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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/04/21 |Location=Horse Stables - Xavier's School |Synopsis=Rogue and Remy doing what Rogue and Remy's do. (No, not that) |Cast of Characters=16...")
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Latest revision as of 21:23, 30 July 2017

Date of Scene: 21 April 2017
Location: Horse Stables - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Rogue and Remy doing what Rogue and Remy's do. (No, not that)
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Gambit

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is taking a break from studying as she'd been doing it all week. She was sick of reading books and the internet... Plus her computer was infected with all kinds of pop-up stuff that was forcing her to look at porn and she only looked at porn a few times, it was more disturbing than it was fun.

So she was out of her room this afternoon and was in the stables with the horses. Currently she was with her favorite horse, Snowcone. She wast standing in his stall with a radio playing behind her some classic rock music as she hummed and brushed the horses hair with a big fancy brush from the rack near the stable doors.

Gambit has posed:
"Rogue!" Calls the cajun as he walks over to the stables, sounding like something is on his mind and pressing quite hard.

He appears next to the stall and leans against the opening, reaching over to turn down the radio just a bit so they can talk. "T'ere's a bunch o' porn all over ya computer... Is everyt'in' alrigh'?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue put her bare hand on the horse's nose when the cajun shouted and she tried to calm the horse looking over in that direction. "Its okay." She whispered to the horse. "He's not as scary as he sounds." She said further before turning then to face the cajun when he arrived and turned her music down.

Rogue smirked at him while running her free hand over the bristles of the big brush. "Why are you lookin' at my compute'ah, Remington?" She asked him with a smirk. "My porn is my business."

Gambit has posed:
"I am not t'at scary." Remy says, giving the fellow southerner a wink as he continues to lean on his arm partway into the stall.

though he finally answers her question, "Cause t'e professah has deemed me not wort'y to have my own computer jus' yet." The cajun says and smiles his quirky grin.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smiled at him and she leaned over against the horse and placed her head down against the side of its neck as the horse was eating from the food in the container on his door. "You just were tryin' t'bust inta my room t'see me naked again. Found out that I wasn't in there so you got on my compute'ah t'see if I had any naked selfies on there or something."

She shook her head side to side. "I deleted all that stuff once my laptop started actin' weird, cause I was told that some nerd might have taken control'a the thing and was gonna steal all my hot hot nudes. I don't want that stuff posted online somewhere. Unless -I'm- the one gettin' paid for the pics!"

Gambit has posed:
"You seem to t'ink t'at's all I t'ink about Rogue. I'm hurt." He says, moving his hand over his heart and groaning slightly. "I ain't sayin' I'm celibate eit'er, but I wan' more t'an just t' look at you Rogue-y."

"I'll certainly pay you if'n t'at's what ya really want, or we could go on anot'er adventure, spend some time alone away from t'e love birds back in t'e school."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stood up straight then and she walked toward him and put her forearms on the stall door opposite side he stood on. She smiled at him. "If I leave the school for long then I'll fall behind in work again. And then I'll turn around and be an old old lady who neve'ah graduated highschool." She said these words in a sassy sort of way.

"It does sound temptin' though... I'm gettin' a little fed up with the cliques around here. And the faculty all seems t'hide in their own secret places'n such. Hank's been comin' down hard on me too, since he found out i burned the rug in my room and spilled some juice on the rug in the hall. EVEN though I replaced both'a them."

Gambit has posed:
"T'en you need to pick one, I'm not doin' it for ya." Remy says, patting the top of her head like a stray cat. He hooks his hands on the inside of the stall and leans back, using his arms as a brace. "So, what's it gonna be Vogue Rogue?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laid her head down ontop of her own elbows then as her fingers interlaced together extended out in front of her. She looked at him after he patted her head and she grinned softly. "Where do ya wanna go?" She asked him.

"We can't get that far, neithe'ah one'a us has any money." She assumed he didn't, but actually had no idea how much money he had. SHE had no money though because she was focusing on school right now and couldn't go out and get a job... and was trying hard not to be like she used to be, bending the law to get money.

Gambit has posed:
"We can go as far as a tank o' gas'll take us." Remy says, and then looks back over Rogue's shoulder. "Or see how far snow ball'll take us." The cajun teases.

"An' what abou' our friend Tatum, should we take her too, or are you afraid of bein' caught hangin' out wit' us lame teachers?" The barely older teen teases Rogue further.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue flashed a grin at this. "How would we get home?" She asked him with a tired sounding voice, head still laying there on her arms and eyes up on him. After a small pause she continued. "Tatum is an interestin' lady. She told me that you were an item with Ororo, where she came from. And that I was with Logan. She also said that we were best friends, she and me."

Rogue paused again and reached up to pull some of the white hair that was draped over her face out of her eyes and then she stood up again and leaned on her elbows on the wooden door. "I think she'd feel responsible t'bein' all protective of us if we went somewhere with 'er though."

Gambit has posed:
"T'en we should change a few t'in's and be an item ourselves, non cheri?" Remy asks then, his hand moving to brush at her hair as well. "I mean I got enough money to fill the tank up again should we need to. Now, are we gonna go get wild like a buncha teens should, or are you gonna decide to be a prude and pet your horsey?" The cajun winks and starts to walk away from the stall towards the exit of the stable.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue held still whenever someone was to touch her hair or such, thats why it had freakd her out when Tatum had been able to actually touch her face... even though it had felt good to feel a warm hand linger on her face for an admiring moment. She did feel comfortable around Tatum, which was interesting since she WAS a stranger.

When Remy left, Rogue groaned and then lifted up off of the ground and landed silently on the other side of the horse stall. She put the brush away and ran after him. "Fine fine!" She said. "At least I have clothes on this time." She said with a smirk, adjusting her loose forest-green sweater that hung off of her right shoulder. She had the black strap of a tanktop showing beneath it. She was also wearing a knee-length black skirt and some dark stockings beneath it that dipped into black heeled leather boots.

Rogue moved toward his car and leaned up against it, smiling now. "I do like road trips."

Gambit has posed:
"I know you do, and I've already got a place t' go t' in mind." The cajun says, opening his door for the car and slipping in with a smirk. He starts the car up as Rogue climbs back in and without much thought they're on the way to no where special again.

After several miles, Remy turns the car off onto a dirt road and cruises down that for a few miles before finding a small crook between the line of trees and pulling into it, doing a bit of off roading until they come upon a clearing. Remy parks near the tree line and out in the no where, is a large blanket, with a pair of wicker baskets on the opposite corners and an igloo cooler on a third corner, keeping the blanket from blowing away.

"Oh, look at t'at." Remy plays casually.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had gotten into the car and immediately started fiddling with the radio, flipping through stations so fast while he drove, that it was a wonder that she could even tell what was on them. She'd put her gloves back on at this point too, a pair of dark yellow gloves. "So much talkin'" She'd commented. "Gab gab gab gab... why do they think we even wanna hear what they're yammarin on about anyhow?"

Once they arrived at the location with the blanket and picnic stuff, Rogue looked at it and then over at him with a grin growing on her lips. "You're so old fashioned." She said to him. Moments later though and she was leaping out of the car and running toward the blanket to land on it and smooth it out where the winds had rumpled it up since Remy presumably had placed it all here.

She rolled over onto her back and did snow-angel-like motions on the blanket, smiling up at the sky high above.

Gambit has posed:
When she's on her back Rogue would hear the sound of a shutter snapping shut and closed quickly and Remy standing over her with a big black camera obscuring his face. "Yeah, jus' like t'at Rogue. Now gimme a pouty face." He says, taking more pictures and circling around the picnic. "God damn you're beautiful." He keeps going and snaping pics of the woman.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes blinked when she heard the camera and she rolled over onto her side and propped her head up in her left gloved hand with her elbow extended out. Her right hand draped down her side to her thigh. She stared at him. "I ain't gonna argue with you on that point'a topic." Rogue said with a grin.

"That bein' said... are you about t'ask me t'start takin' articles'a clothes off so you can find them pics that you weren't able to find on the broken laptop?" She flashed a grin at him and reached up to tuch her baggy sweater down off of her right shoulder again, exposing that dangerous skin of hers and giving him a sultry gaze like few other women would be capable of. Why? Because she's a giant tease.

Gambit has posed:
"I'm just takin' photo's cheri. The poses and level of dress is entirely up to you." Remy says, winking behind the camera, even though the gesture is lost because of the device. "Maybe it'll help get ya an actin' or modelin' career." Then Remy's grin grows a bit bigger, "Or you be t'e centerfold one day." The whole time he's walking around and crouching down taking photos of the woman he adores.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughed at what he said, quite amused by it and she started to nod her head several times before giving him more sultry stares into the camera lense, because she's a young girl who's a glutten for attention. "You'd have t'pass'em around t'people, and I might have t'kill ya if I find out you're doin' that." She tells him back. "Ain't no modelin' agency wants a girl like me as their poste'ah child. Skunkhair an' such."

Rogue's right hand went up to said hair and she started to twirl her fingers around it and then put a thick strand of the white locks into her mouth to hold them between her teeth and give him an angry stare for his next few photo shots! Hamming it up!

Gambit has posed:
    "You'd be surprised sweet heart, I don't know anyone at t'e school t'at doesn' t'ink you're t'e prettiest girl at t'e ball." Remy says with a kind smile and a few more photos. "Oh t'e camera loves you Rogue. Loves you!" He's getting close for somes shots, and then backing away letting her do whatever she wants.