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Latest revision as of 13:14, 3 January 2018

Catching up on Current Events
Date of Scene: 29 November 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Smasher

Cannonball has posed:
    It's a bit of a rundown diner. To call it dingy is unfair. To call it 'well-loved' is almost certainly a better term. Sam is acclimating well to the new geography, even though his accent gets him weird looks from all over.
    It is just about the closest little place to their new digs. Sam finishes ordering breakfast for them both. He is abashed. The waitress barely understood him with his accent.

    As she leaves, Sam looks over to Isabel. He frowns a little bit at her as he shuffles a couple of the newspapers around. "Am ah that bad?" he asks, wrinkling his nose at the trouble he's having. "Ah mean, we all speak English. 'Cept the folks who speak French." His left hand rubs at his forehead. 'And ah am feeling kinda guilty over what is going on back home. President assasinated. Ah mean, part of me thinks Ah should rocketing over Mutant Town." His blue-grey eyes are distant a moment. "At least until ah remember why we came here, Izzy."

Smasher has posed:
    She's been gone from Earth for several years now. It's a *lot* to catch up on. Isabel has her chin propped in her hand while she frowns over the newspaper in front of her. "Some of us speak English," she replies absently as she sips her coffee. "Some of us speak Southern. That's a whole different thing."
    Pulling in a breath and letting it out slowly, she glances toward the other papers, which have similar headlines. "You know... it's bad enough to know what out THERE destroying us. I didn't think we'd have gone so far down the road to destroying *ourselves* in just this short a time. What the hell, Sam?" She looks up at him, her blue eyes disturbed. "Just a couple of months ago, this world was being invaded by ALIENS. Doesn't EVERYONE have bigger things to worry about than this bullshit?"

Cannonball has posed:
    Ignoring the 'speaking Southern' bit though it makes him smile, Sam gets up, and then resettles himself in the booth. He sits down next to Izzy and pulls in a breath as he pulls out his wallet. "Ah am about to play the mutant card." He reaches into the wallet and pulls out a black card and slaps it on the table. In bright gold letters, this laminated card reads 'Mutant'. His eyes seeks out hers. "Ya just don't understand. If ya want to, well, we will visit my old haunting grounds sometime. Ah will introduce you to a feller by the name of Kurt. He'll show ya in a hurry what its like. Or maybe Miss Rogue. She has a hell of a burden." he reaches for his coffee. "Izzy, yer a sweet girl. The fact ya don't get it? Well it makes me really love ya more." His features darken a little. "Ya just see people. Other people see demons. Others see replacements. Others see extinction. Others see monsters, and still others just see, well, 'the other'. People fear that which is different. Bad 'nuff got issues from the stars. Scarier still is the fact that yer little sweet baby might turn into a subway car chuck'n, blast field-make'n monster?"

Smasher has posed:
    She slides over in the booth and then rests her head on his shoulder. "I do want to understand. But you're right... I just see people. Just because you can do what you do as a result of genetics and I do it as a result of tech... how is that any different? I didn't understand it in college, and I don't understand it now." She really is kind of shocked about how far things have come in the time she was away. "And the fact that if we ever have kids, they're going to face this type of hatred just because they can chuck subway cars? Just makes me want to go BACK out into space and live on the moon or something. Cuz if people were raisin' their kids right, we wouldn't have this kind of shit happening."

Cannonball has posed:
    "That ain't fair." Sam makes a face. He picks his card back up, but it goes into the wallet. "Ah ain't an apologist for hate. Maybe ah am betraying m'roots. Ah think ah can appreciate how scary ah might be. Ah decide to flatten yer town, by and large, there ain't a thing too many people can do to stop me. Ah am hardly the most powerful example either. What about telepathy and mind control?" sam sips his coffee. He drinks it sweet, full of artificial sweeteners. "Add to that, mutancy typically expresses during the stress of adolescence when emotions and hormones run high and rebellion sets in?" Sam makes a face.
    "ah am a mutant. Ah am not ashamed of how Gawd made me. Ah can appreciate that ah am scary though. Ah jus think that there comes a point where in -this world- ya get over it."

Smasher has posed:
"That's my point, Farmboy," Isabel retorts. "You can level towns. Other people can control minds. And if people were raisin' their kids to be decent people, .... well, I guess it'd be a whole different world all the way around, wouldn't it?" She sighs, shaking her head. Retrieving her own coffee, she sips the sweet, nearly white substance -- no artificial sugar here. Real deal all the way.
    "I think that, despite the fact that we came home to help prepare for hell raining down from space, we're going to need to get involved in the hell raining down from inside in the atmo. It's not just Mutant Town or New York now... it's happening all over." Izzy shoves the papers around. "They're assassinating the goddamned President. That's just BOLD, Sam." The way she says the word sounds like perhaps the way one would scold a toddler, annoyed and somewhat disgusted with their bad behavior. "And the local environs are having their own problems. Did you see this?" She shoves a Starling paper at him, with a report that she was just reading about a purple-haired teen getting beaten up so badly on his way to school that he died en route to the hospital. "The kids *thought* he was a mutant."

Cannonball has posed:
    "Whats shocking is that ain't shocking." sam says quietly. "It happens every damn day." Sam says it softly. "Ah'm lucky, they say. I 'pass'." He digs in his wallet, and pulls out an old wallet. Chompy-faced, bad haircut Sam comes out. "Even at my worst appearance wise, ah passed for human." Farmboy has come a long ways since that picture.
    "If teach'n people not to hate was easy, ah dare say that Jim Crow wouldn't be a thing, sweetheart." His arm settles around her waist and he pulls her close.
    "Gawd loves. Man kills. Ah think there is an advantage in a tribe of monkeys for a xenophobia. Ah think that it is fairly ingrained into the human psyche. To be even more fair, Magneto is a force of nature. And this Raven Darkholme, well, that's a primal fear. Dealing with Identity? People are complicated. This is all horrible, but it plays out like this despite our egalitarian societies because people just fear that which is different. Hell, little kids won't even try new food." Breakfast arrives. The waitress looks at Sam a little weird, since he's moved and she stares at the photo on the table for a mutant then at him. She shakes her head. 'Good for you." She leaves, leave'n Sam sitting there. "Ah ain't sure how ah should take that."

Smasher has posed:
    She's listening. It's very clear that Isabel is really *listening* to what he has to say -- this is something she has really never experienced. A farm in Iowa is... well, let's be honest. It's not the most diverse community. But she's also spent the past several years living among aliens of ALL kinds. And sadly enough, in some ways, it's really not different out there, is it? The realization of a lifetime of willful blindness sucks.
    She glances up at the waitress when the food comes and then she can't help it, she starts to laugh. Bringing up one hand to cover her mouth so she doesn't laugh REALLY loud, she stifles her giggles and her whole body shakes with them. She picks up the photo and just keeps laughing. When she's got it a little bit under control, she comments drily, "Well, babe... some might think you were a mutant in *this* picture. You know... the ears." She snickers again when he shoves her with his shoulder. "But honestly, I think she was just saying you're cuter now than you were then."

Cannonball has posed:
    "Well, ah am out with the girl I keep around to make me look better by comparison." Sam teases back. He immediately regrets it. "Ah shouldn't uh said that. Yer beautiful." His cheeks go a little scarlet. He leans over for a quick little kiss of apology. The photo goes behind the mutant card in the wallet though. So, that goes to show people which is more shameful to Sam.
    "Ah grew into 'em. Or just my head got bigger.' Sam teases himself with a wink her way.

Smasher has posed:
    Now she's the one who shoves him with a shoulder, taking the tease in the manner it's meant. Her smile is gentle as she returns the soft kiss. "All kids have a gawky phase," Isabel tells him. "It just took you a little longer to outgrow it. Cuz now you're a serious hottie, in case no one told you."
    Giving him a little space between their bodies so that they can both start eating, she comments with a grin, "Bacon. Now I know we're really home."

Cannonball has posed:
    "Hard to find cornbread." Sam laments. He adds. "Once we get situated, Ah owe my mother a visit." He makes a slight face. A certain young man got an earful from his mother as soon as he could get a hold of her. He pushes his food for a moment, looking younger than he actually is. "Ya wanna come with?" He studiously looks down at his plate. Too studiously.

Smasher has posed:
    Isabel's reaction is actually a large smile. She could hear that earful from across the room when he called. "I'd like that... I figure she's waiting to give me my earful in person," she admits. Does it make her nervous? Oh yes. "And since we're going to be living up here and all... I think we should plan to make a trip to both places?" He's met her father once, but ... well, they weren't sharing a home then. Her Daddy might also have some words, Izzy's not entirely sure. "I didn't tell Daddy yet that I was comin' home for good," she admits. "I wanted to surprise him."

Cannonball has posed:
    "Ah need to talk to your father." Sam says cryptically. Not that she can't figure it out. He's plenty serious, apparently. He clears his throat. "She won't give you an earful, princess." Sam smiles, softly. "She trusts me. She was more upset that ah vanished for months. She was scared. Ah can appreciate that." he dips his chin and then tucks in a little. He is obviously thinking about how to introduce her to his mother.

Smasher has posed:
    That brings her head up from her plate and Isabel eyes him. "You do, huh? You're not thinkin' about goin' all old-fashioned and crazy or anything, are you?" Peering at him, she adds, "Cuz if you're thinking to ask his PERMISSION for anything, I might be having to kick your butt." Their 'situation' is somewhat unique, and she's clearly still not ready to deal with it, for a variety of reasons.

Cannonball has posed:
    "My mind is made up, Izzy." Comes an unusually concise, but lowkey response. It is an unusual tone. "Because seems to me, the situation is that no one asked. Ya wanted to be asked. yah wanted me to make the decision, and ask." Sam clears his throat, pulls in a breath. "Ah like live'n with ya." There is a shocker?
    "So why don'tcha eat breakfast and smile because someone loves you, and he wants to fix a profoundly messed up situation." He pauses. 'And stay outta my sock drawer." So that is where that Shia'ar money went? he gives her a little look.Sam Guthrie, putting his foot down.