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(Grace meets Ares under his guise of John Aaron)
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Latest revision as of 20:46, 30 July 2017

The Grace of War
Date of Scene: 17 June 2017
Location: Manhattan
Synopsis: Grace meets Ares under his guise of John Aaron
Cast of Characters: Ares, Grace Choi

Ares has posed:
    The Godsend bar during the week is a wild place compared to most. It has a steady influx of shore workers and is close enough to Mutant Town that there's always some level of strangeness in the place. Usually groups lay claim to different parts of the place, like the pool area, or around the big video/music player with its accompanying KENO and token state sponsored gambling displays. There's the bar too, but the dance floor also has its own crowd.
    But on weekends that changes. There's an influx of tourists, usually younger sorts in their twenties who have heard bad things about the place and want to live dangerously. But with that change of the crowd it shoos off the regulars, leads some of the harsher elements to stay away and find some place more fitting for them. The owners of the place don't care one way or the other so long as the punters spend and spend a lot.
    This Saturday night is fairly at ease like the other ones because of this. Oh sure there's still the jump suited locals who enjoy their little corner and lend the 'flavor' to the place. But the pool table, the music, the bar, all under the heady control of the next generation touristy out of towners.
    None of this matters, however, to the man who steps past the bouncer. Nods are exchanged, the bouncer waving the man on in. He looks like one of the locals, though is perhaps taller than most and a bit broader of shoulder. His features are still haggard and grim, but he seems at ease as if wherever his foot is placed that is his domain.
    A once over is given to the place, then he heads towards the bar.

Grace Choi has posed:
    It was Grace's weekend to be off for the month, and where does she go? Somewhere to pick up someone. And, The Godsend is a good place for that. Presently, just as the last bar John saw her at, the very tall, very independent girl is brazenly showing off her tattoos, sitting alone - but this time, she's got her eye on a very pretty latino woman who seems to be with a small group of friend at the bar as well.
    Being a bouncer, Grace is attentive to her surroundings, though. And to those present. She catches sight of the 'construction' guy that 'watched out' for Zinda out of the corner of her eye.
    Now she has two people to watch, as if her expression is any indication, she doesn't exactly believe in coincidences.

Ares has posed:
    Some time ago, at least as far as he knows, one of the fates died in a tumult as Olympus was besieged. Was it Clotho, Lachesis, or Atropos he knew not. But even with her passing he had no qualms about trusting himself to their tender mercies. At times he would be struck by whim, or a subtle feeling urging him towards one course of action or another. It had started earlier in the day when he had cleaned out his pockets and felt a twinge as he pulled the check for their rather robust night out at the Godsend. On some level he expected perhaps it was to watch out for Zinda. But with fate, one never knew.
    Yet there was no Zinda here, not now at the least. He gained the attention of the bartender and ordered his rum and coke. Taking it in hand he turned and assayed the place again.
    And there she was. The tall woman who watched over her surroundings like some stern sentinel. The tall man's brow furrowed as he looked to her. Coincidence, no at least that is something they both could agree on. There were no such things.
    To the tender he gestured for the bottle of rum and another glass, then he pushed off the bar and closed the distance with Grace. His presence is announced with the bottom of the bottle clicking upon the table, though she assuredly espied him before he finished the walk across the way. He cocks an eyebrow asking a silent question.

Grace Choi has posed:
    Grace illicts a sigh, her eyes moving from John to the rather attractive and well-endowed latino girl she'd been eyeing and considering approaching. Still, her eyes flicker back to John, and her long legs kick out a chair in at least some manner of invitation. "You know," she says mildly, "You'd better make it worth my time. She's been flirting with me."
    And, it's true. The latino girl has also, it seems, subtle, but certainly, looking over Grace. However, as the woman watches John sit with Grace, she looks a touch disappointed and goes back to talking with her friends.
    "You can start by buying me a drink."

Ares has posed:
    "Shall I seduce her friend and clear the path for you?" The tall man offers in that too calm deadpan as he takes the booted out seat, putting down the extra glass with a clink, then pointing at the bottle of rum as if offering it, but then murmurs. "Rum?" There's a small smile, but it reaches his eyes so there's that.
    Yet he seems fairly at ease as he settles into the seat, crossing a foot over his knee and adding some more rum to his own glass, the ice half-melted for now. "I did want to thank you for your kindness with Zinda when we were last here."

Grace Choi has posed:
    Grace offers her glass for a fill-up. "Not my usual, but what the hell," she conceeds. There's a nod, "Zinda's okay," she continues. She rolls her shoulders, and relaxes back into the chair. There's a sip taken after her drink is filled and she considers the man thoughtfully.
    "This your normal dive, then? You don't look the part." She gestures at him, then nods to the rest of those in the bar. "That means, you want something. Or, you're here for a reason."

Ares has posed:
    The bottle is turned on its side and some rum is gurgled into the glass for her, then he sets the bottle aside with a clink. At her words, however, it encourages him to give the place another looking over, perhaps gauging it anew with a considering glance. But then he looks back and says, "Strangely enough, not really." He sits forwards, wrapping his hands around the base of his drink.
    "Or at least, not a reason I am aware of." He furrows his brow and adds, "I at times trust my gut feeling and it felt like I had forgotten something here." He waves a hand to the side, dismissing his own words as unworthy. "I had expected to find Zinda in some capacity, perhaps have to bail her out of something or other. I feel somewhat responsible for her." His brow knits, "Not entirely sure why."
    But then he meets her gaze and perhaps when she glowers at various men they have a certain reaction to turn away, to perhaps err on the side of caution. Yet to him, she represents something else entirely than what most might see her as. "But it may be that I'm here for you in some way. Why would I take an interest in you?" He taps a finger on the side of the glass.
    "You seem able to handle yourself, you are strong of presence and form. You have exceptional reach for someone your height. If this were a different time I'd find it amusing to throw you a giant hammer and set you to a task."

Grace Choi has posed:
    Grace watches John, mild suspicion about her, but she doesn't look all that concerned. There's enough curiousity mixed with that suspicion to cause her to buffet him away as she has a few others. She is a woman who assesses situations, and for a living. And, she can read movements. Micro emotions. Not that she's aware of that. But, she knows John doesn't have any bad intents towards her. And in his words, she gathers that he, himself, is at least telling the truth.
    "Instinct ain't a bad thing to have. You're not here to make a pass at me," she gathers, more as an observation and in passing, "But, I can't say as I get an invitation to get a giant hammer. You at least got my interest, John."
    There's another sip of rum, and Grace cracks her knuckles, eyeing the man before her with renewed interest. She smiles, sharply. "Intriguing idea. I tend not to use weapons. I like my fists. But," she considers, "A giant hammer could be fun," she agrees.
    "You do her a bad turn, or something?"

Ares has posed:
    "Mmm," John looks away as Grace asks him directly. If she's seen veterans, seen people who have been back fresh from an extended tour, she'll see that distanced gaze there again. Looking past the now and to the then. His brow beetles as he looks back. "If a time comes that you need a weapon, then contact me and you will have one suitable." A faint smirk comes to him as he chases off ill spirits with a touch at levity when he adds, "It'd be difficult to tote it around til the time comes." And make it hard to pick up the occasional gal.
    "But Zinda." He takes a breath and then turns the bottle to refill his glass. "I've known a lot of Zindas in some shape or form for many years. A lot of people who have taken the fight into themselves and it devours them." He taps a fingertip upon the table top, "Helped a few. Not enough. Named my son after the first that slipped away."
    But then he scowls and leans forwards, "Bah." He takes up his drink and tilts it back, downing it fully and refilling the next moment. "Now, however, is not the time for melancholy."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "The only thing Melancholy ever got anyone," replies Grace, "Is either a drug addiction, or drunk. Not for me." She looks at her now empty glass, and shakes it back and forth between her fingers to indicate to John that it's his job to keep her glass full.
    "So, tell me. What kind of construction worker makes a lot of friends with war-hardened people, and offers giant hammers to girls in bars?" No. Grace doesn't believe John is just a construction guy.

Ares has posed:
    Another glass of rum is consumed in a good cause as he drains his glass. Then he leans forwards to grant them both more liquor as he answers her in a tone of voice that is conversational and easily granted. "A veteran that's a sucker for trying to do right by other veterans." His lip twitches then he adds, "And with a kink for heavy equipment?"
    But then he holds up a hand as if she were not to take that answer seriously, for she is not. "I am a gifted individual, who has lived a long life. Zinda has never asked, but I think she imagines as much. Not a mutant, as far as I know. But different." He looks to her and then gives a small nod, as if throwing the question over to her for her turn.

Grace Choi has posed:
    "We're all different," suggests Grace, conversationally. She eyes the man, "Gifted." She pauses, pursing her lips, her jaw setting some as she considers that, "You don't seem like one of those hero types, either. Like those bigwigs in the Justice League, or Avengers, or whatever other groups of people in tights and shells of armor are out there. Seem like you live on the fringes. Like the rest of us." Us, meaning perhaps people at Chaney's. The people she's used to being around.

Ares has posed:
    The tall man flares his hand again, as if all of that was just nonsense she mentioned. Since, to him, it really sort of was. But he says simply, "I try to just live my life, look after my son, keep my head down." He looks across the way. "All of that." He looks back to her, as if reconjuring the words she spoke of the League, the Avengers, "That is just presumption and trouble disguised as altruism."
    There's a pause then he drinks more rum, offering to refill hers should she need it. "But what do I know?"

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Yeah? Well. I've no clue. They seem to like it. And hey. I don't see anyone else stepping up to fight off the gigantic space monsters. So. I suppose I won't argue about it either," she tells John, with a half-grin. This most recent drink of rum is slammed down, hard, quick, and the glass follows suit onto the table.
    "So, what do you do, then? Besides watch over Zinda, and look after your son, and come to seedy bars? Anything fun? Motorcycles? Sports? You pick up pretty girls in bars?"

Ares has posed:
    A low rumbling 'heh' slips from him, and it may be clear that the liquor is at least granting him something approaching a buzz. Quantity and rapidity is apparently the key. So he tilts his glass back, but now chews on one of the remaining ice cubes, crushing it between teeth slowly. "I have a garden?" He offers that to her as if that might offer some insight. But he smirks and looks away. Then he says lightly, "I fight. I enjoy that more than I like to admit." Much more than he likes to admit.
    He looks back, "I do at times meet a partner for loveplay. But it's rare I find someone that attracts me."

Grace Choi has posed:
    Grace snorts a laugh at 'loveplay'. "Holy shit," she says, grinning wide, "That's so 70's. Loveplay. I'll have to use that sometime." She streches, observing, "You fight?" She sizes the man up, thoughtfully.
    "Competition? Or, just for the hell of it? Or, were you in a war too?" He did mention he lived a long life. And after her chat with Zinda, she's pretty sure that John is at least as old, possibly older. That's a new concept for her.
    "Yeah? So who would you pick up in this bar? If you could." She grins, her own buzz starting to kick in also.

Ares has posed:
    John's answering laugh is just a sort of snorted exhalation as he shakes his head. "I'm old." He tells her as if in explanation, but she well knows it already. But then as she speaks at points he'll nod his head, admitting a yes to most of her questions. "There've been some underground fighting rings in the city. Sometimes I go in, though usually try to lose near the end. Don't want a rep." He crinkles his nose a bit, "And yeah, have been in a few wars."
    There's another drink of rum, and he tilts the bottle to give him the last of the rum. As he sets the empty aside he says. "To be honest, Grace. And please do not take this as my making a pass, I would find you the most interesting here. I look for someone that can keep up with me, that will not be afraid to let loose. I'm sure you are a very aggressive and attentive lover. You strike me as someone who isn't afraid to say what you want, and to be able to laugh and enjoy yourself in bed."
    There's a small shrug then he frowns at the empty bottle, "More rum, or would you like something else to drink?"

Grace Choi has posed:
    This appeal to her attitude, not to mention her physique, has Grace grinning some. "Yeah?" She inquires, perhaps having forgotten now about the latino girl. She does not seem to be affronted in the least, "No. I'm not afraid to say what I want. And I -very- much enjoy myself in bed. So do my partners. I make sure of that," she assures John without the least bit of hesitation or embarassment. "The question is - do you think you could keep up with me?"

Ares has posed:
    Meeting her gaze evenly, that tall man keeps that same mildly rueful half-smile upon the corner of his mouth. His features are rough and haggard, but the smile seems to ease them a little, is brown eyes holding her own as he taps a fingertip against the side of his glass. "When I'm with someone, often I must keep myself in check. It's still enjoyable, and can still be a lovely experience."
    The waitress passes by and he lifts the empty bottle, gesturing to her for another. The woman gives him a nod as she moves off back towards the bartender to fill the order. Once that's done, however, John turns back to Grace and says simply, "But the experience is... entirely different when I can be with someone that matches me, who isn't afraid to growl and bite and taste. Maybe it's the struggle for dominance, maybe it's just the feeling of not having to hold back."
    He lifts a hand to rub at the back of his neck thoughtfully, looking her over. And this time it is indeed in the way that a man often considers a woman, those curves, the subtle contours of strong musculature. His smile grows a touch and he tells her, "If we ever sleep together, Grace. It'll be days before we're done."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Days, huh? The last guy who told me that didn't even last twenty minutes with me," Grace informs John, confirming that she does, in fact, sleep with men too.
    She folds her arms over her breasts and leans back in the chair, regarding her companion with a more thoughtful eye in turn. "However." And now there's a grin there, "I suspect at least you have a chance of proving yourself right."
    She does not ask the passing waitress for a drink, nor does she give the attractive blonde a second look, her eyes and attention completely focused on John. She waits, until he's been served. And then her arms unfurl, and she moves to stand up to her full stature once again. The chair is pushed in, with her foot. "Let's go find out."

Ares has posed:
    The not as tall as Grace, but still tall John pushes his chair back and starts to rise. He takes up the new bottle, holding it lightly by the neck then tucks it under his arm. A hand reaches into the pocket of his jacket and he begins to pull out a few bills for the tab and the tip, each set on the table and then placed under the empty bottle for the waitress to find.
    But he turns back towards her and he says calmly, "Are you certain, Grace?" There is something about her compelling, the freedom of her spirit, those arms and legs, the aggressiveness. But he is a man who has battled against his nature in various ways for a long time. "I had the feeling yourself and Zinda had a connection."
    He steps around the table and starts towards the door, moving his way through the crowd with an ease of motion. "I wouldn't want to cause any strife."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Connection? She's a great girl, seems, but first time I ever met her," Grace says, moving easily through the crowd. "We didn't exchange phone numbers. She's damn pretty, though. Yeah." She looks back at the man, briefly, "If I wasn't certain, I wouldn't have offered," she says, plainly. Then, she says something that most men do, or most men think without hesitation, "It's not like I'm going to be your girlfriend. We're just fucking." As if fucking were no more different than going out and drinking, or playing a game of cards together.

Ares has posed:
    The woman's logic is infallible. But he gets to the door and shoulders it open, giving a nod to the bouncer on duty there and then holding it open for a moment for her, assuredly not out of any chivalry or the like, just that he was the first one there. But once they're out on the street he'll turn to her, arms folded over his chest. "You sure? I for some reason think my kid would get a kick out of you." But then again, Alexander is a strange sort.
    But then he turns back around and starts walking down the sidewalk, "But just fucking is fine. You have a place?" He doesn't offer up his own naturally, since really if they both let loose... then that place isn't going to come out of this intact.

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Just a hotel room. My apartment's back in Metropolis," she reminds Ares, as the two exit the building. And, perhaps it is habit, but she scans the street casually, shoving her hands in her pocket, "I do alright with kids," Grace admits, "They like people who don't BS them, and tell it like it is. Most people are surprised by that. Or think I'll change and sugar-coat shit when kids are around. They're wrong." She frowns, looking up the street, then shakes her head as if it weren't anything important or as if she wasn't sure she saw anything.
    Her head turns back to review Ares. "But, yeah. I have sex with men. I save my relationships for women." She does not ask him if he's okay with that. She'd already laid down the stipulation.

Ares has posed:
    For a moment, once they're past the bar and past the parking lot area. He gives her a nod with his back still towards her and his head turned to the side. "That's fine." His smile curls and for the first time... she'll see an almost edge to that smile as his eyes seem to gain a glimmer to them that most might considering disconcerting. But her, she has such confidence, it most likely registeres as little.
    But what might register is when he turns away from that cross walk leading towards the other side of the street. That abrupt move as he turns and /pushes/ a hand to her to try and propel her to the wall behind her. Not as if he were attacking or trying to smash her through the building's facade. But strong enough, even for someone of her strength, for her to get her back pressed there and for him to turn his head to the side and suddenly he is /daring/ to kiss her.
    Gone is the calm controlled man who was so precise in the manner in which he poured his rum. Gone is the man who tried to give her every out possible. And now the moment is taken by a kiss that is utterly primal, filled with abandon and the desire for lips to find lips, for them to part, for the kiss to deepen. And if he is able to he'd even dare to /bite/ her lower lip and _growl_ like some riled creature. "Well." His voice is deep, baritone as he rumbles, "You're not gettin' your deposit back for it."

Grace Choi has posed:
    She is surprised by his strength. Surprised by his move - everything he had given, the calculated man's movement she'd presumed he were a more romantic sort of touch with his talk and mannerism. That gives him th edge. And the power he presses into her is strong - and at first she resists, pressing back - mainly to test him rather than to fight him.
    Afterall, a bit of roughplay isn't exactly outside of Grace's experiences. To that end, there's a loud sound as her back connects into the building, a crack that spider-webs out from the impact, and she kisses him back, hard, reaching a hand around to grip him, just as hard. Give, and take. like, for like.

Ares has posed:
    Fingertips cup the line of her jaw, and her being taller than him lets him kiss slowly just along the curve of her neck. It's a curious dichotomy as he just enjoys the sensations, enjoying the subtle tang of sweat that's dried on her warm flesh, his nostrils flaring to take in her scent as they entwine there against the wall. Another bite, slow, just there under her ear where she can hear his breath and it's clear that he is holding back the riotous desire to just take the moment and have her with no hint of civilization intruding upon that bare instant.
    But he eases back and smiles to her, shaking his head as his eyes lower, drawing himself back together as he murmurs, "I'm going to have to call in sick to work." But then he turns, and now holds her hand in his should she allow it as he moves away from that bar and to a place where they can enjoy each other without prying eyes.