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Latest revision as of 20:56, 30 July 2017

In the Garage
Date of Scene: 30 April 2017
Location: Garage - Xavier's School
Synopsis: A casual chat between school residents.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, 110, Gambit, Deadzone

Rogue has posed:
Its raining outside. Its a light rain, in the mid afternoon. The skies are cloudy and grey.

Rogue is in the rafters up in the ceiling about fifteen feet off the floor of the garage, which itself is a long building capable of holding many cars.

Rogue has her cell phone out and is staring at it with her kenes up in the air and a cigarette in her right hand. She has a little window open to her right that looks out at the front yard of the school grounds, she opens it up to let the smoke from the cigarette filter out in that direction.

Rogue often hides up in the rafters like this to stay out of the way, and she liked to stare down at anyone who wanders through the garage, and judge them silently from above.

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars rushes inside of the garage huffing softly having run for a bit. Looks like she ducked inside to take a respite from the rain. "I wish I would have brought along an umbrella..." she sighs, her clothes rather wet and clinging to her. With a bit of a huff she shakes her head and fluffs her hair out to try to tousle it, and maybe get it to the point of perhaps being able to dry just a bit faster.

Gambit has posed:
Remy's car pulls into view and slowly the iron gate out front begins to open inwards allowing the old buick to slowly crawl up the drive. The cajun in the driver seat has the windows all up in the rain, keeping himself dry.

The garage door quietly opens as the dark green car rumbles in, the pitter patter of rain on the metal body work fills the garage before he finds his spot and shuts off the car.

Remy climbs out and looks around the garage, lifting his arms in a stretch and popping his back a few times. "Hello... Mars is it?" He asks with a smile towards the girl.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is in the up far corner of the garage where its kind of shadowy, aside from the small window beside her. She watches Mars rush in and then hears the gate open and she looks out to see Remy's car pulling in. She smiled a little but looked back down and over to Mars.

"There's towels next to Mistah Summahs car. In the drawers beside it." Rogue said down from above, which might be startling to hear a voice suddenly speak out from above.

Rogue glanced back down to her cell phone, thumbed it off and then slid it into the breast pocket on her dark green flannel shirt that she was wearing this afternoon.

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars looks around as she hears Rogue "Rogue?" She follows the voice slowly upward. Adjusting the zoom on her inhuman eyes she yelps out "I can see your pores!" and falls down on the ground. She holds her hands in front of her eyes a moment as her eyes re-adjust, then slowly peeks over her hands till her eyes do readjust.

Looking up at Remy as he greets, the girl blushes with a twinge of embarassment. "Oh, hello Mr. LeBeau. Um, could you hand me a towel from over there, apparently by Mr. Summers car? That would be great.."

Gambit has posed:
Looking over to the fallen Mars, Remy shrugs his shoulders once before he walks over towards Scott's car and picks up a single shammy to toss over towards Mars. "It's just Remy. If you wanna call someone LeBeau, try her." The man's thick accent says as he aims a thumb over his shoulder towards Rogue exactly without once hearing the girl in the room. He's just taking an oddly specific guess.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue slips off the rafters high above and she floats down to stand beside Remy's car whilst he retrieves the towel for Mars. Rogue would give a grin to the girl with the bionic eyes. "You tryin' t'stare inta my soul, Marsy?" She asked her, leaning forward then to lay against Remy's vehicle, her arms folding together over the forearms.

At Remy's words, Rogue flashed him a big grin. "If our poor asses could evah afford tickets t'Paris... maybe." She teased back at him.

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars catches the shammy, and wipes at her face with it carefully. She stands and moves over to stand by Rogue after she lands, reaching out to take hold toward the bottom of her shirt and hang onto it. "Oh, are you two a couple?" she asks. She peers over at Rogue "You really should consider using a scrub at night. And you know we were thinking of going overseas, if you want to marry I'm sure we could bring Mr...um, Remy. I mean it's a private plane we would take so there's plenty of space.."

Deadzone has posed:
Ah, Sunday, the respite for those that work the Monday thru Friday nine to five. Tate has no plans. None. Nadda. Zip! And though she has thoughs of how she wants to spend the day, Dr. McCoy had science things to do. He actually tried explaining what he was going to be doing today, but gave up when that confused look let him know that it was all going over her head.

And in true Sunday fashion, Tate is still in her jammies and not wearing make-up. Okay, it means all her bruises are showing, including her twin black eyes that are finally starting to fade, are showing, but she doesn`t seem to actually care. "Anyone seen Warren? Or Remy? I need ta.... Remy! There you are!"

Gambit has posed:
Remy smiles towards Rogue and blows her a kiss in response to Mars' question before he looks over to the new commer. "Yes Tate, what can I do fo' you?" The cajun inquires turning to face Tate.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue leaned back after being drenched by Gambit's car and she looked down at herself and let otu a huff. "I'm an idiot." She muttered softly. Rogue then looked up at Tatum when she came bursting in and she showed the woman a soft smile but otherwise remained quiet. "Thanks for the advance, Marsy." Rogue'd say softly to the girl with the bionic eyes.

Rogue's cigarette is still lit though, so she takes a nice big puff on it and walks around to the back of Remy's car to sit down on the bumper and get her butt all wet, cause, may as well at this point.

She smiled over at him. "We're engaged." She said to Mars. "But yeah, no private jets takin' us to Europe."

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars isn't letting go of Rogue's shirt, so she follows along standing beside Rogue as she continues holding onto her top. "Well how do you think we would get to Europe? I suppose we could take a cruise? I think we'd have to not tell my uncle though, or he'd try to charter the whole ship. He does things in overkill like that far too often." A soft sigh. Then she smiles "Oh! Well, and congratulations!" A wave with her free Shammy-hand is given towards Tatum as she enters the social fray.

Deadzone has posed:
Walking over to the small group, she slides an arm around Remy's waist and offeres him a big grin, looking a bit like a raccoon. "I was wanting to see if there is any news about my baby. Cause the cellos here in the classroom are... well, they are highschool classroom cellos. Need I say more?"

Still standing hip to hip with Remy, she smiles to Rogue and blows her a kiss. "Ain't seen you all week. How've you been, jelly bean? Oh yeah! Paris. I have ideas about that, but I'll tell you later, k?" She tilts her head in Mars direction to indicate why she can't talk about her idea right now. "Hey there, Marzipan. How's things?"

Gambit has posed:
"No, no news yet." Remy says to Tatum, lifting his finger up to his lips, trying to make her shush about the subject of him stealing once more. "I need more time."

"Tell her now, sounds like t'is is brainstorm time." Remy says, leaning against the back of his car next to Rogue and shaking his head, "You get all wet at t'e worst times Cheri."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would reach over to her shirt-attached-follower and pat her on the head softly with a gloved hand that was wet from the rain ontop of Remy's car. "I'd be creeped out t'be on a Cruise ship that was mostly devoid of people... It'd be like a scary movie or some shit. Ghosts everywhere." She grinned lightly, then looked over and up at Tatum and Remy.

"I was down at the Music Center in Salem last night... Was listenin' t'music on their fancy headphones and there was a band practicin' in their recordin' studio. Anyway, they had two'a those cellos ya love so much for sale. They were expensive as hell too!"

At Remy's remark though, Rogue just smiled softly and leaned over and lay her head against him. "Thats cause I'm an untouchable monster... My whole existence is backwards!" Teenage angst!

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars looks confused at the conversation. "Wait...are you..expecting?" Children, and such talk. She's not quite sure whom is supposedly pregnant though? "I suppose..congratulations..are in..order?" The shirt-grabber sounds confused, and cautious as she's not quite sure how this predicament would possibly come to happen. And beyond that..is it a happy kiddo?

Deadzone has posed:
Tate just nods to Remy when he asks for more time. It's understandable, after all. Stealing a $12million dollar cello that is all the way over in Russia can't be easy. So she lets the matter drop.

"Yeah, Warren is going to buy me a replacement for my everyday cello, the carbon fiber one. But even that isn't the one I really want to get my hands on."

She's about to respond to Marie's claim of being untouchable, or even Remy's suggestion that she talk about her idea to get to Paris, when Mars asks about babies. "Woah! Woah! Woah! Hold the phone! Mars, seriously. Your ability to jump to conclusions is getting to super power proportions here. No, I'm not pregnant. I have no plans on getting pregnant until there is a ring on this finger. Not to mention that I'm pretty sure Dr. McCoy's mother would lynch him if he doesn't at least introduce me to her before he tells her she is going to be a grandmother."

Gambit has posed:
"I'm not preg-" Remy stops mid thought and looks over to Rogue, wondering what exact mutant power this girl might have that he doesn't know about. "A- are you?" He asks tepidly.

Mars (110) has posed:
Mars blushes "Well..um, I..I don't know. I'm just going to go over here for a few moments and dry off...." She moves out of the area to find a towel to dry herself off better.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes would go wide when babies were brought up and she'd then look to Tatum and hear the woman's explanation and a smile would creep over her lips, but then Remy asked HER if SHE was pregnant and Rogue's head shook right to left quickly. "Am not, am not, am not!" She said. "I am still one hundred percent untouched female flesh, when it comes t'that sorta playtime." She just threw it all out there like that, cause why the hell not.

"I mean, my mutation is a weird one... but I do NOT think it works like that... It kinda would've shown that side'a things awhile ago... ya know?'

Rogue looked between them all then. "I'd like kids some day though... it'd be fun t'dress'em up'n such. But, yeah... I doubt I can even have'em without killin'em inside'a me." And with that she glanced once more at Remy, self conscious of what that might make him think of her.

Deadzone has posed:
Tate chuckles at the general concensus about the group that babies are not in the near future. But when Marie talks about her concerns about a child, her mood grows somber. "I think Hank wrote a paper about how infants tend to be immune to a mother's power, at least while in utero. Or maybe that was only the Hank from my old world. You should talk to him. And if not, well, you and I will just be spending lots and lots of quality time together. I'll get to be aunty Tate."

Gambit has posed:
Remy tugs at his collar but sighs a breath of relief at Rogue's sudden and certain claim that she's pure. With a glance between Tate and Rogue, Remy then quickly takes the wet gloved hand of Rogue and squeezes kindly. "Wait till you graduate first, t'en we'll see how life goes." He says quietly and sweetly before he leans forward to see where Mars is going. "You can dry off here."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listened to the two older ones and she smiled at them. "Yeah, I guess there's options out there." She said, following it up with an exhale. "Strange strange... options... But thats been par for the course for my life so far." She flashed a grin and shook her head.

Marie stood up then and watched Mars disappear toward the doorway into the west wing of the school. "She's gonna get the whole school soaked, as wet as she was." The southern gal comented while sweep up to the rafters to get her coffee can of spent cigarettes. She dumped the latest dead-cig into it and then dropped back down to the garage floor with a CLOP of boots on marble flooring. "I'mma focus on graduatin' first, then my job... Gotta have good money t'make a happy family, right?" And she dumped the can into the trash thingy that gets pusehd out for the garbage people!

Deadzone has posed:
Pulling away from Remy now, Tate heads over to Marie and gives her a hug. "Seriously though, you need to talk to Hank. He was working on a power dampener based on my power on my world. Maybe this Hank has something similar? It would only work for an hour or two at a time, but... I don't know. It's something." She watches as Rogue flies up to the rafters. "Yes, becasue the life of an X-Man is so condusive to raising a child." She lets a soft sigh go and shakes her head.

"Speaking of which... you know a way we could get a load of us to Paris? Get some sort of disaster we need to deal with happen over there. X-men off to the rescue. Oh look, lets get you two married while we are there!"

Gambit has posed:
"T'at's a plan." Remy says.

"Not a particularly good one." He continues and watches Rogue fly up and takes care of her mess that's been sitting there too long. Though Remy looks pleased and happy she finally does, he doesn't voice it. Crossing his arms and looking back at Tatum, "Maybe we could jus' take t'e jet instead." One last idea from the sole man.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listened to Tatum's plan and she grinned while emptying her pockets of garbage too. She had some wrappers in there from earlier when she was unwrapping stuff in the kitchen and some wadded up papers with websites on them that she needed to look up on her phone, but that was all taken care of now so it was all going into the junk.

Rogue spun around then when Remy suggested just taking the jet. "Can we do that?" She asked, looking between the two of them. "I haven't gotten t'ride on it yet... Scott kept sayin' 'soon, soon soon' but he never followed through!"

Rogue made HUGE EYES FACE and walked toward them both. "Did you guys know that the SR-77, much like the smaller SR-71, can fly up to eighty five thousand feet off the ground?? So high up, in-fact that you can start to see the Earth curve on the horizon of space! It also tops out at two thousand, two hundred miles per hour!" Rogue looked up and let out a moan. "I looooove that plane, so much..."

In truth, Anna-Marie didn't give a shit about the plane. Carol Danvers, however, adored it.

Deadzone has posed:
Tate smirks as Remy suggests just taking the Blackbird and not having and epic battle in Paris. "Or, we could just do that. Killjoy." She winks to Remy and smirks.

Marie's comments about the plane gets a blinking stare from Tate. "No, I can safely say I did *not* know any of that. Thanks?"

Gambit has posed:
That's when Remy blinks a few times towards Rogue and instead of indulging in one of her multiple personalities but thankfully Tate addresses him. "Sorry I don' need someone in trouble in order to take a trip across t'e world." The cajun says with a playful wink before he looks back at Rogue. "We'll go t'e moment you get your diploma." He says with a tap of his nose to his fiancee.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue hadn't stopped talking, right after Tatum said she didn't know any of that she just kept going, but she was pacing now, while her hands were searching for her cigarettes. "Yeah! Its so cool!" She puleld the cigs out and went to nervously light a new one, with her hands shaking pretty wildly. "Didja know that the JP-7 fuel used inside'a the thing, has such a HIGH flashpoint that during the start up phase... a chemical called tri-ethyl-borane is injected into the fuel in ordah t'ignite the engines and this causes the flames that shoot out the back t'be a bright GREEN color?"

Rogue's head started to nod several times, as she lit the next cigarette and took a big draw out of it. Her eyelids started to blink repeatedly and her head shook side to side. "Its the coolest aircraft on the planet. And not one of'em has eve'ah been shot down."

Rogue's vision specificly centered on Remy then and she exhaled disappointedly. "I don't get that until August though..."