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Close Encounter Of The Mon-El Kind
Date of Scene: 28 November 2017
Location: Centennial Park, Southside, New Troy
Synopsis: Lar meets another Earth local.
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, 87

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El has been mostly exploring/wandering around aimlessly just to see what he can learn about Earth. It is definitely a planet rich with life and culture, and he still has a lot to learn! Horseback riding? That's new. And ducks, and golf too. At the moment, he's standing at the base of the statue of Superman, frowning pensively at it. There is something oddly familiar about whoever this is a statue of beyond having just seen pictures or videos. Like he knew this person before or something. But he just can't quite put a finger on it...

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal looks up from the bench where he is consuming his sandwich. He is not outwardly feline, using his illusion magic to blend in with people- looking like his former redheaded human self. The man staring at the statue is a welcome distraction from the monotony of this particular time of day... nothing really happens, at this hour. Criminals take lunch breaks, too, sometimes.

Standing up and padding over to the statue (and the man), he says casually-

"His cleft chin is not -that- dramatic. They get some of the details wrong, these statues."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar turns to the stranger. The cleft chin wasn't quite what he was thinking about, but he nods anyway. He glances down at the plaque on the base and asks what probably sounds like a very stupid question. "Who is he? Or is 'superman' his true name?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Oh HIM?" the rehead chuckles and takes a bite out of his sandwich. "He came from outer space, to save the human race. Everybody calls him Superman. Came from a planet called 'Krypton' that went kabloooosh..." he makes an explosion sound effect with his mouth, and dramatic hand gesture, which sends crumbs flying.

"So... you're not from around here." A statement, not a question.

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El chuckles at the small dramatic display. "No, I'm from Daxam."

    He looks back up at the statue. "Krypton." he repeats. "That's where our ancestors came from. Heh, maybe that's why he looks so familiar. But it's almost as if I remember meeting this one in particular at some point in the past. I just can't remember when or where or how." He sighs, shrugging. "So, is he a famous hero? Like the 'Fantastic Four'?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy raises an eyebrow at Mon-El in a classic 'are you kiddin' me' gesture. "Famous? He's, like, the most famous hero on Earth. Along with Wonder Woman." A pause, and then a low whisper, "Even though, if you ask me, Wonder Woman's totally more awesome." He mirks and leans back, giving Mon-El a good look-over. "Yeah... you sort of look.... Kryptonian. Ish. And by your time-focused sentence construction, do I detect a whiff of-" he holds up his hands and does the finger quotes "Temporal perambulation? Or when you mean that your ancestors were from Krypton, that a colony split off twenty years or so ago and got really, really, REALLY busy very quickly?"

The young man leans against the statue and grins, looking at Mon-El. There's something decidedly impish about hi.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Ah." Lar nods. "Wonder Woman? Why do you think she's more awesome?" Not condescending at all, genuinely curious.

    He raises a brow at the second question, not really sure what Tommy is getting at. "Busy? Uh, I am not sure how busy they were when they landed on Daxam, it was long before I was born. Well of course I'm sure they were busy colonizing."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Right. Idiomatic expressions, the blind spot of aliens. Vorpal is quite familiar with this, thanks to Starfire. "Busy as in... okay, are you from the future, or from a race that reproduces frighteningly fast and lives very short life-spans? That's what I'm aiming at. And Wonder Woman... well." He shrugs, "It's best experienced than described. I saw her take down a giant, single-handedly!"

He pauses, and tilts his head. "What was your name, again? I don't think I caught it."

Mon-El has posed:
    This just seems to cause even more confusion. "I...don't think so? But then again it seems I don't remember a lot of things. Or so I've been told. Rate of reproduction would depend on what or who you're comparing us to, I guess."

    "Oh, of course. I'm sorry. I didn't tell you my name." He puts out a hand, remembering the 'handshake' thing Bombshell told him about. "It's Lar Gand."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal reaches out a hand, without really THINKING about it. "Land Gar? Huh. I had a boyfriend called Gar Logan. Kind of like your name put through a blender. I'm Tommy-" He pauses as he takes the hand to shake. If he had THOUGHT about this through, he would have realized that his hand was not the smooth-skinned hand that his illusion portrayed. Rather, it was covered in fur. There was no way Gand wouldn't notice. "Er..."

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El chuckles. "No, it's Lar Gand. Oh how do you put someone's name in a blender? Assuming a 'blender' is an instrument that mixes?"

    Vorpal's handshake is definitely weird, although Lar's is also unusual. As in unusually -strong-. Almost to the point of feeling like your bones are going to crack strong, or potential bruising strong.

    "It's very nice to meet you, T--" he frowns, looking down at the hand. "Oh, are you a mutant? I have met some unusual humans who call themselves mutants." Invisible fur? Well it seems they come in all sorts. That one Vanya lady definitely could grow her own fur.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Owie..." Vorpal says, and his illusion vanishes, leaving the Cheshire behind. "You can stop trying to squeeze my hand into juice, thanks Lar!" the cat says, trying to pull his hand away without hurting the alien's feelings. "I'm... a magical creature, to be exact. Geez, does everybody from outer space bech-press semi trucks in the crib or what?" Between Kori, Supergirl, Superman and a few others, he's convinced everybody in the universe has super strength. Except humans.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh! Oh I'm sorry!" Lar quickly lets go, pulling his hand back. "I promise you, I didn't mean to hurt you." He looks slightly abashed at the lack of control on his part. "What is benchpress?"

    Then he stares at Tommy for a moment when he suddenly turns into a very hairy mammalian creature not unlike the one Vanya turned into earlier. However, he is not -that- shocked. It does seem that there are a lot of unusual people around here. "Ah, so you're like a shapeshifter."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"I can't change my shape, only my appearance. Illusion magic." He rubs his hand, looking at it as he holds it up.

The hand is completely flat. It looks as if it were made out of an orange-and-red sheet of paper. "Well, you sure know how to make an impression, that's fer sure." The cat smirks and brings his flat thumb to his mouth, and blows. His hand quickly regains its shape, as if it were a balloon being inflated. Then he wiggles his fingers.

"All of that was illusion. And a bench-press is..." he pauses, "It's a strength exercise. Do.... you have any memory at all of where you're from, or how you got here?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El watches wide-eyed as Tommy seems to blow air into his hand. He has seen some things around here that are definitely weird, but nothing quite like -that-. And what makes it even stranger is the fact that his X-ray vision doesn't even seem to give him any answers as to what exactly is actually going on.

    "I--you...how?" He points at the hand. "That's no illusion, if it were, I would've been able to see through it. I--can see wavelengths that humans can't." he explains.

    At the last question, he sighs. "As I told you, I know I'm from Daxam, but I have no idea how I got here."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The cat shrugs. "Magic. It has a way of blowing raspberries in the face of logic and science..." he grows serious for a moment, and frowns. "Ok. Daxam. Planet name. Sounds like a launry detergent. Okay. You probably can fly, too? Let me ask you something, El Gee- since you don't know how you got here... do you actually HAVE a place to stay? Like, on earth. Here." He waves his arms around, encompassing the city.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Magic? Isn't that just a word people use when they don't understand something?" Lar asks, arching a brow. "And 'blowing rasberries'? Is that...another Earth idiom?"

    He nods at the question flight. "Yes--how did you know? And, not really, not planetside. I've been sleeping on a ship in orbit." he says, pointing skyward. "A Lyle Norg brought me there. He said I'm part of a team called the 'Legion' and that he's my teammate. It belongs to them, apparently."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"OH!" the Cheshire cat laughs, "You are a team-mate of Brainy's, then? Say hi to that green bastard for me, I haven't heard of him in *ages*." He looks relieved at the thought of not having to give an alien a place to stay. He would have if there had been a need... but his studio apartment was cramped enough. "As for flight? Well, if you're descended from Kryptonians, and every Kryptonian I have met has been able to fly, there is a chance that you might fly, too! Elementary my dear----er---- nevermind. I'll lend you the book, sometime." Even though Sherlock never actually says that phrase. Ever. In the book.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Brainy?" Nope, Lar doesn't seem to recognize the name. "Er, I don't recall seeing anyone green there. But if I do, I could ask him about you."

    He nods. "Oh, yeah. You're right, that does make sense. Huh? What book?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Brainiac five? Querl Do... Do.." he always has trouble with the name, "... I'm pretty sure it's not Dork. Er. He's about yay tall, nerdy, somewhat cute, very absent-minded...OH. Right. Looks like this." A snap (muted) of his fingers, and Vorpal is the spitting image of Brainic 5. "It's weird that you are with the Legion but you haven't met Brainy. I mean, he and Lyle are inseparable...." he trails off, and the illusion vanishes. He looks pensive.

"Gosh. I sure hope he's okay..." he snaps out of his musings. "Oh... the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Good reading. Educational if you're interested in learning about Earth culture from....er. Several hundred years ago. But it's good reading. Of course, not AS good as the book *I'm* in," He points to his chest with a thumb, "But then again, what is?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Nope, no familiarity at all. Lar is just drawing a blank on Brainiac. "Well, maybe I did know him. But I don't remember any more. That is, if what Lyle said is true."

He pauses. "Wait, so you know Lyle? I wasn't sure if I should trust him..." he trails off, looking pensive himself. "But he did seem to want to help."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Of course you should trust him. Hm. It seems as if your memory has been tampered with. Or maybe you got a serious blow to the head."

He thinks about it. This man has Kryptonian-like physiology, maybe. So what could give him THAT sort of blow? "With an asteroid, probably."

He scratches his chin. "I know some people. Might be able to help you with the memory thing. Of course, you've got to trust me first, and you seem to be the slightly paranoid type, what with being wry of Lyle." He smirks. "Then again, in this universe, a bit of paranoia is healthy."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar sighs. "I know, but I guess I'll have to trust -someone- eventually if I ever want to figure out who I was before." Not that he -can't- fend for himself if things went south.

    He smiles. "Thank you, Tommy, for wanting to help. Though it's not that Lyle seemed suspicious or untrustworthy. I just...I don't know him. ALthough, he hasn't done anything to warrant suspicion--yet."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"And he's letting you stay in a spaceship. Which is a hundred times more awesome than a dinky apartment..." he smirks. "I could also talk to the League..." Here he goes, sounding all important and whatnot. He realizes that that could easily misrepresent his position, and adds- "I am not, y'know, part of the Justice League. But I'm team-mates with Wonder Girl, who is Wonder Woman's protege." He could have said he is team-mates with Robin, but that would mean asking a favor from Damian, and he was not ready for that kind of Faustian pact just yet. "And Wonder Woman could talk to the league. Martian Manhunter does mind stuff, too. He could help, I bet!"

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El chuckles. "Yes, there is that. It is very nice."

    "The League? Is that another group like the Fantastic Four?" Nope, he really doesn't know anything. "Well if they are willing to help, I would be happy to receive it." It seems Tommy is very well connected.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Well, then, I can make the contact. But..." Tommy frowns. "How exactly do I get in touch with you? I don't suppose you have cell phone reception up there." He points to the sky and raises an eyebrow. There will be time, later, to explain about the League. The poor man seems to have gotten his eggs into quite a scrambler. How ironic it was that an avatar from a world that was the embodiment of insanity was the one offering to help him get back on his mental feet.

It's probably a good thing he doesn't know that.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Umm." Lar isn't quite sure about that. "Uh, well do you know how to contact Lyle? Or the ship? That should work well enough." Too bad he doesn't remember how to use all his fancy comms equipment right now. "Or I could get this 'cell phone' thing?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Well... I don't really. I could Rabbit Hole into the ship, just as long as the security systems don't think they're being invaded. Hmm..." He pauses. "Tell you what. The league will know how to hail the ship. So I'll go ahead and get that contact started right away for you."

Something buzzes at his hip. The cat is wearing the typical superhero spandex, so the pocket from which he extricates his cell phone is almost invisible until he reaches into it. "You gotta buy one of these and sign a contract, but for that you need to have money..." he flips through the screen and notices the link one of his team members just sent him. He pauses.

President Underwood-WHAT? Anti-mutant protests, and...

If the cat could go pale, he would have done so right about now.

"Listen... go back to the ship. Like, right now. There's some bad stuff happening. They can probably fill you in at the ship." Because Lyle was probably monitoring the situation from the ship. Who knew. "But I have to go and call my team-mates. Something bad is building up... and since you can't remember anything, you probably should be with your team, too." He stares at the phone, gain, in disbelief. "... son of a..."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Rabbit hole?" Lar isn't sure what that means either. But maybe he should just stop asking and start looking them up or something. "Well I could ask Lyle if he could create a security exception for you."

    Then something seems to majorly disturb Tommy. "Tommy? What's wrong?" he asks, concern immediately showing itself on the Daxamite's face. "Are you sure there isn't anything I can--"

    He doesn't end up finishing the thought, instead doubling over as if in excruciating pain, nearly collapsing against the base of the statue. "..."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"... $#@$@!" the expletive is all Vorpal says as the alien collapses. He rushes to his side and manages to hit the speech-to-text button as he brings up Cassie's contact.

<<Cassie- call WW. Alien pickup needed.>>

Not that he thought Cassie would be able to get through to Wonder Woman. With what was going on right now, the Justice League was probably on its way to Washington right now. "... are you in pain? We need to get out of here-" because there is a big talking cat right here, and he might attract attention in the wake of recent events. "Let me take you to my apartment, and we'll go from there, okay?"

Mon-El has posed:
    From the look on his face, Lar is definitely in pain. "N-no...d-don't do that...I-I can get back..." He struggles to get back up, doesn't quite manage to.

    After a few seconds, it seems to subside a little bit, and he finally straightens back up. "I--I'm not sure what that was. It seemed like lead--but I haven't been exposed to it. Unless someone has poisoned me without my knowledge..."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal eyes Lar, but he clearly doesn't believe him all the way as far as being better. Still, he relents. "Get to the ship and have them look you over with their medical equip. I'll go and get in touch with the League. Okay?"

He is preparing to leap away by opening a Rabbit Hole, but he wants to make sure the man will be alright.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods, though Vorpal is probably right about not believing all the way that he is better. Brainy may or may not have mentioned to him that lead poisoning is both fatal and permanent to any Daxamite if left untreated, regardless of a temporary lull in the symtoms. "Thank you again...for your help, Tommy."