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Latest revision as of 19:19, 3 January 2018

Official Tours
Date of Scene: 02 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Hyperion, Wonder Woman

Hyperion has posed:
Greeting Wonder Woman when she arrives on the station is the large and frequent visitor of the station himself, Hyperion. But of course, he doesn't actually look like a superhero, in anything but build, since he still hasn't figured out what he wants to wear for a costume and every proposed costume so far has felt ridiculous to him. "Greetings, and welcome to Alpha Flight station. I'm Hyperion," he says to Wonder Woman and bows slightly at the shoulders.

Turning slightly, he indicates a series of others nearby.

"This is the commander of the station, Mrs. DeVries, and our various station chiefs, they're here to welcome you, and then will be returning to their stations," he explains and each in turn introduces themselves. A sort of professional honor guard for an honored guest. Then they all offer a crisp salute of sorts, and are on their way back to their respective work places.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had had her 'super suit' figured out for over a hundred years now, armor taken from her mentor and aunt. She currently had this armor on, though it was covered over by a dark blue comfortable looking hooded robe that had her bracered hands sticking out from beneath its dark hems.

She'd been extended an invitation to come and see the facility so she'd gratefully accepted and arrived via the use of that mysterious invisible jet of hers... Clearly alien powered tech, the Jet landed in the hangar of the station and nearly instantly became 'slight more visible' as the Princess willed the magical disc that powered it to show itself. Thusly, down in the hangar, rested a large multi-passenger jet that was fog-like in appearance allowing people to see it, but also see-thru it.

"This is a marvelous facility you all have here." Diana said to the crewmen that Hyperion introduced her to. She'd afford each one of them a happy smile and a nod of greeting, shake hands with those who wanted to exchange pleasantries in that regard as well.

She looked to Hyperion and gave him a big smile also. "Much to be proud of, I can see." The woman said, her voice accented in a thick Greek flavor.

Hyperion has posed:
"I built it myself," Hyperion jokes, since obviously the place is too big to have built even by someone with phenomenal powers. But he says it with a smile so that it's clear that he's joking around. Once the bad joke is done, he scratches at his head a little awkwardly and turns in place, indicating the way forward. "There are seven levels, as I'm sure you saw on your approach. We'll start with the lowest deck and work our way upwards to the command center, then we can go to the mess hall."

Glancing around as he walks with her across the docking bay, he pauses and indicates some of the other ships docked there.

"There are other ships from travelers across the galaxy, though I honestly don't do the best job of remembering who is from where, so perhaps I'm not the best person to introduce you to anyone. That said, if you are ever looking for a rare crystal from some distant planet, you can sometimes get it here, or ask them to get them for you, sorta handy like that," he explains.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Some in the Justice League were a bit jealous by Alpha Flight getting tagged as Earth's go-between with the rest of the galaxy (if not more than that) but others wanted to make sure that Alpha Flight's hard work and amazing efforts were regarded with the respect and honor that they deserved, and Diana fell into this latter category.

She walked with Hyperion and she quietly let her blue eyes scan around things, her dark hair flowing about her shoulders she would look from one direction to the next, peeking at new places and just generally getting a feel for the place.

Diana had grinned at Hyperion at his little joke about building the place. "Batman, claims the same for ours... Only I am not so sure that he is not truly believing his humor." She replied, holding the grin a moment longer.

"Mm. Now I finally know where to come for all my alien crystal needs." She offered a joke of her own, smiling at Hyperion. "I love it though." She'd tell him. "This place, and all that you and yours have done for the people of Earth of-late. You are building a very positive reputation, and I can tell it is well deserved."

Hyperion has posed:
"My people? Canadians?" Hyperion asks with a smile, still being light hearted. Walking along off of the massive docks, they have to cross quite a distance. It isn't just some small 'dock' to put a few ships at, but a massive open floor and umbilical system meant to receive ships of all sizes and shapes.

Walking just a step ahead of Diana, he keeps his hands in his pockets, and seems to have a destination in mind.

Stepping into the huge lift, clearly meant to carry things as big as elephants or something, he says calmly, "Deck seven," and then looks to Diana for a moment in that awkward silence of travelling on an elevator.

"Do you get up to the Justice League station very often?" he asks.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would show the man another faint smile at his joke and for a second she questioned herself visibly on whether or not she'd just made a social faux-paux. But when she was sure that she hadn't she smiled again and then laughed. "No." She told him. "The members of Alpha Flight. Those are 'your people'." She said back at him with a hiking of her dark slender eyebrows. A second later though, as she followed him, Diana's same eyebrows lowered in a moment of confusion or curiosity? "Wait... are all members of Alpha Flight from that of Canada?" She'd ask him then, having just assumed that they were not all as such.

The woman in the blue robe followed along though, still glancing here and there while she boarded the Lift with him. She shook her head side to side. "It has only been operational since this past summer, and since then I have visited a handful of times. I generally let it be as I feel my place is better served on the planet's surface itself... I... feel as though that if I am up on a space station, then I am too far away should trouble arise down on the surface." She then glanced at him and grinned again, softly at least. "But also, I spent all of my life on Earth, I find space to be a bit 'daunting' still."

Hyperion has posed:
"I can still see a great deal from up here, and can get down in under a minute, but I for the most part only come up here when I want to be a good diplomat with our visitors, or when I want spring rolls," Hyperion says with a smile and steps out of the huge lift when it arrives on the seventh level. Leading her into a huge engineering bay filled with vast engines churning with light and the power of the ether. A faint hum filling the room.

"All of the members of Alpha Flight are Canadian, yes, at least, last time I asked, I suppose they may have slipped a non-Canadian in at some point, but that's one of our key elements, being Canadians. I, of course, crashed on earth as a child, so I'm not strictly speaking, a 'genetic Canadian', but I was raised there," he explains as he walks around, sort of showing her the various aspects of Engineering.

"These are, machines," he explains.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's hands reached up to push her hood back off of her head and let it lay down the back of her shoulders as they stepped into the engineering room. "Oh, I see." She told him, having just assumed that there were non-Canadiana members out of a need to... well, she just assumed. "Well I am glad that the country has something so wonderful to be proud of, as your group." She'd say while venturing a few armored bootsteps further into the bay.

At his rather succinct summation of the room's contents, Diana turned to face him, her blue eyes going to his and she showed him a smirking smile. "I have seen a few machines in my day, sir. Believe it or not." She said back to the man that she could tell had a pretty good sense of humor about him, which she certainly admired.

Diana's eyes returned to said machinery and she turned about some more, observing it all. "What is the source of all of this technology?" she'd come to ask, when she made her full circle about to face him again.

Hyperion has posed:
"Alpha Flight, hockey, Tim Horton's, we've got it all," Hyperion says as they walk between the large machines, the huge man in front of her turning his head slightly from side to side to look at each of the vast instruments in turn. There were only a handful of technicians moving about, but seemed to recognize Hyperion, even out of uniform. Whatever that uniform might be. He is rather unimistakable, given his titan-ic size.

"Indeed?" he questions back at her response, throwing a smile and a wink that isn't the least bit suggestive at her.

The question about the source of the technology earns her a smirk and he says, "Uh.. Guardian, mostly, I think, but probably also some help from Department H. Guardian is an inventor, I think, but I suppose I ought to know the answer to that," he tells her.

Walking in a long circle, he reaches out and gently runs his hand along the surface of one of the large machines. He probably doesn't come down here that often.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana cold sense a large amount of pride in the way the man carried himself, spoke of his home country and this station that he now served aboard (and over?). She smiled softly at it and him. "I have been to precisely one whole hockey game." Diana told him then as she walked past him, letting her eyes continue to roam. "It was a game between the Maple Leafs and the New York Rangers." She elaborated, taking a moment to pause her touring and to turn to look back at him. "The Rangers won. It was very exciting. The goalie failed to stop the shot in the last minute and WOOSH the puck-thingy went over the line and into the goal-thingy."

Diana Prince, in a good mood, had a silliness about her and she was in a good mood right this moment. "Fun game. A bit... violent... but, then, my heritage is hardly one for me to truly judge on such a thing. At least the men were well dressed for it, their gear and padding looked very comfortable." She didn't know sports very well, at least not the ones that were most popular around the globe.

"Please." Diana continued then. "Tell this Guardian-person, that I am very impressed. If you think they would even care to hear that." She showed a half-grin then.

Hyperion has posed:
"The Rangers won? That's too bad," Hyperion says, smiling at her, clearly pleased that she is playing along with him when he is just trying to make light. Having lead her around the engineering bay, a large and rather lengthy endeavor, he steps onto the elevator and turns to her, holding the elevator door for her, like he's being a gentleman or something, holding an elevator. This is probably also a joke.

Stepping into the elevator then, he says, "Deck four," and stares at the counter for a second before he once again leads her off of the elevator.
"I can't really judge the violence of other's past-times, given my occupation, and being nigh-invulnerable, and all, but it makes them happy, and that's enough for me, I suppose," he says to her as he leads her out of the elevator.

Explaining the floors they had skipped, he says, "In case you noticed we went from deck seven to deck four. Deck six is the docking bay, so you've seen that, and deck five is the personal quarters of the crew and visitors," he explains. "If you ever have need of a place, and for some reason want to stay in space, and .. the Justice League isn't an option," he goes on, realizing with each mention that her options are perhaps rather stellar.

"So, these are the gymnasium modules," he says, "I believe they support non-terran physiology, so they may even challenge superhumans," he mentions, pointing at the gym through a large open arch way as they walk the ring.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana quietly thanked him when he held the elevator doors open for her and she entered them again alongside him, coming around to stand within it and give her robe a few tugs here and there whilst she listened to him. Her eyes went up to his and she showed him a little grin at his offer. "That is a very kind thing to offer." She told him. "But my home, currently, is in New York and that makes me a Rangers fan. So I was happy that they won the contest." She flashed him a grin. "This means my invitation to have a home away from home on a space station away from my space station, is probably going to be there-by revoked." She jested, of course, and the little grin showcased it.

When the lift arrived to the next floor, the floor he indicated, she let her eyes scan around outside the doors when they'd open onto it. "Oh, yes... the area where the men boast about how strong they are, and try to chide the women into competitions." She said, her stare going back to Hyperion then. "I have visited these types of places, many a time."

Hyperion has posed:
"You aren't wrong, you need to support Canadian sports teams if you stay here, Princess," he says with a smile and stands where she can look in on the gymnasium without actually needing to go in and smell the sweat herself. If you've seen one super-gymnasium, you've seen them all, not much special there. "We take our hockey very seriously, and our curling," he mentions, referring to the other sport that is played mostly by people with ample ice.

Walking further along the inner-ring of the station, he gestures into a huge vaulted room with a broad window looking out into the depths of space.

"This is the mess hall, seats a few hundred as you can tell. Robot on staff 24/7, but the good stuff is served during dinner times, as I recently discovered," he goes on. "I'll bring you back here, once we've finished our tour. In case you're hungry."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana just grinned back at him as he said that, but her shoulders did shrug inside of that blue robe that she was wearing. "So much for my secondary space home, I guess." She lamented, even going so far as to toss in a extra heavy exhale of expressed disappointment. She then glanced back at him and showed a light smile before her following continued.

When they graced past the dining hall she looked upon it and dipped her pointed chin one singular time in affirmation. "A nice meal in low Earth orbit is generally always a memorable experience. Especially if you get to sit and watch the beautiful world slowly turn beneath you from some splendid view out a window."

She would look back to him again, show another smile and continue to follow along with him. "Thank you for extending this invitation to have me visit your fine space home. I know that one of the other Justice League members, Hal Jordan was eager to come here as well. I am not sure that he has had the time to do so yet though."

Hyperion has posed:
"I'm becoming jaded, I usually only remember the company I keep, not the view," Hyperion admits as he leads her in that long arc back to the elevator banks. Leading her in, he talks to the lift again. "Level three."

A few moments later, he leads her off again, "Level three is the secure module. Not really for the general public, or visitors we have no knowledge of, but you're a," he pauses, "Known quantity, Princess. So I was told I could just show you everything," he explains and gestures towards the various modules as they walk past, explaining their purposes. The combat simulator, the security offices and what apparently amounts to a brig, though he admits he isn't sure it has ever been, or will ever be used. But it pays to be prepared.

"I'm glad to be the one who gets to show you around, I'm uncertain if your team-mate has come by yet."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"That sounds very jaded. You should certainly work on that." Diana softly teased her tour guide while the two of them returned to the lift.

She showed a smile at him referring to her as a known quantity and her head dipped in a single nod again. "I admire that priveledge then. It is a compliment toward my efforts as a helper on this home of ours." She would smile again and then move along on their guided rundown of the AF station's secured facilities. "I have to admit, this station has a more... 'Bright' feeling than that of the Watchtower that Batman created for us." She glanced over at Hyperion. "I guess that should not surprise anyoen who is vaguely familar with him though." A little grin appeared and vanished quickly before she looked away again.

"Hal is a very busy man, so I imagine he has yet to come here." She'd say this while watching some of the Station's crew moving about, she'd even wave to some of them, her right hand was gloved in a dark brown leather half-glove that was tucked into her armored wrist.

Hyperion has posed:
"Well, present company being the nicest I've had in some while, I'll certainly remember you," he remarks, being amiable, and perhaps even a smidge flirty, a daring thing for a guy who is generally rather reserved in public. Walking along the station, he gently hooks his hands behind him, clasping one hand with the other as he walks. "It is rather bright. I think it's almost too shiny, we're going to be spending money every year just to keep it looking this sharp. Dull palettes and plain flooring are better in some cases, so that they can be replaced, more easily, without detracting," he mentions.

A cough.

"How have things been for your people?" he asks. Speaking of the Amazons. He has no idea. He lives in a bubble.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"I suppose that is true. Darker clothing is always easier to keep cleaner than lighter." Diana replied to him as they progressed through the station. She knew that tours like this were not just about the points of interest, they were also about everything in-between. They were about getting an opportunity to experience the place as a whole, try to learn a bit about its past, present and future and get a sense of how those who dwell within it feel... even if just a sliver of any of that.

Her eyes went to him when he asked of her people. "Themyscirans?" She asked him, adding in. "Canadians from the southeast?" She teased with a slight grin tugging at the corners of her lips, before she glanced down and ahead of them as they walked.

"They are... as they always have been. Good." She settled on that last word and offered it to him with a smile shown. "I have been pressuring my Queen to allow more visitors... She has been pushing back against it, for the most part. Buuuuut, I am breaking her will, slowly. I can tell." And a light and brief grin was shown once more.

"In, oh..." Diana exhaled. "A thousand years or so, we should have our first grand hotel built for foreign visitors." She was still joking around some, but thats because she found it fairly easy to do with this kind man from the Great White North.

Hyperion has posed:
Leading her back to the lifts, he takes her to the second level, and shows her around yet again. This time showing her the sciences level. He pops in briefly to each of the science, technology and medical areas, showing her what they are working on, and perhaps even introducing her to the chiefs of their respective areas so they can talk about what they're working on. A lot of it seems to involve products they've procured or hired the ships that come and go from the station to retrieve. Medical nanites from distant planets, crystals, like he'd mentioned, and a hundred other things all growing in test tubes and under ultra violet lights.

As they walk, he talks, "I don't suppose I should propose some sort of foreign-exchange with Canada and Themyscira," he remarks when she jokes about being the south-eastern Canada. Then she goes on to explain her goals of a broader travel acceptance.

"Well, in a thousand years, you can count me in, I do look quite smashing in a speedo," he jokes.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana followed him along to level two and she was quite amazed by the technological researches going on here. Those that would approach her, as she had before, were met with friendly greetings and attentive listening. She'd even hug those that seeked a hug from her... something all too common for the Amazonian ambassador. She didn't mind it though, not always anyway.

At her Tour Guide though, she'd grin again and shake her head. "Of all the countries in the rest of the world, I think my mother would have Canada somewhere on the top of the list... probably not the very top, but close." She grinned over to him and then shook her head at his later comment.

A laugh actually came from the Princess and she had to exhale it away. "My word. I imagine that is the result of your time spent in that fancy pants workout area above." She looked up and over at him. "The speedo is the fanciest of all pants, afterall."

Hyperion has posed:
"Of course it is, it's friendly, non-aggressive, but filled with ice warriors, what's not to love?" Hyperion says, referring again to hockey. He watches her interact with the crew, and is a bit amused at their reactions, but doesn't say anything. He'd hug her too, if it weren't just too forward for him. He needs to earn his hugs the hard way.

The comment about how he looks in a Speedo earns her a snort.

"You think I work out? Flatterer. This is just how I look when I do normal things," he shares. That said, even as he walks, the pecs on his pecs and the biceps on his biceps all sort of flex a little, like he's making fun of himself. He probably doesn't exercise though. That's true.

"It is rather fancy. I've been trying to decide on an outfit to wear, for hero-ing, any advice?" he asks.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Oh yes, there is no aggression in the sport of Ice Hockey. None." Diana teased back at him while moving slowly alongside him. She saw his muslce flexing and she heard his self boasting. "No gym, natural.... I have never heard that line before." She gave another little grin before taking a small side step away from him to eye him up and down.

"Well... it is too cold for a speedo costume this time of year. So... we will have to wait until Spring." A dramatic sigh again was released. "I guess that only leave the fancy red suit that the Mounted Policemen wear? Thsoe look quite dashing and warm also!" Diana's red lips were held in a warm smile and her head slightly shook right to left.

"I tease you, but quite honestly... I consider functionality to be the key thing one should strive for with what they want to wear while doing heroics with the powers gifted onto them. Whatever they are most comfortable in."

Hyperion has posed:
Climbing out of the lift one last time, Hyperion shows Diana the command center, and the tour is much shorter, as the command center while large, is not too difficult to see across, and generally just understand at a glance as being like any other command center. It is part 'air traffic control' and part 'defense coordination' in the event that becomes necessary, and people seem to be alert, but calm. Nothing is transpiring most of the time.

The large man laughs at her words when she teases him about working out, but he does re-iterate, once the laughing is done. "No really, I don't work out," he says as an aside. "I mean, I lift heavy things, but I don't get stronger by lifting them a lot, so I only do it when I need to. Lift an island or throw an asteroid or wandering planetoid or whatever the random thing might be needed to be done," points out with a smile.

"A mounty?"

When she suggests he be functional, he turns and looks at her, and seems to be looking through her cloak, as if considering her armor through her upper garment. "Armor? Should I wear armor? That might look," he pauses, "Cool."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana grinned back at him while she kept up with him on the tour. "Some armor looks 'cool'." She adds after his words. "Not all." She has to reinforce that. "I will tell you what. You start a collection of photographic concepts and you send them to my office in New York. I will go over them and help you choose one that makes you look as good as possible." She glanced at him, looked away and then looked back sharply. "No speedo. I promise." She'd add with another grin before letting her eyes look around the command center, she was clearly very impressed by all of this.