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Latest revision as of 20:08, 3 January 2018

Welcome to the club
Date of Scene: 06 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Rift

Cyclops has posed:
     Dusk at the cliffs at the edge of the mansion property. A small of students were already present. One a short black haired boy wearing a containment suit, his eyes were emerald green and looked a bit on edge. One a tall brunette girl, about seventeen, she is dressed casually. One somewhat tall blonde boy was as excited as can be.

  They all clutched the notes written by the Geometry teacher, that asked them to be here. And if one were to take in the view, the sunset behind them was beautiful, and creating some very nice colors in the clouds.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua is glad she got her cast off. Shortly after Thanksgiving, there was an incident in Mutant Town - she was visiting to help out, fought off some bad guys, and took a bullet in the arm as payment. She had to take a few days to heal, but she's better now. She zips over with her own notes, glowing with her aura of power as she floats there... just admiring the view of the sunset. "Oh my - it's beautiful..." She then hesitates, not sure why she's here. A strange rquest she got - to come here. It had to be rescheduled for some reason, but she's here now.

Cyclops has posed:
     The group waves at Kitora, welcoming her. The blonde haired Dallas Gibson holds up his note. "Mister Summers?" He asks, a bit unneeded. The other boy adds in: "I thought we were getting in trouble or something, like getting a note to go to Miss Grey's Office." Brian Carerra, a student here for a couple years finishes.

  "I can assure you no one here is in trouble." Comes a familiar voice, one of Scott Summers. He ascends gradually, as if climbing stairs on the edge of the cliff. But to those who've looked over the precipice, no stairs had been there before. He was also clad in a uniform, to those familiar, that of Cyclops of the X-Men. Blue and Gold, a Sam Brown on his shoulders, and the unmistakeable golden visor.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua just lbinks. "So - what are we here for?" she asks softly as she lands on the precipice, but maintains her glow of power - not at all minding that her appearance is weird. "Cyclops..." she murmurs softly. "Hmmmmmm.... that explains a lot..."

Cyclops has posed:
     "No way, Cyclops!" Dallas says quite enthusiastically. Brian and Maria are a bit more reserved at this point.

  Cyclops himself steps out in front of the students. "You all have expressed interest in taking things to the next level. In powers and to help the mutant population coexist with humanity." He reaches into a pouch of his, extracting three stick-like devices. "You are now presented with the opportunity to work for that goal." He hands each device out. "The X-Men know we need an avenue for young people such as yourselves to not only contribute to the cause, but to also receive that extra training." A glint of red behind his lens before he smiles. "Welcome to the faXion. Follow me." A click of the X-Men symbol on his chest reveals the stairway he came up on. The leader starts descending the stairway. "FaXion is a group of students at the school, much like yourselves. They take part in training in combat scenarios and how to use their powers both offensively and defensively. I assure you this is /not/ the usual control classes we offer up top."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods slowly. "Yes... for I need some defensie knowledge..." There is a brightly-glowing red mark on her left arm. "It's hard to deflect bullets..." She sighs softly. "I didn't know what to do... I flew up to see what that sound was and the idiots in the second truck just shot me before I could react..." She walks down, sighing softly, clicking her tongue. "I look forward to this... oh - should we all have codenames?" she asks. "I thought of one..."

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott gives a chuckle. "Codenames are part of the fun, and are encouraged. Nothing inappropriate."

  Another click of his x-comm, and a piece of the rock face opens up, walking inside would reveal a long runway, leading towards the Blackbird.

  "Speaking of which. Some ground rules: You're in training, do not put yourself in a position to risk your life. It's our job as educators to protect our students. If you want to go out and look for trouble in the meantime, we cannot abide that. Defense only."

  He continues on. "As of this moment, your professionalism is being graded. You may disagree with your teammates, but when the crap hits the fan, you all must be able to trust one another, hypothetically with your life." Scott continues walking slowly towards the Blackbird. "Regular training occurs twice a week. And each and every student must maintain a B average to continue on. This is not a compulsory course of study. This is a privilege, and can be taken away if one's grades were to slip."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods slowly. "Rift..." she muses. "You can call me Rift..." She ponders. "I understand - I don't want to get hurt again. And... I have an A average so that's fine." She looks over as she heads towards the Blackbird, the other students in tow. "I look forward to this. But... when would we possibly be able to become real X-Men? I suppose it'd have to wait for graduation?"

Cyclops has posed:
     The group continues on. "Mister...Cyclops, sir. Umm, what are these?" Dallas asks, holding up his device.

  "Those are your X-Comms. They allow you to descend to the sub levels, where you will train in the Danger Room. More on that later. Their main purpose is an encrypted messaging and communication device. If you are in need of assistance, call it and myself or the X-Men will answer. They also allow yourself and your teammates to message each other discreetly and away from your civilian cell phones." Cyclops motions to the Blackbird. "For obvious reasons, we can't tell the world we are here. In the mansion, I am still Mister Summers. And it seems like Rift has already beat you three to realizing a codename." A gloved hand reaches to the airplane, patting the piece of machinery.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua giggles. "Are you kidding? I thought of this two years gao. Especially once I got good at portals." She winks as she studies the Blackbird. "Wow - I've heard of this vehicle - but never imagined myself being so close to it..." She ponders. "What are we going to do today?" she asks softly. "Is this just faXion 101?"

Cyclops has posed:
     "The SR-77 Blackbird. Our main mode of transportation. Equipped with stealth drive and active cloaking. Those interested in learning piloting her will have an opportunity to learn. Simulated, of course. Feel free to have a look." The entrance ramp opens to the side of the Blackbird. Another smile before nodding. "I appreciate the enthusiasm, Rift. You are correct, this is actually an off day for the rest of your teammates. You'll meet each other formally soon. Once we put you three through the Gauntlet, we will begin individual power training and team training."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods slowly as she steps aboard, nodding slowly. "'Gauntlet'?" she asks faintly. "And what is the DAnger Room?" She tilts her head. "Other htan a room that is dangerous?" She ponders. "Some kind of training arena?" She studies the seatbelts - then moves to take a seat on the ceiling of the plane, looking down from her unique angle.

Cyclops has posed:
     "The gauntlet is what I like to call our initial testing process. We need to get a bead on how well you can use your powers first before we can help the areas where we need to focus on." Cyclops looks up from the deck of the Blackbird. "The Danger Room is where you all will be training with the team. It provides a space where you can encounter real world simulations without getting hurt too badly."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods slowly. "Well - it should be interesting once I get in there. I will try practicing some self-defense techniques before my first date with danger." She smiles faintly. "I should keep this hidden I suppose," she muses, gesturing to the communiator as she wonders if there's anything else for today.

Cyclops has posed:
     "Hidden not so much. Your X-comms are designed to look like phones to not garner any undue attention to them. Just don't let any non-faXion students know what they are." Cyclops responds looking about the plane. "If you all will follow me, we will go to the Danger Room and then our tour will end." And so the three students have taken their first steps into the life of X-Men.