It's not a bad thing. Recognizing it is important. Not that you can't strive for better but should a guy who specializes in eating pizza and playign video games try to suddenly become an astronaut or an Avenger? Should he try to clean up the streets like the winged freak or the devil of Hell's Kitchen? Knowing one's abilities and limits helps people enjoy a full life expectancy. Now...does that make them socially superior? Does it make them better in the social contract? That's a different story. But to not acknowledge that people like you -are- better...that you can do more, handle more, sustain more in many ways than the average homo sapien is putting a polite blinder on reality."

Phoenix has posed:
"Just because we have more abilities than someone else, doesn't mean we are better people. It doesn't mean we should rule over them just because they can't read another person's mind or teleport from one place to another. We are just people with all the same pros and cons that come with it. We want the same things, we want to live our lives, we want to find someone to share our lives with. We want to be treated equally to everyone else, instead of as though were are criminals just because of our genetic code being a little different," Jean says, not minding the discussion a bit. While some might back down from such, this is what she lives, breathes and teaches.

Lucifer has posed:
"It does," he says. "That's the whole point of evolution. Now...does it make them better citizens? Does it make them more moral? Does it make them more right? Only if you believe might makes right. But you have to accept that if you're a standard human being, we'll say base model...you are better. Just as a Cadillac is better than a Pinto. There's nothing wrong with being better. It's just...are you good or are you ont? Do you abide by the laws of society or do you make your own laws? That's all...but you need to accept it Jean - if I put you againast one of my wait staff or janitors, you are a -better- person. You are a superior person, as far as human being goes. Now...all thoese other things are up for debate."

Phoenix has posed:
"I think we are just arguing semantics now. While you say better, I say different," Jean says with a smile as she finally takes that bite of steak. Her eyes close and she lets out a sound that shows her approval of the perfectly cooked piece of beef. "Oh my. I think that's the best steak I've ever tasted." She washes it down with a sip of wine before she continues on the topic at hand.

"Could I handle myself if one of them tried to attack me? Yes, I could. That doesn't make me better though. As in superior to in some way that means I should rule over them simply because I can use my mind as a weapon or a tool." She shrugs again as she cuts off another piece of steak. "We've already established that I'm not a base model. Neither are you. I know you are 'more'. We discussed that last time." Although things are a little foggy thanks to the interference of the Phoenix. "Are you mutant or metahuman? Alien?"

Lucifer has posed:
It's worth the chuckle. "Semantics are everything," he says. "The devil is in the details. And while yes, you may be talking about humanity, I was talking specifically about person, and what that means," he explains, looking back now and he too takes a bite of the steak. "I'm glad you like it," he says as you talk a bit more about who should rule and he grins. "That's differnet. I didn't say that better meant you should be in charge. Just the same way that I don't necessarily want a supermodel running my finances - she may be more physically superior but it doesn't mean that it's the best job suited for her. But...it doesn't mean she's not better than other people. She's just got to know her role."

He does change the tactics though and he tries to think of how to answer and he shakes his head. "I'm just Lucifer," he says with a smile. "The devil." It sounds like he's telling you the truth, and yet int he same tone it could totally sound like he's trying to say there's nothing special about him at all. It's a frustrating delivery.

Phoenix has posed:
There is no way she is taking that as fact. Instead, Jean is sure it's just a joke he has used for his entire life considering he was named after the fallen angel. "Well, not _the_ devil of course. But perhaps a bit of a devil. After our first meeting, I know you have that streak of evil in you." Although it was really more naughty than evil but it's all just a joke anyway, right? So nothing wrong with saying something like that.

"So you must be a mutant if you were born with your abilities then. You don't look like an alien, although some of them look human so I can't really judge that either."

Lucifer has posed:
"No, I'm the Devil," he says again and yeah, he's just going to keep playing that line, even if you are able to justify it. And so he smiles at you, and yet there is no tail, horns or pitch fork so it's likely that it doesn't seem nearly all that plausible as he takes a bit of mac'n cheese, taking it off the fork and just looking at you with that warm grin on his features, meeting your gaze before his gaze drops, briefly, down to how you fill out that dress and then looking back to you once more, meeting your gaze an dsmiling to himself as he lets out a playful little grin and lets you mull it over.

"It must be frustrating to know you could just use your power to try to find out but you don't want to because it's not polite. The mystery, the temtpation..." his voice changing to almost sound like a movie announcer before he sits up straight again. "Come now...does it truly matter if you believe me on this or not, or does what matter more include how I treat you? That I think you're amazing...that I havent' even told you what's for dessert yet?"

Phoenix has posed:
Seeing where he looks, Jean's cheeks flush a bit and she lowers her chin, hair falling forward to hide her face. There is no hiding the rest of her. It shouldn't matter really. She has worn some rather form fitting costumes as an X-Man. This dress is no more daring than those in some ways although it shows a little more skin, but a little less shape since her legs are mostly hidden. Yet, that look reminds her of the difference. That she is a woman on a date. It embarasses her when it shouldn't.

Of course she doesn't believe him. No one in their right mind would. At his final words, she peeks up at him from around her fiery locks, eyebrows lifting a little. "If I try to eat much more, I won't be fitting in this dress."

Lucifer has posed:
He smiles to you, and snaps a finger and you see what dessert is as the team comes out to clear the dishes and lain our is strawberry, marshmallow, some pound cake, and a chocolate fondue fountain. It's literally two angels facing away from each other with chocolate pouring from their mouths back into the fondue fountain. He looks to you and grins, and you can feel the temptation as he mutters lowly, "Come on, just a little taste..." and it's like every hair in one's being stands up at the temptation of what it -could- taste like, of how well it could be. Gluttony...greed...it could be either vice that his words feed upon but yes, resisting is possible but would definitely be a challenge.

At least he didnt' use that power when you were blushing and he was looking at you. "I find it amusing that you think those words are going to discourage me from trying to feed you any more."

Phoenix has posed:
"Well considering how much you like seeing me in the dress, I figure you don't want me popping a seam."

The instant the words are out of her mouth, Jean realizes they could be twisted and she has to giggle, shaking her head. "Don't answer that. At all." She's learning.

Eyeing the chocolate, she does try to resist but it is really half hearted as she considers what to try with the chocolate. The sad thing is, she's half tempted to just stick her finger in the flowing chocolately goodness but to do so would be rather impolite not to mention taint the rest of it. She opts for a strawberry which she holds under the flow to be sure it gets well coated. "Maybe just one..."

Lucifer has posed:
"Oh believe me, I have -no- doubt that as good as you look in it, the consensus is that I get to see you out of it. But this being so early in the first date I thought it would be rude. but if you're worried about damaging it, it was a gift after all, then propriety says you must remove it for the greater good." He says it with a completely straight delivery, but his voice shows that even he knows that what he is spitting is straight gibberish and that there is now ay you're going to be taking it off for his behalf today. No...well, at least not -yet- anyway. It's fun to plant the idea though.

As you slide forward he picks up a strawberry too, stabbing it with a long tooth pick which is shaped like a pitchfork, having three prongs, and he dips it into the chocolate before pulling it back and taking a little bite.

A bit catches just below his lip as he chews, and rolls his eyes. "Oh this is -sinful-. Who ordered this? Oh wait....I did. Well, no matter what your friends say, if you're with me and you're afraid to tell them the story just remind them the Devil made you do it."