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Latest revision as of 13:53, 3 January 2018

Where'd All the Ninjas Go
Date of Scene: 20 December 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Iron Fist

Daredevil has posed:
    The old apartment building had seen better days. The wallpaper was falling off the walls, the paint was chipped, and what was left of the wall to wall carpeting had colonies of various creatures living in its depths, nearly enough to make a Pixar film with a sassy bug lead that learns the value of friendship in a coming of age story that assuredly would pack the theaters.
    The building is mostly dark during the night. Only the old emergency lighting and faint red glow from some of the exit signs would offer some illumination to the place. Not that the man within its depths currently would need any. His black and red silhouette moved silently down the long hall, footsteps utterly without sound as he traced fingertips along the side of the wall, his head turned subtly as he moves. And he listens.
    Nobody else was in the building save for his partner. No other human heartbeats save for the other man. The scents were old and mildew and worse. But nothing signifying a presence there any time recently...
    Yet it was when the man opened the door to the basement and began his descent that he'd taste the faint hints on the air of what he had been seeking. The small shrine with the burn marks of flames hugging the walls in a burn that must have been wild yet somehow did not take the building itself. The Hand. They had been here. Yet they were no longer there.
    Over his shoulder he'll lift his voice, "It's clear." They're safe. For now at least.

Iron Fist has posed:
    The other man was no slouch in the sensory department. When he chose to focus, he could hear the sweat emerging from the pores in someone's face. But his took focus. But his partner seemed to be able to do it at will, and so much more. When the all clear was given, the younger man relaxed. It was his natural disposition. His shoulders adjusted, his face curled into something resembling a smile, not quite one, but ready to become one at the slightest provocation.

    He wore a yellow bandana over his face, with two eye slits sewn in, with white lenses, edged in black. It fit well, almost as if it had been tailored, which it might well have been, given how well it sat on his upper face, covering his nose and everything above that. Two ends of it fluttered behind him whenever there was a breeze, or sharp movements. Below that, he wore a green suit, almost like a track suit, with the collar open in a flare that looked very 70s. There were yellow accents, and yellow sneakers, tabi by the look of them, as they split his big toes from the rest. They were comfortable.

    "We have to find them," he said, the joyful lilt in his voice evident. Even when he was being serious, there was an innocent, a playfulness about it. This was fun for him. Stress seemed like a foreign concept to him. "My industrial contacts have come up short. But I have people looking into it. One person went missing. Could be nothing. I tried to investigate on my own..., but I think it might be best to bring in a professional on that one."

Daredevil has posed:
    For a moment he had knelt beside that altar, a fingertip brushing through the dust and the debris. No remains of a person, yet they've seen The Hand and their death throes that would offer just such residue. But something about this is different. He frowns, head tilting to the side as Danny advances towards him. A short moment of reflection is taken, then he rises to his feet. "It's not like them to leave a task unfinished without some conflict to check them."
    He steps to the side and begins to move around the room, shaking his head to himself as he walks. He pauses beside a large stretch of wall, cinder blocks most likely as he touches fingertips to it and frowns to himself. His own mask is similar in that it covers the top half of his face, but even if his eyes were uncovered they would give no further hint to the man's thoughts.
    "When we get back I'll run down the list of contacts we had. The ones that were in their pocket might know what's happened. If they're still available."

Iron Fist has posed:
    Growing contemplative, Danny began to reiterate his past. It was something of a habit for him. A wonder everyone didn't know about his story. "I was trained for years to defeat the Hand in open combat. They put me through every trial they could think of, but, we don't really know the Hand. They were banished so long ago. They've developed and evolved, grown into something so much worse, with wispy tendrils everywhere. They infested my family's company. How am I to defeat a foe that is everywhere, and nowhere?"

    As he spoke, his fist began to glow, and even his partner could 'see' it, as it gave off an energy signature, a heat, there was so much more to the world than just sight. He was focusing his chi, searching the room, the area, looking for an energy signature, some sign, some clue, if they were here, where did they go. He had to know.

Daredevil has posed:
    "It's why information is at a premium with them." Matt frowns somewhat. To him the Hand are not quite as legendary. At least for now. To him they are murderers, martial artists, beings who dabble in the mystical but knowable quantities save for the unexplained incidents that had passed for him. Some of the legends that swirl around them are insane, madness, and assuredly have been overblown with time. Though there is definitely a nugget of truth at its core. For he had seen it.
    "We should also try and catch the others, let them know the current state. But can't let them think it's alright to lower their guard." Harder to impress upon them the dire aspect of these matters as Luke, Jess... they hadn't experienced the same things.
    As Iron Fist channels his chi, however, he'll definitely feel the chill that comes from the area of that altar. Will be able to sense the subtle wrongness that even now hovers over that area, and seems to infect the room itself as if it were a malicious virus that had worked its evil upon the very fabric of this small part of the world. For Matt, it's evident only as a chill, a faint sense of wrongness. But for Danny... it's a more palpable thing.

Iron Fist has posed:
    Palpable is right. When Danny's fist ceases to glow, he says, "as soon as we're sure we have everything we can get out of this place, I'm going to buy it, and have it demolished." He didn't like what he felt, and the only way to cleanse it was to remove it and start again. Oh, powerful mystics could cleanse its aura, but once a place has become tainted, it's always a beacon to those who worship such things. Better to remove it and remove any trace of that evil. " The way he said it, there was a conviction in his voice. It was rare that he spoke in such absolutes. But this place had rattled him. He had the power to fix it, and he would.

Daredevil has posed:
    At Danny's words he'll most likely see the small smile flicker over Daredevil's features. "That's... one way to handle it I suppose." So strange sometimes to witness how the young man's mind works. But Matt turns back around and frowns as he observes the sensations in the room even as he listens to what the Iron Fist has to say.
    At the last he'll give a single nod of understanding, "But you're probably right." He figures, since it wouldn't do to have this building become a focal point. They already have enough trouble to deal with. He furrows his brow as he advances on the stairwell again even as he dusts his hands off by slapping them together a few times.
    "I have two more addresses to run down." He sets one foot upon the first step, tilting his head to the side over his shoulder, seeming to look past Iron Fist. "Let's see if we find anything more. Then I'll try and get in touch with the others. Alright?" Yet even as he asks that last he's starting to move up the steps.