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Let's have a riot!
Date of Scene: 28 November 2017
Location: New Lots, Brooklyn
Synopsis: Breath and Raijin rescue a police car from rioters. Which turns out to be driven by a nemesis of Breath's.
Cast of Characters: Breath, Raijin

Breath has posed:
Urban unrest has lots of causes and underlying triggers that might be obvious to historians and investigators after the fact. In the heat of the moment though, observers just see people gathering, then tempers flaring and unfocused destruction. Such as here, where a crowd is yelling at a police car and trying to overturn it, as well as spilling out and causing miscellaneous other property damage.

Breath has posed:
Breath comes flying overhead on a patrol, since this is kind of an all call situation, making distinctive intermittent jet roaring noises. On coming over the skyline to this street, she pauses in her whooshing to tap the mic on. "Oh, what in the hell NOW?" and looks up to suck in a giant breath, soaring over the scene.

Raijin has posed:
Even as chaos seems to reign in this particular section of the city, Raijin was already in the area, atop a reasonably tall building overlooking the scene. Dark, tattered clothing that serves as his outfit is the only identification that one could use for the Lightning Hero. His black hood is lifted over his head, and his domino mask is well worn. He seems to take a small breath as a riot begins to break out...

Though Breath manages to catch his attention, and he gives her a small smile, but doesn't quite make himself known yet.

Breath has posed:
Breath blows forward and comes in for a long and very noisy landing in an alley half a block away, drawing some attention. Uuugh. A few people come stalking toward the alley. What side they are on isn't exactly clear yet, sadly.

Breath grumps, "Why do I get the super noisy power, anyways?" and sucks in an absurdly huge gulp of air, making papers swirl around her. Just to be safe, she ducks behind a dumpster.

Raijin has posed:
Raijin sees Breath land...routher loudly...in an alley by herself. Though when he sees her hide, he starts to visibly worry. Being the saint that he is, he seems to appear behind breath with a few sparks of lightning detailing his wake and the path he took to get there. A speedster? or just a guy who's pretty good with electricity? Many questions, no answers. "You good? Gonna see about handling this riot." he sighs a moment, though he's fully expecting a punch, slap, or even perhaps scream if she fits the mood.

Bright side, he looks friendly.

Breath has posed:
About six rioters walk into the alley. Two wave flashlights around, and the others stalk in, with random heavy things. "Hey! Freak patrol! We don't need you here!"

Breath rolls her eyes a bit. "See, this is why I get to be the one dressed in a bright white costume. Because it doesn't matter. Look, guys, you're trying to knock over a cop car, what gives?" Sparky boy looks like he's already up front a bit, so she's a bit hesitant to just open up in case he steps in front of her.

Raijin has posed:
Raijin just takes a deep...deep breath, and he rises to his feet when the rioters walk in.

"Gents....with all do respect, if you don't want to be wrapped by a light pole, I suggest you bother someone else." he says, trying to be diplomatic...only problem?

he sucks at diplomacy.

Breath has posed:
Breath rolls her eyes SO HARD. . o O (Oh, Em, Gee. Please tell me I don't sound that diplomatic and friendly...)

Then the rioters get it through their heads that the best defense here is probably a good offense.. or well, one of them does and everyone else goes along with it and starts running at us.

Breath utters a soft "fuuuhhh..." under her breath, then steps up and elbows you out of the way. "..MOVE..!" planting herself in a deep forward stance and exhaling a massive, tornado force blast of air all across the entrance of the alley, knocking the rioters off their feet to tumble a few feet back out onto the main street.

She gestures forward as the blast finishes, "Go, go!" and starts inhaling a ridiculous huge breath of air, rushing the entrance.

Raijin has posed:
Raijin stands his ground and takes a sigh. "Alright....let's da-" then he gets elbowed out of the way, which is little more than a small nudge in what it felt like, but he gets out of the way all the same for Breath to...well, power breathe.

He chuckles just lightly enough when she charges the entrance, becoming encased in electricity and barreling right by her with an almost blinding speed. "Right behind you." he says in a static voice.

Breath has posed:
Breath pops out of the entrance of the alley - she does NOT want to get pinned down in an enclosed space like that. She blows on someone who looks like they are getting up faster, and races out along the side of the wall at a run. "Okay, not my favorite situation here! What's your thing? We have a bunch of rioters pinning down a police car. Open for ideas here, because anything I do is going to get crazy aggro, yanno?"

Raijin has posed:
Raijin seems to be trailing along the wall next to Breath, though to him, the world is going in a slower motion. He lifts up a finger as to Breath's question. Lightning trails on it. "Electricity is my deal. Along with a few other tricks." He hops off the wall, turning into a form of living lightling to traverse to the ground without damaging anyone. He attempts to move through the police car, emitting only a small electromagnetic wave, giving those touching it a small, but harmless shock.

Breath has posed:
There's still two police IN the car right now, and they are pretty alarmed at the state of affairs. The shock distracts people briefly, but they start looking for the source threateningly.

Breath frowns and sighs. She moves for the car, trying to get on the side they are trying to flip it onto, and yells at people to clear away, "Hey! Let's just calm down before you guys make it worse!" Then she looks in the car and just slumps.

. o O (Great. Just great. It just HAD to be Officer Greer. Seriously, I should just let the riot have him.) She grinds her teeth a bit. "Come ON, you want backup, I'm all you have right now! Getting out of here!"

Raijin has posed:
Raijin eventually materializes on top of the car, looking at the state of chaos around them and he just sighs.....

"Right....Options.." he looks at Breath "I don't suppose you have super strength like me?" he asks curiously. Might as well ask to weigh the options with all the information right? He doesn't know an officer greer, but judging from her expression, not someone she likes. "Alright..let's get them out of here." he hops off the roof, putting his hands under the car like he was going to carry the car out of that madness.

Breath has posed:
Breath uhs, "No strength, sorry.." She moves ahead, clearing a path. "Come on, come on! Getting you out of here!" and starts blowing anybody who dares to try to attack the car back. "Come ON, people! We're better than this!"

Of the officers in the car, the one in the passenger seat sits on the radio, reporting the happenings. The driver leans out the window and yells, "Yeah, windy dude! Let's move!

Breath stiffens and has serious regrets about rescuing the car, visibly. "..."

Raijin has posed:
Raijin just sighs as people still try to attack him and the police officers. But thankfully, Breath has his back. Thus does he put the car over his head with almost insulting ease, moving through the crowd with a speed, but not one that would render the other two uncomfortable. "Outta the way please!" Rayner Vasesuna shouts ahead...making fairly good time too, all things considered.

Breath has posed:
Thankfully, most people have enough good sense to avoid angering anybody who is deadlifting a police cruiser. The exit from the riot gets much easier, much faster.

Breath whews, getting to a cross street. "Okay! We're clear!" She looks back and steps out of the way, then looks back at the officers tiredly Please don't make this worse, please don't make this worse..

The officer in the car yells out, "Good work, you guys! You watch out for perv-boy here!" He laughs and starts the car again, pointing at Breath.

Breath seethes quietly, grinding her teeth again and quiely pointing at the open road, not actually wanting to open her mouth to tell the police officer to just leave.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner Can't help but smile at the reactions of the police officers, putting the cruiser down -gently- much to the care of those presently inside.

"Happy to help officer." He smiles lightly, though he looks to Breath, offering to her a warm smile. "Never did catch your name." He says with a small, friendly grin.

"good job, by the way."

Breath has posed:
Breath slumps as the police cruiser pulls away. She takes a slow breath, tries to relax her shoulders, and sighsthen self-consciously smooths her hair, adjusts her top, and smooths her skirt out. "...Seriously should have let the rioters have him..." She makes an irritated face. "I'm the Breath. Titans. You are? Sorry, I really, really hate that guy."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner kind of chuckles at her words. "I can tell. Don't worry, I won't Pry. I'm Raijin." The Lightning God? Huh. "Titans? Huh. Nice to meet you Breath. Mind telling me more about this Titans business?" He asks intriguedly.

Breath has posed:
Breath knows nothing of mythology, so that goes over her head. She winces a bit, because well.. if you can take something two ways, expect the worst to stick.
Breath uhs.. "Major superteam in the area. They do a bunch of community assistance type things in the area. I dunno, do you not watch the news much or something? Not from around here?"

Raijin has posed:
Rayner gives Breath a small tilt of his head at her as she winces before she explains. At her question there is a small, but good-natured laugh. "Not as much as I'd like. I'm from Kansas, but I've lived in New York for a few years now. Hmm...I think I'll see if they'd take one more. Certainly be nice to not work alone."

Breath has posed:
Breath nods. "Awesome. So what are you doing here?" She looks a bit down, a bit preoccupied. She looks after the departed police car and seethes a bit, then tears her attention back to you. "..Sorry, I'm not really all here right at the moment. You deserve better. Look, call the tower, stop by, tell them I sent you. I don't know what sort of suff they do from there, but like.. they check some stuff or something. Probably Robin or something, I dunno. hen like.. yeah."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner gives Breath a sloooowwwwww nod before he replies. "Ah...gotcha. Well, I heard people were getting rowdy, or starting to. So I stopped by to make sure nobody got hurt." A small smile then as He listens to her speak about the Titans and a brief speech of how they operate.

"Alright, I'll drop in and say hello. Thanks for the info."

Breath has posed:
Breath sighs and looks around. "I'm sorry I'm not better company right now. Where are you going next? Lots of crazy right now with the news and all.." She quietly fantasizes about ways to get that police officer fired, none of which seem very practical. "Lots of crimes and stuff. I should probably go look for something more to do. Maybe it'll get me out of a funk."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner could see that look in her eye...man, what did that cop do to earn her ire, he thought. His eyes looked at her facial features, but he turns his head back to the ceasing riot "Probably Home. Either that or check Manhattan, make sure It's safe." He nods a few times to Breath as she announces her departure. "Alright. Good meeting you Breath...I'll see you around."

a two-finger salute and after a blink, He was gone like a flash of lightning.