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Latest revision as of 21:33, 30 July 2017

A School Tour
Date of Scene: 15 April 2017
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: Storm asks the young Rogue to give a tour of the grounds to some newcomers.
Cast of Characters: Crusader, Storm, 64, Rogue

Crusader has posed:
It has been a bombing 70 degrees out, the warmest it has been since summer! A perfect day for going out and touring schools... or at the very least getting to know the area! Despite not being Holly official guardian (far as the law is concerned) Bjorn none the less wanted to check out the school. He had called ahead to make sure they knew he was comming.

Though Bjorn had Holly go ahead of him. Mainly because, because he was actually too heavy to take the bus or other forms of convient travel. Though he simply stated the reason as prior buisness and would meet Holly and hopefully Storm there. Once he has arrive he looks around "let see, Bjorn sure this is right address"

Storm has posed:
A woman with white hair is studying one of the trees in the front yard, checking it over. "A bit sick, hmmmm?" she cooos as she glances at Holly. She doesn't know who this Bjorn is as she is simply passing the time, waiting.

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters did arrive a bit earlier. She's been minding her business for the most part. This is by far the warmest she's had to dealwith so far and already her body is feeling the hear. She's sweating horribly. With a makes it a little colder in her immediate area to fight off the chill. "He should be here shortly... Oh There he is. It's a nice guy and umm... He just wants to make sure things are cool."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn spots Holly and the white haired women. The large man beams happily and bounds over. "Hello! You doing okay in the heat of the day?" he asks Holly, knowing full well she preferred things cold.
    And than to the white hair women he says "Hmmm.... are you the Theif Goddess Ororo that Holly telt Bjorn of?" he asks in a friendly way.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe raises an eyebrow. "I've never heard those words put together in quite that order," she muses. "But I am Ororo Munroe. The Earth Sciences teacher at the school." She glances at Holly. "I do hope you're not just blabbing my secrets to just anyone."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters blushes and looks down at the ground. "No! Bjorn though has been really nice to me. He got me off the street so... I sorta trust him. I'm sorry I talked." She frowns and quietly fans herself. Her attention goes to Bjorn, "Barely. Definitely not a fan of how hot it is. I used to like the warm weather but yuck!"

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn lets out his booming laugh "Figured as much. Bjorn come prepared... sorta" and from his pack he pulls out a coke slushie! He hands it to Holly "That should be doing the help. Might even give you brain freeze"
    And with that he looks to Ororor "Well Ms.Monroe, Holly did mention a few things. Such as how you too have weather abilities. A bit of your child hood, and that you are of the earth science. Tell Bjorn, what are classes her like exactly? And do colleges visit your school at all?" he glances around as if checking for something "...and exactly how safe is this place?"

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods. "Yes. That is correct. Thoguh I am not limited to the cold. And we do some college-level stuff here, especially for those that cannot easily blend into society." She smiles. "Also, we have state-of-the-art security." She smiles as she raises her hand, as a cold wind comes out of nowhere to blow around Holly.

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters smiles bright as she feels the added cold hitting her. "Ahhh Thank you so much Ms. Munroe! That feels great." She does take the slushie happily. For a few moments she's a normal teenage girl just enjoying a cold drink. "Thank you so much Bjorn. This is really nice!"

Crusader has posed:
"No problem" Bjorn says when Holly begins enjoying the slushie. His attention than turns to Ororo and he rubs his beard "Bjorn sees, this is good thing. Very good." and he definintly approved of the secruity bit it seemed. He goes to look back over the school "Hmm, aye, this place be satisfactory! Bjorn approve."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods. "Also, Bjorn, if you know any others who could use our guidance, please let us know. For... mutants aren't always accepted in society. It's a sad reality." She sighs. "Part of me wishes I stayed in Africa... or that Xavier never came back for me... I wonder what my life would've been like at times."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters smiles a little mischievously, "Oh you'd have been fed grapes while on a feather pillow. Your every desire met on whatever whim you were on. Who would want that?" She sticks her tongue out playfully and continues sipping on her drink.

Crusader has posed:
"Oh believe me Ms.Munrow, Bjorn knows. Bjorn gone on many missionary trips to try and help mutants" he says "That, and well Bjorn is also mutant" okay he -was- a mutant, but the point still stands "Was bit of a shock really. People acted mightly different"
    Bjorn than looks to Holly and snorts "Not me. Sounds boreing! Now, if you give Bjorn chance to explore world, now That he jump on!"

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods. "Don't knock it till you try it..." she muses softly. "It's... quite a life. But... it wasn't real." She shrugs. "Maybe I should contact Mother Ainet sometime." She hmmmms. "It's hard to just call over to that part of the world." She shrugs.

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters snickers playfully and makes a gust of icy wind blow onto Storm. Its just a playful thing. No clouds or snow or anything. Just a little teasing with her powers. "It sounds boring to me too! A trip to France to see the Louve? That sounds like fun to me!"

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn looks between the two and chuckles "You two could pass as sisters, Bjorn thinks" whent the two wind up blowing cold air at each other

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe smiles. "You have to learn a lot about tolerating the heat - if you haven't expereinced summer with your powerset... it might not be a pleasant expereince for you."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters frowns, "I only got my powers a few months ago. This is the hottest I've experienced so far and its really nasty for me. But I can just keep the air cool around me I think. Its not unbearable right now. Just hot."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn hmmms "Hopefully it does not get to hot for you. Mabey you keep bottle on you that you can chill, help cool of if just cooling air around you is not enough! That what Bjorn would do!"

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe was standing by a large tree in the front yard, talking with a teenager with cyan-dyed hair... and a very very tall Icelandic man. "So. Maybe we can meet osmeone else so you can get an additional perspective on things..."

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters blinks a few times, "Who? I mean umm. I thought your powers were like mine. I mean I don't think there is anything I can do that you can't do better." She blushes a little bit and idly forms a ball of ice in her hand which she quietly twists and manipulates.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn cants his head "Bjron think Ms.Monroe just means other teachers and students in general. No need to limit self to just folks with similar powers after all" he says to Holly with a laugh

Rogue has posed:
Rogue emerges from around a hedge not too far away, she's got her leather bomber jacket on that is a bit too big for her, some blue jeans and leather boots.. She's holding a wicker basket filled with brightly colored eggs that she's walking around and depositing into hidey-places here and there in the yard. She's humming a tune to herself while the wind gently tossles her hair about her head.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe smiles as she glances over at the newcomer. "Anna-Marie!" she calls, gesturing. "I'd like to introduce you to Holly and Bjorn - Holly might become a student here, and Bjorn is her guardian... sadly, I have some business to attend to. Can you handle the tour?" she asks, winking at Holly before she goes to depart, studying that ice ball curiously. Hmmmmm. Maybe Holly's powers aren't just a subset of hers - it'd be like what'd happen if Storm's and Iceman's powers were crossed together...

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters smiles and waves. "Okay Ms. Munroe! Can't wait to see you again!" She smiles as she continues manipulating the ice ball a little, making it look like a tear drop first and then like a star.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn smiles "Thank you for seeing us Ms.Munroe!" and with that he turns to Anna-Marie. He stops and cants his head ".....well this is a surprise. You were in Bjorn's shop not even a fortnight ago! Now Bjorn know your real name" he chortles with glee. Looking over to Holly he blinks "Well, someone is getting better. Mabey you be making the ice sculptures someday!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue turned around when she heard Storm's voice, she had a lit cigarette between her red painted lips and she dropped the egg in her right hand back into the basket held in her left gloved hand. "Ah shit..." She muttered, the cigarette bouncing up and down between those lips.

She reached up and plucked it out from between them. "I mean... Heya, Sugahs!" She said, summoining up a smile and walking through the soft grass toward them. She'd glance at Storm as the teacher wisked off to do Storm-things and then looked back at the two of them, Holly first... that ice ball she was holding, then to Bjorn.

"Hows the dog?" She asked Bjorn. "I'mma come steal'im, someday." She said with a teasing grin.

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters blinks a few times. Thats all it takes to lose her concentration and the ice ball drops to the ground, shatters and melts. She sighs and rubs her head. "I was just foolin around. I'm really not that good with it. I mean I can do simple things with it but nothing really amazing." She looks over to Rogue and smiles. "Oh umm. Hey! Sorry, Didn't mean to get pawned off on you or anything."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn nudges Holly "Seems far, after Rogue here pawned off a good amount of her" looks to Rogue "Uncle was it? Well she sold Bjorn quite a few trinkets to take apart!" he says with a laugh. "As For Borgi, he is doing good. Luckily hasn't try to assimilate and enslave the planet...just the dog bowl! So your going to be taking us around?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watched the ice ball fall onto the ground and she heard the girl's words. She'd shake her head softly then. "Don't fret on it none." She'd tell her. At them both asking about her and this tour she glanced over her shoulder and then looked back at the big school that once was a family home. "I guess so?" She said, turning back to them. "I was supposed t'hide the resta these eggs for the Easter thing comin' up... But... I mean. Ya'll wanna look around the place, we can do that too. Its a nice place, I guess... kinda has an 'old man' smell about it though."

She reached over and hung the basket of plastic eggs up on a tree branch then stuffed her gloved hands into her pockets. "My favorite place is the horse stables. The resta the school is just kinda snoresville though."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn chuckles "Hey! Us old men do not smell so bad!" not that exactly looked old. "Und horsestables? Did not know you had horses here!" he seemed excited now himself, and he wasn't even the one attending!
    But than he looks to Holly "How about you, wish to see you the stables... or other parts of the school?" he looks at the mansion again. "...it definintly a big place"

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters blinks, "There are Horse Stables?! Jeeze the person who owns this place must have more money then god!" She laughs a little. "Umm, Hi. My name is Holly Winters." She giggles a little. "I really want to go here! Yes I totally want to see this place so umm, anywhere that you might want to show!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would smirk at Bjorn's words and she'd nod her head at him. "All you old people smell the same, don't worry too much about it. Its outside of your control." She flashed him a grin and then looked to Holly. She'd nod her head once at her. "Marie, though most here call me Rogue. Stormy uses the other name, but I don't really respond t'that one unless its her usin' it." She smirked again before turning around. "Come on then, ya Freeloaders." She liked to tease.

Rogue would lead them across the yard and through a series of nice pathways that went through the front gardens. They'd end up going inside a set of double doors off of the large garage and then through a set of wooden gates that lead into the Horse Stables.

Inside the stables were three horses of differing breeds, they were inside their own stalls, two on one side of the aisle and one on the other side, they were eating from their buckets quite happily, while swishing their tails and making horse noises.

Rogue walked to the black and brown horse and reached up to pet its big nose. "This one is my favorite. His name is Lucky."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn grins and shakes his head at Rogues teasing. He didn't mind it at all. He was of course keeping a keen eye on his surroundings, even if he didn't seem like it. He laughs at Holly "Well, everyone has more money than god, god does not need money!" he exclaims.

Once at the stables, he carefully walks up to the horse Rogue is petting. Some animals do act weird around him. But typically poses little proble. he holds out his hand for Lucy "Well you look like a sweet girl! Holly, come on over" he says encourgingly
    And at that moment a thought comes to mind "Ummm...Rouge, what is your power anyways? This iz efter all school for mutants"

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters smiles a little. She quickly moves over to the horse and gently begins petting it. She winces a little. The horse blusters feeling the difference in temperature. "Oh umm. Sorry." She stops her cold aura and immediately begins to sweat.

"Oh umm. Yeah. My powers are umm. Weathery and icy." She blushes a little bit as she continues petting Lucky. "You're a really pretty horse!" She states to the horse.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stepped back when they approached the horse and she put her gloved hands back into her bomber jacket's pockets. She watched them give the spoiled horse some petting attentions and smiled a little. "So I gathered." She said with a little grin aimed at Holly. "What with that wicked iceball out there'n all."

At Bjorn's question, Rogue's mouth opened and she considered her words for a couple of seconds. "Basically, I steal people's soul and leave them dead inside. If they got any kinda mutation or enhanced abilities, I steal them too... along with memories'n personality traits." She nodded her head two small times. "I can't control it either, an' it happens t'anyone that I brush skin with." She glanced at Lucky then.

"Cept animals. Just human's in mutants'n such." She said all of this with a bit of a boredom and a lack of impact behind it, almost as though she's explained it many times previously.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn nods as he listens, not seeming to be afraid of the ability. Infact he tilts his head "Huh. Well well, that is surprising! Bjorn shares an eerily similar ability!" he exclaims to Rogue. "Though seems you explained it over ahundret times over" noticing the bored expression
    Bjon looks to Holly as she begins to sweat "...have you ever just considered covering parts of yourself in ice. Like gauntlets or something, ta help keep cool?" he wonders of Holly. He steps back from the horse, not wanting to crowd the animal too much

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters thinks a little as she is questioned. The thought of covering herself in ice had never crossed her mind. "Ummm Not really. Though it wouldn't hurt... I mean..." She focuses and wraps her wrists in ice making it look like she's wearing a pair of bracers. "hehe! Cool!"

Her attention goes to Rogue and she winces. "I Thought I had it bad. If someone survives, does it turn them into a litch? You know? A person with their soul someplace other then their body?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue glanced up at Bjorn then and she lofted her right brow up. "Similar huh? Guess thats how we got the same tastes in canine companions." She showed him a soft smile then before looking over at Holly and lifting BOTH brows then. "Turn them inta a what?" She asked, processing the translation of the term Litch a moment later.

Rogue gently shook her head side to side then. "Nah... nah, nothin' like that. Generally the people I touch don't ever wake up again. Perma sleep mode, kinda thing."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn turns slightly red "Yes, similar." he rubs the back of his head. But than blinks when the mention of a litch is mentioned. he laughs "If they were a litch, tahn choosing Rogue as living phalatery is... well bad idea. A litch typicaly wants something that you know, can not mouth off to it" he says

Holly Winters (64) has posed:
Holly Winters laughs a little. "Sorry. And umm. Forgive me if I don't touch you then Rogue. As much as thing can go bad I don't think I want to die yet." She smiles a little and just quietly pets the horse some more. She is really sweating right now. Oddly though her ice bracers aren't melting.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smirked at what both of them said and she moved to go and tend to the other horse on its own side in the stable. She got it a bit more food and fixed some of the stuff that whomever had been in here had done wrong with the gate to its stall.

"I forgive you, Holly." She told the girl with the ice powers. "Truth be told. I really don't like havin' other people's minds stuffed inside'a my own. Its like bein' on some kinda damn... drug... that warps, all'a your thoughts. Ya start rememberin' things that didn't actually happen to you. Sometimes, really shitty and gross stuff too."

Rogue walked back toward them then, passed by them and went back toward the garage.

"Come on, I'll show ya guys around the resta the place."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn goes to follow Rogue and says "Have you ever gotten their habits? Bjorn tells you now, he eats chocolate like a mad man. Damn chocoholic!" he exclaims with a grumble. Which if his home is to beleived...the man EATS chocolate.
    He glances to Holly though "...perhaps a tour of the inside... so Holly can do the cooling off" he says seeming a bit worried about how much she is sweating