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Latest revision as of 11:02, 4 January 2018

Everything Old is new again
Date of Scene: 11 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Selene & Lucifer catch up as 'old friends'
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Black Queen

Lucifer has posed:
It's the holidays. And, what happens during the holidays? Presents. And so it is that ther'es a very buff looking Santa without the beard but definitely with a bit of a fake tan sitting in a chair near a fireplace letting people come sit in his lap and tell them what he wants. The other rest of the men are also all dresed as Santa, if Santa wears red pants and suspenders and a Santa had. The women are dressed like naughty elves...with skirts that have a wide little ring almost like a sombrero hat...but the skirts are sinfully short. And so the place is decorated for the holidays while Lucifer is settled at a table, going through a couple of lists. Work? Maybe. Fun place to do it? D efinitely.

Black Queen has posed:
Selene Gallio has never been much of a holiday person herself. So when she arrives it's not dressed festively, though she does show a lot of skin herself. But then again she is in a night club so she might not stick out as much as she would elsewhere. She wears what amounts to a black bra with strips of connecting fabric running down her trim stomach, holding up the loose black skirt that flows around her legs. It's a floor length skirt, but rests very low on her hips, held up only by those strips of fabric connecting the outfit. Bands of the same material wrap down her arms as well ending in black gloves that sheath her hands. Her customary black lipstick is artfully applied across her lips. She moves into the club, mingling with a few people and getting herself a drink as she surveys the room, moving from group to group just getting a feel for the club. Whether she's hear to make friends, or here to steal a soul is anyone's guess. Maybe she's here to see the owner? If she knows who owns the club.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer is usually fairly good at feeling and reading souls and while he doesn't see you yet, he gets a chill that makes his heart sing. "Somethign wicked this way does come..." he says in a slow, drawn out tone that's practically a purr. Standing up gracefully, he starts to look around the club, a little bit of a 'tsk' as he says, "Where is this person that sets my soul achill..." he asks idly, to no one in particular, gaze moving over the club and as he moves around he sees you from the back first, the long skirt, the lack of much materials. "Well Merry Christmas. It looks like being naughty DOES pay off..." he says and walks up to the bar, leaning against it, looking to the woman and he ... blinks. "You? YOU!" His eyes narrow as he looks to Selene. "Thief! Hustler! Charlatan!" He says the words not too loud, but not super quiet either, clearly to anyone around having a relationship with the woman standing there. A drink is provided to him by the bartender, who would have alway sbeen watching to see if he was approaching or not. He lifts it to his lips, tosses it back, sets down the empty glass, and then looks back to Selene.

Black Queen has posed:
Selene Gallio has made her way to the bar to get a refill on her first drink, which she sipped down steadily. Martini, dry with two olives. She gets handed her new martini and is just taking a slow sip from it when she feels your presence slide in at the bar with her. Not that she didn't feel the power as soon as she entered the club. But these days there are so many powerful people roaming about that it can be hard to tell just who you're sensing. She looks over, seeing you and you can see that it takes a moment for her to place you. But her mind is human, unlike your own. She has to sift through memories to find that face amongst them. But in actuality it takes only a moment for her eyes to widen slightly. "My darling devil." She purrs the line out, rolling it off her tongue with a slowly spreading smile. "It has been awhile hasn't it? You look... different. And... feel different. What /have/ you been up to?" She asks, one slim perfectly kept brow lifting up her forhead slowly bit by bit. She takes another sip from her drink, slow and precise, taking the time to look the devil over in his new threads and surroundings. Ther glass is put back down on the bar, and the twists turning in your direction, a light flex and play of muscle in her stomach as she twists. "I... wasn't aware you were in New York."

Lucifer has posed:
"Weren't aware?" His brow raises, "Weren't AWARE?" Yes, this isn't the first time that the two of you have had a conversation that started something like this. "You mean to tell me that everything you borrow from me...and I use that word -generously- right now, and you weren't 'aware' that I was right here amongst you? What do you...I...how do you eve..." he can't seem to get out the sentence, looking a bit apoplectic at the moment.

And as you turn, and that gown plays on your stomach and your muscles he says, "Knock that off. There is no using any of...that," he asys, circling his finger and pointing it at your midriff and general all the parts of your body that look utterly amazing, "None of -that- until you and I come to an agreement on your....well...misappropriation of Hell's resources."

Black Queen has posed:
"Hmmm perhaps you've lost your touch dear Luci? Maybe you've not made yourself known enough amongst the New York elite? Maybe you're just not quite the devil you used to be?" That brow arches up a smidge higher, high on her forhead now, a playful teasing smirk gracing those black painted lips of hers, a flash of white teeth behind those lips. She shrugs her shoulders when she's told none of her moving about and showing off her body. She turns her attention to her martini then. "My drink was much more interesting anyway." She comments, still with that sly little smirk as she lifts the glass again to take a sip, the crystal resting against one black lip. "Misappropriation. I think I appropriate those resources quite well thank you. And I put them to much better use than you ever did. Also... the way I hear it you're not hanging about hell all that much these days. The way I hear it you're not hanging about there at all." She turns her head, an intensely curious look in her eyes as she turns to face the Devil himself, leaning one elbow against the bar, one hip cocked out to the side, the skirt of her outfit pulling low on that hip, baring more of it. "Is that true Luci?"

Lucifer has posed:
"Lost my...." and you finish your questioning, you finish your little teasing of the Lord of Hell and he does the only thing that makes sense. A dance battle. well sort of.

As a bit of a tango type song comes on, he takes your hand and he pulls you from that stool, walking you away from the bar and out to the dance floor. Why? Because there are certain things he's good at and seduction and teasing are the type of things that can possibly kickstart his mojo after being so...horribly knocked off his game at Selene's presence. Not many women can do that to him but she is one.

He pulls you in close, spinning you around and you feel the strenght of him. He may or may not be spending time in hell but he seems every bit as strong as you remember physically, and if you try to pick up on his life sense, that is also VERY well intact. He looks down you, wrapping an arm around to that bared back, his hand pressed flat, the warmth against your skin and he looks into your eyes, "You...my dear...are far too flippant with your tone. It is Lucifer...not Luci. Or in your case it should be 'My Lord.' Second of all...where I spend my time is my business, not yours." There's the press of hip to hip as the dance starts, and he moves well with it. "Now let's get to the point. What brings you to New York?"

Black Queen has posed:
Selene Gallio has picked up the olive from her drink on it's little toothpick and is just about to take it from the pick with her teeth when her hand is grabbed and she's towed outwards unceremoniously. She meeps and drops the olive back into the martini as she's pulled out onto the dance floor. She laughs as you take charge like that and pull her into a tango. A tango that she dances flawlessly, all hips and shimmies and smooth graceful moves. She's been doing the tango since the dance was invented, longer really if you count the formative dances that would become the tango later. She looks up from her shorter vantage, a cool confident smile on her lips as you guide her through the steps, you leading and her following behind in perfect step and synch. "Well, if I want to be truly proper I should call you by the first name I knew you as then shouldn't I Sammael?" She cocks that brow back upwards. She's always been an arrogant person, self assured of her own power and ability. Though that ability has grown exponentially since the very first time you showed up to let her know how unappreciated her demonnapping was. She's become one of the most powerful magic workers on the planet, rivaling both doctors even. Strange and Fate. She laughs at the grind of hip to hip, moving with it, a gentle flex of her stomach as she leans over backwards, fingertips touching the floor before she rocks back up to a full stand, her dress magically staying on. Probably in fact magically. "I've been here for awhile Sammy dear. I'm the Black Queen of the Hellfire Club. Ruled Nova Roma for awhile. Things went... south. And so I came up here and joined the club. But what on earth has /you/ in New York?"

Lucifer has posed:
In the dance he spins you around, your back to him now as those hands go to your waist, to that taut stomach, brazenly sliding up your front, then to your arms, lifting them up so you can descend down his form before sliding upwards again. "The Black Queen hmmm? I know the Hellfire Club. That's the joint down the street that steals all my parking," he teases, though to be fair the Hellfire Club is probably far superior and more exclusive a clientele. He hasn't tried to keep people out - his fascination with humanity at the moment has him letting in the...not just upper crust as they say while Hellfire always lets people in but it's always for a purpose. Even the most mundane accountant could be of use...it's just what levels, how far in, how far down you get to go that's determined by how...special you are - be it physically, socially, financially..."I'm on vacation," he says simply. That's how he chooses to answer your inquiry. "You've been a very busy girl, from what I hear. Getting around now and then...fighting with old allies. Keeping your magics up tot par though I'm sure," he says, and he playfully decides to poke at your psychic shield, deciding to see if he can tell your thoughts...

Black Queen has posed:
Selene Gallio has herself heavily shielded and warded magically to prevent just such a poking of her thoughts. She works with Emma Frost after all and has no desire to give her easy access to Selene's plans and thoughts. Emma could break through them of course, but it would be something that would take force, and Selene would know it was happening. She moves through the sultry and intimate steps of the tango, body pressed to body through almost the entire dance, except when she's being twirled away, only to be brought back in tight and close. She turns herself around at one point, and begins to flow through the dance that way, her back to yours, moving in reverse of what she should be since she's turned around, but she's able to pace it perfectly and step everywhere she needs to. "You know, I heard that this dance was invented at your behest, or for you the stories aren't clear. A sinful dance for Tempter himself." She turns her head to look up over her shoulder at you. "On vacation..." She doesn't sound terribly convinced herself. "I remember an angel who loved to punish wrong doers, who loved what he did. Did you fall out of love with your role in things Sammy? Do you no longer enjoy punishing the wicked?" She offers him a sly little look before turning her head back to face forwards, turning around in your arms again to face you once more and resume the proper steps of the dance.

Lucifer has posed:
He grins as you turn to face him and you see that little hint of darkness. "Why....if I didn't know any better," he says quietly and as he moves forwards one can almost feel the light bending, the way the shadows curl around him as if they needed him to survive, the way his voice changes, the way the music slows, the movements of everyone else around pausing slightly> His voice stays low as he says to you, "I would think you're trying to ask if I still intend to do my job...or if there's an open seat at the table. Remember darling, Hell is not a club. It's a destination..." he offers. "Typically one way but some of you more creative types have found a way to get a work furlough for some of my mionins. Which is fine. I don't mind too much. And when they look and act like you, I get plenty of reasont o want to pay attention and keep an eye on things."

His hands move to your waist once more though as face him, and he says, "But make no mistake. I -am- the Lord of Hell, the Fallen One...and every other name you remember. Just becuase I like to play here at the moment, and get a taste for what leads people to me first hand does NOT mean...that every bit of me isn't still very much able to draw on and bring to bear the full power I have."

And the shadows pull back, slowly, as the music resumes its pace. "Hungry?"

Black Queen has posed:
Selene Gallio actually pouts slightly when she's told there's not a vacancy in hell. "Well damn. A girl can hope that all the souls of hell are open for the reaping and taking. And that she oculd finally attain the position she's strived for for millenia." She was going to eat the souls in hell to take her godhood. She rolls one shoulder in a slow little shrug and smiles. "Are you sure you don't need a Lady of Hell? Someone to manage things while you're on vacation? I promise not to eat /all/ of the denizens. Just enough to get what I want." Her lips curl into a coy smile as she moves and dances with you, a roll of her hips against you as she leans forwards to whisper softly in your ear. "I am always hungry Sammy. Are you offering?" She leans back, then leans back further, letting her full weight rest in your arms as she leans back, drawing one foot up her other leg until she's practically laying down in mid air, just a foot on the ground and her weight in your hands. "I think you looked better in the armor, though the suit is... okay."

Lucifer has posed:
He chuckles at your reaction. "You are adorable, I will give you that." You're a psychic vampire, an amazing telepath, a pyrokineticist, a sorceress, and completely evil - It would take Satan himself to be able to take the whole of your suite of powers and personality and find them...cute. "Am I offering? No....not tonight...though I do have an idea if you play your cards right of someone who could turn into a delicious snack. If you make sure not to drain them all the way. It would be far too noticeable. But I do know how you love a challenge - this one might be too goodie goodie, even for you," he says with a grin as he feels you lean back, as he feels that weight and rather than fight it, he takes a couple steps over to the side and settles down in a booth so that you can sit back against him, all curve and slink and everything else tempting and feminine. His lips press to your neck, in a most symbolic way, before sliding to that bare shoulder. "And I like you in paint...but we can't always get what we want."

Black Queen has posed:
"In paint?" Selene asks sounding confused. It takes her a few moments to recall some of the details of their first meeting millenia ago. "Oh. That explains a few things." She laughs, a warm rich sort of sound. An odd sound given who's throat it's coming from. "It has been a very very long time since that night. And I know I am a very different person now than I was then." She's even more ruthless, cold and deadly than she was. Significantly. "I was painted then, and more than a few times after. It has been a long time since any of those nights." She sighs softly, thinking reminiscing. "I remember those early days. Mankind first figuring out magic. When we were first studying scorcery and what we would do with it. Those were fun times." There's a wistful note to her voice when she says it. "Oh Luci darling you know that I can't make any promises on not draining someone entirely. If I don't it enthralls them and sometimes it is just not worth the effort. Most of the time in fact it is not worth the effort." She rolls her eyes, eyes that otherwise were flitting around your club, looking for her next little immortality snack. "I'm pretty sure I perfected that spell by the way. The summoning spell that first went wrong so long ago. I'm pretty sure I have it figured out. I'm pretty sure it would hold you now." Arrogant little witch.

Lucifer has posed:
"I am aware," he says again. There's a playful smile as you talk about that, as he thinks about those nights and he says, simply, "It isn't what Mankind is doing that I enjoyed about that night, nor that is the reason I reminisce," he says with a grin. "You know it is possible some day I will need a lady of hell. You know full well you would be on the shortlist if I wasn't so worried that by doin gso I'd simply be making sure that we had a whole lot of living space and no guests," he offers, chiding you slightly for what he is sure would be an out of control appetite.

"I'll tell you what," he says. "You get me in that spell and keep me in it...I'll let you be the Lady of Hell for a week. However...if I get free," he says and he leans up and whispers something in your ear...though as he leans back after whispering it, the smile on his face is -so- evil it's impossible to imagine he isn't beign horribly wicked.

Black Queen has posed:
"Oh we both know you would never willingly allow me to roam free in hell dear Devil. Never ever ever. Not even if I told you that I think with all the souls of Hell I could take on even your father. You'd call it hubris and say you've been there and done that." She leans forwards, lifting herself up and away from your chest, then turns in the booth so that she has her back against the back rest, her head turning to regard you. "You are a wicked wicked person Luci. And I do so enjoy that about you. Unabashedly wicked. People have you wrong though. They think you're evil. Blame you for every little thing that goes wrong in their lives. You're not evil. You're just misunderstood. And I think you might be the first person I've ever truly believed that of. I wish you were truly evil though. Then maybe I could convince you to let me loose in Hell for a time." She sighs theatrically and rolls her head back, eyes looking up at the ceiling. "You should come by the Hellfire Club sometime Mister Morningstar. I think you'd quite like it there."