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Latest revision as of 20:37, 30 July 2017

Sittin at the Dock of the Bay
Date of Scene: 11 May 2017
Location: Breakstone Lake
Synopsis: Gambit and Rogue hang out at the Lake.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Gambit

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is at the lake this afternoon with her boots off and her jeans rolled up to her knees. She's got her legs dangling off the dock and is lightly splashing water with her bare feet. Aside her on the dock is a small radio that is oplaying some classic rock music and she's got her phone in her hand and is reading stuff upon it screen while wearing her aviator sunglasses. She's been pretty scarce since the events of last Friday, then... being followed-up by bumping into Carol Danvers for the first time since their fight, two days ago.

Rogue is just quietly humming to the music while looking at the screen of her phone.

Gambit has posed:
Remy know exactly where Rogue was, finding her wasn't an issue, but he took his time to get a change of clothes into something more appropriate.

The thief takes a seat on the dock next to his fiance and looking down at his own feet, carefully lowering them to the water's surface to test the temperature. Remy seethes through his teeth sharply and whisper. "Non, too cold." and pulls his knees up a bit.

"You know, no one's upset at you. You don' need t' hide."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sensed him sitting down beside her and she smiled softly at his arrival. But she didn't look up and over at him until he said those words. Then she stared at him from behind those reflective dark lenses of the aviators covering her eyes (the same kind of sunglasses Carol Danvers was wearing, imagine that).

"I ain't hidin' from nobody." She told him. "I'm just... doin' my own thing." She said at him. On her phone was a website with a Headline talking about a cult disappearing from a New Mexico park. It would seem that perhaps Rogue is doing her own sleuth-like investigations?

Gambit has posed:
"Jus' sayin', you been spendin' a lot o' time out here at t'e boat house since we got back from Canada." The thief says, realizing now switching to his swimming trunk in early May isn't the best idea, but he's here now so nothing to do about it.

Remy catches a glance at Rogue's phone, but he doesn't say anything now, just he's careful to store it away to memory. She's about to go off the chain and well... this is something he thinks she needs. Family is important.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue certainly hadn't planned on actually swimming in the lake as of yet, it was still dipping into the 40s at night! She was just getting her toes wet while she enjoyed the nice afternoon sunshine. Rogue shrugged her shoulders at his words. "The weathe'ahs been good. I can't stand sittin' inside houses when the sun is out. I've always been like that. I'm not inta video games and movies like mosta the othe'ahs."

Rogue glanced back in the direction of the school. "Plus, its just kind crazy there right now, cause'a all the graduation stuff goin' on that I'm not apart of. Which is my fault, but yeah... my graduation is gonna be low-key. I don't get t'have a big... ya know, fanfair, like they're doing for the resta the Senior class."

Gambit has posed:
Remy lifts his hand behind her back and curling his fingers so his nails are aimed towards her, he starts to scrath her back through her shirt slowly. "T'at's not what I was referrin' too." The cajun notes before looking back over his shoulder at the school, then looks to Rogue solemnly, "I'll jus' make sure ya get a biggah party t'en everyone else. Cause you're t'e special-est Rogue."

Yeah, he's not sure if his words are helping, but he's trying at least.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looked over at him then and she offered him a warm soft smile, so it did look like what he said to her helped. She looked back at her phone then and sighed though. "Its just hard." She said to him. "Seein' all that stuff the othe'ah night. It brought a lotta stuff back up inside'a me that, haunts me... a lot." Her eyes then went up and she looked out at the lake waters. "That guy, whomeve'ah he is... is kidnappin' lotsa people, like he did t'my parents. He's ruinin' lives, like he did t'mine."

Rogue reached a hand up and adjusted the blue and red NY Rangers hat she had on her head, then wiped some hair out of her face and looked back over at him. "I wanna kill'im, Remy." She said to him. "I wanna squeeze the life out of him and watch him die."

Gambit has posed:
Remy's hand continues to scritch at Rogue's back as he's not sure how else to show his affection while he's wearing only shorts. "I know Marie. I know." While that might not sound genuine, his mind is going to his dark place, his stollen life and family. All of them. He never knew his real parents. He didn't even have a normal childhood. The wife he never married. Lots of missed and revoked opportunities.

"We both know t'at's not t'e right t'ing t' do, but ... I have your back."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue breathed in deeply while he stroked her back like that and it did feel good, she may not feel pain or suffer wounds the same as she used to, but a nice back scratcher always hit the spot.

"I'll get kicked outta this place if I kill someone." She said then to him, looking over at him. Rogue didn't know a lot about Remy's past, but he never talked about it, never gave anything up about it and she didn't push. She wasn't the type to pry, which was perfect for someone who didn't want to tell.

"But if I see him, get a chance... I'm not sure I can stop myself."

Gambit has posed:
Remy stays silent for a moment, still scratching, but his eyes are distant, locked on the ripples of the lake. Slowly his hand seems to stop as he's far away now but with a blink, he's back and his hand is slowly moving again. "Few here would blame you, but many woul' be dissappointed, but no one would kick you out. And if'n t'ey did, I'd be packin' my bags wit' ya."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smiled at him when he said this and she turned to look at him, then went to lay her head down on on his shoulder. "Thanks." She said to him. "Thats why I'm in love with ya, Remy LeBeau." She said then in a soft voice. "Cause ya don't get angry at me for my murderous ways..." She said that in a silly sultry tone of voice. Her right bare-foot kicked some water up and across the surface of the lack, lots of tiny splashes and wavey ripples left in its wake.

"So really.... I'm just avoidin' the graduation stuff, since I'm upset I can't be apart'f it. And, well... tryin' t'find this guy, based off'a what we saw the othe'ah night."

Gambit has posed:
"If you don' stop worryin' about t'is graduation stuff, you'll have to take more classes, so you bes' be focusin' up Rogue." Remy says with a nudge of his bare shoulder against her hair. "Plus I done said I was gonna get you t'e biggest celebration anyways. T'at's a done deal."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smiled a little and she lifted her head up again from his shoulder. "I know, I know... I'm just bein' me. A touch irrational... a touch over emotional and a touch overly... passionate...? about things?" She glanced back at him and smirked.

A headshake later and she looked back down at her phone and swiped the screen to another website. "I ran into Carol at Apple Park in Salem a couple days ago." She said then to him. "I thought she was gonna kill me... She had that look in her eyes, like the lady from those Kill Bill movies?"

Gambit has posed:
"Bill?" Remy asks after he stands up on his feet and with a sudden motion, he's picking Rogue up by her waist and tossing her over his shoulder and starts to walk back down the dock. "I don' know what lady or movie you're talking about." The thief says with a smirk as he fakes struggling under Rogue's weight.

Gambit has posed:
Remy continues to the front of the dock and still doesn't seem to slow down their conversation at all. "Guess I'll have'ta watch 'em then. I need to be caught up with you in a lot o' t'ings I assume you never saw but ya remember seein'." That could come in handy for like a movie critic or something he thinks to himself.

He's on the grass now, not caring to use the winding path but takes a stright line back towards the school.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just laid there over his shoulder, she barely weighed more than a few pounds because her flight-control was on to make it even easier for him to carry her. She was just looking at her phone while he carried her, with her butt all up in the air like that and her tshirth falling down her back a bit. "Ya bette'ah just be careful ya don't brush up against my skin that you're exposin'." She warned him with a light grin.

"Awww, my boots are still down at the dock." She said, looking up and seeing them sitting side by side off in the distance and growing smaller the further he walked with her.

Gambit has posed:
"T'at's t'e plan t'ough. I know Tate's asleep in her room and I aim t' take advantage of t'is opportunity." Remy says, his voice a deep sultry growl. Though maybe he's just teasing.

The X-man doesn't have any worries though he is careful to not touch her skin as he makes his way in the back door and moves through the place with a goofy smile on his lips. Even walking up the stairs. "You' boot's'll be fine cheri. No kid's foolish enough t' touch 'em."

Rogue has posed:
When Rogue heard his plan she looked bacdk at him and then smiled past the brown and white hair that was draped over the majority of her face. "Are you takin' me up to your room t'snog me, Miste'ah LeBeau?" She asked. "The youngest teache'ah in the school, carryin' a student up the stairs t'have his way with her young, nubile, teenage body?" She teased him (thankfully nobody was around when she said that!).

"Ah mean... if thats what Ah gotta do t'get a passin' grade in your class, then thats what Ah just -have- t'do!"

Gambit has posed:
Only thing is Remy doesn't go to his room, or even his floor. "We're bot' teenagers, so t'at don' count Cheri." He says with a hidden twinkle in his eye.

No, he takes her to her room and using his foot, pushes out the chair from her desk and set her down with a whumpf.

"It's not my class t'at you need t' worry about. It's t'e ot'ers. Now, I wan' you t' really star' studyin'."

And just like that, Remy turns to head back out the door.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is plopped down in her chair with an over-exaggerated "Oof." said at him. Shen then looked over and up at him as he retreated and told her to study. Her desk was a mess of books, papers, phone chargers, a Laptop that was bright green and covered in Scooby Doo stickers and lots of other gnick-gnacks.

"Study?" She asked, and then grumped. "I'm just gonna lookat porn afte'ah ya close that door, ya know?" She said back at him with a grin then.

Gambit has posed:
"I'll stay t'en." Remy not only threatens but does, he turns to move and takes a seat on Rogue's bed, his barefeet dripping onto the floor and his bare chest rising and falling softly with his breath. "Gotta make sure mah fiancee passes her classes. T'at's mo'e important t'an ... snogin' 'er."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughed as he called her bluff on that. "Fine." She told him. "But ya do know that I passed all'a my classes and that I'm currently not even IN a class. So 'studyin' is kind of a general topic. I mean... I can study... vague topics, like if I were preparin' t'be on Jeopardy or something, if that makes ya happy, ya Swamp Rat." She glanced over at him where he lounged on her bed now and she reached out to push the power button on her laptop to flip it on.

Gambit has posed:
With a roll of his red eyes Remy looks back at Rogue with a defeated sigh and a smile that will not stay off his face. "Fine, I'll snog ya if it make's ya happy."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughed when he said this and she shook her head while staring at her laptop that came on slowly (cause her computers always worked like crap). Rogue reached out and picked up her dark green hairbrush and started to brush her hair while she waited on the stupid machine.

"Oh no..." She said to him. "You missed that boat, Miste'ah." She told him, glancing over at him. "Besides. Tate's room is in the north hall, she's too far away t'shut off my life suckin' ways."

Finally the computer booted to Windows and Rogue reached out to move the mose around over the desktop wallpaper she had of yellow lab puppies all splling out of a cardboard box.

Gambit has posed:
"T'en t'ere's only one t'ing t' do." Remy says, still sitting on the bed and pondering his next move, though he's decided already.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue brought up a web browser and she went to check her e-mail while she overheard what he was saying from her bed. "Uh huh." She told him. "And whats that?" She asked, averting her eyes from the computer over to him again as she started brushing her hair once more. "Go back out t'the lake where it was nice and warm, instead this stuffy old house?"

Gambit has posed:
If there's one thing Remy likes to do it's call a bluff and so he scrambles forward playfully and picks Rogue up again, tossing her over his shoulder once more and heading out the door. "Nope. We already been t'ere once t'day." Remy moves over towards the stair case again and goes up one more and then down the north wing, if she'll let him.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue squealed when he came at her and picked her up again and then she started laughing as she reached out for her door to shut it behind them. "Those pictures are in there! Can't let people go in there!" She said, as they passed by a couple other students who were eyeballing them.

"Watch where you aim those things." One of them said about Rogue's bare feet that were kicking wildly around in front of Remy now, as those feet were dangerous for several reasons!

Gambit has posed:
"I am. Keep your eyes forwards studen's." Remy says teasingly as he walks up the stairs and towards his room which he opens and shows off how... clean it is. The pictures Rogue knows he has aren't even out in the open, just the one of them kissing when he gave her the ring on his desk and that's about it. Shutting the door with his heel, Remy steps towards the bed and tosses the teenager down on top of it.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue squeals again then as she's planted onto the bed on her backside and she laughs, then just falls flat upon it and spreads out! A nice big stretching motion leaving her arms up high over her head and her legs out wide on either side of her. "Ahhhh... wait." She then looked up and around. "You actually clean your room now?" She asked him, eyeballing the place. "Jesus, you really are gettin' old!" She grinned at him then.

Gambit has posed:
"Sorry, I can mess t'e place up if you'd rat'er do t'at." Remy says with a chuckle and reaches over to brush her hair with his fingers, carefully brushing her ear with the back of his hand and not feeling anything other than skin on skin. Seems he was right about Tatum.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smiled at him and she shook her head on the bed and looked up at him when he went to brush her hair. She had some serious eyes as she watched him, but he didn't die... so he was indeed right about Tatum. "She's probably gonna get up any second and then I'll become a killin' machine again." She said at him with a small smile, her voice was quiet then and more calm once again.

Gambit has posed:
"Nah, I'm sure she'll be there for a while." Remy says, giving a wink as he kneels down next to his bed and with his red eyes locked onto Rogue's greens, he gently moves his hand to softly brush her cheek with the back of his hand.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughed softly when he said that and touched her cheek. "That makes it sound like ya drugged her, or handcuffed her to the bed or somethin'." She said back at him in a soft voice, amusement lacing the words. But she just laid there and watched him, happy to be relaxing like this with him.

Gambit has posed:
"I have my own methods of keepin' a girl happy Rogue. Don' chu worry about t'at." He says with a wink and moving his other hand up tracing along her smooth skin with his finger nails until he finds her own hand and laces his fingers with hers.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughed softly again at those words from him, her body wobbling as she laughed while laying there. "Thats what I've heard about you, Miste'ah LeBeau." She said up at him, a big smile on her red painted lips. Her head gently shook back and forth atop her hair that was all messed up again beneath her on the bed. "Ah hear what the girls say about you in the hallways... ya know."

Gambit has posed:
"T'ey bes' not be sayin' anyt'in'. I always give 'em plenty o' hush money damn it." The cajun teases, breathing gently while looking deeply, lovingly, into Rogue's eyes. There should be no doubt she's the only one in his eyes romantically, but, the thief is curious, "What do t'ey say?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grinned at him then. "That you swooned your way inta havin' a job here, that you're the teache'ah all the students wanna be with and that I put a witch spell on you t'get ya to propose t'me. Cause ya know, they all think I'm a witch. Which... I didn't help much when I was flyin' around with that broom b'tween my legs, cacklin' at some'a them." She grinned some more and shook her head. "They're just jealous. But I'm not sure if they're jealous'a me or you..."

Gambit has posed:
"T'ey prolly jealous of t'e two of us, findin' love when t'ey're still dealin' wit' cliques an' shit like t'at." Remy says, leaning forwards towards Rogue, lifting up slightly so he can move his lips to hover inches from hers, his warm breath splashing across skin. "T'ey all jealous of our love."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughed a little more at him and she nodded. "Thats the cheesiest thing I think I've eve'ah heard." She said up at him, but nodded some more. "I'll accept that as our answer to it though." She added, reaching a gloved hand up to the side of his face. "So is the part where I strip all my clothes off and we get down to business?" She asked him then in a sultry tone of voice.