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You seriously thought you were a contender
Date of Scene: 09 December 2017
Location: A clothes store in New Lots
Synopsis: Breath and Gothic Lolita meet incognito at a clothes store with a secret. A wannabe villain arrives and loses oh so pathetically.
Cast of Characters: Breath, Gothic Lolita

Breath has posed:
This part of town doesn't exactly have the trendiest shopping, but they have a few gems hidden away in small, struggling shops and tiny flickers of fizzling attempted gentrification. Like the Clarke street block, where a few scraps of decent taste can sometimes be seen among the painfully low rent coffee shop and decaying yoga parlor.

Lyssa is roaming the street, glancing at a written down address on a sheet of torn paper, trying to avoid too much attention in a long knit dress and leggings, with a blue scarf around her neck and a backpack tossed over her shoulder. She hmmms and looks around.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    One of those sites is nearby, a free-standing shop with the name 'Twilight Hearts'. From the look of it, it specializes in more gothy or burlesque type clothing...very fancy, lacy outfits, bodices, boots, and the like, as well as a large section set aside for materials for those who are do-it-yourself types.

    Just arriving at the door is a young woman, her hair drawn back in twin pigtails, dressed in a slightly fancy satin dress with its own embellishments, enough that she stands out as overdressed in most places. Her heels click lightly as she pulls the door open, then halts as Breath arrives, holding the door in case the other girl wishes to enter as she smiles slightly at her.

Breath has posed:
Lyssa smiles and tilts her head down softly. "Thank you.." She slips through the door and looks around, checking her note again, and slips back out of your way, looking around a bit and glancing at the counter a bit before seeing who else is around. She smiles at the girl behind the counter, mouthing a hello, and then up at the ceiling for some reason.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita inclines her head slightly. "No problem." she says in a soft tone, then steps in behind you, letting the door shut behind her. She watches curiously as Breath looks around, then says curiously. "First time here?" The store is actually fairly large, split into sections, from more club style dresses, to more gothic outfits, to undergarments, to the loose materials section consisting of bolts of fabric and thread.

Breath has posed:
Lyssa ohs, "Yes, but.. I'm looking for someONE, not just someTHING.." She shrugs a bit, tucking the paper into her hand casually and hmmmming a bit. She crinkles her nose slightly, frowning a little bit. Slightly more on key than might be expected.

A soft clanking noise drifts in from outside. Road noise maybe?

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Looking? Found someone, you have?" the other girl says, with the air of someone quoting. From the twinkle in her eye, she's aware of it too. "It's pretty hard to miss you if you're up front here thought, they'll probably find you easily enough." she says, clasping her hands in front of her demurely.

    The sound, however, causes her to turn her head, focusing her audio sensors towards the noise as she starts running it through her sound recognition files for what might match it.

Breath has posed:
Heavy rubber boots and metal on metal. Not forceful contacts. Muffled by rubber material. Distance apart is consistent with footprints. Lower speed than standard walking. Odd.

Lyssa ohs.. "I did! But.. I don't.. think you look like.. What is that noise?" She takes a couple of steps back and fishes in her duffle a bit, putting on a pair of goggles nonchalantly, just casually peeking through a bit of window. "Hmmm."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Loli tilts her head slightly, her pigtails swaying as she does. "Is that them now?" she says, glancing towards the outside window curiously. That's...a heavy tread for your standard civilian. Not that she's one to judge....if she wasn't fairly practiced, she'd be making similar tromping noises. Comes from being about a half ton in weight, despite her delicate appearance. "Sounds very metal, so to speak."

Breath has posed:
A raggedly armored person in a suit of armor, with a backpack of metal spheres and a cable extending to a metal staff pushes his way through the door. He points the staff at the desk and clanks that way. "You know what I'm here for! Hand it over!"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa looks over and blinks. She raises her finger for a moment, then thinks about it for a second and pauses. "...Hmm..." She moves a bit to the side, since the armored guy is ignoring us both for the moment. She murmurs, "he's not very good at this, is he.."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The other girl has a very disapproving look on her face as the man threatens the startled clerk behind the counter. "...who robs a clothing store?" she murmurs. "This will not stand." And since she's being ignored, she quietly starts walking up on the gentleman from behind while he's distracted menacing the counter staff.

Breath has posed:
The girl behind the counter shrieks and rushes for the back door! "Somebody is here! Look out!"

Lyssa squints. "Yeah, I would say that was unexpected, but.. you know, called it." She steps to the side and whistles. "HEY! Clanky! What gives?"

The zappy... armored guy spins, probably not showing the best of balance, and swings his electrified staff to cover the space around himself.. "Get back! Leave! You don't need to worry about this!"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "That may be correct." Lolita agrees solemnly as she stops in front of him as he turns. "Are you actually attempting to rob this establishement? Are you that short of cash for a frock for the winter formal?" Her voice is more quizzical than intimidated.

Breath has posed:
Sparky glares. "It's not cash I am here for, girl! Go now before I have to unleash my real power!" The staff sparks and arcs with electricity, looking like some sort of weird taser sort of thing, and he points it at Lolita menacingly. Not that he is really fast enough.. human strength and heavy metal armor don't mix. His accuracy is going to be garbage. Balance looks off too.

Lyssa sort've coughs a bit. There is a breif roar of air, and Sparks goes stumbling to the side, completely off balance and windmilling his arms around to grab at the desk.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita's brow furrows as the man points the staff at her, looking...well, slightly put out. Before she can say anything, however, Lyssa blasts him with the gust of air, knocking him off balance. Loli likewise explodes into motion, a hand snapping out to grip the cable leading to the staff as she snaps it with a super strong jerk, then tries to grab the man by the front of his costume. If she does...she simply lifts him up off the ground, holding him in the air. "I think that was a very bad idea."

Breath has posed:
Sparkler yells as the staff goes dead, and his armor lights up with static electricity arcs! Not.. terribly intimidating ones, though. Probably fearsome if you are an unprotected human. "Hah! Taste my power!" Presumably, he thinks it's actually a useful amount of it.

He is wrong.

Lyssa huhs. "Okay, I've seen lightning blasts. That's no lightning. Maybe I should check on the back... If you're lucky, they aren't taking you seriously."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita says politely the criminal in question. "It would likely be less painful for you to surrender at this point and behave until the police arrive. If you would be so kind." she adds. She doesn't look like she's having any problems with 1) holding him in the air, despite being noticeably shorter and more petite than he is, and 2) the electrical currents that are crawling over her hand where it touches it, though her fingers are twitching slightly with the charge.

    Loli glances over to Lyssa. "Would you please? I will keep him from causing any trouble until you return."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods. "Sure thing. I think he has a backpack generator." She walks through the back. After a couple seconds, there is a shout, and a whistling of air. Ten seconds later, she walks back into the room, dropping a futuristic energy pistol into an evidence bag. "Told you so. Five more seconds and they would have come back out. What were you even thinking?" She rolls her eyes.

Sparky wiggles and raves helplessly.

Lyssa sighs. "Hopefully they don't call the bad cop on me.. There's someone else more scary than this guy. Hey, nice to meet you! I'm the Breath!"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The dark-haired girl raises a brow at the pistol. "There actually was someone with that in the back?" she says curiously, then smiles. "Gothic Lolita, pleased to meet you. I would curtsey, but it's difficult to do it gracefully holding someone like this." She looks back at Sparkler. "Can you reach the off switch on his backpack? And...yes. I am not a fan of substandard police officers." She frowns. "If you're going to call them, we should restrain him for when they arrive." And she should step out, as....well, she's fairly sure she's still on a SHIELD wanted list at the moment.

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods, "Yeah, a few of these got loose last time aliens invaded, and we've been hunting them down. Sure, already on it." She fiddles with a comm a bit, then steps up and unhooks something. The suit turns into a big heavy chunk of metal and rubber, but since it wasn't powered to begin with.. "I have a few zipties, sure." She pulls out a handful and offers you some. "Want to give me a hand? He's wiggly."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "OF course." Lolita says in that calm, vaguely amused tone, before she shifts her grip to drop Sparkler onto the floor, then moves to pretty efficiently pin him, pulling his arms behind his back. "Please..." She hmms. "I'd heard some of those weapons were floating around, but I didn't expect something so esoteric to have found its way to one of my preferred sanctuaries of sewing."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods and puts a few zipties on casually, ignoring the wriggling, "Clothes isn't the only thing they launder here. I wouldn't worry too much about it. I figure we have maaaaybe five minutes until a police sweepup crew shows up here, so I imagine you are wanting to get out of here? I'll buy you a donut if you want." She smiles brightly and tilts her head at you. "If not, that's fine too. I just figure I would ask."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita hmms, stepping back. "A donut sounds lovely. Are you a vigilante, then?" she says thoughfully, drifting towards the door. "I assume from he evidence bag you're going to turn that over to someone."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods, "Yep, going to hand it over to Robin. He had some sort of hunch he was looking into. He didn't explain it to me though, my eyes glaze over when he starts talking forensics. I'm mostly just a vigilante in THIS part of town. I get along okay with the police usually." She tags along cheerily, palming the goggles, and points off to the side where she's already worked out a nice dark patch that doesn't have any cameras on it. "How about you?"