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Latest revision as of 11:25, 4 January 2018

Magneto returns to Xavier's School.
Date of Scene: 02 January 2018
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Magneto, Scarlet Witch, Phoenix

Magneto has posed:
    It's been a day since Magneto was released from his confines at an undisclosed SHIELD black site, and has since started making his way back to the one place he has to stop at before returning to his land, Genosha. Walking up to the gates in a white jumper suit with a series of numbers on the left side of his chest and in larger font on his shoulders.

    Erik looks up to the gate at the Greymalkin mansion, and he sets his face in stone before pushing his way through with ease, not bending the metal in any truely destructive way, but just opening the gate on its hinges without use of the electronics.

    His cloth shoes now worn black from the trek, do little good against the cold, but the man suffers through finally at his destination with a clenched fist he steps into the property and starts to approach the front door.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Despite what she'd intended back at the SHIELD site, Wanda hadn't followed through. She could have, but she didn't. Perhaps it was witnessing what she'd done to Hope Summers that had done it - the other woman's primal screams at losing her powers still echoing through Wanda's brain.

Or, perhaps it was what it had always been: Despite knowing better, Wanda had always been able to be reached through her love for a small few, and her father was one of those.

When the first spike of anger had been spent on Hope, Wanda was left with a growing sense of guilt, and a consideration that maybe there could be another way. Maybe she could reach her father another way. He'd seen what she could do, surely he wouldn't make her actually do it? Would he?

So she'd been following him from a distance. Keeping tabs. All with the awareness that he likely knew she was doing so. She just couldn't seem to help herself.

Phoenix has posed:
The school was back in session, so the building was at full capacity and classes were in swing right now... So Magneto's arrival wouldn't go un noticed by any means.

The front lawn of the mansion was covered in a blanket of snow and there were all kinds of snowmen created in the hard, many of which were lining the driveway and leading up to the school Students had been building igloos and snow-angels in the yard as well, it was a veritable winter wonderland of children's left over play.

The yard was currently mostly quiet though, as classes were going on within the building... everyone was pretty much inside.

Jean Grey was in a class on the first floor, she was using Charles' office off of the main foyer to teach the class, standing at the front of it in a nice black sweater and red skirt she was instructing a class of young teens.

Magneto has posed:
Magneto continues up the snowy drive, his incredibly thin shoes doing little more than paper would against the elements. He walks briskly, with his head lifting higher and higher as his posture returns as he nears the door. At the solid wood doorway, the master of magnetism reaches into the wood to find the metal mechanisims and opens the door without touching it. Switftly the villain enters the door with a shake of his shoulders as the heat washes over the older man.

    A deep breath is taken by Erik before he starts to walk deeper into the foyer without a word as he makes his way to the elevator to decend into the basements of the school.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Ah. There's a dilema for you. To follow him into the school, or to not follow him. It was like some twisted play on Hamlet /to be.. or not to be.../ Only the question remained: What did she do?

Wanda didn't think he'd come to harm there. Not really. But what if she were wrong? What if she'd hovered over and near her father since his escape, only to lose him to this ill-advised foray into the X-Men mansion? And Wanda had no doubt it was ill-advised. Word of Magneto's escape surely had gotten out by now. He was a known entity. That, and whether you were for or against him, the mere fact of him getting near to and polluting those young minds?

That was really all Wanda needed to follow him. Taking a page from her own book and the breakout at SHIELD, she takes on the guise of Hope, more than aware of the irony of this act. Still, she needed something. As Hope, she follows her father.

Phoenix has posed:
The X-Mansion didn't need a super advanced security system to alert the leaders of the school that Mangeto had just entered the facility... They had kids.

The main foyer of the school was often setup with tables and chairs for a makeshift spill-over of study spaces, students would sit in the main foyer between classes and they'd work on assignments and class projects, so when Magneto just opened the door with his mind and entered the place looking like, well... an escaped convict, he instantly had the eyes of about ten kids all look over in his direction.

Two of the kids were seniors, and they were huge... atheletes. They cared for this school like anyone with a great deal of pride in their educational facility would, and they looked a lot less welcoming than most of the others who just look confused or apprehensive about this sudden entrance.

These two 18 year olds stood up from their desk and started toward Erik.

"Who the hell are you?" One of the two asked him.

Meanwhile... one of the smaller/younger kids, shot up out of her chair and went running into Charles's office/classroom to get Miss Grey!

Magneto has posed:
    "If you're asking who I am, you do not pay enough attention to the news, or in class. I'll be sure to tell Charles that he needs to work on mutant history lessons." The ancient mutant says as he walks past the two jockly types. Or so he attempts to...

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda is almost grateful for the disturbance her father causes. It leaves her with more of a space to slip in and observe. Though she can't help the slightest of smiles of amusement at both his being stopped and asked who he is, and his own reply. Even if he were not who he was, the news alone of late should have made him famous. She doesn't interfere, though. That isn't her role... yet.

Phoenix has posed:
The two Seniors stand shoulder to shoulder facing down Magneto, they even tilt their chins back and stare down their noses at him. "Yo... I don't think we're gonna let you just waltz on in here." One of them says. "Look at you, what'd you do? Just break outta Shawshank, old man?" The two shared grins at each other quickly.

When Magneto stepped around them, the second one reached his hand up to put it in front of Erik's chest. "Woah woah woah. Not gonna happen." He warns Erik, now the two of them were looking borderline aggressive at the old man.

"Michael. William." Jean's voice sounds out from the double doors that lead into Charles office and classroom. "Stop that." She tells them, "Go and tend to the study class."

Jean was well aware of who was here, both new arrivals. But her eyes were primarily on that of Erik for obvious reasons.

She walked out of the classroom and toward Magneto now.

The two Senior classmen gave Erik the up and down stink eye... before they relented and went back toward the center of the main foyer. "You got it, Miss Grey." One of them said to their Vice Principal.

Jean's green eyes were LOCKED onto Erik's face.

"You shouldn't be here." She told the older mutant, of whom she knew had a great deal of history on this property, but the keyward there being... history.

Jean's mind was already starting to Actively Search out Erik's to find out what all he'd done to GET him here.

Magneto has posed:
    Erik was recently escaped from the SHIELD facility he's been held at, and was now here, with ... Hope who in his memories tried to kill him and saw Wanda remove the redhead's powers, forcefully. The grey haired man stares back at Jean, no malice in his eyes towards the incredibly powerful X-men, but he does nod slowly, answering the boys question but only to the vice principal. "I have come to gather myself and my things for the trip back to Genosha. Things are about to get really bad for mutants Miss Grey, I am going to be ready for them. I pray that you and your students will be."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda still has no need to interfere. As a bystander, Hope watches, slightly wide eyed. Such austere and impressive company! As though she were really impressed by either. She'd long ago lost any of those illusions as Wanda, and Wanda doubted that Hope held any of them herself. So far, so good. Even the verbal bandying was mild, couched in polite terms. It all could go well - even if her father's words still chilled her: Things are about to get really bad for mutants.."

If she really /were/ Hope, she'd have spoken up then. Even as Wanda, there was a millisecond of internal protest. /He/ was the reason things were about to get really bad. Without what Magneto had done... Only that was a discussion best held without interference, and Jean Grey represented all kinds of interference. Not to mention a school full of mutants who didn't deserve the fallout that could happen.

No. Wanda bites her tongue and bides her time.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean was just glad that Erik had gotten far enough into the mansion proper that he was mostly out of earshot of the children that were in the main foyer still. The two seniors that went back to overseeing the study session were still eyeballing Magneto and Jean though, one of them even did the fingers-eyes-to-your-eyes manuever at Erik then promptly crossed his arms over his chest and just stared from afar.

Jean glanced back into the foyer toward where Erik's companion was, she exhaled softly and looked back to him after he made his statement.

"For you." Was Jean's response, and a second later she continued... her melodic voice was soft and calm. "You've brought down this rage against mutants, you've brought down the flare of hatred and anger. And now you're what...? Here to find ways to make it worse?" Jean was Charles' prize student, and in Charles' absence she had no issues stepping up to fhill the space.

"Erik." She used his first name even if she were essentially a child compared to him. "Whatever plans you're scheming... Here to... retrieve an item...." She shook her head. "Stop it."

Another glance was given toward Wanda. "Turn yourself in." She said, her green eyes going back to Magneto. "Before you lose your life over this, and achieve nothing more than this legacy of being a terrorist."

Magneto has posed:
    "Jean, Jean, Jean. The hatred is already there, I am going to ensure that this malice is not going to spead and enslave our people. Or worse." The man says, firm in voice, posture, mannerisms and mostly his conviction. He's been there before for being a minority. He will never allow that to pass again.

    "I built this place with Charles, and I will not be denied my property." The mutant explains further as he crosses his arms across his chest, in response to Jean, but also her two prized body guards. He's not agaisnt a little showmanship, the man is not intimidated or worried at all.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Ah.. there was a twist Wanda hadn't expected. Jean actually thought she /was/ Hope. Though that left her in an awkward position. Clearly the woman believed her responible for Magneto's escape, and she was. Only not as Hope.

It gave the young woman another of those twinges of guilt. Terrorist? Really? Was that truly what was thought of her.. well, Hope. Had nobody noticed her own role in matters?

"I.." She what? What hand did she wish to play in this? Wanda merely nods.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean's eyes looked downward for a moment after hearing the stubborn old man's response. She exhaled very faintly before her eyes went upward again to look at him. "I'll let you go and retrieve your helmet. Because you know that you have me in a bind here as I cannot risk an open conflict with you with this home filled with so many innocent lives, Erik."

Her head would shake side to side. "But be aware that I'm already in the process of alerting SHIELD to your location. I've already told Kitty to place the call. So you'd best hurry, and you'd best leave this property post-haste."

Jean glanced toward Magneto's companion, Hope, a great wealth of disappointment in her to see the girl had chosen that path... But that was the Brotherhood's motive, recruit the young ones.

"She has to stay up here, however... Until you're ready to leave."

The plan had already been pulled from Erik's mind, she knew what his intentions were in the basement, she also knew that he helped build the basement so there were no secrets to be kept from him down there.

Magneto has posed:
    Erik nods once. "I appreciate the sympathy Jean. I do. You do know you and your X-men will always have a place in Genosha if things go poorly over the next few years." The master of magnetism says as casually as he can before moving towards the elevator, knowing how poorly her ill informed students will think of her in regards to allowing him roam free on the premises.

    Down stairs, the man walks through the halls casually, pausing in a couple of places to change his attire out of the smelly, old, and mostly frozen jump suit to something much more... him. It's an older outfit from the younger X-men days, but it still fits the master of magnetism's form snuggly. He smiles to himself before walking into the room many have tried to invade, but few have, few even know of its existence, and he walks up to the console and frowns before speaking to himself.

    "Sorry Charles, nothing personal." He says as his gloved hands fall upon the helmet and with just a thought, the two thick wires spring forth from the helm and the piece is lifted up and slowly placed upon Magneto's silvery hair.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda isn't pleased at Jean's solution to matter. There's an overwhelming worry that out of sight her father will 'escape', and while she helped orchestrate his current situation, she's not interested in hunting him down again. Even if she suspects she knows where he will go next. All indicators point to Genosha, but with Magneto, things aren't always what they seem..


"How long will he have," she asks of Jean, quietly. Pondering her choices in this. "He should not be left alone."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean would watch Magneto go for the elevator and she knew he'd get down there to the Base with ease. She'd take a step back and shake her head, but a moment later a young feamle student approached her to ask her a question.

Jean took a moment to answer the young student, but a bell would ring throughout the school and the hallways would soon fill up with students. There were a lot of students that filled this facility up this time of year, of all ages, flowing through the halls--up and down the main staircase--and heading to their next classes.

When Wanda approahced Jean, said these words to her, Jean looked to her and shook her head. "He's not alone." She said to her in response.

And it was true, the X-Men base had X-Men in it. Forge was in the hangar, Beast was in his lab, Scott was in the training room (headed out to make sure Erik left).

"I've told them all of the situation." The power of telepathy.

Magneto has posed:
    Magneto turns around and spots a trio of X-men he's fought countless times and nods to all of them causually, walking away with the major piece oc Cerebro on his head. Jean would feel him disappear from the mindspace, his thoughts no longer appear in her head, even in passing. He's simply gone, but from those around him, she could tell he's still in the building, but on his way up.

    The elevator dings as he shows up on the main floor again and wearing the armor, the man looks completely changed. Heroic almost. "Jean. Miss Grey. I certainly appreciate the generosity." He says with a cunning smile from beneath the helmet.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
There was no need any longer for the facade. She wasn't going to be ousted, and truly, as herself, and not Hope, there was more that Wanda could do to facilitate things. That, and it seemed cruel to perpetuate the lie of being Hope and creating even further dissent towards the other woman. Especially after what she had already done to her by stripping her of her powers.

Hope.. becomes Wanda. It's somewhat like a misting over. Or like when you rub your eyes and for a moment things are a bit blurred, and then they aren't. It's like that. Only without the rubbing of eyes. And the blur goes between Hope and Wanda until only Wanda remains.

"I apologize for the deception. I fear for him. For both what he may do, and what others may do to him." Her feelings towards her father a fraught thing, torn between her anger towards him and what he has done, and her love of him.

She's about to say more when the elevator dings and Magneto steps out again. A momentary flare of relief running through the woman at the sight of him. She had worried he would flee. She was wrong.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean's eyes returned to Hope to find Wanda... a new face, a stranger's face. She wanted to delve into the woman's mind to get information, but she was interrupted also by Magneto's return.

Her green eyes went to the man, her arms uncrossed from her stomach and she released a light exhale. "We'll send you the bill for the replacement." Jean responded to the man as he prepared to make his exit.

Jean's gaze slipped over to Wanda then again. "If you truly do care about him, don't let him make this world worse off than he already has. Stay close to him, but don't let him destroy peace to achieve some vision for a false future."

And with that said, the redhead would start to move toward the main foyer again, as more students rushed about to reach their next class on time.

Magneto has posed:
    "I never doubted that for a moment" Erik says as he lifts his hand to the helmet and just by touching the thing slowly begins to remold itself, reshape itself into the familiar shape of the helmet he's known to have worn to protect his thoughts.

    Unphased, "Wanda, you may follow me if you wish, but if you wish to continue your life as an Avenger, you better distance yourself from me. My reputation and even presence is pretty damning." The man admits before he marches past Jean and Wanda outside into the freezing cold once more, and shuts the door once more when outside.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
It's a decision that may come and haunt her some day, but today is not that day. Today is the day that she follows her father. Her intentions still the best of. However, only time and tides may tell how that goes...