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Latest revision as of 13:41, 3 January 2018

Asgardian Reunion
Date of Scene: 01 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Buttercup, Valkyrie

Buttercup has posed:
December is here, and while the twenty four day countdown to Christmas is already in full swing in the wealthier neighborhoods, candles in windows, lights along doorframes, summoning the spark from the darkness enveloping the mortal lives for longer and longer each and every day... here, downtown, the best that the inhabitants of the big city can hope for is a little bit of Christmas peace and quiet. And that's what they've gotten. A sense of weary detente under the heading of holiday spirit. In the early night's silence the only lights are the ones from the windows of those apartments still with electricity. The only sound, if you listen quietly, a faint jingling of sleigh bells.

If ther are sleigh-bells jingling, it's Buttercup's fault. She's wearing a big fluffy green coat and patterned leggings, and around one calf, above her fuzzy ankle-boots, she's got a leather anklet with jingle bells on that sprinkle noise as she goes down the sidewalk, a backpack slung over a shoulder on her way.

Valkyrie has posed:
"...follow the bells. You're getting predictable in your old age, Biejje." There's a slight smirk on the woman's lips as she emerges from the shadows.Brynnhildr is dressed in a sleeveless leather shirt and matching pants, reminiscent of the casual amrour she used to wrear - or a biker of some sort. her long, dark hair falls down her shoulders to the small of her back. The contrast of the slightly taller woman's dark skin to that of Buttercup's lighter hue and more colourful gar bis evident. Moreso as the woman is coing closer.

    Brynnhildr walks wit ha casual confidence that belies her size and slight build. In reality Buttercup is slightly shorter but the heavier of the two. It's in the curves, no doubt - Brynnhildr is a sleek, athletic warrior without too much body fat to spare on her frame. Right now she's a couple meters from the sun-maiden.

    "Did you bring any booze?" the Valkyrja asks, canting her hwead slightly as she looks the blonde over frm head to toe. "I think the bar I was out." No greetings or witty rejoinders. Brynn is as frank as ever. She can't quite hide the smile, however.

Buttercup has posed:
Buttercup is, indeed, brightly dressed. In fabrics and colors and patterns reminiscent in no wise of any of the trailing maidenly robes she ever wore in Asgard -- she is thoroughly enculturated, here. But that's no shock. She's always been quick to blend in. And, yes, she's got curves. Hips for days, wide, soft thighs and busty as she is short. Yeah, a little tummy chub, too-- she's a right cherubic little figure. Her hair all done up in a big round crown braid about her head, she turns at the address, mouth open in surprise, then morphing into a mask of joy as she lets out a full-on squeal: "Brynn! OMG!" she spells it out, voice hitting almost an octave higher on the final letter as she bounces, jingling, closer and full-on tackles the Valkyrie in a hug that radiates wamrth and even a little bit of light that sparkles glittering about the environs, creating a little bubble of the very coziest sunbeams before she remembers herself and draws her light back in, pulling back and reaching to take both of Brynn's hands in her hands. "What are you doing here? How long have you been in town? Are you staying? Where are you staying?" she begins to pepper the warrior with quetions.

Valkyrie has posed:
Buttercup hits Brynnhildr with all of the force she can muster. Slightly drunk (even by her standards) Valkyrie is a little slower to react than she might ordinarily be. Buttercup bowls the slighter Asgardian over and she hits the ground with a soft thump and brief grun that is lost amidst the squealing. Se's left staring up into the luminous blonde's green eyes, pinned to the ground beneath voluminous curves and jingling bells. As the glow starts Brynn takes a deep breath - and then it disappears. She allows her hands to be taken, lazily staring up at the other girl from her back. "I've been in town - you know. A few hours. I kind of figured I'd stay wherever, you know? I- could... Stick around..." She breathes a soft laugh. There's a hint of alcohol on her breath. "Slow down. Jesus Christ. Why are you so excited?" There's less of a sting to her words than she usually manages. Even if she can't admit to being *too* excited.

Buttercup has posed:
Buttercup did not think she was going to take the Valkrie down, that's for sure. Still, she's not afraid of //hurting// her, by any means, and she settles in on top snug as a bug in a rug before she's helping her up. "What? Why am I excited? I only haven't seen you in like forever," she enthuses gently, standing up and handing back a hand to hook a thumb under one strap of her backpack. "Why aren't you excited, I should ask? You've just dropped in to the place where heroes are born every day," she lets Brynn know with a gentle waggle of a finger. "Come home with me. I might have someone on my couch-- I have a couch surfer who drops in every now and then when she needs a warm place to lay her head. But you can share my bed. We can have a slumber party," she beams, exuberant with a sunshine smile. "I just have to make a couple deliveries, first. Walk with me?"

Valkyrie has posed:
"Share your bed?" Both of Brynnhildr's eyebrows loft and that sly grin becomes positively scandalous. She might be taking what was said the wron way on purpose. She follows after Buttercup without offering resistance, hand in hand as they proceed along the edge of the street. Bryn's swagger has swagger. She's no less dangerous when inebriated, even if her steps sway slightly. "Now that's a welcome." She pauses for a second before she asks, "So... How've you been? Earth treating you well?" Her gaze drops slightly - she has absolutely no shame about checking Buttercup out openly as she walks.

Buttercup has posed:
"You've been in tighter berths before, Brynn," Buttercup lifts her chin, making up for her dearth of height with an overabundance of confidence and attitude, smiling as she goes. She's hard to check out from behind due to her big bundly coat and the backpack that overhangs and obscures any curves of interest back there. "Midgard has its own host of troubles, meanwhile, and can't be bothered to treat me well //or// poorly. But I do as well for the people here as I can-- as I can," she glances back over her shoulder with a smiling-eyed look of admiration.

Valkyrie has posed:
"With much less pleasant company," Brynnhildr adds, odding as she does. The fact she can't actually see anything doesn't stop the darker-skinned Asgardian from looking Buttercup over anyway. She might be going out of her way to licentious. Finally she takes a deep breath. "I've been on Midgard for awhile. I know all about their problems. The question is just what you plan to do," she adds more seriously. Another quiet smile is offered to meet Buttercup's. "So," she begins. "Do we pick up where we left off?"

Buttercup has posed:
"Saving the world, a soul at a time?" Buttercup answers back. If Brynn is going out of her way to be licentious, Biejje is going out of her way to be an idealist. But there's a note to her voice, one that sings of delight, no less. She holds up a finger and trots, jingling, up the stairs to the front foor of a building, where she pushes all the buttons to try to get herself buzzed in.

Valkyrie has posed:
"So... What are you delivering anyway?" Brynn asks. She tilts her head slightly to the left and then takes a deep breath, tapping a foot against the ground. It's hard to tell if she's actually as impatient as she is trying to make herself out to be. Brynnhilder watches as Buttercfup walks away from her, lips lightly pursed as she studies the door in question.She shifts her weight slightly from left to right. "Saving the world, huh? Sure." A beat. "I guess we're in the same business." That's news. Valkyrie had sworn off doing much oof anything for a long time. Maybe reutrning to Asgard was good for her in that regard.

Buttercup has posed:
Buttercup hips open the door once it's buzzed, tossing a cheersome wave up the side of the building to a flailing arm above. "C'mon, don't let all the cold air in," she encourages Brynn to follow close behind in entering. "Just some friday night dinners and a little bit of help with the heating bills," she announces, moving to one door and laying her palm upon it, letting her hand glow with that gently sparkling golden light a she channels some heat into the apartment. "It's cold outside, and half these people don't have money to keep the heat on."

Valkyrie has posed:
Brynnhildr says, "...Charity? Really?" Brynn wrinkles her nose but she follows Buttercup inside as she is bid. Brown eyes survey their surroundings careufll y and then she gives a slow shrug. She's almost on top of Buttercup, taking urgings to follow close fairly seriously as it happens. "I've slept in worse places," she announces unnecessarily. "Anyway. So we take care of this stuff and then we hit your place and get wasted, right? I might have some Asgardian mead stashed around..." Despite her words Brynn's expression is surprisingly thoughtful as she looks around. Often you can't really trust her worsd to tell the story of her thoughts."

Buttercup has posed:
"I leave the powerful in your capable hands," Buttercup murmurs quietly, even though it's not even that late. "The powerless are the ones who need my help. To the least," she goes on rather sweetly, applying her hand in pre-determined spots. Maybe the only ones inhabited. Or the only one without heat. She swings down her backpack from her bag and unzips. "Stashed where? You just got here," she wonders with a chuckle, taking out a tall plastic container of macaroni and cheese and setting it down in place next to a doorjamb.

Valkyrie has posed:
"Oh, you know. I brought some bags," Brynn replies in a wry tone. She shifts her shoulders from left to right and then takes a deep breaht. "So are you going to drink with me tonight or what?" She asks then, tilting her head slightly."And... I get it. You do your thing I'll do mine. And maybe we'll end up doing the same thing sometimes." Her voice is softer than before. Gentler. "