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I'm a Believer
Date of Scene: 31 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Peter and Gamora go on a mission, talks are had, a lot of guys die. I mean a /lot/.
Cast of Characters: Star-Lord, Gamora

Star-Lord has posed:
"I don't care how many there are, get the ship going Drax!" Peter calls over comms as a burst of energy blasts away the top of the rock he was hiding behind.

Rolling out from behind cover, Peter, mask engaged, both element guns out, opens fire dropping the energy blasting Black Knight wrapping his face in ice then blasting him with electricity. The guy falls, and for a moment there's an opening. An opening Peter drops one of his guns to chuck a grenade into. The little metal disc lights up sucking guys out of cover and dragging them to the grenade. Peter smiles behind his mask, Rocket had upgraded the original tech. He presses a button on his wrist and the grenade explodes in a spiral of blue and red light.

"Ugh," Peter says as what's left of the guys come flopping to the ground."Gamora! I hope you've got the stone, because it's time go!"

It'd been a simple mission on paper come down to Sungdel IV, and recover the Holy Stone of Sungdel. It was a religious relic or something, hardened energy from the creation of the universe, Peter hadn't been listening closely to that part, instead just heard the part the Collector had said about it being worth 500,000 Units.

Of course there were complications, Sungdel was under siege by the Universal Church of Truth. Religious whackjobs bent on building an empire for the dead god Magus, and when they'd found the stone at the center of Sungdel's holiest city, they also found a squad of the church's powered black knight enforcers and a few dozen of their local convert-soldiers, looking for the same. After that, there'd been a disagreement, and now it was time for a hasty retreat. As far as the fighting went, the Black Knights, powered by the belief in their own abilities, could be a threat, the conscripts were mostly good for soaking up fire and blades meant for others.

Gamora has posed:
Laser / plasma fire bursting through the rock wall of the 3rd floor building that Gamora was in. She stood over the bodies of about twenty dead soldiers that had all fallen to her blade and gun. She had the stone, she could her Peter's words over their comms and she grunted in response!

The green skinned woman lurched back up to her feet and she aimed her gun out the side of the broken wall and fired off return blasts of bright purple globs of deadly energy! BLAST BLAST BLAST BLAST! She fired back, sizzling the sides of the opposite building and burning a hole into the shoulder of one of their enemies!

A second later and Gamora was charging across the room as return fire laced its way into the room with her, smashing into the ground around her and zipping past her arms and shoulders!

Gomra leapt out the opposite side of the building, she hopped across a gap to another and then landed beside Quill with bits of wall and streams of rocky dust falling off of her body.

"Here." She stuffed the stone at the masked Quill. "Lets hope this is the right one." She grumbled in an irritated voice.

Star-Lord has posed:
Watching Gamora work was like watching some beautiful performance, y'know, like Transformers on Ice, and Peter had to keep himself from staring. Fortunately the plasma blasts sent Gamora's way snap him out of it and he engages the boots, flying high and BLAM, BLAM, BLAM rains literal fire down on their foes. Dropping them as they sails towards the rooftop where he and Gamora meet. "What are you so cranky about!?" he demands about her tone as he ducks down to avoid a shot. He chucks grenade over the edge of the building in answer and when it goes off he continues. "Of course it's the right one," he peered down at the green glowing rock in his hand, before tucking it into his jacket. "Just how many frozen bits of energy from the birth of the universe are out there anyhow?"

He takes a breath, "Also, there are a /LOT/ of guys down there, so we're going to really need to haul ass in a sec. Are you ready?"

"We are, ready," intones a voice of one of the Black Knights as he flies up to the rooftop. As second one follows him. "I believe you have what belongs to us," the first knight intones gravely.

"And I believe we will take it from you if you do not surrender it now,"

Peter smiles under his helmet, "Wow, believer huh, didn't know the Monkees toured this far, oh and no, can't have the rock."

Peter lifts his gun and fires, his other hand sticking the stone in his coat.

The First Knight raises his hand to throw a blast of plasma at Peter, the second draws a blade and stalks towards Gamora. "I believe I will kill the most dangerous woman in the galaxy today."

Gamora has posed:
"They destroyed my second gun." Gamora growled back at him after handing him the stone. "And there are lots of those, they re just generally hidden on the black market and in rich despots collections... or used to power massive robots of amazin---" She cut herself off, now wasn't the time.

She spun around to aim her sword at the ones claiming that they'll take the stone back. "It no more belongs to you than it does to anyone else. So come for it and meet the tip of my blade as I run it through your spines." Her eyes watched the one that was centering himself upon her... She stood and waited for her time to strike, then launched herself at him with a swip of her sword and a kick toward his crotch delivered at a speed that would be horrifying to any man should it land solidly on target!

Star-Lord has posed:
"Okay you had me at robots, what's the deal-"Peter begins before the knights cut him off. "Jerks, always cutting in when we're talking. We totally need to grab a drink after this," he remarks to Gamora before the confrontation.

Peter jumps under the plasma blast, and rolls to standing, much quicker than any Terra could hope to and lays into his knight with blasts of ice, covering his hands and face with the blasts. "Cool off buddy," he quips, before he frowns under the mask. "Ugh, that was lame."

For Gamora's opponent, he had been trained relentlessly by the Church of Universal Truth, to be a warrior for Magus and bring his word to the Universe through the power of his blade and his belief. He also believed in honourable combat, and thought that someone of Gamora's stature would believe the same.

He was wrong. The slash is parried ably, he might have put up a half-way decent fight, but the kick to the groin? Didn't see it coming. He folds, like one of Peter's t-shirts, his blade skittering out of his hand across the roof.

From within the building though they can hear more men coming up the stairs.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora had fought and faced all manner of warriors in the galaxy, she'd seen the top tier soldiers to the lowest... what surprised her is how few of them were trained for countering 'dirty fighting' such as kicks to their generally-ultra-sensitive-regions... even the ones who's such regions lied beneath cloths on their chins (that is an odd species).

When the opponent was disarmed, Gamora landed on his back... her boots pressing down onto him and crushing him to the ground. She released a seething exhale and then grinned triumphantly.

"For the Monkees." She said, sometimes trying to relate to Quill's quips even if she didn't fully understand them--her sword swung down and she beheaded the man, severing neck from shoulders.

With an armless-cartwheel, Gamora launched herself off of the man's body now and brought her gun up to fire at two more who were rushing toward them! BLAM BLAM!

"Are you in need of assistance, Peter?" Gamora would then call out to him.

Star-Lord has posed:
A pained noise escapes the sword man as he's kicked, the crushed into the ground by Gamora's follow up. The man's look is surprised when she takes off his head.

Peter's is too, not that it can be seen through the mask, "Wow, not going to look at the Monkees the same way again," he says to himself with a shake of his head. The distraction was costly, and his knight threw an icy punch Peter's way, slamming hard into his side and sending him flying back, as ice crept up along his coat. The bastard had turned the ice to work for him!

"Not fair," Peter coughed as he got up. The Knight was coming, flying in a golden nimbus of light, his icy fists glowing with their own blue light. Peter put away his element guns and reached into his pocket as the knight came on, and when the knight swung a fist, Peter was already moving, he ducked low, gripped the man's arm, and using a technique Gamora taught him one time, used the man's own momentum to fling him down onto the roof. He draws an element gun and fires a burst of lava down into the guy's face and keeps the trigger pulled until he stops moving. "For the Monkees" he says grimly before his head snaps up to see the guys rushing onto the roof.

"Gamora, let's run a Stairway to Heaven," he shouts, then engages his boots as he blasts at the aliens surging onto the roof. He puts the gun away at the last second then, grabbing Gamora about the waist, he turns up the juice on his jets and takes them flying, angled for one of the other roofs.

Until a stray shot hits one of the jets and sends them spinning down towards the street.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora dropped the other two guards that were rushing at them, she glanced a blow off of her shoulder that sizzled her green skin and made her cry out in pain, but the wound was immediately starting to heal up again after she spun around from their corpses and was collided with by Peter!

Her black/purple hair whooshed around her head as she looked around their immediate area while Peter clutched onto her and carried her upward, her sword pointed down and away from them while her gun was held up with barrel high! "Over ther--!" Her words were cut off when his boot was hit and they went all cockeyed and started to crash.

No screams from the deadly woman though, she just tried to orient herself through the madness... her sword was rebinded to her thigh (moulding itself into its sheath there) which freed up her left hand... allowing her to reach out and grasp onto a horizontal lamplight acrossed the ruined streetway.

Clutching the lamplight post, Gamora controlled their flight and allowed them to twirl around the post until they came to a safer landing!

"Dizzyness is better than a broken neck." She'd say to Peter, flashing a little grin.

Star-Lord has posed:
"Not for my pride, though," Peter quipped as they landed dizzily on the ground. The mask had shut off in the fall, and his smile in return was on full display.

He checks for the stone. It was still there. "Never asked, but since you know so much about these things, but they don't explode or anything do they?"

While he does that, he sights a tall building with his wrist computer and sends the image to Drax and the others. "Found our rendezvous point," he says to Gamora. "Think we can get there before," he glances back at their pursuers who were now focused on getting off the building and after them. "Those a-holes."

To complicate things, it looks like two of the a-holes can fly.

"Typical," Peter complains as he draws his guns and BLAM BLAM BLAMs away at them as he starts looking for an angle to get them where they need to go.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora took a step back and to the side of Quill to look toward the coming threat. "They only explode if you put them into a sealed container together and leave them touching for too long." She glanced back at Peter. "Like a married couple."

Gamora then looked to the location of the rendezvous and she calculated what they'd need to do to get their in the most efficient way possible. Her eyes went upward, then down to his damaged boot, she hissed... Her eyes then swept over and she pointed her free hand toward a darkened tunnel.

"The jet train tunnels. They are no longer in use... they will take us there...." She told him, looking back to him then as she started to run toward the entrance down beneath the city streets.

Her free hand went to her belt and she pulled one of the explosives Rocket had given her off of it, she thumbed it on. "I will detonate it after we enter to cover our tracks!" She shouted back at him as he provided cover for them both.

Star-Lord has posed:
Peter smirks, "And you said, you never watched my sitcoms," he jokes to her about the married couple joke. Though, granted, that was pretty much a universal constant from what he'd seen.

When Gamora states her plan, Peter gives her a nod, then drawing both of his guns he lays down covering fire as he falls back towards the tunnel.

Once he's deep enough in, he stops firing and calls, "Gamora, let's blow this place!"

Gamora has posed:
Gamora had the explosive primed and ready to go by the time Peter joined her in the tunnel that had already partially collapsed from all the damage done ot the city above. She waited for Peter to get inside and then she tossed the explosive up into the air and it grew little propeller wings that started to whirl and send the device BUZZING up into the sky where it drilled itself into the roof at the mouth of the tunnel.

"Go go!" She shouted back to Peter as she ran deeper down into the tunnel toward the passenger loading area.

It wouldn't be too many more seconds there-after that the drilled-in-explosive went from a series of bright blinking purple lights to a sudden flash of all blue and then ... BOOM.

The tunnel was rocked by the explosion, rolling waves of fire and smoke poured upward -- and downward out of the tunnel's mouth and it summarily collapsed the mouth of the tunnel and all the way down to the passenger area.

Gamora would grab hold of Peter's shoulder and pulling with all her mighty strength deeper into the tunnels and down off of the loading area to the jet-train tracks with rubble and fire pouring past over head. She'd slam her back against the wall of the tracks and pull Peter back with her!

Star-Lord has posed:
Rocket had done it again! That was a hell of a bomb. Maybe too big, Peter realized as he sprinted, then was pulled into the jet-train station. "Hey watch the coat," he complains even as Gamora saves his ass.

He lands hard on the tracks and kicks off the rail to help Gamora pull him to her. Then whoosh, the temperature rose sharply, then the smoke, dust and debris came after.

Peter kept still his chest pressed to Gamora's while parts of the station fell down around them. The last and loudest landing with a THOOM right outside their hiding spot.

Peter let out a breath he didn't know he was holding then. "We really need to talk to Rocket about payload sizes," he says shaking some dust from his hair. He looked to Gamora. "You okay? And thanks, for the save."

There's a smile then, and then he glances around, something was off, things were too dark and wait a minute, he pushes against that last piece of rubble with his back. It doesn't budge. "Gam, might need your help here , because otherwise it's going to be a very good thing we're not a married couple."

Gamora has posed:
"I agree." Gamora said in regards to the size of that bomb. "That was too much..." She muttered. At his question as to whether she was okay or not she moved and winced in pain... she looked down at her leg and there was gash across it, something had ripped through the side of her leg and let a tear in her synthetic leather pants. She reached down to look at it, touching it with her fingertips... it was already healing though, but it would take several minutes to an hour to get back to normal. "I'm fine." She gasped softly.

Her gun was slipped back into the holster on her other thigh and she looked then to what he was talkinga bout. "Figures." She muttered, her black and purple hair all a mess and mostly covering her green hued face.

She started to scooch herself toward the blockage and put her hands up to the rock, she started to push on it... needing the leverage of both of her legs but the injured one was searing with pain when she applied pressure to it.

Gamora cursed in defiance to her pain, she pushed harder and tried to ignore it... the rock was budging against her tremendous strength... inches of it moving, slowly though. There must be a lot of weight resting on it.

Star-Lord has posed:
"Definitely too much," Peter says as their predicament begins to become real to him. They were going to die in here if they didn't get out.

Peter is content to try and let Gamora shift it, her recent grabbing and dragging of him a recent reminder of just how much stronger she was. Though when she pushes and the rock doesn't move, Peter throws his own back into it, bracing his legs against the track wall and pushing with everything they have.

When the thing doesn't budge, Peter, lets his legs slacken and he sinks down onto the floor. "You feeling move at all, Gam?" he asks. "Cause I've got nothing."

Gamora has posed:
Gamora refused to be encased in a cacoon of rock and debris like this, she refused to let her life lead her to this moment and end it by suffocation or starvation. "It. will. move." She said back to Peter in a growling voice that might make him wonder if she was either more concerned with surviving, or not being locked in a hole with him.

But when it didn't, and her leg's searing pain made her relent, she fell backward and onto her side, cursing in a language Peter likely hadn't ever heard before. She released a loud scream the bounced around in their confined space, then she just fell backwards and closed her eyes.

"When my leg heals." She said. "I will be able to move it then..."

Quietly now, the green woman just laid there, breathing, eyes shut, willing herself to be calm and likely take herself to whatever Gamora would call her 'happy place'.

Star-Lord has posed:
Peter rifled his coat pockets looking for any tech he had on him that might shift the rock. He had his element guns, his time scanner, and a couple of bombs Rocket made him, and given how that first one went, he didn't want to be blown to bits today. He sighs, "So, guess we're waiting for your leg to heal then," he says. "Or for the bad guys to dig us out, whichever happens first."

He sits back, and never having met a silence he didn't want to fill, he glances at Gamora's face and asks, "What are you thinking about?"

Gamora has posed:
"Your feet." Gamora replied to Peter's question almost immediately after he asked it. She continued to lay there on her back with her eyes closed, so the response might be a little unsettling at first. But then her eyes opened and she turned her head to the left to look at him in the dark, they both had enough little glowy-bits on their gear that there was some ambient lighting in their tomb together.

"If we can fix your boot, we will have additional lifting power. She glanced down at his feet then. "How... broken, is it?" She asked him further before she rolled over onto her side to face him and keep her injured leg (the right one) up off of the ground. "And you are right, they will dig until they find our bodies to reclaim the stone. So we cannot linger here."

Star-Lord has posed:
Peter blinks, "My feet?" he says confused until the thought slowly catches in his brain and he nods about the time she explains it. "My boot, right," he says shifting up against he wall and turning his leg so he can pull the booster off his boot. It was scored deeply by the plasma bolt, but it might be recoverable.

He looks up, "I can maybe fix this," he says, before smiling with the addition of, "Though I kinda liked the idea of spending some time with you, even if it under a giant rock."

Gamora has posed:
Gamora reached out and pointed at him after he initially spoke. "No it is your left." She said softly, since he'd said 'My boot, right' which in her mind had---well, yes, they sometimes have communication issues.

The other words he speaks though makes her eyes look up at him and just stares daggers at him. "Now is hardly the time for you to do that 'man thing' that you do." She responded. leaninga gainst a piece of rubble, Gamora reached to her belt and she pulled off one of the larger pouches. She offered the pouch over to him and then detached a light source that she set on the ground which illuminated their cramped area.

"Focus. You can flirt later, when I have room to run away from you." She teased him, a bit good naturedly afterall.

Star-Lord has posed:
"No, not my right, right like in, correct, I understood, that kind of right," Peter says with a grin as he reaches for the wrong one on purpose. "See, I know what you mean."

Peter was perhaps the one person in the galaxy besides Thanos who wouldn't flinch at getting that sort of stare from Gamora. Instead replied, "It's always a good time for my man thing," with a stupid grin on his face. Sometimes it was like he stopped maturing mentally the day Yondu and his crew kidnapped him.

The light is a help, and Peter shifts it over some so he can have a better look at the damage. "And you never run, Gamora," he says. "Trying really hard not to read into that," he says looking up with a grin.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora had met Yondu and his crew, she was not surprised that Peter had stopped aging the moment that his upbringing became a communal effort by that 'boys club' that Yondu operated with.

"Everyone reacts differently when faced with being placed into a claustrophobic scenario in which they may suffer an imminent death." She said softly, glancing from his face, down to his boot as he worked on it.

"I expect you to have several stages, starting with flirtatious come-ons, ending with you crying in that corner over there." She tipped her chin toward the furthest little spot in their makeshift tomb.

He flirted, she jabbed, it was their thing!

"You're doing it wrong!" She said then, watching his work. Her hands reached out to take the tools from him and she twisted the boot to take over and repair it herself!

Star-Lord has posed:
Gamora is given a long steady look. "Really? I'd be the one crying in the corner. Nu-uh, no way, I'd go out all cool like Michael Knight, or, hm, actually none of my TV heroes ever really died but I'd go out cool," Peter insists smiling a little, playing their game.

"Though hey, if you could go out any way you wanted? How'd you do it? I mean, how would you want to die if you could choose?" he asks, it was inane chatter to kill the time, like a dark, scary and immobile road trip.

When Gamora makes a grab for his boot he grabs it away. "Hey, I've got this, go glower at something for a few and then I'll get us out of here," he smiles when he adds, "Always comes down to me to save everyone's butts around here," he says coming back to their game.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora huffed when he swiped the boot back away from her and she glanced back up at him and shook her head at his words. "Leave it to you to focus on the 'butts' to save, rather than the whole body." She shot back at him before she fell backward again on the old dirty floor of the track, wincing audibly... which was a rather large sign of probably some immense amount of pain.

After a small pause though, she stared upward. "Explosion." She answered him. "Destroying a massive amount of enemies, idealy." Another short pause. "Or a black hole. No, wait, yes... I choose black hole. I want to know what that would feel like." She glanced back at him.

"To be torn apart into a countless amount of atoms and then squished into nothingness. I bet it feels like Drax's cooking."

Gamora heavily sighed then and looked down at her leg. "It is healing... not as bad now."

Star-Lord has posed:
Peter smiles, "It's an expression, but I /have/ saved many butts, including yours," he says with a smile. "It's a pretty nice one," though the smile that came with the compliment wilts when he sees she's in pain. "Gamora," he says his tone serious now, as he begins putting down the booster, to reach out to her, "Are you alright?"

Peter nods when she gives her answers, "Figured your answers would be pretty hard core like that," Peter pauses then, dreaming up equally hard core sounding answers and some Peter sounding ones as well. Instead he says the real one. "At home, with family," he says sort of quiet and quickly like he's expecting to be mocked. "Though the black hole, definitely my second choice."

He glances down at her leg then, "How much longer?" he asks, before getting back to work. "I think I can get this going, it's just being fiddly.'

"So, I asked my question, you ask yours, it's an Earth ritual when confined in tight spaces."

Gamora has posed:
Gamora leaned herself against one of the stones and tucked her head back against the jet-train wall that was keeping them alive by holding the debris up over them. She glanced over at Peter after he finished speaking. She didn't really seem like she wanted to play this Earth-ly game of questions... but there wasn't a lot else to do.

"Not much longer." She said, feeling her leg recovering and she was flexing the muscles within it, rising the knee up and down slowly.

AFter a few quiet seconds she looked back at him. "Are you really here?" She asked him then, which would obviously sound odd at first. So after a second more she added. "You got to go home, to where you want to die, and we forced you to leave it. Are you really here or are you still back there?"

She winced again as she pushed her leg a little too far, but subsided and let it relax again.

Star-Lord has posed:
Peter notices Gamora's reluctance but keeps looking at her expectantly. Yeah, he was a pain in the ass but he figured being annoyed at him was better than being left alone with the much more real pain in her leg. "Good," he says about the leg healing and looking down at his booster fiddling with a little wire trying to fit it back where it was supposed to go. "This shouldn't take too much longer either."

He hoped.

Gamora's answer makes him pause. His mouth opens to chide her, tell her that wasn't how the game was played, no deep questions, but then he'd asked how they'd want to die.


"Well, I said, home, not Earth," Peter says with a glance up at Gamora. "This is going to sound lame but home's not a place for me anymore, it's a feeling. Belonging. Comfort. Stuff like that. Same goes with family. All of mine are gone. Mother's dead, grandparents died while I was in space, and my Dad? Who the hell even knows who he is," his tone becoming raw at the mention of his father. "Anyhow, point is home and family doesn't have to mean Earth."

He looks up. "Though the way we left Earth, I dunno, feeling sort of bad about how I treated you guys, so, the Milano's not exactly feeling like home either." After all home was comfort. "That's why I took this job for the Collector, nothing makes things up like a whole buncha of units," he says quoting from the book of Rocket.

Gamora has posed:
The answer that Peter supplied her made her sit quietly in thought for a few moments. "So because your home is where you feel most comforted, then your home can easily switch from moment to moment. It travels with you. It is a mobile home." She replied in a quiet and calm tone.

Gam's eyes looked upward as some dust and bits of rock fall down from above, the debris settling or their enemies already trying to dig their way down from the street above. Likely both.

She looked back over at him then. "You let yourself be controlled by your emotions too much, Peter Quill." She said at him then. He was the exact opposite of her in so many ways. "But. I think I understand what you mean. You seek comfort, happiness, shelter and a false sense of safety. But the lives that we currently live, make those things... challenging to achieve."

Her head shook side to side then, she blinked her eyes a couple of times. "If I had to die on a world, in some pathetic and slow way. I'd put Earth on the list of potential planets for that choice." She looked back at him then, having just said what could be taken as the nicest thing she'd said about Pete's homeworld to-date, and a bit of a continued answer to his original question.

Star-Lord has posed:
Peter can't help but grin, "Yes, you could say it's a mobile home," he says enjoying the little joke even if Gamora was oblivious to it.

Peter looks up, and has the same thoughts. He turns back to booster and works faster, getting the wire into the housing then twisting it tight. "Always something," he mutters.

"And sometimes I think you'd be happier if you didn't have any," he counters her observation. "Though, guess it can't be easy, for you on the Milano either, all those emotions flying around, friendship, stuff like that," Peter says. As he gets his fingers around the fuel pod and yanks it back into place. "As for me? I dunno. I guess I want all that comfort and safety, maybe, but then again, I could have just walked off the Milano on Earth and gotten it. So, maybe I just like wanting it or something," he looks up and smiles. "You might have guessed I'm not the guy for self-reflection."

Peter grins at Gamora's remarks about Earth. "Thanks," he says earnestly. "Also, there's lots of fun ways to die on Earth, no black holes, but the explosion with lots of dead enemies, totally doable."

He flicks a switch on the booster, it lights up, thrusters on standby. "And there we go, knew I could do it."

Gamora has posed:
A very brief and fanit upturn hit the corners of Gamora's mouth at the mention of explosive deaths and fallen enemies as an option on Earth. She didn't respond to it though.

When he spoke of his boot being properly repaired though she sat up and looked down at her leg, it was itching rather intensely which she was well aware of meant that it was almost completely healed, and she was indeed correct... the slice in her pantleg showed green skin and no more open wound.

"I think we are ready then." She told him as she sat up and crawled her way back toward the end of their little jet-train tomb. This time though, Gamora planted her legs in the dirt floor and shoved her butt into the crevace between the piece of ceiling trapping them... and the floor. She planned to use her back to lift.

"When you are ready, Peter." She said to him then, all crouched up in a green Gamora ball ready to lift!

Star-Lord has posed:
Peter catches that ghost of a smile and there is a pleased glint in his eyes as he returns the booster to his boot and punches the control pad on his belt to link it back into the system.

He eyed the wound, "Nice trick," he remarks. He knew he was more than human, his time on Earth showed him that, stronger, faster etc, but he didn't heal like that!

When Gamora is in position, Peter joins her, activating his mask and then crunching down with his jets pointed down at the ground, his shoulders, wedged against the slab of stone. "On the count of three. One, two, three!"

He slaps his boosters on, the rockets flaring brightly in the darkness of their tomb.

Gamora has posed:
Peter's countdown went and Gamora used all her strength along with his and together the rocky ceiling above them shifted, moved and rose! Bits and pieces started to crumble all around them, clattering to the ruined tracks beneath them.

"Got it!" Gamora shouted then to Peter as she was completely standing now with the rocky slab on her back. "Slide out from beneath it now and push it to the south!" She shouted at him as she was straining under the weight, but maintaining it seemingly well enough.

With their combined efforts though, they'd be freed from that confined space and able to move along on their original course. Rocket's voice would pick up through the comm as well, demanding to know where they were and what the 'damn' hold up was!

Breathing heavily, Gamora arched her back to stretch and then glanced back to the destruction they'd caused to get this far. "They're drilling, Peter. They're not far from getting in."

Star-Lord has posed:
The rock lifting slowly upwards, Peter grins behind his helmet. "We're doing it!" he shouts and then it's up and he does what Gamora tells him, slipping out from under then hitting the boosters again to push the rock off of them. He doesn't flinch as it crashes down around them.

Rocket's radio call, gets a growled "Keep your pants on, we're coming!" from Peter. He looks up where the badguys were drilling and then over to Gamora. "Guess, it would be bad if we made them do all that work for nothing huh?" he says grabbing the couple of bombs out of his pockets. "How long do you think it'll take us to reach the roof of that building?" he asks.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora ran a hand through her black and purple hair, drawing out chunks of debris that had settled into the locks. She looked from the way they'd come to the directon they needed to go. "The tunnel looks clear, and there's a breeze coming from that direction... which is a good sign." She put her eyes back onto Peter. "We can get there shortly." She told him.

Her gun was drawn from her holster again and she turned it over to its side to adjust a few settings upon it, the lights across its body shifted from a dark purple to a bright blue. "Lets not waste any more time though." She figured he was going to plant at least one of those explosives though, but he could also easily catch up with her so she turned and started down the tunnel at a light jog, gun ready incase anything inside said jet-train tunnel were to reveal itself as both alive, and desiring to harm them.

Star-Lord has posed:
"Yeah, this bomb doesn't have a shortly setting," Peter says about the timing but wings it anyhow. He chucks the bomb into the ruins of the slab, then sprints after Gamora, one of his element guns firmly in hand.

Gamora definitely had the lead, but Peter had jet boots, and he kicked them on, and swung down to pick Gamora up under her arms and carry her. "Figure it won't be long now before-"

The crunch of and thud of falling stone behind them told them the bad guys were through. He turned up the jet boots, but from while the church footsoldiers swarmed down into the hole, one of their fliers chases after them, blasting at them with plasma bolts from his hands!

Gamora has posed:
Deadliest Woman in the galaxy or not, Gamora didn't mind being picked up by the rocket propelled Quill when it came to them both needing to get away from an impending explosion. She had been excited when they'd salvaged a high tech jetpack, but she'd been unable to find where it had gone... she'd yelled at Rocket for selling it, but he'd swore he hadn't... she didn't trust him though, nor believe him.

"There!" Gamora pointed with her left hand at the side tunnel they needed to take. Enemy fire sizzled past them, which caused her to look back over her shoulder... raise her handgun and return fire which lit the dark jet train tunnel up with balls of bright blue energy screaming back at the flier tailing them!

"The ship is up that passage!" Gamora shouted while contiuuing to blast her gun behind them both!

Star-Lord has posed:
Weird how stuff went missing like that, right? Totally Rocket's fault. Totally.

Peter hangs a sharp left, turning as he does, sending Gamora's legs flying out to the side as a red plasma bolt sizzles past them to scortch the wall. As they head into the tunnel, Peter turns so Gamora's feet are back pointed at the ground.

The tunnel up is a sight for sore eyes, but the persistant flashing on his helmet's HUD isn't. The rockets were short on fuel.

"Gamora! I've got a really bad idea," he says as he jets them up the tunnel. "Don't shoot that guy behind us. And when the rockets give out, grab him and we'll make him fly us up the tunnel."

There's no time for him to confirm if she agrees with the plan. The rockets sputter then fail and the pair are falling down towards their flying foe!

Gamora has posed:
"That is a horrible idea!" Gamora spat back at Quill a split second after he sounded the idea off. But it was too late to really do anything else and as they fell their foe shot right up their tail! Her handgun was dropped to free up some grabbing real-estate and she now grabbed onto the Church Flier while her other hand took hold of Peter!

The trio now rushed past the lead car in a disabled jet train and then up and out of the passenger chamber onto the main street again, the whole time he glared down at them and moved his weapon to fire at Gamora's face!

She released her grip on him, letting herself and Peter tumble down to the ruined city's side street at the top of the tunnel they'd just exited and the Flier zoomed around in a long arch, intending to come back and blast the two Guardians.

Without a ranged weapon now, Gamora drew her sword from her hip again, swipe it up into a readied position as she prepared to engage the Flier when he'd come back at them.

Star-Lord has posed:
"Oof," Peter grunted as Gamora caught his arm. He'd feel that in the morning. Still he wasn't splattered all over the ground so that was a bonus. A moment later there was BOOM and the bomb Peter had planted below went off. Taking care of the rest of their pursuers, sending smoke up past them as they flew from the tunnel.

Peter hit the ground in a roll and came up with his element gun raised at the flier. Spotting Godslayer, out in Gamora's hand. "He's coming your way," he Peter says and lays into the flier with fire blasts at the guy's face, keeping his vision full of flames. The flier kept coming, firing plasma blast after plasma blast bilindly, blasting up the street!

Gamora has posed:
Since Peter had the ranged weapon, he becamse the Flier's primary target and this is precisely what Gamora used to her advantage. She darted off to the north at a quick clip while Peter laid down return fire, she'd disappear from the Flier's vision and it'd likely look as though she were fleeing the scene all together to take cover.

But in fact, she was lining up her attack and when the Church Flier rocketed over the cover she'd gone behind he swept right over top of it and then spun around and came down for a landing...

He raised his guns, but then stopped, looked down at himself... his armor was damaged, his body beneath it was damaged.... on the front and the back.... his blood started to roll out of his own body.

Gamora walked over to where her sword landed in the debris. She plucked it up and then used a half-burnt fallen planetary flag to wipe the sword from handle to tip.

The Church Flier dropped his guns and then dropped to his knees, he'd flown through the sword that she'd tossed up into the air.

Star-Lord has posed:
Peter stood open mouthed as the flier drops to the ground. It wasn't that Gamora got him it's how she got him. Sometimes he forgot that Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy wasn't just a cute nickname, it was the god's honest truth.

Peter puts a final blast into the flier, taking him out of his misery. "Hell of a throw," he says to Gamora as he jogs over to her, keeping his eyes open for any more church survivors. There weren't any.

He reaches into his coat then, pulling out the stone and nodding to where the Milano was waiting for them. "So, shall we go get paid?" he asks with a grin.

Gamora has posed:
The burnt flag was released with a streak of wet blood upon it and her sword was lowered back to her side as she rejoined him and looked to him when he fired that killing shot into the dying Flier.

"Yes, well." She exhaled and shook her head. "He should've been less cocky." She glanced at Peter and smirked at him before starting in the direction of the ship.

"You're buying us dinner with our earnings." Gamora told him then as she started in another jogging pace toward the direction to the ship while their crew was all shouting over the comms about their location, urging them to 'move faster' 'come or die already' 'bring food' and several other commands.

Star-Lord has posed:
Peter looked over at the flier and how the sword had bisected his groin. "Yeah, thinking cocky is no longer his problem," he jokes lightly before shuddering a little in solidarity with the guy. He put away his gun, and turned to jog after Gamora.

"Dinner huh? Just us?" he asks hopefully jogging on beside her, ignoring the shouts of the crew.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora would look back to Peter as he caught up with her and asked her that question which was rewarded with a smirk. "As if any of them will ever allow such a thing to happen." She told the other. This little jaunt together had been the most the two of them had done 1on1 in a very long time.

"Focus, Quill." She encouraged him not to think about that. "We're not home yet." And with that, Gamora started into the building that the Milano was parked ontop of and went back to the stairwell doorway that they'd descended when they'd first arrived here in this lost and destroyed city.