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Revision as of 01:17, 17 December 2017

Office Visit
Date of Scene: 15 December 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester County, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Professor X, Rogue

Professor X has posed:
It is a clear, crisp Autumn day, the broad windows from Xavier's office illuminate the room without even needing additional lights, but several antique lamps near the front add a low golden ambiance to the visitor seating. The Professor is seated, of course-seated comfortably at one of the windows, relaxed, looking outside at groups of students milling about. He doesn't turn at first, simply is quiet, in thought: or perhaps his mind is elsewhere, branched into so many other minds or areas?

It is incorrect to assume him distracted or not present, though, he turns a warm smile to the door, expecting the new arrival, of course.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had slipped the two-way mirror in her room in Manhattan and right into the room she'd been assigned last winter here in the School... she'd come back to get some things out of her closet here, some boots she'd left tucked away in the back of said closet, but just about the very moment she got here she got that 'sensation' of being called downstairs.

"Oooo, boy." She muttered.

It didn't take but a few minutes of passing through the hallways and waving to a few students to reach the Professor's office off of the main foyer and when she did, she opened the door a crack and then knocked on the door with a gloved hand... She entered upon seeing him in the window-provided-light and she walked into the center of his classroom / office.

"Heya." She said across the remaining distance to him, smiling softly. "Hows things?"

Professor X has posed:
"Things... ah, well. I have been quite busy, as you can imagine, I'm sure. We all are, these days." A slight, saddened amusement flows into his eyes, but it's tame. "It's good to see you," Charles says gently, and gestures a welcome inside, and towards the chairs, should she like to use one.

"Please," he suggests, if she wishes to be comfortable, but there's no requirement in it. If she'd like to stand, also fine. "Thank you for coming by so soon. I was not sure when I would have a good opportunity to catch your attention here, I hope you'll forgive my abruptness today."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue walked over to the backs of one of the chairs in front of his desk and she set her fancy boots up on to the back of it while she listened to him speak. She showed him a smile and then nodded softly once.

"I'm kinda all ove'ah the place, so I know its hard t'get ahold'a me sometimes."

With that little bit said she swept around the chair and then lowered down into it. Rogue was wearing a dark blue Xavier's School hoodie that was half-zipped and some blue jeans and tennis shoes.

She laid the boots down in her lap now and looked over the desk at him. "Always glad t'get a chance t'chat with ya though." She'd say in a friendly manner, it was clear to him she was in a good mood, but he'd likely also know that she was nervous about being called into his office so suddenly.

Professor X has posed:
"I have been away for too long, and have not given the school proper guidance. That, of course, is on my shoulders to fix. I need help, though, from the staff and other adults here, to help realign the vision of the school back into place. Safety, and a focus on the education of the students, in particular, need... Attention." Xavier moves aside from the window, back to the desk properly, resting his hands forward on it, fingers woven together. There is probably a sense of being called into the principal's office here, big time: but whether it is intentional? Hard to tell, maybe.

"The children here, and their futures, are something I take extremely seriously. Similarly, I want the best for your future path, wherever that is, should you ever wish for support."

Rogue has posed:
These words received a genuine smile from the southern belle and she just let it linger for a few seconds before nodding her head across the distance to him. "I know, its why... I mean I owe my sanity 'nd my life t'this place. You specifically, Professah." She said to him reply. "If ya hadn't let me join up here... I probably--well, I mean, I'm not sure where I woulda ended up, but it probably woulda been pretty bad."

When Rogue had come here a few days after her 18th birthday this year, she was a mess. She'd been living on the streets for 2 years, ever since the day she'd absorbed Carol Danvers permanently in San Francisco.

The two years on the street had left her a shamble of her original self, absorbed minds clashing together inside of her head and a gross misunderstanding of how to use / control Carol's powers.

Rogue's smile faded though. "Ya'll need my room back for othe'ah students, don't ya? I'm being voted off the island..." She frowned then.

Professor X has posed:
"I want you to feel welcome here to continue using the mansion as a home, as long as you do need it. But the safety of others here requires me to ask that you remove the mystical link to the housing areas, and assist in keeping students within the rules here. Items such as the curfew have reason to exist." He doesn't belabor the point, but does make it. Charles looks down at his hands for a moment, then back to her. He isn't upset. Maybe disappointed in the judgement call she'd made. Which, for some, is quite a bit worse.

"I want students to graduate from here, as you have, and develop control of their abilities. And if it is their path, even to stay, and help others grow as they did. I hope for teachers from among those that graduate, should they want to contribute in that way. I understand you yourself may still be learning?" he asks, in interest.

Rogue has posed:
When he said what he said she realized what this was about and it made her pink painted lips press together and then a heavy exhale shoot out between them. "Negasonic." She said then, realizing she'd been busted. Her head slowly shook side to side.

"I'm sorry, Professah." She told him. "I bumped inta Ellie in Manhattan... oh god, back around Halloween I think? She was in an alleyway and it was like... god, probably one in the mornin?" Rogue left out the part where Ellie was spray painting male genitalia onto one of Wilson Fisk's office buildings, but Charles could probably gleam that out of her mind right now if he wanted.

"I didn't want'er to have t'walk home all that way. She wouldn't get home until like 4am. And ya know public transportation ain't great either... I thought it would help out."

Rogue frowned again. "I'm sorry."

Professor X has posed:
"I am not saying that helping Miss Phimister was a bad choice, please don't mistake my intent here." The professor smiles at her. "I am proud that you have helped another, particularly when it is late, and you have opportunity to do so. However, going forward, the behavior that led to being out at that hour is becoming a pattern, as is skipping classes. I want to help correct the issue, and remind that her actions have consequences. We teach more than just math and science and even power use here," Xavier says with a brief knowing wink. "And I cannot be everywhere, as terrifying as that thought may be. Perhaps Miss Phimister will respond to you well, if you are able to guide her to the value of graduating." He smiles briefly. "That is really all I ask: I hope you do stay, and help others when you can. Only be mindful of the rules: or, if you disagree, question me on them, by all means."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue slow nod her head to his words and she knew he was 'right' on the grand scheme of things... but at her age, she was often more worried about pleasing and impressing friends more than doing what was ultimately the best for everyone.

"She's gonna be pissed at me when ya talk to her, unless, ya already have." Rogue re-centered her gaze onto Charles and then frowend. "Sorry about my language." She added softly then.

With a nod of her head, Rogue relented though. "Once I step back through it t'Manhattan, I can shut it off. Doctor Strange showed me how to do it. He only set it up so that I could have an easy way t'get back here t'see ya'll, cause he knows this place makes me happier."

Another light nod then and she put her hands onto the boots on her lap. "But yeah, I understand. It goes against the rules t'have somethin' like that in your school."

Professor X has posed:
"While I appreciate you being here and want you to visit more often, the safety issue causes me to need to ask," Charles says, dismayed as well, but sticking by that request to close it. "Thank you. If you wish to open it to another area more locally, we can look into that, but the heart of the sleeping area is not preferable."

"I haven't talked to her yet, no. I have not yet decided if a more subtle approach or a direct one is best. I would prefer subtle first, if she can be guided without a challenge to her pride."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would nod her head softly to Charles' first words there. "I got some friends in Salem Cente'ah, the Music shop there... Maybe they'd let me hook the portal up to their apartments above the store. Thats probably much less of a risk... Though Strange doesn't really want random folks walkin' through his house either." Rogue just grinned and shook her head. "Maybe'll just scrap the whole thing entirely, guess its more complicated than it sounded when I got it setup originally."

Rogue would then shake her head at the subject of Ellie. "That girl is a literal bomb just waitin' t'go off. I mean, I love her attitude, but she still scares the heck outta me. She's got some serious anger issues, Professah. But, I mean, ya don't need me t'tell ya that..."

Professor X has posed:
Xavier simply nods and listens to her thinking through other options for her portal, without judgement, but doesn't particularly offer other solutions for where the portal end should be.

"A great deal of students come with certain problems or needs. I am hopeful that all of them can be reached. We shall try," he says, firmly, a sort of vow of his own, to do well to reach the angry teen.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would nod her head softly once to that and she'd give the Professor a big smile before she'd move to stand up then, letting her boots fall to her side, held within the grasp of her left gloved hand now.

"I got a car now, so I can at least drive here if needs be, so I'm not -that- far away if ya'll need a girl who can punch through a brick wall." She grinned a bit at him.

"I'm always waitin' for calls from ya'll t'go and help do things, ya know... Fix all the stupid problems goin' around... and so forth."

Rogue would move to step back around the chair.

"Just hollar at me if ya need stuff, Professah. I'm obviously in your debt, ya know?"

Professor X has posed:
"I definitely will remember you when I see brick walls," Xavier teases back with a glimmer to his eyes. "Thank you for coming to see me. Please do come as you like, no need to wait for invitation," he reminds her, with a nod. He won't keep her, if she needs to go.