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Latest revision as of 20:11, 3 January 2018

Just a little fun.
Date of Scene: 06 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Raijin, Radiance

Raijin has posed:
Stark Tower. One of the leading buildings in science and technology, whose outputs towards the world with the famous inventions of Tony Stark are most often kept. The day would be rather...slow, if one could believe it. But alas, a day was a day in New York...the loud, sprawling city as loud as it ever was.

Though Rayner had different plans to spend his day...one that included a rather lovely lady he met just a few weeks ago and had enjoyed rather adorably cute conversations with on the phone. Sneaking into Stark Tower...well, not really sneaking. He wears a white polo and black slacks, a tie loosely tied around his collar. Perhaps he just got done being the prince of Vasesuna enterprises for today? Regardless, he looks for Hermione.

Raijin has posed:
Stark Tower. One of the leading buildings in science and technology, whose outputs towards the world with the famous inventions of Tony Stark are most often kept. The day would be rather...slow, if one could believe it. But alas, a day was a day in New York...the loud, sprawling city as loud as it ever was.

Though Rayner had different plans to spend his day...one that included a rather lovely lady he met just a few weeks ago and had enjoyed rather adorably cute conversations with on the phone. Sneaking into Stark Tower...well, not really sneaking. He wears a white polo and black slacks, a tie loosely tied around his collar. Perhaps he just got done being the prince of Vasesuna enterprises for today? Regardless, he looks for Hermione.

Radiance has posed:
Hermione is fairly easy to find. After all, she is the face and smile of Stark Industries. She sits at the front desk like a hotel concierge, smiling and welcoming any that come to her for help. The people that know where they are going and what they are doing in the building just walk passed her and to the security desk to get to the elevators, but for those that have never been in the building, Hermione's sweet smile is the first thing they see, which is just how Tony planned it. See how nice and welcoming Stark Industries is? How friendly? How helpful?

Of course, when she sees who is coming towards her desk, her smile takes on a shy tone, a bit of colour to her copper cheeks. "What are you doing here, Ray? If you want to meet with Mr. Stark, you need to make an appointment and he's fully booked until February."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner smiles to Hermione and approaches her, the fact that she found him that easily made him smile a bit. He walks up to the desk in a suave kind of manner to be playful. "Hey Minnie. I dunno, I was looking for the most beautiful girl I've ever seen? I was gonna take her out to the park for a nice romantic afternoon. Seen her around? She kinda dresses like you and actually works here." he gives her a small wink.

"In seriousness, would you like to go out with me today? have a picnic? walk around the park..."

Radiance has posed:
Grinning at Rayner's suave approach, Hermione dips her head down to hide her smile. "I don't know," she tells him. "I think Ms. Potts is also fully booked until after the holidays," she tells him, playfully misunderstanding his meaning. She looks up then and bites her lip. "I don't know... I mean, it would be nice, but Mr. Stark has my training schedule pretty locked down. I'm going to be in the wind room today to see if we can't see just how fast I can go with a full glow on." She's not used her powers at all today, keeping her charge from her room-mate to it's maximum, softly glowing like a child's nightlight, as if somewhere someone has put a diffused spotlight on her. "But.... I suppose... as long as we don't go passed my lunch break.... " She looks to one of the other greeters, who nods to her as if granting permission to go.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner smiles warmly to Hermione when she is playful with him in return. "Ah...I think I'm lookin' at the most beautiful woman If I 've ever seen one." he slips into a more southern accent to tease rather seemlessly...though when it's made apparent that Hermione can leave with him, he gives a grateful nod to the other greeter. "Thankya!" he reaches for Hermione's hand, as if to offer to hold her own. "I'm parked out front...shall we?" a warmness then. If she gave him her hand, she'd find her knuckles kissed.

Radiance has posed:
Hermione grabs her purse and her coat and waves to the greeter that is her boss in thanks. When Rayner offers his hand, she looks down at it, biting her lip and pondering. They said they were going to take things slowly, but they've been talking on the phone for three weeks. And besides, holding hands isn't likely nearly as much a big deal to most people here in the big city as she always made it out to be. And so, she reaches out and slips her hand in his. "A picnic in December? I think the cold has chilled your brain. Where are we going to have a picnic in this weather?"

Raijin has posed:
Rayner smiles as she takes his hand, and he gives it a loving squeeze as he guides her towards the outdoors. "Well, that's the experience! It's supposed to get warmer..and if not...well, we have an excuse to hug." he teases her playfully as if to see if she blushes. "It'll be fun. The spot I have in mind is close to indoor buldings, so never fear." he smiles, and lo and behold, right outside the building was a nice little Lincoln, a smooth, black car that looks -expensive-. "Here we are." he opens the door for her to get in.

After that, he closes the door and moves over to the drivers seat, revving the car up with a touch of his finger to the car and they're in business!

Radiance has posed:
Hermione pauses to stare at the Lincoln. Rayner still hasn't told Min that he's wealthy and so she makes the assumption that Rayner rented the fancy vehicle to impress her for the date. She bites at her lip and looks worried, after all, Rayner must have paid a fortune to rent this vehicle. She smooths down her skirt as she gets in the passenger side and looks to him when he gets in.

"You don't need an excuse to hug me. I come with an excuse built into my power. A top up on my glow."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner chuckles a bit as he starts to drive, his hand reaches for hers to hold it in a romantic manner. Though at her words that he doesn't need an excuse to hug her, he chuckles a bit. "Well...if that's the case, maybe we have plans tonight hm?" he teases her with an offer for cuddles, not sex. Though it could be taken that way.

But he notices the worried look that crosses her features. "Hey, you alright? what's wrong?"

Radiance has posed:
Tilting her head to one side at the offer of plans for the night, Hermione arches a brow at Rayner. "Our first actual date in three weeks and you want to go straight from that to spending time cuddling? Maybe a movie first? Or at least during?" she asks. She gives his hand a squeeze, happy to be with him. "I love how you feel like a little piece of home. It's like you're from Valentine too."

When asked what is wrong, her chest rises and falls with a sigh. "I just don't think you should have gone to all this trouble. We could have walked. Or had the picnic somewhere closer. A car like this... what if you get in an accident? You got insurance when you rented it, right?"

Raijin has posed:
Rayner can't help but laugh at her words of playful rebuke to his offer of cuddling that night. "Hah, calm, calm, I was kidding, I was kidding. Though if you would have said yes, I would have been more than happy to oblige. We could see a movie tonight if you want? I hear they came out with a movie called Murder on the Orient Express or something like that." he chuckles. "I love that about you too, Hermione. I only wish I met you sooner." He really liked her.

"Though when she says that he has insurance since he rented the car...Rayner can't help but laugh. "Ah...sorry, sorry. I didn't rent the car. I own it. I never did tell you my last name did I? It's Vasesuna. Rayner Vasesuna." he officially introduces.

Vasesuna being a multi -billion- dollar company, of which he was the heir.

Radiance has posed:
Brushing a bit of hair over her ear, she considers the offer of a movie. "I'll see if Mr. Stark will let me rebook the wind tunnel experiment. To be honest, he's been really working me hard. Fight training, flight training, weapons. Since I don't really know what I want to be as a super hero, he's sort of training me in a little bit of everything. But it would be nice to have a night off."

As Rayner introduces himself, the Nebraska girl simply blinks. She's heard the name, mostly because of her work with Stark Industries. She knows more about the Fortune 500 crowd then she would have ever dreamed possible now that she's dealing with Stark and the people that come in to do business with his company. She looks doubtful and lifts her phone up to her mouth. "Jarvis? Can you get me a picture of the current CEO of the Vasesuna company?" <Certainly Miss Landon> says a voice in smooth British tones. Her screen is then filled with a picture of Rayner. Her eyes are wide as saucers now. "Why didn't you tell me!?"

Raijin has posed:
Rayner nods a few times "Ah...I see. Well, here's hoping the bossman gives you permission." it isn't long after that statement that they officially arrive at the park and he parks the vehicle. he looks to her then without getting out. "You look beautiful when you do that, you know? it's cute." he compliments.

Though when her eyes shot wide and she asked him why he didn't tell her about being a CEO, he takes a small breath. "Well...I like to make friends on my own. What I mean is...everyone these days wants to be friends with the absurdly rich kid..because he can get them whatever they want. I don't want to buy my friends you know? and I...uh...really like you. I didn't want to take that chance, so I wanted to, you know, let the relationship grow organically. I didn't know what kind of person you were. Now I do."

Radiance has posed:
"When I do what?" Hermione asks, not sure what exactly Rayner thinks is cute. In the last three weeks, she's given up telling Rayner not to call her cute. It never works. She knows though that he likes her for more then just her physical attributes though, so doesn't begrudge him talking about her looks anymore. She gets out of the vehicle once it is parked and looks around.

"Money is nice and all, but it can't buy the important things. Not really. I mean, Mr. Stark would still be super smart if he wasn't rich." Ah yes, Mr. Stark. Hermione certainly has the man on a pedestal. Her hero. Her mentor. The way she talks about him, she clearly must think the man can do no wrong. "Well, I hope you don't think I'm going to treat you any differently? You're still a country boy to me."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner gives Hermione the warmest smile. "When you put a strand of your hair over your ear." of course, he smiled then as he explained. Though when she tells him that she'll just treat him like a country boy, he seems to look at her differently then.

Like he just fell in love.

But he chuckles then. "I wouldn't have it any other way. Besides..I prefer country gals to people with money." he winks at her then as he looks around. "Shall we?" he smiles, as if asking if it was time to go to the already set up picnic area.