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Revision as of 11:24, 4 January 2018

AoP - The Good, The Bad, and the Skull
Date of Scene: 01 January 2018
Location: Age of Pirates
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Redstar, Phoenix
Tinyplot: Elseworlds: Age of Pirates

Redstar has posed:
Rowdy as it often is, but with faces that usually hide or keep hidden. The crew of the Redstar is in port and enjoying some well deserved shore leave. Folk with horns, odd colored skin, and other obvious mutations are among their ranks. Most of them sit in a circle around a table in the corner.
    Sitting in the corner with legs crossed and a smirk on her face sits Starr. Her red eyes are alight with interest as she watched two men, one of them likely a crewman, having a boxing match a few tables down. Coin is being passed to one young man as bets on outcome and winners come in. Starr glances aside to her quartermaster and nods with a few murmered words, watching as they siddle up and make a bet.
    The audience gasps and then cheers as the crewman apparently gets knocked down by his opponent. "Ohhh...wait for it..." She purrs to her table companions with a vicious smile. There is a rumbling sound and then there are tentacles wipping out from the green mutant. If they weren't tentacles they would be punches, instead heavy meaty smacks are heard as four different tentactes batter the man as the crewman stands up. A cheer goes up among the crowd as the other goes down.

Redstar has posed:
Starr runs a hand through her hair and leans back looking at her green champion hoist the now-unconscious man over his head. Each tentacle grasped a limb and blood seeped from his nose and mouth in little drops and streams onto the floor. Some of the crew were shouting what was likely the mutants name, "Lictor! Lictor!"
    Starr ran a hand up and through her hair as she stood, grabbing her mug and a second one that had been sitting there. She walked up to the victor and passed him the mug. The green man took and guzzled it before throwing it aside and pulling the demon Captain to him. The tentacles released the man and he fell a good two feet to land on his face on the ground. A few people whinced at the meaty thud, but others moved in to pick him up and take him off. After receiving a very passionate kiss from his captain the crewman was casually pushed away. Laughter spread among her crew as she walked to the bar. Her eyes caught a flash of red hair similar to her own, and she changed course to come claim the stool next to Jean. "Hah! I saw the Phoenix and wondered when I'd find you."

Redstar has posed:
Starr lets our a laugh and her confidant grin doesn't waver. "It was a rough few months out there, but we brought in the catch at last. Remember the reports of the sea serpent out in the frozen isles north?" She sets her empty mug on the counter and the tender refills it before passing the mug back "And you? How long have you been enjoying solid ground under your feet?" She asks before taking a drink from the ale.
    The brawl ended a drudge of the skull cleans up the mess of blood and ale on the floor before tables are pushed back together. More sedate arm wrestling seems to be going on now. Lictor seems to be the center of a few other women's attention now that he has won the match.

Redstar has posed:
    "We have some repairs to do on the outer hull, but nothing really major this time. Not like the time with the giant squid where it got one of the masts," Starr says making a face of displeasure. "We were land-bound for two months on that one and I nearly went insane." Her chuckle is wry before she takes a long pull from her mug. "Prison break, huh? Sounds like fun. Anyone I know?"
    The shriek of a young woman, not exactly happy, has her standing and looking over a shoulder. One of the barmaids is staring at her boots, newly decorate with vomit. It would be funny if it weren't black and gooey. "Oh...I don't want what he has," She says, making a face as she turns back to Jean at the bar. The man in question is quickly rushed out of the bar.

Redstar has posed:
The crowd is rowdy and among them obvious mutants who normally would be hiding. But this is the crew of The Redstar and they don't hide. They show themselves proudly and prove they are as capable as anyone else. They are mostly all sitting together in loose little groups. Their captain, Starr, is at the bar talking with Jean. Mug in hand and a smirk on her face she seems to be having a good time.
    "Isn't this the second time for them?" She asks with a shake of her head. "And I would love the help. If you need help with the jail break in turn, we don't have any current 'customers'." The captain turns to watch the rest of the establishment now, eyeing her crew and then normal folk who frequent the place. "But we were rewarded well for slaying that frozen island beast by the port city it was hassling. So we don't need an immediate sail. And they need to get this out of their systems. I love my crew, but it is a balancing act keeping the peace sometimes. And after two months...whew." She blows out a breath and then drinks more ale.

Phoenix has posed:
Captain Jean Grey was in the same dank dive of a pub as the new crew that just arrived. Her own crew had been ported here for a few days now and they were dispersed around the town doing their own little things, spending what coin they had and enjoying their time before they would ship out again to seek new adventure.

The firey redhead sat at the corner of the bar with her feet up on the bar and her stool leaned back against a wooden support beam behind her. She watched the madness unfold with the mutants that entered and it made a smile cross over her lips before she lifted her mug up for a drink from the pint of ale.

Jean would raise her mug in cheer with the other onlookers,s he'd even shout a cheer herself. "Well played!"

(Jean's 1st Pose)

Phoenix has posed:
Jean sat alone tonight, at least for now, she'd had plenty of men (and a few women) approach her in the pub tonight, but she wasn't looking for that kind of companionship at this early of an hour. She was looking to drink and enjoy her coin. She had her flintlock pistol out in her left hand and her mug of ale in the other, the pistol was being casually spun around on her forefinger as she sipped her drink and let her green eyes scan over the crowds.

When the voice called out to her, Jean raised her mug toward Starr and gave her a grin. "I see you've been having no small amounts of entertainment tonight already." She said to the fellow ship captain. "Good to see you haven't been lost at sea yet, malady." Jean would say to the other redhead.

(Jean's 2nd pose)

Phoenix has posed:
Jean just kept idly rolling her pistol around her finger, likely as a warning to any of the scurvey dogs that were eyeing her around the pub. She kept her eyes on Starr though and a grin spread across her lips at the other's words. "That was what you and yours went after?" She said with a sly headshake. "You're crew is a brave and bold bunch." She grinned big before looking to the bar and signaling she needed a new drink. The mug in her hand lifted up into the air and silently glided its way to the barkeep who poured it full again and then held it up... Jean used her powers to call it gently back into her hand where she took another drink.

"Three days." She told Starr then, her pistol was twirled and then slipped into the holster strapped to her leather-pants-clad thigh. "We're doing repairs and then heading off again. We have a prison to break some friends out of, a long jounrye... but it should pay off. The friends we need to break loose have some very valuable information." And Jean gave another grin, took another sip.

"How is your ship holding up? Especially after a confrontation with a foe such as that."

(Jean's 3rd pose)

Phoenix has posed:
"Happy to help you with repairs if you need it." Jean offered before she took another swig of her ale from her big wooden mug. It was notorious that Captain Firebird of the Blackbird could easily repair her own ship with her 'mind magick'. Crewmen often spoke of how safe that meant her ship was and why that was one of the driving reasons they wanted to sail with her (other than the fact she was smoking hot!).

"Gristlefingers and Smoketrap." She said then, her mug going back down to her lap where she was continuing to remain leaned back in her chair. "They got themselves thrown in jail for using their abilities too close to the city patrols. Apparently they were trying to sneak into a brothel..." She shook her head. "Blasted fools, but they have the information we need so they're waiting for our arrival."

Jean's eyes went to the sight of the person vomiting and it made her wince. "Lovely place, this one. I can fully see why I just adore spending hours upon hours here." She grinned faintly again.

(Jean's 4th pose)

Phoenix has posed:
Another sip was had from the frothy beverage while Jean's eyes remained on Starr whilst the other Captain spoke. "Two months is a very long time." She concurred. She then sent her eyes toward the ceiling of the pub in thought for a moment. "I could see having a bit of help getting the distraction going, getting the prison's ships to maybe chase after you and yours while me and mine finish up the finer points of the breakout." She showed a hint of a smirk then.

"Could throw some coin your way as well, always reward those willing to help out some mutants, right?" Jean grinned more openly then. "But yes, we do need to set sail rather quickly. I could see your crew being a bit... unwilling to jump port so soon, I imagine they've got a healthy amount of unwinding on their minds. The very same thing my own stuffy bunch of bruisers are doing this very same moment."

(Jean's 5th pose)

Redstar has posed:
"It is true," Starr says with a nod of her head and purses her lips. "When do you leave and how long you think? If they get today and tomorrow, then we're out for a week, they should be good. And yes, always good to help the changed and everyone on the crew is dedicated to that bit," She raises her glass as if in toast and then sets it down. The bartender moves to refill it and she shakes her head. "Give me your best rum," She tells him, "Two," and she holds up two fingers before sliding a gold coin across the surface of the bar.
    It is gone in a flash in the barkeep's apron. "AYe," He says and goes around to the back. He reappears with a leather wrapped bottle and pours two tumblers. When he passes them to Starr she hands one to Jean. "To full sails and easy pickings."

Phoenix has posed:
A moment was taken to consider the option of staying another day. "I'd hoped to set out in the morning, to arrive within the week... But, I suppose I can postpone it another full day." She looked to Starr and showed the other a sly grin. "Give the two of them a little more time to dwell in their cells and think about what they did, right?" She let her grin blossom a bit further before she drowned it out with another drink from her ale.

Her head was shook side to side then. "Having some assistance with the distraction phase of the breakout is more than enough reason to stay in port for another day, so I know that my dogs will understand." She glanced across the room to some of Starr's crew. "Here's to hoping yours do.

When the mug of rum was offered, she reached out to accept it and then lifted it up to toast with the Maiden. "Aye to that." Now she sipped the rum and released a contented sigh. "Lets hope I don't vomit on anyone's shoes tonight!" She then laughed.

Redstar has posed:
"Hah!" Starr says as the glasses clink before sipping it. A look of surprise bloosoms and she gives the barkeep a surprised look. He just grins and goes about his job. "That is damned fine rum and I need a bottle!" She says with purpose. "MMmmmm, I tell them they can moon the patrol while they chase us everyone will be happy." It's hard, sometimes, to tell if she is joking on things like that when it comes to her crew. They tend to break all the rules and molds.

Phoenix has posed:
This got a big grin from the Firebird and she shook her head side to side. "Just make sure that they cover themselves before any stray shots come their way. Or they might end up with a second hole down thar." She leaned forward then and set her mugs down onto the bar, laughing softly again. "Next round is on me, Starr." She'd tell her friend.