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Latest revision as of 11:20, 4 January 2018

School Life
Date of Scene: 14 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Gambit

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey had been quite busy this past month with all manner of things, from official school business to... under the school business. But throughout it all she was remaining calm and collected, at least on the outside.

As of now, the redheaded Vice Principal (as young as she even) was within the Staff Meeting Hall and was moving from faculty member's desk to faculty member's desk, laying papers down on each one that she'd specifically written up for each member of the team.

Jean was dressed in a black skirt that went down past her knees, a crimson red long sleeve shirt. Her firey hair was done up in a bun atop her head and she look like the epitome of professionalism.

Jean paused to read over one of the papers she'd written and she exhales in frustration when she realized a written error she'd overlooked before printing it. "Damnit." She muttered.

Gambit has posed:
"Help wit this. Help with that over yonder." Remy's hands are in motion as he struts on in to the Staff Meeting Hall, "What goin' on?" That smoke smooth voice of the Cajun rolls out in sync with his graceful walk. Effortless for him. The man has cultured finesse and a particular form of panache of his own for a long time.

Swept out behind the lean angular featured and handsome rogue that gray trenchcoat, a sweater of black and equally black pants underneath snug at the hips and covered in buckles that lace up and down long legs.

"You up an think the Pope comin' in." The man proceeds until hes perching himself over the edge of Jean's current faculty desk. One thigh hefted up and his pocketed backside parked like an overgrown paperweight on a few folders that went too high on the surface.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean was so busy that she seemingly didn't even notice Remy stride on on and take a seat on the desk in front of her and to her right... but you can be assured she's well aware of it.

She's continuing to re-read that document she wrote, her green eyes scanning over it and her pink hued lips moving slightly while she reads.

"Hello, Remy." She said to him after a collection of seconds passed by. She reached out and laid the document down onto Hank's desk anyway, she knew he'd blast her for the errors in it... but she'd just give him a headache for a day or so without mentioning it was her that did it to him.

Jean looked up at Remy then and showed him a soft and kind smile. "How are things? You look... better than the last time I saw you." She asked the most mysterious member of their X-Men team.

Gambit has posed:
"Jeanie." Remy responds. "You lookin' radiant and business focused today. Maybe this why all the commotion?" A pencil produced between his fingers and dancing around them, knuckle to knuckle then outside of thumb. It's twirling around like a drummer's stick just missing a twin.

"Moi?" Remy's striking and obvious mutant dark crimson on void black eyes level upon Jean's pretty face and that smile, "How you think, chere? Normally I'm all for the motivation and activity but today, you all bein' loud and I got just a lil bit of an ongoing thing I like to call... enjoying life." And nursing a hangover.

It's an easy distraction from the Cajun's woes to compliment him though and he flashes a devil worthy smile, "You think? Got a new diet. Consists mostly of lovely redheads and imported lliqour." Hard to tell if he is teasing or not. His tone doesn't change from playful the moment she decided she was going to offer him a comment even if it is a harmless one.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean was flipping through the other folders and papers that were held against her left forearm and nestled up against her side. She listened to Remy while he talked and she showed a faint smile at his carefree attitude toward, everything, something she was all too familar with.

"Some of us have to work for a living, Remy." She told him/teased him back for that redhead comment. "Terribly sorry if it kept you from sleeping until mid afternoon." She looked up at the man and gave him a sweet smirk before she turned to her right and stepped around him to move toward the next desk... it was empty and cleared off... Lara Croft's desk. She'd finished her semester of teaching and had parted ways with the school. Jean sat down a blue/gold folder upon the center of this desk. It was a folder for a new teacher coming in to fill that role now.

"What are your plans for the day?" She asked back at the man.

Gambit has posed:
"Some of us. The less adventurous who are going to go *grey* long before others." That pencil stops spinning to tap the side of his jaw. A bit of stumble.

Remy doesn't reposition with her only his head turns until hes angled at the upperbody enough he is forced to stand up and walk with Jean, a bobble head appearing in one hand. Not his. Whoever was a desk back.

"You smile like that at me again and all is forgiven." The man assures her teasingly and despite his mannerisms hes actually paying attention to what shes doing. The bobblehead being popped on the top of the head so it starts to rattle forward and back. The pencil forgotten and vanished.

"I haven't thought that far ahead. Usually I still be sleeping but scared even my cats waking up early, showering and coming to a school of all things. They probably think I'm possessed. Why, you wanna make me a plan for today?" More flirtatious jesting from the man.

"I be full honest with you. It not gonna be whatever this is. You all busy and lookin' real fine librarian fantasy like but this not why I be an X-Man." His tone lowering subconsciously with the last word.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean had been pretty furious with Remy this past year. She'd watched him seduce one of their most... powerful students and actually whisk her away to be married, only for his 'clone' to get murdered and the poor girl to essentially self exile herself from this school because she was too emotionally broken to come back here.

Jean had been adamantly against their wedding entirely, and hadn't even attended it- she had claimed 'work responsibilities' and had stayed home'. Which had turned out to be a massive mistake, considering what happened in Paris.

Jean turned to face him the, while holding those folders and papers tucked up into her left elbow. "And why then, be you an X-Men?" She asked him in response, her green eyes looking right at him now. "What -do- you get out of it, Remy?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy doesn't read minds nor is he catching the annoyance Jean may have in regards to him. It all washes off of him like water on a duck, the man just knows he woke up this morning with a killer headache and a sense of purpose. Also a regret at being a cat owner as such a thing called litter boxes exist.

"This a conversation we are having for serious?" Remy inquires a tone change has his voice going from that playful lilt to a more serious beat, "If I got to fill out a resume again you might have an opening. You *know* how I feel about paperwork.." That bobblehead clanks on to a desk.

"I get what I want." Remy's easy reply. One that is just as challenging as hers. The man really has no clue what her sudden bold and serious key up is about. He was just having some casual fun harassing the attractive new Vice. Was. There is no need for him to talk about his reasons for being here and he'd rather not talk about the Morlocks, Marauders or his own darkness. Not like this and not right now.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean exhaled then at his words and she looked down from him and at her stack of work in her arms. She shook her head. "My apologies." She told him then quietly before turning and walking away again, from him and the wobbling bobblehead.

"Its been a tough week, wrapping things up here for Holiday break and... preparing, for the future." She explained while setting down another folder upon the next desk. "The students here all enjoy you, they have since you first got here." She smirked then back at him, looking back over her left shoulder. "Especially the girls."

And with a little exhale she turned to walk toward the conference table that was just a few steps away from the desks. She sat the rest of her folders down and then reached for her bottle of water that had been there with the rest ofher things, beside her laptop. Jean had her own office, but she prefered to be out here at the conference table if she could be.

She believed that being out here made her more approachable than hiding in her office.

Gambit has posed:
Remy's eyes are traveling after Jean. He has a curious slant to his posture as if he is trying to figure her out and his expression that was smiles and light is more somber. It remains this way until she slings the smirk and remark about the girls.

"They all be trouble." He dismissively twirls long fingers in the air. "Usually more than I got patience for so its amusing when I find myself sitting here callin' this place home."

The thief is walking around the room again, touching just about everything like he cannot keep his hands to himself. "I told you, no need to apologize, you just keep smiling at me with that pretty smile an' we get along just fine."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean would pull a chair out from in front of where her laptop was and she settled down onto the edge of it and smoothed her skirt out across her legs. She then crossed them at the knee and looked to Remy while he moved about touching things like an OCD patient.

"Don't be a pain and you're far more likely to continue to get smiles rather than something negative." She warned him, playfully though. She'd been a bit harsh with him moments ago and she felt bad about it. He was alive, he wasn't dead... she was thankful for that.

"I'm glad you're here, Remy." She decided to say to him then. "You're a helpful member of the team here, something we need right now... with all the problems going on out there."

Jean sipped from her clear plastic water bottle and then set it back down onto the table beside her things. "Are you going to be available for some meetings downstairs soon?" She'd ask then. Of course referring to the X-Men base.

Gambit has posed:
"This a familiar talk. Think I heard it before." Remy says with that ribbing note once more.

"Whenever am I a pain? Thats just mean of you there, jolie." Bored now with the rooms contents the lithe scoundrel is near Jean once more, long legs make it easy to just clear a distance surprisingly quick, "No. This all the meeting I'm available for unless it just involves the two of us and some Chateau Montroe. In which I have two of those three." He winks. Once more it is very hard to tell if he is serious.

"I gon' be around. You want help wit' the team no problem. You make things happen or we out to be X-Men, again, I'll be right there. You try an' make me do some paperwork or sit through some boring ass meeting... Well you best find some way to keep it entertaining."

A shove off with one foot from desk and hes exiting the door, "Music, free booze, topless dancers, a comedy sketch or something... I don't know. You all do not pay me to think."

"Bonne chance, Jeanie."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean looked at him as he approached and did what he does... charm sling.

A smile showed on her lips and she slowly shook her head. "Not in a million years would I ask Remy LeBeau to sit in on 'boring' meetings, that the rest of us have to take care of so that all of this..." She glanced around the room. "Can keep going."

She teased him about not helping them with such things, but she knew his skills were geared toward other things, specifically toward the X-Men arena, and there was no reason to fight that.

"Thats just what I need." She added to him before he departed. "Topless dancers and booze during meetings." She shook her head and turned back to her laptop then, to lift it up and wake it up from Sleep Mode.

"Stay out of trouble, Remy."