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Latest revision as of 13:40, 3 January 2018

Taco Truck Time!
Date of Scene: 01 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Virgil Aimes, Rogue

Virgil Aimes has posed:
There had been an exchange of texts between Marie and Virgil, and given the current climate on American streets, it was decided that they should meet somewhere to hang out for a bit. A bit of phone tag and searching later, and they found a food truck. 'Fatty's Tacos' is run by a rather skinny guy with a name tag that says, 'Fatty' in some sort of ironic joke that probably means something to his social circle, but which just makes him look a bit strange to everyone else.

Regardless, standing not far from the truck, browsing the internet on his phone, Virgil is sending the occasional text and typing much faster with his thumbs than he ever has with his full hands on a keyboard. Something he has been actively working to improve.

The traffic is "normal" for the area, and the weather is cold but clear with bright blue skies intermixed with only a light sprinkling of clouds in the high atmosphere, giving a sort of cool autumn touch to the air when the ozone isn't too sharp.

Occasionally as people walk past in one direction or another, he lifts his head to look at them and then looks back down at his phone. Aware of his surroundings without being hyper-vigilant.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was on her skateboard now, today, rolling down the center of the street toward the taco truck. She knew about it, she'd eaten there many times now over the past several months.

The young college student was wearing a black wool coat that went down past her waist and a red tshirt on beneath it that had black/white sports numbers on the chest with the number 18 on her torso.

Rogue rolled up to where Virgil was and she put a foot down to skid on the pavement to stop herself. "Heya, sugah." She said in a thick southern accented greeting, played-up a bit for pleasure's sake.

Rogue stepped off her board full and flicked it up into her gloved hands and then tucked it into her jacket to hook one of the wheels to a loop inside of it so it'd hang there.

"Taco Fridays?" She asked him then with a big grin on her red painted lips. Her brown/white hair was being held down on either sides of her head by a dark green wool-knit beanie cap.

Virgil Aimes has posed:
Turning at her approach, Virgil smiles and says, "Hey to you too," in a way that can only said to be suggestive without actually being suggestive at all. There is just a sort of implied, thing he doesn't say and he lays it on thick, almost too thick, like he's playing it up for her as well. That said, he looks at her skateboard as she kicks it up into her hand and tucks it away so casually. That had to be practiced. Nobody could look that cool spontaneously.

He is wearing black track pants from apparently working out under a similar jacket to her own but in a very conservative style. Like he just walked off Wallstreet. A plain wool black jacket that hangs to mid-calf, but is all conservative lines, over a tee shirt that matches his pants, and a pair of athletic sneakers. So apparently it's just the jacket that looks like it was bought for a purpose.

Looking back at the taco truck when she questions the choice, he says, "I love to eat tacos," and lets her watch his hand as he reaches out and puts a hand on the small of her back for a moment or two to gently touch her, and to help coax her along with him towards the truck.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would let him guide her like that and she'd just show him a sly grin. "Who doesn't?" Was her curt response to his summation of taco consumption.

Rogue reached up then and took her wool cap off of her head... she ran her fingers through her thick dark and white hair and then stuffed the hat into her coat's left pocket.

The good thing about winter was that she was almost completely covered up except for her face and neck, which were far less likely to get touched by anyone skin-on-skin, she gave a glance over to him.

"How goes the telephone numbe'ah game?" She asked, a fair amount of tease in her tone of voice as she leaned toward him to bump shoulders and then moved to step in line to order some foods.

Virgil Aimes has posed:
"You know, some people aren't big on tacos, but I had a sense that you were the sort of girl who liked a taco occasionally," Virgil says, totally not talking about tacos while standing in the small line. Nobody believes he is talking about tacos. It's not very sly. When she removes her hat, he reaches up with a gloved hand and helps her clear some of the stray strands from her face in a friendly manner, and then looks back at 'Fatty.

Stepping up to the food truck window, he says, "I'll have the uh .. steak tacos, and a Mountain Dew."

"Bottle or can?"


"And you?" the skinny guy in the foodtruck asks, looking at Rogue, assuming that they are ordering together.

Even as Rogue orders, Virgil reaches into his inner jacket pocket and pulls out a twenty dollar bill which he holds in his palm and looks toward Rogue while she orders.

Once they've both ordered and are waiting for their food, he finally answers, "No numbers since yours.'

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just laughed over at him softly when he made his little jokes. "I wonder how many folks crack wise like that here on a daily basis? Fifty percent? Maybe more?" She grinned at him then while he helped fuss with her hair which made her smile more happily to have the help.

When they stepped up to order, she listened as he went first and then when it was her time to shine she couldn't help herself. "Two fish tacos and a bottle of sweet tea, please, my good sir." She said in an all-too-chipper tone of voice.

Rogue held her hands together in front of her, interlaced her gloved fingers and just flashed a grin over at Virgil then waggled her dark eyebrows at him playfully teasing him.

Virgil Aimes has posed:
Less than a minute later Virgil pays and then their food is handed out, along with way too many napkins because food trucks always give either too many napkins or none at all. Taking their food, he walks over to sit on a random person's stoop and kicks his feet out while he begins to eat.

"Fish tacos, you just leaned right into it," he says after a long moment of thinking about it, and not making the joke. Like he might just not say anything, despite how obvious it is.

Setting his Mt. Dew aside, he perches his food in his lap for a moment so he can open his drink and then looks back over at her.

"So, you been good? No problems?" he asks.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue accepted her food and drink and turned to follow after him. When he sat down on the step she'd join him and turn to put her back against the metal railing with her drink going down between her boots. She grinned at him. "I'm not very subtle with my jokes, its true... Truth is, I ain't very subtle with anythin' I do."

Rogue would fuss with the paper wrapping on her food in her lap and she'd sample some of her ordered goodness. She'd do her best not to spill anything on herself either, cause she didn't want to look like a FOOL!

A grin later and she shook her head. "I'm not the biggest fan'a fish in my tacos, but I like a good joke, so I just had t'go for it. I've had them before from this truck, everythin Fatty makes is delicious." She showed another little grin while taking a sip of her tea then.

"But yeah, I'm good... I went up t'Westchester t'see some friends the other night. They own a cabin and work at a Spatula store. They... they make me laugh, a lot." She smiled a little then.

Virgil Aimes has posed:
"You got fish tacos /just/ for the joke?" Virgil say and then laughs a little. Shaking his head even as he starts to eat he seems to be still processing how far she'd pushed the joke. Pausing to take a sip, he watches her with her taco. He seems to like the food, if the speed at which he is eating is any indication.

Stretching out a bit more, he seems to be working at getting comfortable and yawns a little.

"I like the steak ones," he confirms from his own meal and then looks at her and offers to trade with her. Holding out one of his for one of hers, and will put his in her wrapper if she does the same for him. Obviously being mindful not to let his now exposed hands to touch her skin. "Westchester, that's a hike and a half. A spatula store? Is that code for something? Sex toys? Kitchen appliances?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue gave him a flashed grin when he asked her that first part about just-for-the-joke and she nodded her head softly. Looking down at her selection of food though she just shrugged her shoulders inside of her jacket. "I spent two years livin' on the streets after I ran away from my... friends. After you live on the street like that, ya learn t'not really worry about what you're eatin' so much as long as its fresh and good, and well... thats the case here, ya know? Fish or otherwise."

When he was nice enough to offer a partial swap though she snatched it from him and gave him one of the fish ones with a grin. "Its your fault anyway, t'begin with, Miste'ah." She pulled the new steak one into her lap then and smiled at him softly. "Thanks though."

After a sip of her tea was had, she'd laugh softly and shake her head., "Nah... I wish it as an adult store, those are fun t'walk around inside'a and look at all the weird creepy shit. Nah, this is a legit... Spatula Only Store. Its like, in their motto. It was... huge in the eighties?" She said, sounding unsure of that.

"Guess its not so popular anymore. The last of its kind... My friend works there cause its super easy and they pay her well." Good ol' Jubilee...

Virgil Aimes has posed:
"We never had it that bad, I just had to get into my parent's wallets before they spent money on booze, so me and my brother and sister could eat," he explains and finishes eating his steak tacos and finally picks up her fish taco. Tentatively he gives it a bite, and then apparently deciding that it tastes alright, quickly starts to eat that as well, barely pausing for a drink until he has finished the last of his food and starts to calmly fold up the wrapping.

Wedging the wrapping under his leg to hold it down, he wriggles his nose and seems to be reflecting on the meal.

"I guess I'd say, in reflect, that I'd eat your taco anytime," he jokes. It's just getting ridiculous now.

Hearing about the spatula store, he listens and watches her, looks at her food, looks at her drink, sort of just looks over the area and seems to be mulling it over.

"So, it's a novelty thing? A thousand kinds of spatulas. T-shirts maybe?" he tries to figure it out, like 'how does that actually exist.' "How about classes?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had her food down and done in just a couple of bites for each one, she didn't mess around with chow time. The paper was wadded up into little balls and stuffed into her jacket. She sipped her drink again, stared at him and gave him a sly grin. "I ain't much'f a cook. I'd probably burn the taco shells." Apparently she cut his joke off at the turn!

A nod was gien then to him. "Yep. Its down the highway from the Highschool I graduated from here this past summer. Tucked away in a little grove'a trees. Big ol' sign with worn paint on it... SPATULA CITY!" Rogue grinned some more. "They got commercials on Youtube for it, they're a riot. Its part'a what made it popular a million years ago, I guess."

She sat up then off of the metal railing and put her feet down beside one another. "Thanks for the food. I owe you a meal now next time." She'd say to the other with a little smile on her lips.

Virgil Aimes has posed:
"I have no idea what that's a euphemism for. Something burning. Gonorrhea?" Virgil asks, laughing lightly even as he asks, a big smile on his face. In a good mood and happy to have someone to share it with. When she balls up her paper, he holds out a hand for it and if she hands them over, he unballs the paper and folds it, and then takes all of his folded up paper waste and puts it into a the receptacle near the truck.

Taking a seat next to her again, he leans back and nods his head. A touristy thing. It made sense.

"You don't owe me a thing, your company is worth the cost of a meal," he says, not even thinking about it as a cost thing. He made a decent living at SHIELD, even as a trainee, and she was a college student. He had money she didn't, unless her 'sugar daddy' were really being generous.

"Want to go for a walk, go somewhere?" he asks, now that they've finished eating.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would hand over her paper rolls and she'd offer him a smile in return and a shake of her head. "What I got, sugah... Probalby is way worse than that, all things considered." A little smirk was shown then and she then looked down at her jacket and shirt and batted her gloved hand a few pieces of shredded cheese that had defied her guard and gotten down onto her shirt... now they were food for the ants!

She'd sip her tea again and then re-cap it and smile at him. "You're sweet as can be... for a hobo I met in the park solicitin' telephone numbers off'a ladies." And she grinned again and then went to rise up to her feet, her skateboard picked up once more and re-hooked inside her coat so it'd lay against her left hip.

"I'm down for a walk though. Where to? There's an arcade down the street from here a ways. I've conned beer outta people there a few times." She seemed way too proud of herself for that, the smile on her lips was indicating that.