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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/12/04 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1572, 86 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1572|Isabel Kane (1572)...")
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Latest revision as of 19:24, 3 January 2018

Canadian Morning Meet-Up
Date of Scene: 04 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Smasher, Hyperion

Smasher has posed:
She's apparently a morning person. Isabel Kane is new enough to the group that she's not exactly a common sight as yet, but based on the sweatpants and hoodie over another shirt that she's wearing, her hair pulled up in a ponytail, she takes that morning run pretty seriously. She's sitting at the dining room table with a plate in front of her that is still half full, a cup of coffee, and a tablet where she seems to be reading newspapers. The sound of footsteps brings her eyes up to the door to greet the person joining her with a small smile. "Hello."

Hyperion has posed:
Anytime the staff bring out food for a meal, Hyperion seems to show up from wherever he was. Like he has a timer on him to say, 'Okay, it's time to fly back and eat some food now.' So when breakfast is served, he isn't far behind Isabel. The huge man is back in civvies already, and lifts a hand from his side to wave at her as he walks over to the buffet and leans across it to take in a long whiff. Then proceeds to dish up a plate, and carries the entire decanter of orange juice, along with a glass, over to the table. He then pours himself a glass of juice, and says, "We haven't really had a chance to meet, but I've seen you around. I'm Marcus, in case they were calling me Hyperion or something. Can I call you Isabel, or do you prefer Smasher?" he asks.

Settling into a chair, his weight causes the chair to groan slightly, but he starts eating with great enjoyment and a smile on his face. Seemingly pleased.

Smasher has posed:
"Isabel is fine unless we're on duty," she responds easily. "It's very nice to meet you, Marcus." She looks curious. "I'm afraid I don't know nearly as much about Alpha Flight as I should, considering the fact that we applied for membership here. Do you mind if I ask a little about you and how you came to be here?"

Hyperion has posed:
The tall man nods his head at her, and gives a simple, "That'd be fine, Isabel. What would you like to know?" he asks and spends a moment cutting up and then smearing with syrup some pancakes. Maple syrup, of course. He forks them down, and spends a moment chewing as he thinks about his life, and tries to prepare to answer questions. Like it's a test, and he needs to be ready to rapid fire every response.

Smasher has posed:
"Well.... I'm assuming you weren't born here. That you have family and a life before you became a hero, yes?" Isabel grins a little. "What brought you to this life?" She sets aside her tablet and works more fully on her breakfast, apparently genuinely interested if the way she gives her full attention is any indicator.

Hyperion has posed:
"I don't know where I was born, I was sent to this planet as a baby, as for my family, I was raised by the Miltons. They are Agents of Department H, and I was adopted by them. I grew up with, and beside, the agents of Department H, which means most of my memories growing up are of Agents doing things, discussing intelligence, and the like, I'm sure you can extrapolate," Marcus explains and continues to eat calmly, once he has given his answer in brief.

The question of what brought him to the life of a hero is sort of answered to a degree, implicit in his apparent upbringing, but he states it anyway, "When I heard about Alpha Flight being formed, I began to put what pieces I could into motion to get them to accept my transfer from Department H to Alpha Flight. This is my first real foray as an adult, so to speak. Without supervisors overseeing some aspect of my life. I'm enjoying it so far."

Smasher has posed:
Now Isabel sets her fork down, intrigued. "It sounds like a rather.... strange upbringing for a child," she comments. "But then again... when you know nothing else, I suppose it doesn't seem so strange." Tilting her head, she asks, "No one's been able to figure out where you came from in all this time? I mean... especially these days, I have to think you're very lucky not to be stuck in a lab somewhere."

Hyperion has posed:
"I was in a lab for my first several years," Marcus replies with a friendly smile, not seemingly too scarred by the memory. "They quickly figured out that I'm not human, but it wasn't for a year or two more that my non-human side started becoming most evident. I burned some things down, lifted some things, you know, that old saw, the usual power development mistakes and tribulations."

He pauses to think then and goes on, "I believe that's why they gave me a family. I mean, they realized that I was different, and they made a decision. Either they were going to try to keep me in a lab, or they were going to try to make me see them as family," he explains.

Smasher has posed:
"So .... do they consider you a mutant? Or are you classified as an alien?" Isabel pauses. "I'm sorry. That's very rude. I've been away from Earth for several years now -- when I left, the situation here for mutants and others with powers wasn't nearly this bad. So I'm curious about how you're coping. And what you see as needing done." She shrugs a little. "Sam and I came back from the Shi'ar to help with threats from space.... neither of us ever expected what we got here and found." She sounds sad. "I hope that the family that took you in loves you."

Hyperion has posed:
"I am completely alien," Marcus answers, while looking like a big ol' regular guy, with his blonde hair and chiseled looks. He doesn't look like an alien, he looks more human than some mutants, now that she brings them up. "My genetic structure isn't even the same, my DNA is not structured in the same way that yours is," he tells her, looking at her with a smile, and scraping the last of his plate clean of food.

Smasher has posed:
Isabel nods slowly. She's 100 percent straight-up human, after all. "Do you think you'll ever WANT to find out where you came from?" she asks curiously, since he seems not in the least put out by her blunt questions.

Hyperion has posed:
"At some point, perhaps, but there is plenty for me to do here, and I trust that if my parents sent me away, assuming that is what happened, they had adequate reason for doing so. Seeking them out might put them in danger, or draw attention to them in hiding, or get them killed, or any of a hundred other possibilities. They know where they sent me, if they wish to find me, I trust that they can," Hyperion answers, a bit colder than he had, not because he is upset with Isabel, but because he perhaps doesn't like dwelling on the subject.

Smasher has posed:
With a nod, Isabel says, "I apologize. That was tactless of me. I don't always think before I start asking questions. I hope you'll forgive my nosiness. And please, feel free to tell me to get my nose out of your business at any time -- I won't be the least offended." She offers him a little bit of a grin with the apology. "You must be enjoying having some freedom. I know when I first went to college, it was a little overwhelming to be completely on my own for the first time."

Hyperion has posed:
"I do. If only because I now have a paycheck, and can buy things that I otherwise might have never been able to. Just the other day, I flew to Japan and bought a lot of 'anime' from the source," he explains with a smile. "But I can also go to Italy and have real Italian food, and a hundred other things that freedom of movement give me. It's quite fun."

Smasher has posed:
Izzy laughs outright. "That sounds like something Sam would do," she admits. "Just... fly off to Japan because you can. Nice." It's not something she would really think to do, even now! "Do you like living here in Canada?" She's definitely a curious sort.

Hyperion has posed:
"Can I ask, what is your relation to Sam?" Hyperion asks, just looking to understand the personal dynamics of the team, his question doesn't seem rooted or to be hinting at any sort of ulterior motive. Unlike if a guy were to ask in a bar. This is just him fleshing out his understanding. "I've never lived anywhere but Canada, and now that I'm part of the Alpha Flight, I imagine that won't be changing in the immediate future," he explains calmly.

Smasher has posed:
Isabel picks up her coffee and sips from the cup when he asks about Sam. "Uhm.... more than dating, less than marriage?" she replies thoughtfully, perhaps unsure where exactly things are. "It's kind of complicated. We're together." She smiles faintly. "It's kind of hard to turn away a guy who comes to find you in SPACE just because he had the opportunity and he missed you." She shrugs a little.

Hyperion has posed:
"So, in a committed relationship," Marcus confirms. He has been informed by several people of the various degrees of commitment, and has learned them well. "I wouldn't know from experience, but I can empathize. What made you decide to join Alpha Flight?" he asks.

Smasher has posed:
"Well...." Isabel considers. "Sam wound up out in space during the invasion that you guys just suffered. By the time we learned about it out there, it was already over. But... it made me worry. Earth is my home. And we're really not equipped to keep fending off invasions from space. So... when my tour of duty was up, I got out of the Guard and Sam and I decided to come home. There aren't very many organizations we felt would have the resources to manage invasions from space, but Alpha Flight's charter is right up that alley. So.... I'd been with the Avengers for a little while before I went to the Shi'ar, and when I explained what I thought I needed, Alpha Flight was the group that Cap recommended." She shrugs a little. "Knowing what's out there? This planet is woefully unprepared."

Hyperion has posed:
"I believe that aside from the fact that we suffer from more problems than most planets, our planet is actually better defended than most. Lanterns, Kryptonians, Asgardians, etc, etc, etc. I could list the groups and powers at play working to defend the Earth for a minute, and that's just the ones I know about and are public. Most people have never even heard of me, and I'm right there beside them, so if I exist, perhaps there are others like me," Hyperion says calmly, trying to perhaps make her feel better. Finishing off the last of the orange juice, he rises to his feet. "Anyhow, it has been a pleasure to meet you more thoroughly Isabel."

Smasher has posed:
Nodding to him, Isabel replies quietly, "It's very nice to make your acquaintance, Marcus. I'm looking forward to working with all of you very much." She smiles, choosing to remain where she is with her coffee. "Thanks for joining me for breakfast."