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Latest revision as of 20:32, 30 July 2017

Lakeside Time
Date of Scene: 30 May 2017
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: Storm and Rogue hang out at the docks of the lake. T'Challa shows up to meet with Ororo.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Storm, Black Panther

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is on the dock outside of the Boathouse. She's enjoying the late evening on a friday night here at the school's lake. Why go out and get into trouble like she normally does? Who has the TIME for that anyway? So instead, Rogue was just sitting there o nthe dock with her boots off and her legs dangling down into the water. She was wearing shorts and a tanktop and her hair was tied up in a ponytail with her white bangs braided and hanging on either sides of her face like snowy-colored-tails.

Beside Rogue, was a little radio that was playing some classic rock music and she was entertaining herself by fiddling around on her phone. She had a lot of contacts on the internet, some of them were good people.. others weren't... She'd only been AT Xavier's since the start of February, so letting go of her 'old life' was still a bit hard to do.

So the young 18 year old Rogue was tapping away at the phone with her thumbs, seemingly texting, while splashing water with her toes in the lake.

Storm has posed:
It has been a busy day, between teaching class, tutoring young 'Razor' in some meditation to try and calm him, and a few other things that has her mind preoccupied. With that in mind, she's gone for a walk. The serenity of the gardens in the evening is well enough, but the calm of the lake is even better for Ororo to connect with.

She's gone with small braids on the sides of her face that weave back int othe rest of her hair that is left down- keeping the snowy locks from blocking her eyes in the soft breeze. A light summer dress is worn, an off-white ivory that splits at midthigh to go full length, but flow and leave her easily mobile.

Hearing the music interrupting the late night air is telling enough of another presence. Heading across towards the boathouse, she calls- as hoping not to startle the younger woman: "Good evening, Rogue."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue took a second to finisht the text she was working on and then she looked up to see Ororo standing there. This made the young southerner get a big grin on her face. "Well heya there, Miss Stormy." She said at her. "You're lookin' ravishin' as eve'ah." She said in a playfully husky voice at the teacher and woman whom held a great deal of Rogue's respect. She wished she could be half as classy as a woman like Ororo, but... she was a realist and know that that was highly unlikely considering she grew up doing things like fetching frogs out of creeks, and chasing cows with her dog.

Rogue nodded her head at Storm and reached up to admust the Aviator-style sunglasses that were resting ontop of her forehead. "What brings ya out here on a fine evenin' such as this?" She asked then, before glancing out toward the lake where the dying sun was glinting off the water's surface.

Black Panther has posed:
As the ladies speak near the lake, the sound of a vehicle approaching may be heard. A single black SUV with blacked out windows is rolling down the lengthy westminster driveway, dust rising behind it as it's moving a touch faster than it probably should be. It rolls to a stop at the main gate though, which is closed. A short honk at the gate. Someone would like to get in.

The SUV itself is fairly nondescript other than blacked out windows and a pair of Wakandan flags mounted to the hood, flapping slightly in the breeze.

Storm has posed:
Ororo smiles at Rogue with a soft chuckle. "You are very kind." A small smooth to her skirt is given, confident in herself, but still humble. "Peace, to be honest. I had a .. troubling conversation earlier and needed to-.."

She really does have a small pocket in her skirt for a small phone for emergency purposes. She rarely uses the thing. Technology, at times, is still very strange after growing up without it. She is interrupted by a low ringtone, but well enough to hear. She chose the basic 'tmobile' tone for a lack of anything else for now. "Oh, pardon me."

Stepping away for a moment, she pulls the phone out to put to her ear. Though her expression changes slightly. It is.. hard to read, but guarded. "I understand. I will be there in a moment."

Snapping the phone shut (Yes, its a flip phone)- she turns to Rogue. "I need to receive a guest at the gate. You are more than welcome to join me."

And if Rogue does... to the Front Gate she goes to see if this visitor is who she thinks it is, or if it is bad news.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watched as Ororo answered the phone and she just stared all rude-like at her while she talked, splashing her feet in the water while doing so.

When the flip phone was hung up and the offer was made, Rogue quickly hopped up to her feet on the edge of the dock and stuffed her own phone into her jeans shorts. She kentl, gathered up her boots and gloves and then lifted up off the ground and started to float/follow Ororo.

"You bette'ah believe I'm comin'." Rogue said to her. "I've been bored outta my mind aaaall damn day!" She said while putting her boots on in mid-floating-glide.

Black Panther has posed:
T'challa waits in the AC cooled interior of the SUV. The normally calm and reserved King showing just a hint of a nervous figdet. "My King.. Perhaps explain once more why we are here? What is this woman to you?" This from the lips of a lithe bald woman sitting across from him watching him. Large golden hoop earings hand from both ears and a charcoal powersuit. But everything about her has the vibe of 'don't EFF with me'. "She is my oldest freind Teela.. Older even than you. She saved my life a lifetime ago.. long before I was the Panther. " He says and leaves it at that. It is his right as King to keep some things to himself.

Storm has posed:
There is a flash of a smile to Rogue at the floating, but just in case- she does ask her to 'ground' before they are in view of the SUV. Better safe than sorry.

Once at the gate, she calls to let the vehicle in, her eyes searching the car, but just staring at the blackened windows. While she generally keeps her composure, a mysterious visit from a familiar diplomatic car can have harsh news with it. It could just be delivering bad news under his will. Knowing what he does- this is always a concern.

She does explain to Rogue, lightly, before whomever might step out of the vehicle: "This is the Wakanda flag- a friend from my childhood is now King there." But she doesn't elaborate beyond that. Much of her history is still vague and mysterious as she doesn't share a large amount with too many.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue dropped out of the sky before the two of them came around the Xavier Mansion, she uttered "Hardcore Parkour!" as she dropped down over a hedge, to make it look like she'd leapt over it.

With arms swinging at her sides, gloves back on her hands now, Rogue looked over at Ororo and heard her explanation about the arrivals then looked at the SUV they were headed toward. She noted the flags on it, which only ever seemed to be used for Government cars.

"A king?" Rogue asked, looking from SUV to Stormy to SUV, then back to Stormy. "Hot damn... I shoulda dolled myself up a little more." She said with a grin, reaching her gloved hands up to her pone tail to undo it and shake her hair nice and loose. "My 'unkempt look'." She said to Storm with a grin. "The boys love it." And that got a self-engratiating exhale of ego-greatness out of the southern belle.

Black Panther has posed:
The SUV rolls through the gate when allowed, and pulls up into the driveway proper. The engine shuts off and the rear passenger door opens. No man steps out, but the black African woman, earings swaying gently with her movements. She gives both Rogue and Ororo a harsh look and a once over. Very definately scoping them out. Threat analysis.

Turning she stands aside for the OTHER passenger.

King T'challa of Wakanda. Better known to some as the Black Panther.

He offers a small nod to Teela, the bald woman, who moves up behind and to the side. His bodyguard? T'challa ignores her easily, long years of practice at work. "Ororo.. dhoruba kidogo.. It has been too long." He says with more than a little warmth in his eyes. Rogue is noticed of course.. but his eyes are for the storm goddess.

He approaches the pair and opens his arms for a hug from the teacher. The student, will get a firm handshake offered and given.

Storm has posed:
Ororo does give a little smile at Rogue as she 'readies' herself for the King's arrival. "You look beautiful as ever." She reassures. "I wouldn't fret." Rogue does manage to give her a bit of calm against how pensive she's managed to get to wait to see who or what will be coming out of this vehicle.

Though as the woman steps out, Ororo's attention slides to her, her expression still guarded, almost waiting for bad news. Though as T'Challa steps out, she releases a breath she didn't realize she was holding. At his greeting, she instantly smiles: "Mpendwa." She answers in return, stepping to receive the hug, lingering for only a polite moment before stepping back to allow him to greet Rogue.

"This is one of the students here, and a friend. She goes by Rogue." She offers in introduction to T'Challa first out of respect and politeness- proper etiquette. To Rogue: "This is T'Challa, my old friend and King of Wakanda." She will let him introduce himself as the Black Panther if he so wishes.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue put a gloved hand to her exposed collar bone when Storm offered her that compliment just prior to the guests stepping out of their fancy SUV. "So sweet!" She said with a grin to the Teacher before moving with her to greet the new comers.

It took Rogue about two whole seconds to figure out what was going on here, when she saw T'Challa's expression and eyes he gave to Storm, then the offered hug. THIS made Rogue get a big grin and her hands went to her jeans-shorts-covered hips. Rogue's green eyes looked from T'Challa, to Storm, to Teela... enjoying this all a greatl deal.

When the handshake was offered to her, Rogue gladly accepted it in her right-gloved hand. "Cest un honneur de vous rencontrer, votre Altesse." Rogue saidn in fluent and flaweless French, playing up the flirtatious-ness more than a little though.

Rogue then quickly flashed her eyes around at everyone. "If ya'll are gonna speak in anothe'ah language, so's will I." She said then, amusement thick in her southern accented English-speaking voice.

Black Panther has posed:
T'challa enjoys the hug for as long as it lasts. It's never long enough. One of the downsides of being king.. Enjoyable things never last long enough.. always more duties and pressures to attend to. His gaze turning to Rogue. "Et un plaisir de vous rencontrer." In equally fluent french. Relying on translators can get tedious.. and if they are lacking in skill, it can be dangerous. Far better to master the language yourself.

But he catches the comment and offers her a grin. "I like her.." He tells Ororo.

But his gaze returning to Ororo and he offers a smile. "Should we go inside Mpendwa?" He asks, giving Rogue a sideways glance, as he uses the swahili word." He turns to Teela. His apparent bodyguard. "halkan iska joog. Waan soo noqon doonaa" He rattles off. A tongue neither Rogue nor Ororo have ever likely heard. The bodyguards jaw clenches but she gives a nod. And remains behind.

Storm has posed:
While 'Storm' is generally the epitome of calm - there is a certain absolute ease in T'Challa's presence. A different kind of calm. Serenity. She can't help but laugh at the interaction between the other two.

"Yes, please. I'll make us some tea." The glance is given to both of them, the invitation open, of course. A polite smile is sent to the bodyguard told to stay behind, but she does not question it.

Gesturing to the house, she will offer to lead them both within and to the Kitchen. A more casual place to interact for the moment to lighten the air and hopefully relax T'Challa out of 'Kingship', if onyl for a little while.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue seemed to nearly positively 'bust' when T'Challa replied to her in equally flawless French. She had her gloved hands together with her fingers interlaced in front of her and she just smiiiiiled and leaned forward a little, before wobbling back again. A quiet little laugh coming out of her. "Ain't you just a charme'ah." She said then to the King.

Rogue looked to Tella then and pointed at her. "Love the 'Doo by the by." She told the Guardswoman. "Ah thought about goin' full buzz like that once. Thaught it'd make me look all kinda mad crazy tough. Which it does for you! So you're workin' it!" This would probably annoy the hell out of that woman that was with T'Challa, but Rogue didn't care too much.

"Kitchen time!" She said, clapping her hands together and bouncing around to head toward the front of the school. "I got a hardcore hankerin' for some sweet sweet tea!" The teenager rushed toward the doors, moving at a quick clip!

Black Panther has posed:
Teela fixes the teen that would kill if looks could. (And you're not Cyclops) But she says nothing. She doesn't understand why the King is here.. but in the end.. he is both her King and her commander. She will do as ordered. Especially orders given in the sacred tongue of Housa.

T'challa follows the pair inside the mansion, reaching to his throat and loosening his tie just a touch. As soon as the door closes of course. Following them to the Kitchen he leans up against one corner. Purposely making Ororo make him move to get to the tea. He can smell where it is even through the cabinet doors.

To Rogue he offers, "Qu'est-ce qui vous amène à apprendre ici? De ma petite tempête?"

Storm has posed:
Ororo heads inside with the rest of them, though hides a laugh behind the back of her hand, trying not to piss off the bodyguard, but she can't hide her amusement- especially at that look she gives Rogue. Oh dear.

While Ororo knows several languages native to Africa, French is not one of them. So this time- she's the outsider to the conversation, but it doesn't bother her one bit. If anything, she's clearly amused at seeing the two enjoy themselves.

Even more so when he leans right where the tea is. "Mpendwa..." She puts a hand to his side, the corner of her lips quirking in amusement as she has to nudge him gently aside to reach in to grab the box of teabags. Stepping away, she takes the kettle to fill, putting it on the stovetop and turning up the heat. To Rogue: "Did you want hot tea or iced?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue entered the large kitchen and she went right over to the counter between the two sinks and just leapt up onto it. She crossed her legs at the knees and pulled her gloves off cause her hands were hot and she hated summer for that very reason!

Rogue heard the french from the King and she grinned at him across the kitchen space between them. "I was a homeless case." She said at him. "Had some mental issues. The Professah was kinda enough t'take me in and let me live here'n go t'school here. No judgin, no nothin'." She said, leaving out some key details cause wasn't sure what T'Challa was 'cleared' to know and not know.

"Folks around here are the best'a the best. Nicest folks on the planet, no questions about it."

At Storm then, Rogue would look and she grinned at her. "Iced." She replied, with a headshake. "I don't care for no tea that ain't warmed by the shine'a the sun. Microwaves or ovens?" More head shaking. "No thank you... Only God's Good Rays'll heat up my sweet sweet tea." She said, grinning once more.

Black Panther has posed:
T'challa Ahh's at the explanation. For that is what he asked for. How she got here. He does move over when Ororo pushes him. A big fat grin on his face. It's like he's hanging out at home.. but so much better. Just for a few minutes he can forget he is King. Forget the troubles of the UN, of the US. Of Wakanda. And just enjoy himself. And if trouble comes creeping.. as it does so often.. well.. his suit is in the car.

"Judging by the two in this room, I will agree with you mon cher." He teases, sticking with the french. "Warmed for me please.. splash of milk if you dont mind. Got into the habit years ago. Part of my Oxford education."He says and smiles, moving to lean against another counter out of the way.

But his eyes cannot remain off Ororo for long. Muttering to her as he moves. "Kukua zaidi ya kupendeza kwa jicho na kila siku kupita." He utters as he moves away.

Storm has posed:
"The Professor introduced me to an 'English Tea' as he called it- so I will admit I grew a fondness for it. Rather... soothing. But iced tea is nice as well. Some day.. I will get you to try one." Ororo grins at Rogue.

While she waits for the water to boil on the stovetop in the kettle, she does move to grab a glass from a different cabinet. Moving to the fridge, she gets ice from the topside and pours some of the sun tea that was premade earlier today. Though who finished it- there is no telling. So the actual 'sweet' level... is a mystery. Sometimes its almost like syrup and sometimes its like there is nothing there at all. This- is set next to Rogue since the other woman's gloves are off, done without thought and moving away just as easily to claim two tea cups to set on the counter.

There is something to be said for her movements. She is... lighter. Almost floating on her feet like a weight has been lifted from her. T'Challa's murmur is met with a more demure smile. Humble. "Ninashukuru kwamba kukubali, upendo wangu." She offers soft in return, looking to Rogue after and switching back to English just as easily. "You are part of a very large... odd family. And very glad to have you, my friend."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue plucked her phone from her right hip pocket and she laid it on her lap as Ororo spoke to her about a tea-type that the Professor liked. "I'll... try it... but new things kinda scare the livin' daylights outta me." She said with a slight grin before she looked over at T'Challa.

"Except for dashingly handsome Kings a'course." She said this in a much more flirtatious voice. The teenage girl was encourageable, especially when she knew it was just a fun way to tease a person and get a laugh or a smile or even better... a hot face of embarrassment out of someone, that was her total favorite reaction from openly flirting with just about everyone around her.

As Storm set the tea down, Rogue picked it up a moment later, totally used to people in the school not wanting to touch her when she was exposing skin and since it was warm out, she had more showing than usual so she was a big Red Flag Stay Away sign right now. Which was fine with her.

Tea sipped, head nodded with approval and Rogue looked down at her phone. "Like some kinda weird ass SitCom Family. But thats cool with me, sure beats what I had before... which were homeless dudes that looked at me a liiiiittle too much." She started tapping on her phone with her thumbs then.