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Latest revision as of 10:14, 4 January 2018

Meeting the Saturnians.
Date of Scene: 24 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Martian Manhunter, Star Sapphire

Martian Manhunter has posed:
After days of travel using the ships interstellar drive, J'onn and Star have finally arrived at the outer reaches of the Rings of Saturn. From here, it is easy to see the various components that make up the Rings, but it doesn't reduce the beauty of them in the slightest. Star will see the heads up holographic display identify several different ships within the gas of the planet.

"These other ships are the representatives of both the White and Red Saturnians..." J'onn explains to her, and points to a vessel that is almost the size of a small City "...this is the flagship for the Talks and Ceremony. There are representatives of each Species here." As the close, the ships autopilot kicks in again, and takes them towards one of the many bays on the side of the ship. Within a few minutes their ship is docking, and J'onn adds "They have hailed us telepathically. I will relay their messages from here on out, but I have asked them to speak vocally in our presence."

Once the ship is landed, he inputs the code opening the Bay Door, and offers Star a hand, "It is time to save two Species, Star Sapphire. Our adventure begins."

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star nods, taking in all that J'onn shares. It's a lot of information, but she has been prepared for that. She watches the display as he speaks, and looks to him as he concludes. "Sounds like a lovely adventure to me. Let's get started, shall we?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Once they have walked down into the Docking Bay, they will be met by a contingent of White and Red beings that are humanoid in stature. The White are led by an obviously female figure of similar stature to Star. The Reds are surrounding an individual with similar features, but slightly shorter than J'onn in height.

"Greetings Children of H'Rronmeeca'ndra. I am J'onn J'onzz of Ma'Aleca'Andra. With me I have Star Sapphire, a Violet Lantern of Earth. We Come in Peace, and Thank You for your Welcome." J'onn greets in a traditional and rehearsed manner that Star can hear with her ears as well as in her Mind. The White Female steps up first, bowing low before J'onn "Honored Maker, I am Princess Cha'rissa, and The Children of the White Welcome You and Lantern Star Sapphire. Be Welcome." Next comes the tall Red, "Honored Maker J'onn. I am extremely happy to see you again. Jemm of The Red Children also Welcomes You and Lantern Star Sapphire. Be Welcome and Honored among the Red."

J'onn gives a nod of his head to Cha'rissa, and moves smoothly over to Jemm to embrace him like a brother. "We are Honored to be present for such a momentous occasion..." He motions to Star with his hand, "...Star Sapphire is a being of great Kindness and amazing Insight. You will find her counsel far more appropriate in the days ahead. I am simply here at both of your requests."

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star bows respectfully to both the red, and the white. Assuming that they can probably hear her thoughts as well as she can hear their voices, Star opens her heart, allowing a feeling of good will to be felt by all of those present. "It is my honour to make your acquaintance, and I look forward to giving any assistance that may be useful in the days ahead."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
The Red standing next to Jemm moves forward, "Welcome Honored Maker J'onn J'onzz. I am Prime Minister Dall. We cannot thank you enough for being here as a Representative of the Makers. It has been our thought that the undying Hatred between your Kind must be mirrored in our own struggles." Dall begins to explain, "we believe Jemm and Cha'rissa to be the Saviors of our People. Uniting what has been an Ageless War."

Stepping up next to Dall is a rather large and impressive White, "I am Commander Khrakr, Honored Maker. We have worked on a Treaty, to be formalized by the Union of our Blessed Leaders, and something that will stop the War. We wish to Unite the Whites and Reds into One People of Saturn." Dall nods his head in agreement with Khrakr, "Some of the Reds and Whites believe this to be blasphemy since our Makers never stopped their own War. We wish for you to help sooth these thoughts, and show that the Union can make the Saturnians Stronger."

J'onn nods, having heard this before, but happy that Star can now hear the Job ahead of them. "This is where Star Sapphire will prove most vital. While my position here is largely Symbolic, She is the individual with the Power to ease these thoughts of Rage, and show them that there is Companionship and Love to be found in this union."

As Star begins opening her power she can feel the change in attitude amongst the group. Jemm and Cha'rissa are hesitant for what must be done, but willing to do anything to save their people. There is a small level of interest, perhaps one that can grow under the right nurturing, but the most stubborn of the group is Commander Khrakr. However, even his cynical nature cannot stand against the power of the Violet Light.

Star Sapphire has posed:
"I will employ my abilities to any purpose which serves your races, and J'onn J'onzz," Star says simply. "There is always room to improve the good will among friends and enemies alike."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Dall steps forward, a bow to Star Sapphire, "We happily accept all the assistance we are offered in uniting our Species into one for the good of all." With a wave of his arm, he says "Please, allow me to escort you to your quarters, and we will have the introductory dinner so that the Princess and Jemm can be shown, united, before the assembled leadership of both Species." Dall then begins walking the two Ambassadors deeper into the shuttle.

"I believe, Star Sapphire, your abilities will be most welcomed at the dinner." Dall explains as they move away from the gathering of Saturnians. "We know there is a small contingent within both groups that will stop at nothing to destroy this Union, and we believe they mean to do Harm to the Princess and Jemm."

J'onn frowns at that, "Jemm is a gentle soul, and to imagine that someone would wish him harm for their own political game, especially among the Saturnians, darkens my soul, Dall." J'onn's words have a visible effect on the Saturnian, his red turning a deeper shade, which Star can feel is an increased level of embarrassment.

"My apologies Honored Maker. It is a small group, but we believe on with considerable power, and resources to see their corrupt goals accomplished."

Star Sapphire has posed:
"I will do whatever duty that I must in order to brighten the hearts of those who would wish ill upon this union or those who enter into it," Star assures Dall. "And where my abilities to sway the heart fail, my other abilities may come into play. I will not allow anyone to bring harm to Jem or the Princess. Of that, I can assure you."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
They arrive at an opulent portion of the space station. Waterfalls, Large Gardens, Gleaming Metals and Stone outline benches and other places for people to enjoy the Rings of Saturn from Inside the Planet. He moves them towards two large suites, "Ambassadors. Here are you rooms. Please feel free to call us on whenever you need something." Dall tells them, a smile returning to his face at the wonder his people have built. "Dinner will be in four hours. We will send someone to let you know an hour from the dinner."

WIth that said, and no more questions for Dall he will leave the two to their rooms. Both Suites host multiple rooms, bed room, large bathroom, sitting room, small eating area, and living space with a holographic viewer for various uses. Once Star is settled in she will hear a knock at her door, and know it is J'onn from their link.

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star, having settled into her suite quickly, is already tinkering with the holographic viewer when there is a knock at the door. <Do come in, J'onn.> She doesn't hesitate, and sees no need in raising her voice. "I don't know why we bother with separate suites," she says with a smile as J'onn enters. "We're more apt to stay in one or the other. But of course there is always the matter of keeping up appearances."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn floats down next to her, relaxing on her couch as she examines the device, "I would say it is for less distractions for now. They would not question a Maker, none have tried to scan you in my presence, but I would not muddy the waters when it is easy for me to come visit without being seen." replying back, logical as ever, "They need stay focused on their People and the road ahead."

"So, from your perspective, do you sense anything amiss with the ones we have met so far?" J'onn asks her, she can sense that he is most curious about her opinion on the current two groups of leadership. "I have sensed no ill intent in any minds yet."

Star Sapphire has posed:
"So far all I have sensed is uncertainty on many aspects. In your regard, in mine. In regard of those who might be wishing ill on this union," Star advises. She ceases her tinkering with the holographic viewer, and turns to J'onn. "You have a better sense of others than I. What have you sensed, if anything, from those we've met with so far, J'onn?

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Shaking his head, J'onn replies "No, nothing out of the ordinary I should say. The White general is hesitant to admit that the White need the Red to survive, but nothing that makes me believe he is a part of some conspiracy to sabotage the Union." His brow furrows in thought, "We will have ample chances to find the true culprits at the dinner..."

Then there is the sound similar to electric static across the room,f followed by the ship rocking from side to side, and then immediately after a warning klaxon alerting the crew. *WARNING. WARNING. STARBASE UNDER ATTACK. CREW TO BATTLE STATIONS*

J'onn looks to Star, "This is not good." the Martian adds with a frown as he starts to rise.

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire's eyes go wide, as she turns to J'onn. "Who is it? What's happened?" She closes her eyes and reaches out beyond the station, and for hundreds of miles in every direction, looking to find those hearts hardened by hatred. If she can find them, she can soften them. The distance at this point will not be a factor.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Outside, Star will feel an entire crew of individuals, hardened to not just this attack, but in Life. THese types have committed atrocities across the galaxy, and she finds only the barest shred of decency in any of them. There are two she reaches, stopping them from firing on escaping vessels, but the rest of the crew may as well be Heartless to her vision.

J'onn responds after a moment, "A pirate attack, which is odd given the size of the ship, but not entirely unheard of..." He starts moving towards the door, and stops. "Oh No..." He looks back to Star, "I believe our dinner is canceled...." He actually frowns, before adding, "The ship was boarded, and the Princess has been kidnapped."