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Latest revision as of 19:18, 3 January 2018

Who Watches the Watchtower
Date of Scene: 21 December 2017
Location: Watchtower
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Green Lantern (Jordan), Wonder Woman, Power Girl

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Another day on the Watchtower. This time, it was Hal Jordan's turn doing MIssion Monitor Duty. Today, Hal was sans mask, and staring at the computer monitor with a voracious expression. His eyes were scanning the data and information on the new kid on the block - Alpha Flight.

    Absorbing all this information also means that Hal is very distracted at the moment. "How did a group of Canadians get the most important job on Earth right now, and sneak that from out from under SHIELD and SWORDS behinds?" Hal shakes his head, and chuckles. "Someone knows someone I think..."

    Not bothering to lower his voice since Hal thinks he's alone, he also chuckles because here he was... "Talking to myself again..."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Nonesense." A familar voice spoke, husky and accented with a Greek accent. "You are speaking to me." She said as she entered the monitor room with a slinky in her hands. It was a child's toy that she'd found in the mess hall area of the Watchtower station and it was making her quite happy to get to re-introduce herself to a simple old toy that she hadn't seen in decades.

"Alpha Flight seems to have a lot going for them and if thats the direction they want to aim for then we need to support them." Diana would add as she came into the room and found a seat to perch herself on the edge of, her dark blue robe adjusting around her body as she sat herself down.

Diana looked up from the metal-clinking slinky in her hands and she grinned softly at him.

"Hello, Hal." She said calmly and with a smile.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Yahhh!" Hal Jordan flinches and turns suddenly to stare at the Amazonian Princess. "You scared me!" Hal says, with a smile, and a sheepish grin. "That was...well, let's just say, I'm glad I have a ring." Hal nods, and looks at Wonder Woman without his mask on.

    Hal watches as Diana seems to be playing with something. Hal looks down at the Slinky, admires it's curves, and then looks up to look her in the eyes.

    "Wonder Woman! Good to see you." Hal chuckles, takes a deep breath, and continues the conversation. "Yeah, I agree Diana. I'll probably set up a meeting with this Guardian and Vindicator, and represent the Green Lantern Corps. Probably the Justice League as well. Anything you want me to bring up with them from our perspective?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would let the slinky tumble down onto itself and rest as a little cylinder of metal circles on her left palm. She'd put her blue eyes up onto Hal and smile softly at him now. "I did not mean to frighten you." She'd say to him quietly. "My apologies."

Her eyes would then sweep over to the monitors and she'd eye the information being display upon them.

"Just... let them know that the Justice League is here to support them in however they need it." She'd put her stare back onto the Lantern. "We do not want to make them feel like we are... jealous of them, or envious, or anything that would start us off on the wrong foot. Allies, are what we need going forward."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl arrives in the bay of the watch tower- visible on the monitors, for a short moment. Like the others capable of doing so, she simply shows up on her own. No breathing apparatus, no special suit, no vehicle. Just the blonde and her ability to shatter both the sound barrier during atmospheric exit, and other speed barriers to reach the station in the space of moments rather than minutes, or hours.

    It actually takes her longer to reach the monitor room than it does to go from the surface of the planet to the space station itself. When the elevator arrives, despite the conversation being had, Power Girl's first statement is in defiance of the lift. "Why is it that we've made accommodations for several of us to just fly into the dock, but we haven't done anything about being able to fly to the floor we want? Seems like an oversight."

    It's mostly in jest, but it would be just oh-so-useful for the flyers to, well, do that.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal smiles, and says, "No need to apologize. I was...distracted." Shrugging, Hal adds, "Yeah, I know. Frightening the man who supposedly has no fear. I just control it well and hide it behind these big, beautiful eyes." Hal winks at Diana and leans against the closest monitor, planting his butt on it after first ensuring not to set off any buttons or alarms.

    Crossing his arms across his chest, and crossing his feet, the right over the left, Hal relaxes and adds, "Will do. I'll let them know. I'm sure they'll need our help, sooner rather than later. Allies it is." Another smile and a nod, in agreement.

    "So...what brings you up to the Watchtower Diana? Is it your shift next?" Hal remembers he didn't check who his relief was...although it shouldn't be for a few hours yet.

    Hearing the new arrival, Hal nods to PG, and smiles, "Hey there Karen. Yeah, good point. The space-capable JLers should have something like that. You try telling that to Bruce though. He's...difficult when in a good mood." A pause. "Wait...is he ever in a good mood?" Hal looks from Diana to PG and back.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would show a slight smirk at Hal and then a grin as she just shook her head gently at his humor. "Try to contain yourself, Hal, dear." She'd say to him then before setting the Slinky down on the side of the station to her left. "Maybe you will be impressed with Alpha Flight's operation and you will come back to me telling me how much better they are than we are, and I will completely frown at you and feel bad for the rest of the day!" She teased back at the Lantern. "And no. I just came up here to speak with one of the techs who was wanting to run some tests on the Disc that powers my jet. He's doing that now, so I am burning time in wait."

Diana, perched on the edge of a chair, turned her eyes toward the room's entrance as Power Girl appeared. She smiled at the blonde. "Hello, and... yes, that makes sense." She paused then. "Wait, are there not... hatches that can be accessed? Though, maybe those are just for emergency exit purposes... I have not looked that closely at them, I guess."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl shrugs slightly and then folds her arms, a protocol which is born of interviews with the press in an effort to remain in any way family friendly. Specifically, if it were not done in that order, they'd have to cut from her interview to something else. You know, again. PG has trouble staying, well. PG, apparently. Makes a lot of sense, really.

    "I'm just saying if there was a tube that just didn't have anything in it, and could lock down, it might be really useful. There's probably a security loophole involved, and that'll mean he vetoes it, but so help me, if I happen to be in a hurry one day and fly -through- his quarters on the way to the monitor room, I can't be blamed."

    She sighs, after that, before looking at the pair. "Yeah, those are for emergency access. Is anything going on, or are we just communally shirking monitor responsibility? Because I'm -usually- down for that, I just want to -know.-" It's true, they are conversing instead of watching monitors, but at the same time, that's usually not an issue. Even Bats converses during monitor duty. He just does it with a grimace.

    At Diana's statement, she nods. "Oh, they'll probably be done with that pretty quickly, once they find the jet. -That- will take a few minutes.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal chuckles and shrugs, "Perhaps. I doubt it though, Diana. I am sure they are going to go through a lot of growing pains when they start to realise just what is out there." Hal waves towards deep spave with his ring hand. "I might be impressed though. Maybe." You could tell that Hal had serious doubts, just by his expression.

    "Ah yes, that jet of yours! Incredible. I'd like to take her for a spin someday. If I could get over the invisibility part..." Hal's expression was one of curiousity and a need for a challenge. After all, Hal did love flying!

    Turning to look at PG, Hal smiles, and nods. "Diana's right. There are...emergency hatches. I'd hate to be in the room if one was opened, and pop, out comes Power Girl!" Hal chuckles as PG continues. "Now I'd pay to see that Karen. You flying through his quarters! Ha!" Hal stands up, and maneuvers his way to stand more in-between the two ladies.

    "Nothing going on right now. I'm almost done my shift actually. Are you up next PG?" Hal asks, non-chalantly? "I was actually studying the whole Alpha Flight thing ebfore Diana dropped in. And you." Hal looks back at the monitor. All clear. "Looks calm for now."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana showed a somber expression toward Hal about the Alpha Flight's inexperience of what is 'out there' to find. "Help them, hal..." She encouraged him in a warm tone of her voice.

When they both teased her over the invisibility of the jet she just softly shook her head. "It was the -previous- plane that was invisible permanently. That one has been stored away on Themyscira. The Lansinarian disc allows me to control the shape, style and visibility of the Jet I used now... Its quite visible in the hangar right now, I assure you." She grinned at the two of them. "And yes, Hal, you are welcome to fly it some time."

Diana looked to the moniters when Hal said things were calm... she wondered how long that would last though and for a moment her mind recollected through all the things she'd done this past year, including fighting sea monsters from the down-below to foreign invaders from the far away stars.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl shakes her head. "Sorry, but despite what that one guy keeps writing, I am not going to pop out of any manhole covers, terrestrial or non." she admits, holding a hand and offering this light, smiling chuckle. "But I take bribes, though. As long as they're bribes to fly through certain leaguers' quarters. I'm sure he has -something- he loves on the station." She shakes her head again, and teases Hal. "No no, I don't get monitor duty, I'm too useful. You know, FTL and all that." As if Hal doesn't also traverse galactic distances thanks to the ring, but even so, it's more of a joke than anything.

    "Do you control it at a thought, or is there like a... A console or key fob? I've always wondered that. I imagine you have a lot of experience remembering where you parked a plan you couldn't see, but I'd always be worried I left it invisible and then had to remember where I left it after being punched halfway across a city one too many times."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal looks at Diana, and hears her tone of voice. Getting serious, he nods, and says, "I will Diana. I promise. After all, gotta look after my favorite Canadians." Hal winks, and adds, "Seriously, I'll help them any way I can. The Corps will as well. I will say that Salakk is NOT going to like it. The Galactic Council already dislikes us. At best." Hal sighs amd shakes his head.

    As Diana talks about the jet, Hal cheers, with a "Whoo hoo! That would be a blast Diana. Ah, using a Lansinarian disc! Nice! You've thought of everything. I'm surprised we have a Tech here who can even begin to figure that stuff out."

    Hal spots Diana's gaze, looks back at the monitors again, and nods, silently. He raises his right hand, with fingers crossed, and winks at her and PG both. "Fingers crossed..."

    Turning to look at PG, Hal smirks, and nods as she teases him. "FTL. I bet. Wanna race?" Hal laughs and adds, "A key fob? Oh, that's funny. Everyone remember where we parked!" Hal laughs again, and then sees Diana's look. "Nothing..." Hal whistles innocently, looks away, and wonders if there would be a throw down..."Hmmm..."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would grin softly at Power Girl. "The disc is linked to my mind, so I control it with my thoughts. Generally I leave it in the form that it currently is in, which is much larger than the plane I had before which only seated just myself. This version has room for a large number of people and a control room for two pilots." She'd grin a little more and shake her head.

"I never found it with my eyes, I found it with my ears." She'd explain. "The plane emitted a low frequency hum that was audible to my hearing and the hum would change based on the position that I was in around it, so I knew which part of the craft I was nearest to. It is in a cave now, back home. Enjoying its retirement." She showed a slightly larger grin.

At Hal, Diana would nod once. "The technician is very eager to try, and I have no reason not to allow it... Afterall the disc was given to me as a gift, I'm eager to share it with others as much as I can."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl thinks about that for a moment. "You know, I think I'd kind of want a key fob or a console. Wouldn't want an errant thought turning my invisible jet into a totally-visible flying middle finger. Or, you know, worse. -SO- much worse, depending on the day of the week." she states, offering this little sigh. "The Lansinarians must lead... Interesting lives." she notes, placing her hands on her hips, at that point.

    Her attention turns to Hal, and she nods. "Yeah, one day we'll have to race to Polaris. We'll invite a couple of the boys in red, make a big deal out of it, for the kid. First person to bathe in the blue wins." Shifting her gaze back to Diana, she offers this little chuckle. "God, that'd kill me. Hearing my plane shout 'You are West' all day would definitely be a problem." Again more of a joke than anything, Power Girl can always be counted on to lighten the mood until she starts swearing in both English and Kryptonian. "But, it sounds like it was really useful to you. So there's that, hopefully this one is just as useful. Can't imagine it isn't."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal listens to the jet talk, and nods, "Nice. See PG, she has answers for everything." Hal smiles and looks at Karen with a look. "She knows we're teasing her, she just refuses to get baited. Makes it harder to tease her." A pause, "Naw, just as much fun." Hal chuckles and says, "I must admit, Diana, it is a sweet ride. Looking forward to taking her up!"

    "I'm sure that Techie was excited to get his hands on that tech. Cool stuff." Looking over at PG, Hal grins and nods. "Sounds like fun!"

    Hal suddenly hears a slight "Ding!" from his ring, and frowns. "Hmmm. Got an incoming message from Oa. Strange. If you ladies can take over for me, I need to take this. Great catching up!" With a emerald flash, and a quick toss of his will, Hal floats above the ground, and with a "whoosh" heads out of the Watchtower.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would shake he rhead at Power Girl's jokes, she'd rise up to her armor booted feet and turn toward the door--pausing to grab her Slinky--she'd toss the little metal rings back and forth between her hands as she started toward the exit of the monitoring room.

"The Lansinarians are wonderful people who have let peace determine their future, rather than competitive clamouring for power." She flashed a grin at them both though.

"You two behave yourselves. I am going to go see about flying through Batman's quarters, for no other reason than to upset him... though, I do not think he's even currently aboard athe station."

Diana sighed dramatically then. "Perhaps I will just root around in his belongings. For science." She'd glance at them and grin.

She watched Hal 'whooosh' off and she shouted after him. "Be nice to the Canadians!"