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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/12/20 |Location=Mutant Town, New York City |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=16, 1484 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:16|R...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 13:39, 3 January 2018

Date of Scene: 20 December 2017
Location: Mutant Town, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Savage Dragon

Rogue has posed:
4:15pm in Mutant Town.

Sure the television would like you to believe that things had 'calmed down' in the area known as Mutant Town, but it really hadn't. Things had just moved off of the main streets and into darker corners. Anti-mutant beatings were happening still, they just weren't being publicized... People had been ending up dead, good people, and it was hard to avoid the news if you were in that sphere.

Which Rogue was.

She was out of school for the holidays now so she had some free time, she'd found a few good people to hang out with here and she'd come down to hang out with them for the afternoon...

She was way-layed though when she was skateboarding down a back alley... and found a group of men in dark clothing cornering some kid that had dark red scaely skin and dark green hair.

Rogue had found them taunting the kid and shoving up against the corner of a brick wall and an old rusty fence.

"Come at me, why don't ya?' Rogue told the thugs. And after a bit of back and forth they did. She was a much tastier-looking target afterall, right?

A couple minutes later though and Rogue was straddling one of the thugs (while the other two laid knocked out on the ground, she had a gloved hand around his throat and was glaring down at him).

"Where's your boss?" She asked him. "Who do you work for?" She was pissed off, obviously and at her wit's end of patience.

Savage Dragon has posed:
A riot day. Violence on the upward scale in Mutant Town has Dragon a busy man, hes warned his daughter to stay off the streets but that was pointless. Is less safe for those who want to target her than vice versa.

No Kevlar, no special helmets, just a billy club and a big green fist that extends a fingertip to flick a man hard enough he looks like he just got roundhoused by Bruce Lee.

It helps to disperse a crowd when you looke like Savage does.

"Hey! Separate and put your hands in the air!" The shout is fired off at Rogue and her victim(s). The entire scene is confusing though as he sees one young woman roughing up what appears to be three ignorant mutant haters.

Nothing special about the man gear or clothing wise, blue beat uniforn with a few tears and no blood.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's on form of vigilante hero'ing. She wasn't really with the X-Men anymore, she wasn't really on any 'hero' team right now. She was on her own in this sort of thing, and she didn't intend to let her wealth of power go to waste when people down here in Bushwick needed it most.

Rogue was wearing a black wool jacket and a black wool knit cap ontop of her head. She had black eyeliner thick around her piercing green eyes and some red lipstick, she looked more like a model out of a skateboarding magazine than she did a super hero.

"I don't work for anyone! I just hate you filthy muties!" He shouted up at the strong girl sitting ontop of him.

And with that, Rogue raised her hand up to get ready to slap him... But Dragon's voice interrupted her.

Rogue shot up to her feet and turned to face him, her black wool coat flowing around her upper body, she had a dark green tanktop on underneath it and some black loose slacks.

A mutant cop? She stared over at him and then pointed at the men on the ground.

"I was just doin' my duty t'help folk around here." Rogue said to Savage, her smokey voice laced with a southern drawl.

Savage Dragon has posed:
Dragon looks the man over then Rogue. "Skater punkette beats down three upstanding white American citizens who were in the wrong hood at the wrong time? I see that one going over well."

Despite his tone the man doesn't sound mad, annoyed or anything. Maybe just amused as he strides forward and grabs for the downed man, tossing him at his pals roughly.
"Get lost or I let her finish what she started! Then I haul your asses to 13 where you end up in a cell with more mutants." Dragon's voice rising up from a casual tone to a commanding bark.
"Mutant Town is off limits asshats."

If they're smart they'll listen.

Rogue has posed:
Most of the mutants in Mutant Town weren't well trained with whatever gifts the random dice of genetics rolled for them... this was their greatest advantage at being picked on by bullies, or worse...

Rogue was the wildcard in this scenario, the mutant who did have good training and was comfortable in her own (deadly) skin. She'd not even had to do a lot to the men to pummel them into submission and she was still actively holding back... THAT is what the X-Men had taught her how to do, how to hold back and not over do it, and run the risk of killing people who didn't NEED to be killed.

The three thugs did get up, they collected what pride they had left and they started down the alleyway... The little mutant boy they'd been picking on? He had crawled his way up tahe side of the building and was looking down at them all from a rusted old fire-escape... His reptilian eyes blinked down at the people in the alley.

Rogue glanced away from Dragon, toward the three thugs.

"Bette'ah hope ya don't run inta me any time soon again, boys..." She said at the three of them, going so far as to press her gloved fingertips up agaisnt her puckered red lips as she blew the trio a suggestive kiss goodbye...

Rogue would look back at the mutant cop then and she'd nod at him.

"Ain't seen a police office'ah like you around before." The teen told him. "You look like you ain't afraid t'throw some serious hurt at these kinda assholes."

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Usually no. I think you already did that though." Dragon indicates as they rush away.
"Newly assigned from Chicago. Needed more here. Whats your name and those kids, thugs, just being bullies?" He is looking the girl over, shes young, probably about the same age or close that of Angel. This means they are going to speak another language entirely.

Dragon's broad chest expands, shirt tightening over it and then he exhales when she blows the kiss he clears his throat,"Don't antagonize them. You really feel like beating in more faces tonight? It's awful messy."
"Want me to walk you somewhere? Just in case they want to come back with friends?" Not that she appears to need the aid. Those morons needed it.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had also come down to Mutant Town because after her talk with one of the Avengers yesterday about Mystique, she wanted to try to draw the woman out... she was hoping to have a chat with her and she knew that Mystique almost alwyas had someone watching her, though things might be different now that she was such a wanted criminal.

Rogue smirked at what Dragon said at her and she put her gloved hands into her black wool coat pockets while starting to walk toward the big muscled cop. She smirked at what he said at her.

"I'm Rogue." She told him, which was when she liked to use her alias most... at Cops. She glanced back over her left shoulder. "Don't know who they were, but I could've broke'em in half if I wanted." She'd add while looking back at the green skinned cop. "Chicago huh? Never been, heard its pretty crime ridden." She grinned mischievously then. "Maybe I should swing by it some time, clean it up a bit?" Now she was just teasing.

Rogue's head shook side to side then. "I don't gotta be anywhere. I live in the middle'a Manhattan, I'm down here tryin' t'keep friends safe." Some soft breezes were draping strands of snow-white hair across her face.

Savage Dragon has posed:
"I won't stop you. It's not as bad as here anymore but can always use a good rough scrub." Dragon grins at the dariing young mutant and her teasing expression.

"Did you make it happen? Your friends safe?" His hands place on his hips and he pries his eyes off of her to look aorund them, a slow step in a circle before hes just talking standing bearby, "It is in parts. Gets better over the years. Rogue, huh? Thats an interesting name. Like just Rogue no last name? Madonna style. I dig it." His hands drop from his waist and he starts to walk with her.
"That accent... long way away from home. Cute though, always did like Southern gals."

Rogue has posed:
The little boy up on the fire escape continued to watch for a little longer before he grabbed his backpack and then crawled his way up the brick wall and onto the roof ot the building, disappearing...

Right as Rogue looked up and caught the tail end of the kid vanishing onto the roof... She didn't know that kid, but she assumed he was happier now than he had been a handful of minutes ago.

Rogue's pale green eyes looked back down at the Dragonman Cop who was chatting her up now, she turned and walked toward the mouth of the alley with him, grinning.

"Thats cause us southern girls know how t'treat folks right." She said all proudly, even if she hated her heritage for various reasons. "And yeah, just Rogue. And whats your name, Office'ah?" She asked him, looking over and up at him. "Sergeant Benchpress?" She flashed him a sweet grin then.

Savage Dragon has posed:
Dragon grins, "So I hear." In regards to Southern Hospitality. "They call me Dragon. Thats as far as it goes for a name, Officer Benchpress is a nice touch though." He says cheerfully, one bicep bouncing enough a vein sprouts out. A total show off move just to make her laugh.
"Believe it or not this is all natural. I hardly work out... my work out consists of... well, hefting donuts." Cop joke. Maybe. He is grinning at her still though. Alley mouth and back on to the spill of dirty streets they're astride and chatting like they've already met. There is an odd sense of familiarity about her but he cannot place it, its not in the looks, maybe the attitude or poise? Hard to tell some days. Maybe she just reminds him of every other teenager now-a-days.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just couldn't stop herself from laughing a little bit at the 'all natural' part of his explanation. "Well you lucked out on the mutation then. Gettin' 'free muscles' must make you just like... pop your shirt off all the time around the ladies." She said back at the older man, not afraid to hold back the flirty attitude irregardless of a man being a more 'advanced' age than her.

She shook her head side to side then and reached up to adjust the black wool hat that was resting ontop of it, down over her forehead and just above her arching dark eyebrows.

"Don't take it personal, but most cops I met have been a-holes." She said to him then, glancing back over and up at him. Rogue had actually fled from cops back in her hometown in Mississippi last month when she'd gone back there to get her childhood dog...

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Mutation? I suppose yeah. The fanservice is real and its hard to find clothes in my size." A shrug, its true. The brawny man is not human proportionate in the upperbody, arms are too large along with chest and hands. It's on the side of strange but hes not freakish body builder bulging either, its just how hes constructed. The flirting doesn't go over his head and one dark brow arches up.
"How old are you, kid?" Dragon has to ask. Almost wondering if he should ask for an ID and mention curfew. She has more carriage than someone of her physical age, older than years sort of thing behind the eyes. Its hard to tell.

"Most cops are also just scared shitless or just bad cops. I'm not either of those. Some crap experiences, huh?"

Rogue has posed:
The southern belle just grinned at his initial words. "Have ya tried goin' t'websites like Brotein dot com, maybe they got clothes in your size?" She teased him some more mostly because she was a bit relentless at it when she was in a good mood and talking to a guy that she was enjoying the company of.

Rogue's skateboard was hanging at her side, hooked to a sewn-in leather strap inside her coat where the wheels were hooked over, the board's underside had a picture of ALF from that super old tv show barely anyone remembered and in a cartoon bubble it had him saying (I love to eat cats!). Its not a very subtle joke as to why she bought this board and loved it.

Rogue pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her coat pocket and a little dark green bic lighter. "I turn nineteen in about thirty days." She said to the cop while placing hte cigarette between her red lips and moving to light it... it was a habbit she picked up after she ran away from her Aunt's place and joined the Brotherhood.

Rogue puffed out a spout of smoke off to the side Savage wasn't on and athen she looked back at him. "And yeah... lots a 'crap' experiences." She said at him with a sweeping smile across her lips before the cigarette was placed back between them.

Savage Dragon has posed:
Dragons initial years on Earth were filled with television shows and Alf was one of his favorites. He gets it but is majorly surprised shes got the shirt but then, old trends like to pop right back up.

A step over a hobo's leg and Dragon nods, "I suppose thats about right sounding. I guessed around that age. Just making sure"

"Bro what? No I haven't looked there. I don't really see that much effort being worth it really... " The cigarette gets a side glimpse, "Gross habit." He remarks.

"Sorry to hear bout the crap experiences but you sound like you got a good head on your shoulders, kid. I mean other than beating the snot out of those punks back there... thats uh, usually a bad choice in direction. Never know what could happen."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue knew smoking was a bad habbit, the 'Carol' inside of her reminded her of it every time she lit one up... but the fact is she got a bit worked up when she used her powers and her immense strength to pummel a-holes and it helped her mellow out to get that little fix from a cigarette. "Yeah..." She muttered quietly and shook her head at the adult lecturing her.

"I barely even touched'em." She told him in defense of herself. "I shoved one back and he hit the wall and went down, the othe'ah one I just grabbed and gave a little slap too and he was out. The last one? I just took hold'a him and pulled him down t'the ground... then ya found us."

She huffed out a sigh and glanced at the bum they passed by, he was asleep... had a empty liquor bottle on his lap... part of her expected to end up like that someday.

Rogue looked back over at Savage though. "I'm in college." She told him, to try to make herself 'better' to him and not just like a street rat bum. "At NYU." She added that to show how 'cool' it was since that was a 'cool school' right? "Gonna be a teache'ah someday."

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Teacher? So you must really like school. Enough you intend on going through it and doing homework the rest of your life." Dragon chuckles another of those deep rumbling sounds, "You don't look the type. No offense, cutie."
A stare down the road and he frowns at something, a squinting of green eyes then his smile reappears almost immediately. A step and hes carrying on like it was nothing.

"You got some abnormal strength don't you? Most men don't go down if just tapped around."

No attention spared the bum. Not this time around as thats just part of the city life especially slum areas like this and much of Chi Town. Dragons usd to it.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue started walking backwards beside him so that she could just look at him while they walked and she grinned at what he was saying about her, judging her and coming up with ideas about her persona.

"Most men ain't neve'ah met a girl like me." She said back at him through her grinning lips. She took another drag on her cigarette and let the smoke slip back out between her lips, this time it came out in a circle-donut shape the puffed away from her.

"Sides." She said to the cop now, still walking backward with absolute confidence, her eyes glanced up at him. "Ya ain't seen me dressed up... dressed t'impress." Now she started to turn around again, trailing her eyes across him as she did so. "I put me down without even havin' t'touch'em when I do that." She arrogantly boasted about herself, flashing a big flirtatious smile then as she skipped a few paces ahead of him then to a man in a Sandwich Costume who was handing out fliers for sandwich coupons. Rogue took three from the man and gave him a big smile and a happy "Thanks, sugah."

Savage Dragon has posed:
Dragon can't help but grin an infectious grin with her and fully inspired by that ego. "You're not at all full of yourself are you?" He taunts the former X-Men mutant. His stride remaining with her and he fails to resist giving her a appraising once over. "I have not. No." A quick headshake at himself and he rubs his hand over the fin atop his head, thumb grinding down on his temple.

"Is there anywhere I need to walk you?" A nod, "Thanks." Tossed at the sandwhich costume guy. More paranoid from Dragon as he looks at the eyeholes and manages a deepening frown again. Cop sense tingling? Maybe its just late and hes eager to get home, shower, shave and zone out on some reruns.
Young, pretty, dangerous and full of fire. Lots of trouble rolled in to one Southern package.

Rogue has posed:
The southern gal was folding up the printed off coupons and then sliding them into an inner pocket on her jacket on the left side of her chest when Dragon joined her on the street corner. She looked over at him with her green eyes and just grinned.

"If we're not our greatest fan, then who the hell should be? We gotta sell ourselves, t'get anywhere in life, right?"

Another puff of the cigarette was taken then and she flicked it into the gutter where it landed in a stream of water headed for a near-by sewer drain.

"I don't got a place t'be around here." She told the Cop then. "My place is in Greenwich Village." She glanced over at him and smirked. "I doubt you're wantin' t'walk all the way up there." Which would require cross the bridges over the east river and working your way through downtown Manhattan... its a lengthy go on foot!

"This your neighborhood though, I take it?" She'd ask him now. "I mean, now that you've moved away from Chicagoland."

Savage Dragon has posed:
"That is a ways away." Dragon admits, "My place is here yeah. Not far away and I suppose if you need a place to stay you can bunk up there. My daughter is your age and has clothes a plenty if you need to borrow something otherwise I can get you a cab. Really no skin any direction you want to go on this."

Abruptly he stops talking and hes looking past Rogue, glaring at the streets again and the shadows there. "I suggest a cab or inside though." No explaination why. Thats going to come out very soon.

"No smoking at my place though." He warns that look in his own green eyes gone as a grin fires back even as the cig arches through the air to land in the rusted drain.

"You really remind me of someone and I can't place it... " Maybe two someones but thats something he'll also have to sort out in time... maybe...

Rogue has posed:
Rogue could fly... but it wasn't something she told people very often and it wasn't something she liked to use until the sun had gone down, which it wasn't going to do for another hour or hour and a half. Its how she'd planned on getting home, so she had some time to kill.

"I generally stay away from cabs... they're kinda expensive and filthy."

She was looking down at her cellphone to check a message she'd gotten awhile ago, but she didn't reply to it just yet, so she put it away into her jacket pocket and looked back at the cop.

"Remind ya of someone?" She asked him, narrowing her eyes a bit. "Hope it was a good person." She flashed another grin then and shook her head side to side. "I can hangout for awhile longer though, but I'm supposed t'be somewhere later tonight."

Rogue looked back over her shoulder though to see what he'd been looking at, but she didn't see nothing standing out that didn't seem to be normal, so she just looked back at him.

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Hey, however you want to wing it. Like I said no skin and Greenwhich is a ways away." A motion ahead with a wave of his hand and they're on their way.

That eerie sensation of being watched hangs and it's not hard to feel the urge to look around, the shadows especially look darker tonight. Deeper and more ominous than they should. Not at all a fearful person Dragon boredly and intentionally chucks a half a propane tank at one. A loud clang and nothing. No reason for this given to Rogue he just flashes her another white toothed grin.

"This is me." He waves towards a gated doorway, the buzzer being pressed and then it unlocks. Boots stomped off they head up a flight of stairs and take a left, keys jingle, a lock turns and it opens inward.

"Yeah, she was a great person and the other one... she was great at some things I suppose." A subconscious rub to the side of his jaw, a dim lit house, the smell of recent incense and music playing from the back room.

"Usual, she just hides out in her room. Probably thinks you're April." More half-explaining. its not like Rogue knows who that is. "Come in, make yourself at home and find whatever you like on the TV. I'll toss us in some TV dinners."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would've just walked along with him with her hands in her coat pockets and her eyes glancing around... She definitely watched him randomly toss a propane tank into the shadows which made her look back at him and tilt her head. "Not a fan'a Hank HIll, I'm guessin?" She asked with a little smirk.

She'd follow him up the stairs and through the gated doorway then into the house and her eyes and ears and nose would take in the sensory information available inside! She just grinned. "Rebellous teens..." Rogue sighed over-dramatically, knowing full well that she was one of them!

Her left gloved hand came up and she pulled her knit cap off the top of her head while she moved over to the sofa and took her jacket off next, letting it drape over the arm of the sofa.

Rogue's hair was a mess, but somehow it looked good on her like that, white and brown mixing together in a stark contrast of one another.

"Very cop-like place ya got here, Sergeant Benchpress." She'd say to him then.

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Not at all." Dragon admits to her in regards to Hank Hill.

"Always, back in my day... rubber hose." He mimics, "Seriously I am not that old. I don't think." He can only guess really.

As shes taking the knit hat off his back is to her and hes pouring himself some orange juice, a cup for her as well. Its coming around the counter and seeing the 'skunkhair' distinctive and unique that he drops one of the cups the plastic of it clattering and hes soon chasing it down with a paper towel.
"Shit snacks." He oaths out eyes wide and staring at her before hes busy. Not able to answer with a retort about his place.

"Gravity what a bitch... "

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had pushed her bangs back over her head so they were indeed in a skunk-stripe style... at least for now, she didn't have a frizzy doo going on though so they'd float back down to framing her face once she moved around a bit more...

But at the sound of him dropping the cup she looked back over to see him staring stunned at her.

"What did I do?" She asked, her green eyes looking left and then right and then back onto the bulky Dragon Cop Guy.

She was confused and a little worried, he looked 'triggered' like he just recognized her for a crime or something. She was already thinking about bolting for it!

Savage Dragon has posed:
"N-no you're fine. Just you know you look like someone and the hair sets it off. I didn't realize really... " A wave in the air as if he is trying to calm her by that motion alone, Dragon's smile resurfaces and he tosses the cup in to the sink and brings her the fresh one extending it out. Those TV dinners already in the oven at some point in his moving around.

"No worries, someone who passed away is all. She was important you and her have a... yeah. She was a little older than you though." A fingertip motions up and down her as if indicating with points.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stood up as he drew near to her and offered the cup, just cause she was a bit on-edge, but when he made it clear that he was thinking about someone else and not about something SHE had done, she eased up a bit and accepted the cup and offered him a faint smile a little nod.

"Ah... gotcha." She told him. "Yeah, people either tell me that they love my hair or hate it... I can't dye it out, I've tried. The dye stays in for a day, maybe two depending on the quality'a the dye, but... it inevitably washes out within a week." She shook her head side to side.

"Sorry t'hear about your loss though." She'd say to the Cop and show him a faint smile. "Hey. If I remind you of her, that means she was pretty awesome." She'd try to offer that in as best of a tension-breaker as she could.

Savage Dragon has posed:
"It was a while ago thanks though." Dragon says and he drops in to the sofa. His cup vanishing in his hands as he sips at it while staring out past the window curtains, not at or through or even to the world beyond just 'out' at the horizon.

"She was awesome. You might have liked her, I dunno, she mighta not liked you though. The hair looks good, haters can all jump off a cliff."

A slump back suddenly and the sofa groans under his weight, one foot kicks up on to the center table.

"Rogue, college student, mutant, skateboarder, vigilante... you're an interesting one. I probably should have profiled you a bit more before bringing you home but I usually have good instincts about people." Most the time.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue didn't sit back down on the sofa, she turned around and sat back down on the coffee table where he put his feet up beside her left hip. She had gloves on that went all the way up to her elbows, they were a dark forest green... that might make him wonder since it wasn't a style you saw that often outside of a woman in an evening gown.

The teenager just grinned at the Cop's words. "Lotta women don't like me." She softly said in that smokey voice of hers. "Thats just cause I'm so bangin' hot though." There's that arrogance again, but she showed a wicked grin to at least indicate she knows she's being arrogant, for fun.

She gently shook her head side to side. "Don't worry about me. I got my criminal stuff outta my system when I was in my early, early, teens... now I only beat up and steal from thugs like those dickwads in the alleyway."

Rogue sipped from her cup and then held it between her knees with one gloved hand under it and the other around its base.

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Attitude in spades." Dragon agrees whole-heartedly. "I like you, Rogue, you're just amusing all around." The long gloves do make him curious but hes assuming its some skater fashion hes not hip enough with.

"Lota women are like a lotta dumb cops you met." He asserts, the wicked grin again and that look. The Earth based Alien cop nods as she says not to worry about him, "Thing is, when I put my badge on and took an oath to serve and protect... it kinda became a duty."

"You know you can take the gloves off, its warm in here, central air and its always cranked. I never notice." Whats heat? Or cold? Dragons pretty impervious to these things.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just grinned at him as she listened and then inhaled softly. She sat up straighter on the coffee table with the tv behind her... she was never much for tv or video games or movies, she had trouble sitting still her whole life and she prefered to be outside, especially in a park or someplace tha thad trees and bodies of water.

She glanced down at her gloves and the bangs on her left side fell down around her face then in a wave of hair strands cascading across her head.

"Ah... I probably shouldn't." She told him, about the gloves. Her eyes went back over to him then, the black eyeliner really made the pale green pupils pop. "One'a the side effects'a -my- mutation... When I touch folk, I pull their souls outta their bodies and inta mine. Along with whatever mutation or powers they might have.... In your case, I'd turn green and get a huge fin on the top'a my head." She grinned again.

"I dig mohawk's, don't get me wrong... friend'a mine has one sometimes and she looks amazin' with it. But yeah.... Hey though! Green -is- my favorite color, so there's that." She'd bite down on her lowerlip for a moment and then flash another grin at the Copper.

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Whoah, no shit, huh?" Dragon says at the explanation. "Thats freaky and you're not fucking with me right? I mean... makes you some sort of life vampire." He looks down at her hands and covered portions, overly done, safety no doubt and that explains a lot. "Green is my favorite color too. Imagine that... probably looks great on you too." A pause, "Green the color. You get me." The bite on the lower lip has his brows forming in to twin arches together.

"You never wondered how cool a fin feels?" He reaches up and flicks it, a wink follows. "I'm joking. Your power is something else though, I train the NYPD in metahuman counter tactics, the uses for something like that... just so many times it coulda came in handy."

"My kids a mutant too. Shes just really strong. Like uh, strong enough to toss a skyscraper in to orbit I suppose. Its ridiculous."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue gently chuckled at his response, a restrained sort of expression... "My gift is my curse." She'd surmise quietly before nodding her head. "Its how I ended up with the strength that I have... though it sounds like your kid is way stronger than me. My science teache'ah told me that i top out somewhere between seventy to a hundred tonnes, depending on my rage level." She thought back to that early day at Xavier's, almost a year ago now... Hank in his lab with his glasses on, giving her a full run down of her mutation and what it all meant. She'd learned a hell of a lot that day...

"But yeah. I can't touch no human or mutant, metas neithe'ah." She drew in a breath and exhaled it. "I can touch animals though, I don't hurt them." She showed a smirk to the Cop then. "So I'm guaranteed t'be a crazy cat lady late'ah in life, once all the men have finally learned t'run away from me or fear a cold lifeless coma existance." It clearly bothered the girl, the expression on her face showed that.

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Rage levels. Thats funny sounding like a video game." Dragon realizes hes not turned the TV on. The source of entertainment has been Rogue which works, its not like he talks to a whole lot of people lately.

"Thats strong as hell though and I'm fairly certain I am not a mutant, human or metahuman. I'm something else entirely... hard to explain that one. Had a bunch of the SciTech nerds real confused for a long time."

Rogue's smirk has him firing off a curious green eyed look of his own while his feet drop to the floor and he rests elbows on his knees. This puts them staring at one another at those intense close movie screen together moments.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue flashed a little grin at the rage level comment and the part about being strong as hell, which made her gently nod. "Tell me about it. Do you have any idea how many shoe laces I go through?" She let her grin grow larger. "I got othe'ah stuff too... powers, that is, god I hate that word..." She exhaled after saying that last part and adjusted how she was seated on the coffee table a little.

"So you're not a mutant, but you took the job here in Bushwick cause I figure its less explainin?" She'd then ask of him. "I'd offer t'test my power on you, but it'd probably drop you unconscious for a couple'a days and, well, that ain't good. The Professah--er, uh, the man who was helpin' me get over all'a the side effects? He said that my mutation may change as I age and that someday I may be able t'control it... but he didn't know when that day might be. My luck? It'll probably be the day I'm an old lady with a walker'n splayed out on my deathbed."

She showed him a smile and then sipped from her drink again.

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Yeah we'll just not do this whole touch thing. Asleep for days or worse isn't good for my line of work." Dragon agrees.
"I took the job to get to some place new, apply myself where I can help more and to get family away from an open wound." Good guy things. Dragons full of them more often than not.

"Tie your shoes once, real good, knot them and never do it again." He grins in turn like he just offered the best sage advice.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughed at his response quietly and she nodded in agreement. "I can't imagine goin' home t'the guy's house that I live at and have t'explain t'him why I've got green skin and a giant fin on my head." Not that Doctor Strange wasn't always doing stuff around HER that she thought was weird as hell too!

"Yeah...." She sighed then and shook her head in disapproval. "I really don't wanna wear my boots all day and all night for the rest'a my life. 'Sides. I got a lotta different kinds. Tall boots, short boots, heeled boots... square boots!" She shook her head at him and grinned again before she sipped from her drink and glanced over at the kitchen.

"I think the tee vee dinners are done, Miste'ah Benchpress." She put her eyes back onto him and gave lopsided smirm,

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Right, food. I almost forgot." He stands up and smirks back down at her, "You keep calling me that and I will benchpress you. Seriously that makes me sound like a douchebag and... I'd like to think I'm not. Most days at least." Dragons hand lifts up and almost drops on to the top of her head, just about to tousel her hair but doesn't it stops in a hover and he draws it back. "Oooh, oops. How in the hell do you do that your whole life?" A headshake, a brush off from it as though disregarding the question and hes in the kitchen pulling the food out without mitts, "Smells done. Thats also a lot of boots and HEY green skin and fins are not in? I was lied to... like I said, you might look pretty damn good in green and fin."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was grinning while he was standing. "I'm just messin' with ya, sugh." She said back at him and then her eyes went up to notice him pull back from touching the top of her head. "My hair is safe." She relayed to him. "Its why I let it drape around me so much like a hood almost. Its... ya know, additional protection. It can't hurt ya."

When he'd move for the kitchen, the near-19 year old would stand up and carry her cup toward the kitchen, she'd drank most of what he'd poured in there already.

"Green's totally in the in color, so you were told right." She said with a smirk, putting her cup down on whatever served as a kitchen table and then folded her arms across her stomach.

"So what are we havin?" She'd ask. "Need me t'go freak your kid out and tell her Dinne'ahs ready?" She'd ask that with another ghost of a grin.