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Enter the Dragon, Again
Date of Scene: 29 December 2017
Location: Gotham Rooftop
Synopsis: Richard Dragon and the Batman discuss Lady Shiva and Nightwing's duel. Red Robin just tries not to embarrass himself to mixed results.
Thanks to: Look up Richard Dragon and Batman, they are fantasic and really elevate play.
Cast of Characters: Dragon, Batman, Red Robin

Dragon has posed:
    It was a cool, wintery, breezy night in Gotham City. The darkness was a familiar friend to those who spent most of their time defending this city in the wee hours of the morning. A slight trickle of rain was falling, giving the city a musty, damp feel to it. The smells, the feel, the look of the city was wet. Wet and dark. AT least the rain hid some, if not all, of the smell of decay and pain that permeated the streets of the City of the Dark Knight.

    Richard Dragon was kneeling on one of the rooftops not China Town, in West Chelsea. It has been only a few short days since he has returned to these streets. Returned at the summons of one Lady Shiva. A request, to train young Dick Grayson, and perchance, have him become the challenge to her that she has desired for some time.

    Tonight was a different matter. It weas only a matter of time before the Dark KNight, or a member of his "family" would find him, and perhaps it was time to be more readily available to them? This time, he would not hide. Perhaps, with a little luck, they would find him?

Batman has posed:
    With Dragon many things are often more based on the feeling of the moment. Each time that Batman had met the man they had made an impression on each other. That control and precision of the great teacher, the subtle serenity. It led in part to a feeling of understanding between them that perhaps the sensei would consider 'chi', but Batman perhaps not.
    Yet the Bat had become aware of the Dragon. Perhaps through that sense of the other, perhaps through a word given and passed. Perhaps even through a simple silhouette against the stormy night skyline of Gotham. But to the evening patrol it amounts to this.
    "We're making a detour." The rough voice says into the comm even as the Batman lands silently upon the gravel rooftop of the old apartment building, the rain droplets pattering upon the black cowl. Red Robin might well perceive the slight tension in the voice, and might well have time to reflect upon it before he's there overlooking down upon that other rooftop. The rooftop where the lone man stands.
    It does not take long for Dragon to realize he's not alone. No ghostly reappearance of the Bat is attempted. Instead there is a flare of the wide winged cloak that cushions the tall man's descent, the faint flap of fabric that is the only sound as he lands in a crouch upon that rooftop.
    Then Batman rises, black silhouette in the dark with only eyelets of light. "Dragon." He offers greeting, then his hands appear from beneath the folds of the cloak, fist clenched into open hand. The greeting of a martial artist to another. He bows.

Red Robin has posed:
    The world is his oyster right now. Robin the younger continues to impress, his relationship with his mentor remains strong, and there is a hint of a social life and a window into maybe having a full life without the mask open in front of him. He could have it all, if he just works for it. Red Robin hurtles through the air after his mentor. Tonight, he is on patrol with the Big bad bat, and he is smiling. he is joyful. His booted feet alight after Batman's and there is nary a sound. no gravel is loosened by the careful footfalls.

    His hands move smoothly. The left pushes back the hood on his cloak, and the right adjusts a small device on his belt, sliding the temperature down a few degrees in his heated suit. it was getting positively balmy in there.

    The younger vigilante waits until his mentor has bowed. His greeting is nuanced by his other teacher. His right hand slides into a fist, and presses to his left palm. His bow is lower, but he remains silent.

Dragon has posed:
    Richard Dragon was kneeling, encompassed in serenity. Feeling the city below him. The ripples of currents of air, the changes in pressure, temperature, humidity...presence. Batman's presence was one that sent ripples through the region around him, ripples in the fabric of existence. Indeed, in the very "chi" of Dragon...and Wayne.

    The rain, the cold, the damp, did not affect Dragon as it did most people. It merely...was. Deep breathes invoked the meditation of peace.

    The sound of the two vigilantes' arrival broke Dragon's serenity. Batman's arrival, and the arrival of...another. Younger. A slight smile appears on Dragon's face, as he realises...Drake. With a dextrous movement of muscles, a grace and presence only Grandmasters in the Art had accomplished, Richard Dragon rises, turns, and without so much as a glance, returns the respect of the two in front of him, a bow, deep enough to show proper respect to the Dark Knight and his new Protege.

    "I am truly honoured." Dragon says, simply and with respect. "I beg your indulgance in breeching the confines of your city with my presence." Dragon says, with a smile. Looking up, Dragon says, "It is good to see you again, old friend."

Batman has posed:
    For a moment the Bat's features shift, a thin line of lips, almost grudgingly given. But then he nods and advances upon the man, stepping close enough to offer his arm and to clasp the other's forearm in greeting should he accept. But then at the words he'll give a single nod. "You are welcome in Gotham. Though I would wish the matters of your return were less perilous."
    He steps to the side to include Red Robin into the conversation. It is a good choice of place to spare words between them. The sight lines are safe, no good angles for snipers nor surveillance, and the night is quiet there even with the faint sound of the rain running down the long decrepit gutters of the building.
    "I am sure you know what has passed." He states, presuming that Dragon knows the portents and what events beckon in the coming year. "I will be grateful for your aid with Nightwing's situation."

Red Robin has posed:
    "Batman speaks very highly of you, your methods, your skills, but mostly of your integrity, Master Dragon." Red Robin chimes in, his tone very respectful of both men. "As did my teacher Lady Shiva when I was fortunate enough to train under her."

ncharacteristically, he takes a couple of steps back and to one side. His eyes are hidden by the slats of his mask. Not a whole lot makes Tim Drake's eyes wide. They are wide right now. a tiny shallow part of him hopes that the two men spar. He might learn 17 things just by osmosis if that happened! For not the first time this week, his smile is firmly in place. It's scary sometimes, and there is this gray morality that can rise up to challenge the Mission, but moments like this? He is so grateful to be who he is, and to be standing where he is.

    His gaze is bordering on the rude, it is so intent on the two men. The cold air between his breaths is smaller, and shorter puffs, like he's afraid to breath too heavy.

    "And when you're done teaching Nightwing, I would do my utmost to be a diligent and dedicated student myself." The words blurt out. His cheeks go rosy, and he stammers, "I-if you have the time."

    Way to go, Drake. Smooooth.

Dragon has posed:
    Without so much as a sound, Richard Dragon moves forward. It was strange...one minute he was at the edge of the building, the next, closer to Batman and Red Robin. Clasping Batman's arm in a gesture of comraderie and friendship, Dragon smiles, warmly and without reservation. Releasing Batman with a nod, Dragon simply says, "Indeed." It was a perilous time for his arrival.

    Of course the location was, as Batman could tell, a perfect place for a meeting, clandestine or not. It felt...right to Dragon when he chose it. That was the way of things.

    Dragon turns his eyes on the young apprentice for a moment, his eyes burning into the very chi of the young man. For a moment. "Indeed." Dragon bows his head in acknowledgement of the compliment from Tim. And the follow up. Smiling, Dragon nods, and says, "I would be honoured to teach you, Red Robin. Although I am sure your current mentor could teach you almost as well." Dragon nods respectfully towards Batman. "If you have need of me, I am at your disposal."

    Taking Drake's measure, Dragon nods, satisfied, and returns his gaze to the Dark Knight. A nod, a slight sigh, and a, "Of course. Lady Shiva was most...poignant in her words."

Batman has posed:
    A glance to the side is given by Batman, just a small one, a bare turning of the cowl with an askance glance. Not a check or a crack of the whip to draw rein, but it might well serve such a purpose.
    Yet that moment passes as he looks back towards Dragon. "I believe there was a misunderstanding between Shiva and Nightwing. She sought to test him, he presumed it was to the death and offered his counter. So challenged, Shiva could not decline."
    Turning to the side, Batman begins to walk out of the faint glow of the moon's light, turning with his back towards the small stairwell alcove that marks one of the few features of the rooftop. Arms folding over his chest, he tilts his head slightly. "Is there a precedent or a possible angle we can play that might mitigate the situation. In your opinion?"
    It is perhaps the first time Tim has seen Batman not so much defer... as to perhaps seek advice and knowledge from another. For once the matter is not already resolved seventeen different ways beforehand due to the Bat's planning. No, matters still are evolving.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake's jaw drops. It hangs. It gapes. For just a moment, he is absolutely thunderstruck. His mind races. After entirely too long a moment for someone his age to be slack-jawed, he manages to close his fly trap. there is a faint click as his molars touch, he corrects the look so fast.

    he caught his mentor's little glance, and his shoulders stiffen, not in defiance, but in respect. Red robin gives the slightest little nod back to the batman, acknowledging and correcting.

    hey, when you are wrong, you are wrong! Red Robin shadows the two older men, again lapsing into a quiet, respectful, silence. It is uncharacteristic from the little know-it-all, but these two men have forgotten more about these things than he has ever learned. Red Robin's attention is rapt on them, then he moves towards a bit of shadow and surveys the rooftops around them, moving to watch for trouble.

    He feels really sorry for anyone dumb enough to cause trouble though.

Dragon has posed:
    Dragon regards Batman thoughtfully for a moment, taking a few seconds before speaking. Measuring his next words carefully. "Misunderstandings generally mean a lack of wisdom and foresight." Dragon pauses again. "Lady Shiva does have a...peculiar code of honor. Mr. Grayson was sorely inadequate to the task. He is...lucky, but unwise to meet her challenge. However, she will not make that "mistake" again, and will be coming for him."

    A pause, as Dragon takes a moment to think over Batman's next words. "A way to "cheat" the upcoming battle?" Dragon's face twisted in an amused expression, however, it was garish in the scarce street lights from below. The darkness hid most of his thoughts, but his voice reflects what he felt. "Hmmm."

    A glance at Drake as he moves, makes Dragon appreciate the young man's talent. Batman always had an eye for talent. Shaking his head, Dragon returns his gaze back to the dark silouetted shadow that was Bruce Wayne, the Batman.

    "I believe there are ways. It all depends on how Shiva surveys tradition, honour, and her own personal views of "Meiyo". The deadline is all. I believe she has revealed how long before the challenge comes due, to you and Mr. Grayson?"

Batman has posed:
    The answer is given in a single nod, but then Batman adds a few words, "Less than ten months now." He says even as he looks down for a moment, brow furrowing. His fingertips tap upon his upper arm in a short rhythm, for some reason a particular sequence as if it was something at play in the back of his mind.
    He looks up and back towards Dragon. "Not to cheat the battle, but something that will satisfy the honor on both sides." The Batman lowers his arms and says simply, "I will not allow Nightwing to be killed." And with the intensity of those words, the weight of them, it's clear all of what that entails in that statement. That there are no barriers to any action likely should that situation come to pass.
    "I told Shiva as much."

Red Robin has posed:
    "Batman?" The tone is quiet, and tentative. Gingerly, in that uncharacteristically uncertain tone, Red Robin asks. "Would the code permit a favor to a student? Mercy granted as a favor for a student? I am neither her best, nor her favorite student. But, I will ask, I will plead, or I will beg, if either of you believes that will give us an out."
    Red Robin looks between the two older men with a hopeful smile on his face. His mask goes back to slowly tilting as he observes the surroundings. "I mean, it cannot hurt, can it?" Feeling he has intruded about as much as he can, the younger man lapses back into his silent observation.

Dragon has posed:
    "Ah yes. To satisfy honor, that is the challenge. Shiva will not be cheated from her goal. It is her own way of doing things. All things being equal, Richard must face Shiva. To the death. However...there may be a way..." Richard Dragon's eyes crinkle in thought. Looking up, Dragon nods, and adds, "Oh, don't get me wrong. I do not want him facing her, where either one may die. This is not...the Way of Honor, today."

    Dragon has not moved from his spot since first clasping arms with Batman. "I believe you. Shiva said as much when I met with her several days ago. Ms. Gordon also emphasized the situation to me as well." Dragon places his hands behind his back, in an "at ease" position. This is truly a difficult conundrum, of which I will endeavor to find a solution."

    Drake's voice wafts over the damp air, and into Dragon's ears. "Very perceptive and wise, young Robin. You will make a honorable warrior of which I would be proud to mentor." Dragon nods, and adds, "Interesting. To sacrifice oneself for another. No, it would not work. You would simply take her place in the eyes of honor, and she would be forced to face you. I have no illusions as to who would win that battle. At this time, anyway. You are thinking though, and that is the sign of a good tactician. You have to think strategically though."

Batman has posed:
    To Robin, Batman says levelly. "Even if she does not put any weight on your apprenticeship with her, Robin, you'll gain insight and any information is good. But if your intention is to offer challenge in place, then no. I would not have you risk your life in this." He imparts that bit to him calmly, precisely. Though there is a small distance to the man's voice as it's clear his thoughts are on the future and what must come to pass.
    It's back to Dragon that the tall man in cape and cowl turns his attention, shadowed eyes focus on the man. "What is the way you are considering?" He shifts stance slightly, turning to consider Dragon. "There may be ways to make Shiva reluctant to exercise the full extent of the conflict between herself and Nightwing..."

Red Robin has posed:
    "She could have kill me before. She didn't seem to want to. You are both of course correct. She would absolutely destroy me if she wanted to. She would have to wait a couple years for me to get coached up to be a good challenge wouldn't she?' He gives a small shrug of the shoulders and observes the two men. To the Batman, he gives a little nod, as if understanding what he is not to do.

Dragon has posed:
    Richard Dragon smiles without warmth. "Shiva desires challenge above all else. The only way she may be dissuaded from her goal, is to find something that will challenge her and satiate those desires within her to become all she can be. She must succeed, or be defeated, and still succeed. Even in defeat, she learns. Her path is one of pain and accomplishment, with no concerns for those she leaves on the road behind her."

    Dragon then moves, subtley for a moment, and turns to face off in the distance, where the moon would be, hidden by the clouds. "Red Robin is, of course, correct. If there is nothing for her to learn, it is not worthy of her time. However, young Grayson would not consider succumbing to humility and that is where we are." Dragon regards Tim thoughtfully. "Only a few years, Red Robin."

    Dragon sighs. "I will train Nightwing. Give him a chance. In the meantime, I will speak again with Shiva. Perhaps there is a way. Perhaps...I am missing something." Dragon considers. "Perhaps..."


Batman has posed:
    "I will do everything I can to aid the training, whatever you need." That much is clear as he steps away then from the place he had been, moving further into the moonlight even as the faint gleam catches the line of the insignia upon his chest. The vigilante looks towards Robin for a moment, nodding at something said before he turns back towards Dragon.
    "You can contact us with this. It'll go through either to myself, Red Robin, or Batgirl. If needs be you can then be brought to the cave." A black rectangle of a burner phone is extended towards the master martial artist, offering it to him. Then another step, but he looks askance towards the master. "You have lodgings?" He asks, expecting he most likely does but making the offer without actually uttering the words.
    It might well surprise Robin that Dragon would have such access, but then again the man having trained the Bat as well knows the one behind the cowl truly.

Dragon has posed:
    "Thank you. He will need your training and guidance while we try to find a...loophole." Dragon finds that tremendously amusing. As the phone is offerred, Dragon accepts the gift without a word, nodding, and looking down at it. Then, it is gone. Into the folds of his clothing. "I do. I make due with what is provided, wherever I go. Home is where I lay my head, I have heard." Dragon smiles.

    "Thank you for your kindness, though. It is much appreciated. I would like to speak to Mr. Pennyworth once again. We always have such...stimulating conversations. And his stories about you..." Thankfully, Dragon trailed off.

    With a final thought, and a turn of his body, Dragon, nods his head respectfully towards Batman, as though signalling his intent. Taking a breath, Dragon assumes a stance, one of mysticism and martial prowess. With a stretch, and subtle shift of his body, and a moment of serenity followed by a mixture of clarity and calm, Dragon assumes a position known to Masters and Grandmasters of the Art. His gaze finds Batman's, and with a slight nod, motions for the man to join him. A challenge.


Batman has posed:
    The man in black had been turned partially to the side and away, his thoughts distant upon the future and the fate of one of his own. But then he could hear that controlled inhalation of breath, that precise and subtle shift of body position and the movement that to others would sound as of naught. But to ones trained to such an extent, to such a purity of movement and intent, it is as clear as the clarion call.
    There's a faint crunch of gravel under foot as Batman turns to face Dragon directly. The man's stance is almost that of the mountain, poised, ready, timeless. Red Robin is perceived only now as something peripheral, the universe is no longer anything save what is between the two men with that silent challenge issued.
    Slowly. Batman turns his hips to the side, hands coming up before him, those gauntlets but shadows against the nighttime skyline. They're open, ready, even as his back foot turns and slides slooowly along the surface of the rooftop. And then they both hold that position, that distance between them.
    It has ever been this way between them. Dragon, even in the past had been such a source of serenity. But the man who calls himself at times the Bat, at times Bruce Wayne. He is no such thing. He is turmoil. The swirl of the storm. And perhaps, in some ways, that is ever the difference between them.
    They focus upon each other, center. The stance is held. The span of several dozen heartbeats pass in silence between them even as the rain drops trickle down the distant gutters. There's a single faint creak of leather.
    And then, as quick as that... it passes. Slowly Batman straightens and then bows as he murmurs from the depths of that movement, "I congratulate you on your victory." A formality to the words even as he straightens.

Dragon has posed:
    Richard Dragon is the calm in the storm. Time stops as he regards the Batman with a perceptive air of glacial serenity. In the back of his mind he senses the oncoming storm. The crescendo of waves over his defenses, the chaos and power that was Bruce Wayne. The Batman. Defenses held. Eerie silence withstood. The order of silence. The modest strength of spirit that was Richard Dragon. The only sounds were the breathing of Tim DRake. The creak of leather. And the distant sound of thunder signalling the oncoming storm.

    Dragon looks into the eyes of the soldier that was Bruce Wayne, and feels the passion and the heat. The turmoil and the night. The darkness...threatening to engulf the light. Steadfast and true, Richard Dragon exhales, and bows deeply. The battle was over.

    "I am humbled and truly honored." Dragon replies formally, "You have surpassed my teachings, and I could not be more proud of you. It was a close one." Dragon smiles, warmly and with a touch of affection, a truly unique occurrence. "You have come a long way."

Red Robin has posed:
    Oh my God! They just fought in like their heads! Tim Drake has heard f this stuff. He should be paying more attention the surroundings. Red Robin just watches the men. His skills are the least developed of the Robins. Perhaps that is why he is so eager to better himself. He pays rapt attention to the men however, almost to a intrusive degree. If they had anymore of his attention, they would be fighting him.

    Red Robin pulls in a slow, deep breath, and doesn't mean to be disrespectful as he just breaths out. "Woah."

    He thought he almost maybe perceived something? Nope. His imagination. had to be. His eyes are practically as big as dinner plate in his face. Remembering himself. "Sorry." Red Robin goes back to trying to watch the surroundings. "I... you did something. It was real. I almost? I almost saw it? Felt it? How did you?" He shuts his mouth. "Sorry, Batman." He goes quiet again. "I'll try not to interrupt."

Batman has posed:
    Straightening to his full height, Batman gives a solemn nod. "But not far enough, sensei." And as he says that he turns and begins to move away, footsteps silent upon the rooftop as he moves towards the edge of it. One boot lifts to rest on the lip of the small wall that encircles the building's heights. Over his shoulder he says to the man, "We'll talk more later."
    But it's only once they're walking that he answers Robin's myriad questions. "C'mon. Robin. We have work to do." And with that having been said he touches a hand to his hip, withdrawing the grapple gun and lifting it. There's the click of it locking into place then the short snap-hiss of expanding gas firing as the line trails off into the distance til it hooks upon the edge of a nearby building.
    There are no further words from him for now as he steps away off the side of the building and swings into the night, the cape flaring and casting the silhouette of the bat as a great shadow over the city.