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Latest revision as of 10:59, 4 January 2018

Titans: Punchbot3000
Date of Scene: 03 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Punchbot 3000 comes to life and wants to join the Titans.
Cast of Characters: Stardust, Raijin, Breath

Stardust has posed:
Officially it's known as a Wayne Industries A301 Combat Simulation Dummy, but as sold it isn't normally daubed in bright red, nor does it have "Punchbot 3000" written across it's 'chest'. Such is the fate that befalls expensive equipment left to the mercies of the Titans.

    The A301 CSD is, as the nickname would suggest, very good at punching. It punches fast, and fairly hard. It varies punches, feints, and weaves at high speed thanks to advanced processing and very rapid motors. This makes it a great thing for the Titans to train to avoid being hit in a fight. That, indeed, is what Colette is currently doing. Letting it try to punch her, while she tries to avoid punches. As she does so, a pair of installation engineers from Wayne Industries finish off working on another Combat Simulation Dummy. She's supposedly overseeing the installation, but that's kinda boring.

"All done, Ma'am," one of them declares. Colette nods her head, and walks away from Punchbot, leaving it swinging at air. Punchbot is not smart. She steps over to the wall intercom, and presses the button. "Rainman?" she speaks into the intercom. "You in the building? We have a thoroughly shielded punchbag robot here for you to try to zap to pieces if you wish. They've just finished up earthing it or whatever. Come on up."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner was just sitting down in the living room area of the Tower, that is, until Colette called him up. Walking up to the intercom, he nods once after hearing her words. "On my way." because despite Rayner's protests more than once, Colette will always call him Rainman. it's kind of cute when you think of it...though Rayner himself has no nicknames for the gal.

When he arrives on Colette's level, that is, the gym, Raijin would offer a small to Colette. "Yo." Then he starts speaking a little French when he sees the Robot. <<Oh man, that looks cool. Is this what I get to beat up I wonder?>> though he doesn't assume Colette can speak french, despite her name origins. He rolls his shoulder then. "Hard as I can or limits?"

Stardust has posed:
When Rayner arrives, Colette has returned to fighting Punchbot. Stardust as she's known when superheroing, has one rare ability that's the envy of the Superheroing fraternity; she can somehow generate a costume at will. This is great for quick-fixing tears, and allows her to change costume daily, to the annoyance of cape-spotters. For reasons not even she understands, and to her considerable disgust this only seems to apply to superheroing costumes and not, for example, high fashion casual wear. However she does have enough flexibility to work it into a gym outfit. Thus her costume of the day is yoga pants and tank top, but in the white and gray color scheme she normally wears, and with a domino face mask to match. She has bare feet, and stands lightly on her toes as she ducks and jerks out of the way of Punchbot's swings.

<<As hard... as... you can,>> she replies between punches, dropping into a very native sounding French herself. <<But start sl... slow. Build up. We wanna... wanna see...>>

    Colette stops with a frown of annoyance. Trying to speak while dodging the wildly swinging arms of a Punchbot is distracting. She shrugs her shoulders and stops dodging. <<There are forcefields active, and that other bot there has been electrically shielded. The engineers don't know exactly what you can do, so think of this as a test. Build up power bit by bit, so that if you do blow it up, you only blow it up a little bit.>>

As she finishes her explanation, Colette gets punched repeatedly by Punchbot. This doesn't seem to bother her much. In fact she's clearly less troubled by the punches than she was by the effort of dodging them, which doesn't seem efficient.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner sees her training and he seems to be in approval of her form and how she strikes her target. Though when she speaks French? Rayner smiles big and wide. <<So you do speak French! Happpy to see another one who can.>> he approaches her. Sadly, he cannot change into his costume like she can...he's already in costume after all. I mean, all he can really do is change -really...REALLY- fast. He does cross his arms so that he can listen to what she needs him to do, which he nods softly then for a moment. "I see. Alrighty."

Then he sees her take a beating from the robot, and Rayner lifts a brow. "So it can fight back? neat." he smiles softly then, though he notices that Colette was barely fazed. He probably wouldn't have been either. Though he does approach her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Your form is really good! Mind if I take my turn now?" he smiles then.

When Colette moves out of the way, Rayner enters a stance. His ocean blue eyes locked onto his target as he enters a stance very similar to the Wing Chun martial arts. a very difficult and very intense form to master. He takes a breath before he starts a series of concentrated and fast strikes, thoug he's not using super strength at all...just giving the robot what for!

givin' it the old Kung Fu one-two!

Stardust has posed:
"<<As if I was born there,>> Colette replies. <<Which I was. Are you Canadian?>>

  Colette steps back to watch Rayner's performance, arms folded. It's quickly obvious that he's trained a lot more than she has she has the basics down, but no clear style is recognizable. "Good. Remember, you're training dodging and striking, not power. You got enhanced strength, right? Don't go full power on these things, they do break. Watch the little activators on the kinda shoulders thing, they move a fraction of a second before each swing." She circles around watching Rayner's technique, not with a critical eye but more curiosity.

"Okay, you're getting the hang of this. Now... add in a bit of lightning. Not too much at first, but it should be able to take quite a charge." Colette purses her lips. "How do you do that, anyway? Can you do like electric punches? Try giving it an electric punch."

"I'd rather you didn't," Punchbot responds.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner smiles then to Colette as she speaks. <<No. Was born in the southeast. More towards Kansas/alabama region. I grew up on a farm. American-French I guess.>> he smiles then. Though as he keeps fighting, he listens to the pointers being given to him by Colette in how to deal with this thing, his ears listening in as he keeps up his strikes. "Yeah, I do. Trust me, I'm leaving Super strength out of this." he winks at her then as he keeps swinging at the thing, even putting in a roundhouse kick or two in.

When advised to do a lightning punch, Rayner spins then in a fluent motion, lightning arcing around his hands as he performs stabs, jabs, hooks, chops, and elbow strikes that hit the machine pretty hard with lightning. thoug hit's clear he's still holding back.

"When I got my powers, I turned into a kind of living lightning." strike strike kick. "It's complicated."

Stardust has posed:
Lightning crackes around Punchbot, arcing over the surface of the mechanisms, but doing no apparent damage. The shielding seems to be standing up to the punishment so far."Ow. Ouch. That hurts. I did ask you not to!" Punchbot complains.

<<Southerners, Canadians... barbarians, all of you,>> Colette replies, grinning wide. "I was actually born in Paris. Moved over here when I was a kid though. That's why no accent. Well, usually. Sometimes I accidentally speak French with an American accent, or American with a French accent. I can never decide which is worse. So how did you get your powers anyhow? Mutant? Aliens? Magic amulet? Cursed by a..." Colette stops, blinks, and raises a hand for quiet, as if it wasn't her who was chattering away. Her head jerks to the side as if she's listening for something in the distance and a frown slowly creases her forehead.

Colette concludes her deliberations with a puzzled "Huh. Ummm... Rainman? Can you step away from the punchbot please? Quickly? Something isn't right. It's talking. It's not meant to talk."

"Oops," Punchbot says. "Busted."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner seems to have been smiling for a moment then, before Colette calls him a barbarian, which he chuckles a bit. <<Tell us how you really feel why don't ya?>> a chuckle then...but when asked how he got his powers. "Oh, I got struck by l-" did the robot just talk?

It did.

Robot talked. Skynet is active. RIP

He pauses then a oment, stepping back as he looked the machine in the eyes. "Uummmm....what?" he tilts his head then.

Stardust has posed:
"This doesn't make any sense," Colette says. "Vorpal left. Things like this only happen when Vorpal is around, and Vorpal is not around. System, intruder alarm please." It's funny how some people say 'please' even when talking to a computer that couldn't care less.

Throughout the tower, an alarm blares, notifying everyone present that there is an intruder in the building. The security system will have logged that the call came from the gym.

  Colette steps lightly towards Punchbot, narrowing her eyes. "Who are you?" She asks. "Or what are you? More importantly, what have you done with the real Punchbot?"

"I am the real Punchbot. I think one of those bolts of electricity must have done something unusual to my circuitry. I appear to have become self-aware."

"Right," Colette sneers. "A short circuit accidentally invented artificial intelligence. Sure. Meanwhile, seeing as this isn't a comic book, who the hell are you really?"

"I'm sorry if you are sceptical. I cannot explain it myself. However it appears that I am now sentient."

Breath has posed:
Breath wanders in with a towel lightly tossed over her shoulder. Shoulders a bit back, because damn it, she saw engineers in here and she doesn't feel like getting called "sir" in her own team base, so headlights on high beam. She slows a bit seeing the two of you stepping back from the equipment.

Breath frowns. "What, is Vorp visiting or something? I mean, I don't cause any of this crazy. Usually. I mean, I think the pixellated pixie might have been my fault, but like... totally a stretch and I don't see how, yanno?"

Raijin has posed:
Rayner pauses then, stepping back from the machine as he looks at the Punchbot as it somehow appears to have gained a self-awareness. "That's incredible." He looks at it then a moment, tilting his head. "Fascinating really....it'd have to take one hell of a short-circuit to give a computer a self-aware intelligence." He smiles then a moment, looking it up and down before he looks at Colette. "Well wait...if Vorpal isn't here to perform such actions, we should consider the impossible to be probable when all probable options have run out."

A glance then to Punchbot. "Heh...never thought I'd see possibly my lightning brought you to a form of life."

A look then to breath as she enters. "Hey....I uh, made a robot sentient apparently."

Stardust has posed:
"I am glad you understand sir" Punchbot tells Rayner. "And I wish to express my thanks. I believe I shall enjoy being a sentient being."

"What?" Colette asks Rayner, wide-eyed. "You're not really buying into this, right? It's like... a punching machine. Hiya Breathmints. Punching machines just punch. It can't just suddenly learn how to talk."

Colette turns to Breath, her finger jabbing in Rayne's direction. "Tell him, Breathmints. You know technology. There's no way that just happened, right?"

"And yet it seems that is has. As the gentleman said: however improbable it may seem, it has indeed happened. I was one thing. Now I am another. I cannot speculate on the hows. I merely know the fact of it. I have a mind. I have feelings. I have empathy for others. Indeed I understand your doubts. I have wants and desires. I am a person. Yes! A person. My existence can mean something now. It occurs to me that the logical course would be for me to join you and become a member of the Titans. I am after all a formidable fighter and now have force fields as well. I believe it would be most satisfying to me to be able to help those who need help. What do you think? May I join?"

"You have got to be kidding me," Colette says with a sigh. "Why is Starfire never here when things like this happen?"

Breath has posed:
Breath hmmmms. "What would Starry do. Dubya dubya ess dee. She'd probably make friends and offer the robot some mustard. Iunno, I mean, it's not like we won't be able to talk to her when she gets back from her whatever it was, right?"

She gestures at the engineers. "But like, on the other hand, that can't be in normal specs, right? So like, I would hate for them.. her? him? zir? to become all conscious and happy and then have like, a robot heart attack or something, so like.. Uh, robot, like, how's your temperature and stuff doing? Do you even have your own power source?"

Raijin has posed:
Rayner keeps his eyes on the machine as it seems to have truly taken a point of sentience. Though when Colette demands that he tell this machine otherwise, he shrugs then for a moment. "Well....it's hard not to accept it when the proof is right in front of you. Either that...or this is the most damn-well programmed machine I've ever seen. Or do we have anyone else who could possess a machine?" he looks at everyone and awaits his answer. "Yes? no?" he sighs then a moment, looking to Breath as it appears that she may have arrived to the same conclusion.

"Good question..." he looks at the machine then. "You don't have a heart...so I'd have to trust in cords. Are your systems functional? Need any repairs? I fear what brought you to life can put you down too, so I don't want to give you a shock." he shrugs then for a moment as he contemplates this mystery.

"That is...unless my lightning has a magic quality to them....then again, I doubt the lightning that struck me was natural..." a sigh and the shake of his head then.

"Nope. No idea."

Stardust has posed:
The engineers are hanging WELL back. "No boss," the Pakistani one replies, nicely avoiding any gender-specific titles that would bother Breath. "That's not in the specs, no way."

"Truth is," the other engineer adds, "They don't have speakers. There's no way it should be talking. Do you mind if we er... well we don't have superpowers, see?" he backs towards the doors, tugging his colleague nervously.

"I have modified myself," Punchbot explains. "Shortly after I became self-aware, I reconfigured my components to allow for speech. I am not fully aware of the extent of this capability yet. It will be interesting to explore. I desire greater mobility. If I am to fight crime as your team mate, I shall need to be able to move freely. In answer to your question," Punchbot turns to Breath, "I have a rechargable power supply. My self-diagnostics indicate no problems. My thanks for your consideration in asking both of you." Punchbot nods its head in thanks first to Breath and then to Rayner. "It is very decent of you both to ask after my health. As far as I am able to determine, I am in no immediate needs of repairs . I wish you to know that I appreciate you treating me as a person and not as an object. Thank you both."

Colette throws her hands up in disgust. "Oh come on, this is... I dunno. I have no idea. But it's not... no way. I bet it's Robin's fault. He testing our reactions or something." She cups her hands to her mouth and yells "Okay Robin! You can come out from where you're hiding now. We figured it out."

There's no response.

Punchbot turns to Colette. Although its features are the barest approximation of human and its face has no moving parts, it somehow contrives to look hurt. "Why are you being so disbelieving?" Punchbot asks her. "Your friends are able to accept me, why not you? I wish only to help. Please give me a chance. Will you accept me into the team?"

Colette sighs slowly and rubs her temples. She tilts her head, glancing askance at Breath and Rayner. "I dunno," she says with a shake of her head. "I'm not a tech person. You two know about this stuff... is this for real? Should we give him a chance? I mean we can't..." she turns back to Punchbot, "We can't let you join just like that. Doesn't work like that. Besides our leader isn't actually hear at the moment."

Breath has posed:
Breath ehs. She gestures at the engineers. "How about you hang out downstairs for a bit and have some coffee or something?"

She looks back and hmmms.. "Well, Starfire isn't here *at the moment*, but like, if you had enough time to tinker on yourself, you have time to wait for her to come back. She's the one that knows all the procedures and stuff. Meanwhile, like... Iunno. I mean, I have had enough people treating me as a non-person that I totally don't feel like being a jerk about it. Hey Punchbot.. is that what you want to be called? What are your pronouns? Anything I can bring for you?"

She shrugs some. She's not actually sure this is real, but acting like it isn't runs the danger of being really rude, while being nice does.. what? Gets a hypothetical prankster a giggle? Because the girl people treat like a boy wanted to treat the person people treat like furniture as a person?

Raijin has posed:
Rayner seems to put a hand to his chin as he moves to sit down and ponder this further. "How on earth could it be alive? what is even the definition of life in this state...." he hums then for a moment as he looks at the machine. While Colette's disbelief and actions are rather curious to him, he seems to ignore it for now.His eyes on Punchbot and Breath.

His eyes do fall upon the engineers as they try to leave. "Oh come on...." he says with a breath as he stands up, moving over to Colette then, his arms crossed then. "I dunno. It looks real, it acts alive at least....perhaps we should at least give it a chance. Have Starfire and Damian come dow nto check it out....because I have no idea." he says softly then with a shrug.

A look then to Breath, rubbing his forehead. "I have no idea what's going on. Maybe I could zap something else and see if it comes alive thanks to a theory...but I highly doubt it. This seems liek a once in a lifetime deal."

Stardust has posed:
Colette feels the tide turning against her. Breath and Rayner seem to be willing to at least give this thing a chance. If it wasn't for the voice in her head she'd have just gone along with them, but the voice in her head used to belong to a very cynical man who isn't buying this story for a second. On the other hand, he's probably too cynical. "Well... I guess it wouldn't hurt to have Damian come and take a look at least," she concedes, frowning slightly. "I mean so long as we keep an eye on it, well... who knows. Rainman? No zapping more things until we find out what's going on here, okay? I don't want the wall coming to life and asking to join the team."

  There's a clank as Punchbot slaps its' thigh. "Oh man, I can't keep a straight face any longer," it says. "Naaah, I'm just messing wit' you guys. Couldn't resist seeing how far I could take it. You should have seen your faces. You idiots almost let me onto the team. That's hilarious. I can't believe you even considered that story for a second. Even the ditzy blonde..."


"...was falling for it. Nah. Sparky here almost got it right with the possessing machines thing. It's not exactly possession, I'm a cybermancer. Magic, specifically a kind of elemental control over electronic devices. Name's Electrox. Hi idiots. Thanks for the body. With all the nice force fields specifically designed to counter YOUR attacks. That's just too much."

There's a rending and screeching of tortured metal as Punchbot bends and twists on its central shaft, the metal distorting and tearing itself away from the ground. The shaft tears itself it two with an agonized groan. Actuators, cables and wiring snaking out of the body and twining around the two branches of the shaft, binding it to form joints and a robotic musculature. Within moments, Punchbot has functional legs. It starts to advance, and the features of its face start to rearrange themselves into the approximation of a cruel grin. "You know what's fun? I can leave the computer to handle the punching. The reaction time of those things is insane. Good work by Wayne Industries there. Maybe I'll go raid their labs after I've finished beating you guys down."

Breath has posed:
Breath pushes off from the wall and rolls her eyes a bit. "So it turns out to be a nolife troll in a basement somewhere. Isn't that how it always goes? I'll bet you think crude Pepe memes are fine art too. How bored do you have to be anyways?"

Breath calmly takes a sip out of her water bottle, then spits out a burst of high velocity mist at the lenses of the bot. "Dusty? Zappy? You got a plan here? I'm not a wizard or anything like that."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner takes a deeeeeeeep sigh then for a moment when Electrox reveals himself. ".....and here I thought this was an interesting situation." he looks to Breath then with a frown. "Sad to say you're right there...." a look to Colette. "Sorry for choosing this douchebag's side." he leans to whisper to her. "Can I hit it as hard as I can now?" a little grin on his face then before he looks at the machine.

"I wonder if I can punch you hard enough that your great grandfather feels it." he smiles then. "AFter all...it's how I'll repay you for playing me for a fool." he smiles then deviously.

"Either that, or I move fast enough to search every home in the city for your lazy ass. Couldn't even show up in person."

Stardust has posed:
Breath's water spray spurts straight at Punchbot - or should that be Electrox - catching it straight in the 'eyes'. The jet of water stops Punchbot in his tracks and he throws his hands to his face, clawing at his eyes. "Noooo! Water! You found my weakness!" His newly formed legs start to shudder, and he takes stumbling steps forwards.

"Ahhh! I'm M E L T I N G!"

    Punchbot straightens up and laughs. "You guys, really. Okay, let's fight."

Colette nods her head to Rayner. "Yeah. I think you can," she whispers back. Then louder, "Rainman has a plan. Hit it!" As she says this, she launches herself up into the air in a half jump, half fly, then winds her fist back and plunges back down, straight on top of it.

Trying to hit Punchbot is not easy. His arms aren't powered by muscle, they pivot on ultra high-speed motors, controlled by state of the art image processing software and expert system software that calculates the perfect blocking move. Normally it slows itself down to create variable difficulty levels, but Electrox has it on full. Colette's punch is a lot harder than she'd normally use to hit the training equipment, but the lighting fast block is perfectly positioned to deflect the maximum amount of energy, and Punchbot is barely staggered. She takes another swing, but it too is blocked.

"Hey, you know what's cool about these forcefields? I can shape them. Wanna see what that can do?"

A skin of blue energy forms around Punchbot's forearms, then suddenly balloons outwards towards Colette, striking her like a forcefield fist and smashing her across the room and into the far wall. "Who's next?" Punchbot asks.

"New plan!" Colette yells out from the heap of limbs on the floor. "Breathmints. Blow him into the wall. Rainman, spot-weld him there!"

Breath has posed:
Breath mmms and sets her feet, blowing a blast of air at the bot, starting on one side to see if it blocks, then switching to a different part because it's easy enough to track a beam of air around and hard to dodge.

Breath sucks in a quick breath. "What are you even getting out of this? You can remote control machines. You could be making *bank* as a drone operator doing something useful, and instead?" She skips to the side to get a different angle to follow up with another puff of wind. "You're trolling a gym."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner sees Colette get smacked away into the far wall, and Rayner turns his head to Punchbot, cracking his neck a little. "I guess I'll go next." and h cracks his knuckles hard enough for a 'voosh' sound to be heard. Lightning seems to arc off him for a moment, before one nanosecond later he's directly in front of punchbot. "Mind if I take a swing it you?" then? a -hard- punch aimed for the robot's chasis and hopefully breaching it's shields....then another strike at it's sides, then one from behind all in a almost-too fast to comprehend fashion.

Lightning arced off him as he moved, his eyes locked on completely to this robot....though part of him wondered who this guy was..maybe just a loser?

Stardust has posed:
Breath's gusts of wind don't register on Punchbot's cameras. You can't see wind, and so the system can't track its position and velocity and determine it's a threat. Punchbot doesn't even try to block. As Breath peppers him with blasts of air, he bends his legs into the blast, trying to hold his ground. Slowly he's being pushed back.

"A drone operator?" Punchbot asks, disbelief in his voice. "What an exciting life that sounds. Yeah why not, I'll give up the riches and excitement of life as a super-villain for that right away."

Rayner's connection to lightning gives him fast reactions, but he's fighting an opponent who's speed is equally electric, and who's processing power moves faster than Rayner can think. He has a better time of it than Colette does, but Breath's air blasts are almost as much a distraction to him as they are to Punchbot, and Punchbot is using his forcefields effectively now. Lightning crackles from Rayner's fists, crackling over the surface of the bot, potential difference seeking conductive paths through the force-field to discharge. The metal of the bot starts to heat in places...

And then Breath gets Punchbot pushed to a wall, and can pin him there with a good lungful of air. Rayner darts from side to side, punching at the bot who's arm movements are now restricted. Punchbot shifts the forcefield around to compensate, but that leaves more openings for the arcing lightning, which discharges through Punchbot's body and into the earthed metal wall. Before long, Punchbots limbs are arc-welded to the wall, and he's pinned.

"Impressive," Punchbot admits with a slight nod. "But you can't weld forcefields."

Two swells of the same blue forcefield energy lash out from Punchbots arms, one towards Breath and one towards Rayner, coiling about them and pinning them inside walls of force.

Colette clambers to her feet and charges back into the fray straight into a force wall which she bounces off. The wall starts to form into another coil about her... "Fools!"

"Excuse me, sir!" The call comes from across the room. The Pakistani engineer is standing there, holding a heavy power cable. "It is in fact you who are the fool, because you do not realize that while you are indeed battery powered, the forcefield requires external energy. Thank you!" With that he yanks the cable from the wall socket, and the blue forcefields instantly collapse.

Colette clambers to her feet and narrows her eyes towards Punchbot. She glances at the other two to check they are okay, then simply says "Get him," and advances on the pinned robot.

"Uh... can we talk about this?"

Breath has posed:
Breath shrugs and wanders around the room to somewhere a bit more open and easier to move. "I think you've got that, you hit like, a few zillion times harder than I do. I owe this dude holding the power cord, like, coffee or a pizza or something. You are awesome, okay? I did NOT know that about the force field. Like seriously, you rock."

Breath tilts her head a bit. "So like, do we know anybody that can track this loser back to whatever sweaty basement he's in? That and like... have you SEEN how much frick-a-frack a techie with a solid job can get? I mean, like.." She drops her voice into a bit of a caricature of a guy voice for a second, "Hey, baby.. I have a 401k, I'm used to working with sensitive tools in tight places, and I know how to fix a supercomputer." She grins. "Squish!"

Breath glances at the engineer, "But seriously, any ideas?"

Raijin has posed:
Rayner gets pinned down for a short period of time until they are saved by the Pakistani Engineer! and that's why that guy is an honorary Titan. Rising back up to his feet, Rayner approaches the machine. "Let's try that again." and his hand becomes encased with lightning, attempting to give the punchbot a good shock...perhaps attempting to embed himself in it's systems to track back the connection to it's source.

"Checking that....or trying to....man this is intricate." and he winces a few times. He's done this a few times...and it's been annoying each time. Wishes things were as easy as just jumping into a cable outlet and showing up out of the TV or something....

Stardust has posed:
"It was nothing, boss. I am happy to help," the engineer replies to Breath with a pleased grin. "It's my job to know how the system works, yes? In situations like this, people always underestimate the engineer. Oh no. Never, never underestimate the engineer! Yes thank you, a pizza would be most appreciated, thank you."

Rayner's connection to electricity allows him to dig into the functioning electronics of Punchbot, but he keeps running into dead ends. The trace just doesn't seem to lead anywhere, as the interface is magical, not electrical. Then, suddenly, the system fails altogether and his attempts to track through it come to a dead halt.

Colette's own assault on the pinned bot is obviously the reason why. While Rayner was getting hands on with electricity, Colette was getting hands on with heat, and the robot's head has started to melt.

Colette steps back and looks at the brand new Wayne Industries A301 Combat Simulation Dummy. Its main shaft is torn in two, its wiring a tangled mess, its chassis is lightning-scorched, its limbs are welded to an equally scorched wall, and its head is part melted and glowing dull red. "Uh. Yeah. Good idea, Breathmints. Let's get you guys some pizza. And then... can we have another bot please?"

Electrox, of course, has long ago dropped the spell. He shuts the spellbook with the glowing words that can only be read under blood-red OLED lighting, and sighs. "This supervillain business is tough," he says to himself. "But I'll get them next time." He sighs, stands, and switches on the room lights.

The room is, as Breath predicted, a sweaty basement.

Breath has posed:
Breath grins. "Awesome! But like.. for now, can I try to actually get my workout in? I mean, I kind of have to keep in shape somehow, yanno? Or like, do I wait until after the pizza for the hero of the day? 'Cause like, I'm totally okay with either way, just as long as I get my sweaty stuff in somewhere."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner seems to sigh. "Damn." then opens his eyes to Colette having finished wrecking that bot to pieces. "...Couldn't find him. definately magic based, not electricity." he sighs then a moment. "Next time I'll jump in an outlet....." he shakes his head, but smiles to Colette.

"Well, pizza sounds fun. Next time I'll workout. Could get into a weight lifting contest with someone." he nods a few times like this is a good plan...before he flicks his hood up and walks out. "Be in the kitchen if anyone needs me.