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Latest revision as of 11:27, 4 January 2018

Dazzling Dimensions of Danger
Date of Scene: 03 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Dazzler and Havok kick a monster's ass and then catch up on old times.
Cast of Characters: Havok, Dazzler

Havok has posed:
The city streets rumble as something crashes against something else. Like stone vs concrete. Then there's a deep gutteral roar coming from a monstrous creature. Cars come to an abrupt stop and traffic (though often slow) is at a standstill. Walking around the corner in the middle of the street is Gargantua, a 30 foot tall man-goat creature that is carrying a taxi minivan with people inside. The creature seems angry and confused. He looks around at all the other cars and fleeing people. Police rush out to try to control the situation. Several draw their weapons, but they don't want to shoot because of the minivan being occupied by three persons (driver and two passangers back seat). People scream and run for cover.

Dazzler has posed:
The day wasn't off to a good start, to begin with. Alison Blaire is just leaving a building after a meeting with her agent. Scratch that... her FORMER agent. Ever since coming out as the mutant Dazzler, Alison has gone from chart-topper to untouchable. Literally. No producer in the continental United States would promote a show for her now.

The blonde is dressed professionally in a business suit with mid-thigh skirt and blazer. Stepping out into the street, she can hear the gutteral roar even without her sensitive hearing. Turning her head, she spots the huge man-goat carrying the minivan and just sighs. "Helluva day to wear heels." she mutters, starting to jog -closer- to the monster. Against the panicking crowd.

Havok has posed:
Dazzler will have moved to within half a city block of the creature. The crowds that exit their cars and rush along the street or sidewalks do tend to get in the way. The creature roars down at the police and then actually has words. "I'll kill every last one of ya; then I'll pick the flesh from your bones and make stew!"

    Police shoot at its thighs. Bullets are somewhat limited in the amount of damage they can do to the creature's thick skin.

    Then there's another voice. On the opposite side of the intersection a blonde male wearing black combat boots, black cargo pants, a black jacket and black unstable molecule shirt beneath it leaps to the top of a cargo truck. He's perhaps 30 yards from the creature and facing Dazzler's direction, but won't see her until she makes herself known. Plus, he's looking up at the creature. It's Havok, who else?

    Havok calls out to the creature, "PUT THE MINIVAN DOWN!"

Dazzler has posed:
    Half a city block is definitely close enough for Dazzler to cause a distraction. The blonde looks around, but the crowd is far too distracted to even notice her presence. Except for those who are trying to run around her, of course.

    One distraction, coming up. Alison makes a finger-gun with her right hand, index extended and thumb raised. The left hand cups beneath in a proper police stance and she takes aim at the giant creature. She pauses. No. While she's pretty sure a laser blast could hurt the creature, it's still holding the minivan.

    She extends both hands, fingers splayed. And then the giant creature finds itself right in the middle of a Fourth of July fireworks finale.

Havok has posed:
The creature is annoyed by the police, but suddenly there are fireworks all around it. The creature roars and the minivan is shaken about in its right hand. The people inside are belted in, but still worse for wear. The creature tries to swat away the fireworks, but they are just light, so no effect is made.

    Seeing the light show, Havok knows there's someone else around and he suspects Jubilee is somewhere in the crowd (there's no line of fire between Dazz and the creature). So he takes the advantage. His hands raise and both fists are side by side. His arms light up and there is a very loud FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! that resonates through the streets and rattles the glass. A streak of fiery plasma strikes the creature in the flank and causes the creature to cry out in pain as well as anger. The mini van is released - flung away and into other vehicles then slides on its side toward Dazzler's position (but won't reach her - too many obstructions).

Dazzler has posed:
    Dazzler sees the minivan being thrown and raises an irridescent shield; not enough to stop it but enough to slow the fall somewhat. Then the blonde runs, still in those heels, moving to get a better vantage point for a shot. The finger-gun pose returns, like a kid playing cops and robbers.

    Finding a clear view of the monster, Alison takes aim at its other leg. A multi-hued laser beam hits the slender part of the back-bent leg right at the joint, intending to bring it down.

Havok has posed:
Now Havok has a frame of reference from where the shot came. The shot rings true and pierces the flesh of the monster. The creature roars and turns toward Havok, then toward where the laser shot came from. It seems to be confused, trying to decide whether or not to stick around.

Though she's hiding amongst the cars and he's on top of a moving truck, Havok can spy the blonde hair and he smiles just before he blasts the crap out of the creature again. This time in the side. The creature yelps and then drops to one knee. The combined attacks have weakened it significantly.

Dazzler has posed:
    Dazzler can definitely see Havok, the woman in the business suit advancing with her deadly finger-gun at the ready. When the creature goes down on one knee she zaps it in the thigh, just to make sure it *stays* down. Fingers splay again, and colored lights swirl around and around its head.

    Alison knows how to disorient as well as kill, and right now she focuses on the former. The colored lights move like a bright planetary display, swirling faster and faster and faster to build vertigo.

Havok has posed:
Police fire a few more times, bullets striking the creature's skin, annoying it more than hurting. But their goal now is to get the bystanders back while the /heroes/ stop the creature.

Havok fires again, into the shoulder of the creature. Causing more heat and force damage. The creature roars again.

That's when the dizzing lights come into play. The creature is disoriented and distracted. Then suddenly it barfs and passes out face down into the pavement.

Havok will leap down off the box of the truck onto the cab, then hood. He's watching Dazzler's location in hopes of making eye contact and then giving direction to move east from their current location, away from police and prying eyes.

Dazzler has posed:
Having worked with a team of X-men for a couple of years, Dazzler definitely understands tactics and group communication. She keeps the swirling lights going and also watches Havok. For a moment their eyes meet and she nods when he motions towards the east.

    The creature passes out after ruining a lot of people's day, and that's when Alison drops the light show. She jogs over to the minivan first, pausing long enough to see that everyone inside is more or less okay. At one time she might have tried to help more directly, but there are first responders closing on the scene now.

    And she's one of those misunderstood mutants, after all.

    Slowing to a brisk walk, she checks her hair and clothes as she strides away from all the commotion. Yeah, let someone else clean up the beast-vomit.

Havok has posed:
Alex is seen across the street and walking east. He takes off his jacket, reverses it. Now it's a red jacket, not black. Also unstable molecules so he didn't set it on fire with his plasma. He continues walking, just as Alison did, casually, and away from the scene - trying to blend in to the crowds that are now slowly returning to their vehicles and to see what transpired with the monster. Alex will have the intention of diverting toward Ali when it's safe.

Dazzler has posed:
Alison is discrete in her approach as well, but once clear of the scene she'll cross the street over to his side. She's just another business professional now, and reaches up to arrange a few stray locks back into place. Offering him a grin and a wink, she remarks. "So how do you think the local news will handle THAT on the morning traffic report?"

Havok has posed:
His bright blue eyes reflect the smile that he wears when she draws near to him and asks the question that's completely irrelevant to him presently. He's not seen her in a /very/ long time (for him and her alike). If she's been to the mansion since her return, she may have heard that Alex was lost in some other dimension and he's older now. He will stop in the middle of the sidewalk and say, "First things first..." Then he'll move to hug her as a long lost friend should.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler returns the hug quite readily, slipping her arms up beneath his own to grip the tops of his shoulders. Her cheek rests against his chest and she doesn't quite cling to him. In a low voice she murmurs. "Damn, it's good to see you again." He wasn't the only one lost in other dimensions. And while Alison looks and acts like normal, this isn't her 'home' dimension. But it's close enough.

Havok has posed:
He's preternaturally warm, and it's nice to fight off the bitter cold and skyscraper winds of the city streets. He says as he has no clue of her origins. Not yet. All he knows is that he missed her all these years. He doesn't quite let go, but maintains his left arm around her back and will push the idea to continue walking. "It's great to see you, Ali. We've got lots to catch up on... wanna hit a diner, just down the street?"

Dazzler has posed:
"Same back at you, Alex." she replies, when they eventually part. Slipping an arm around his waist, the two begin walking slowly together. "Been a long time since you've bought me lunch anyway." Yes she looks and acts like Alison alright. And for all intents and purposes she IS Alison. "Haven't seen you around the mansion lately."

Havok has posed:
"I've been spending lots of time in the city. Making sure we have a presence in Mutant Town." Answers Alex as he then has direction and destination. They'll reach the diner shortly. He continues the dialogue, "Last we saw of one another.. You were off chasing that guy and I was taking college classes while being in the X. What happened, did you catch him? Drag him back by the ear?"

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler smirks at that, shaking her head. "Chased him around through a few dimensions. Ended up fighting for my life for a few years in alien gladiator arenas. Finally I ended up here. Took a walk-about, playing clubs and bars mostly. Cover tunes. Sort of got back to my musical roots, if you know what I mean. Moved back into the Mansion only recently."

Havok has posed:
"That's friggin awesome." He says with a broad grin. Enthusiastic, to say the least. Then he realizes his outburst and says, "I mean, glad you're back." Then adds while moving around a group of people, "I had my own 'walkabout'. Ended up in another reality for about 6 years. Had my own adventures, annoyances, and .. well, now I'm back too. Been back for a few months now."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler opens the door to the diner, holding it for him before following inside. Holding up 2 fingers to the hostess, she continues their conversation. "Yeah, it's good to be back in familiar surroundings." she replies. "I got a lead from a fan the other day, too. Kid's one of those internet geniuses, and he says he can promote my stuff on the web."

Havok has posed:
The hostess will recognize Alex, she'll even greet him by name and then immediately recognize Alison. She'll say, "You're the Dazzler... oh shit." in a tone of awe. Alex will say, "Hey Brandi, this is Ali. An old friend of mine from school." Brandi is a mutant. Her skin is slightly scaled and she's got a few spots here and there. Brandi gushes. She's definitely a fan.

And after introductions are made, Alex will continue the conversation while walking to the back booth where he normally sits with his back to the wall. "That's genius.. I mean. There's so much music on there and putting it onto the web will really promote you." He'll break from Ali and slide into the booth

Dazzler has posed:
Alison chuckles and smiles at the hostess, giving a small nod. "Hi, Brandi. And thanks for recognizing me. Be happy to sign something for you later if you want." She slides into the booth across from him, taking a moment to settle.

"The best part about it is, thanks to one of the few CLEVER things my agent arranged, I actually own the rights to my music. So I can play it wherever I want and the record label can just go pound sand."

Havok has posed:
"I've heard how they often screw the talent. They're such jackasses. But it's good that you own your stuff. Way better than a lot of people." He too takes the time to settle and Brandi brings water out, menues and then takes drink orders and walks away. Alex ordered hot chocolate. He then continues the conversation, "So tell me about your gladiator experience."

Dazzler has posed:
Alison orders coffee, leaning back to watch him while they chat. "It's a good way to start again, and Drake is such a nice kid. There's a few mutant-haters in his follower list, but the response has so far been really positive." She draws a breath, then, exhaling slowly. "The gladiator experience? What's to say, really? Every day it was fighting for my life. Winners went back to the holding pens. Losers got swept up with the garbage. The crowds were pretty loud, but I couldn't do any power-heavy stuff." A smile touches her lips, then. "I got to be pretty good with a sword, though."

Havok has posed:
"Oh damn." He states with a surprised smile. "Wait.. you didn't get to pew-pew. Instead you had to hack and slash? That had to suck ass. I mean, sounds terrifying. But, we were trained to fight without our powers. So we had an advantage. You probably kicked major ass."

Dazzler has posed:
Alison's lashes lower and she nods, smiling knowingly. "Well that's not to say I didn't cheat a -little-..." Hand extended over the table, palm down, she concentrates for a moment and something appears with a shimmer. It's a sword-construct made of light, in the shape of a Roman gladius. "Let's just say my skills have improved. And fighting for your life every day is even better than pilates."

Havok has posed:
"Oh now that's excellent." Alex says as he looks over the created light sword. "And totally cheating. You'd light saber everyone into little bits. Damn. That had to be harsh. Meanwhile, I was just clobbering bad guys in some alternate reality where I lead my own team... which I totally miss."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler lets the sword flicker out and disappear, just as Brandi returns with their drinks. "Well the first few fights weren't exactly pretty, of course. But I got better." She smiles to Brandi, adding sugar to her coffee before continuing. "So are you glad to be back, then?"

Havok has posed:
There's hesitation in his response. "Yes? Maybe... sometimes no." Then he clarifies. There was a lot wrong and a lot right over there. I was married to a clone of Jean... And yes, it's as crasy as it sounds. Crazier when she went off the rails with her demon magic crapola and nearly destroyed the world." He leaves that bomb right there. Just letting it all soak in for a moment.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler nose-wrinkles and almost manages not to snicker. "Why is it always the redheads?" she replies, after a moment. "I never married, but I think it had a lot to do with never knowing which day would be my last." Pausing to sip her coffee, she adds. "But all things considered, it's really good to be back."

Havok has posed:
"Oh, totally good for you to be back.. And I'm done with redheads. They're too much trouble and too much crazy rolled up into one package. But wait.. you never told me. What happened to the guy? Did he end up in the gladiator thing too? Is he back here with you?"

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler shakes her head slowly. "Longshot... at least THAT Longshot... is still lost as far as I know." She becomes silent for a moment as she takes a long sip of coffee. "We were married there, and were happy for a while. But we got separated and only I was brought back."

Havok has posed:
His voice softens and Alex says apologetically, "Oh damn. I'm sorry.". Referring to her loss. Surely she misses him and he adds, "You know. We've got the resources. I'll bet we can mount a search and rescue attempt."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler's expression becomes wistful and she shakes her head. But she's smiling a little. "I watched as that world was destroyed, with him on it. It wouldn't be 'search and rescue', but a recovery mission. And that's not worth risking more lives."

Havok has posed:
There is a sigh and a soft nod from Alex's head as he accepts her choice of loss. "Well, at least you're back amongst family. You were missed and now that you're back, we can get on with saving the world with style." Alex's final words are said in a hopeful tone, one that tries to bring the mood back up from the loss of Longshot.

Dazzler has posed:
Alison smiles at that, reaching across the table to give his hand a squeeze. "I'm not the only one who was missed, Alex. I know you're doing good work down here, but with all the anti-mutant tension out there we're getting more and more new kids."

Havok has posed:
The touch is warm, his hand turns up and takes hers to return the squeeze. He smiles, nods and says, "Yep. A lot of them are coming out of this place. I'm not 100 percent gone. But staff up there has got the place covered. Logan and Scott have the tactical training handled. So it's best for me to stay as an operative where I can do the most good."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler isn't in a hurry to pull her hand back, although she does let it relax. "Well you're not the only field operative out there, y'know." she replies. "Most of the time I just lurk in the common areas practicing guitar. Sort of the resident hippie. Although Jean dropped a text about me teaching 'Drama and the Performing Arts' or something. I think I will."

Havok has posed:
"That would be great." he states with a smile. "Those kids need music in their lives. Most of them seem like they're emo or something is just wrong in their brains. It's not like our class."

Brandi brings food over and begins putting plates on the table. "Here you are. One <food selection> and one <food selection>."

Dazzler has posed:
Alison chuckles softly at that, nodding and sitting up a bit more as the food is brought. "Yeah, I know what you mean. We had a new kid come in the other day. Not young-young, but probably late teens. She was like 'Dazzler? Yeah, I've heard of your stuff but never really listened to it.'

She shrugs. "It's like she was talking about the Beatles or something. I felt so old."

Havok has posed:
Alex will chuckle, "Kids today. They are constantly having crap dumped into their brains. Constant stimulis and the need for more. So when we'd listen to an album for months, they listen to it for days. Then move onto the next thing. Consuming. Needing new and more input. It's an addiction that I don't quite get. And then when they have to sit quietly in a room for more than 3 minutes. They start whining about how they're bored or they want to play on their devices..." He looks up, thanks Brandi and then withdraws his hand to take his flatware to begin the prep process before eating.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler starts eating as well, and she nods. "That's the thing, though. I -know- that, and I can tailor my music videos to meet the changing requirements. This is the flash-generation, Alex. These kids aren't the type to be captivated by a 30-minute episode of Gunsmoke or Gilligan's Island. The scenery needs to change every 3 to 5 seconds."

Havok has posed:
"Colors and lights. No content, depth, or story. Ugh..." He puts food into his mouth. Chews, swallows and then says, "Which is why you'll be perfect to help them appreciate life. Music, art, beauty; basically everything you represent. They need it in spades."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler laughs again, nodding. "Yeah, I can do colors and lights just fine." she replies, nibbling steadily. Better than most, to be honest. "How did I put it on one of my albums? 'All the world is a symphony, and I am its speaker.' Or something. But yeah, with the response I got from that quick demo on the internet..."

Havok has posed:
Alex will chew and swallow again. Then smile after he drinks. He'll state, "Dazzler reinvents herself - this time with a sword." and then he'll eat more. It's like he's really hungry or something. All those calories burned.

Dazzler has posed:
Blonde brows lift at that and Alison chuckles. "Careful, or I'll show you just how good I've become." It's a playful reply, but there's more than a hint of challenge as well. For her part she's eating fairly light. Salad with chicken and bacon, plus soup of the day. Her powers depend on other things, after all.

Havok has posed:
The challenge is clear in his eyes as he smirks and gives a nod. "It's been a while since we've done danger room stuff. I'm sure it'll be fun to work out with you again. And we'll see who kicks whos ass."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler's blue eyes brighten at that, and there's even a bit of artificial Hollywood sparkle at his challenge. It's nice to be able to do your own special effects. "You're on. And loser buys the first round."