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Latest revision as of 11:35, 4 January 2018

Date of Scene: 16 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Radiance, Raijin

Radiance has posed:
New York at Christmas. Lights, decorations, music. But it's not the same as Nebraska. All the people bustling about, all the crowds. No one seems to want to just enjoy the holidays. It's all shop, shop, shop! It's beautiful at Christmas time, but it's also very, very commercial. And this makes Hermione sad. She watches the street below, dressed in the white outfit she uses when she's Radiance. Her arms hug a knee, her other leg dangling off the roof of the building. Hermione thinks she's figured out why so many hero types do this whole roof thing. It's a good place to sit and think and contemplate life. Like if she's really cut out to be a superhero or if she should just go home.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner was already out on the streets tonight as Raijin, the lightning hero. He was actually sitting on a roof across from Radiance...and when he saw her, he frownd lightly as she looks very sad. So, with a mighty leap, he lands a small distance away from her with a 'foosh'. He looks right at Hermione, and he smiles to her softly. "Hey...what's wrong?" he approaches then to sit next to her.

Radiance has posed:
It's hard to miss Radiance at night time. The soft glow that seems to eminate from within her, as if she were a candle or a nightlight, making her easy to spot. She looks over her shoulder at the sound of someone landing and sees that it's a friendly face. And yet, her smile is wan and sad, so unlike the bright beaming grin she usually wears. "Hi Raiden," she says, remembering his heroic name. She might not have a secret identity, but that doesn't mean she won't protect those of others she knows. She looks down to the street below. "I'm just... thinking. About home. My family. Maybe being a hero was a mistake. I .... I used to think I knew exactly what I wanted in life, but now... I turned my back on all of that to be... what? All I ever do is stop muggings."

Raijin has posed:
Raijin lowers his hood as he sits down next to her. "You know....I think the same things all the time." he tells her, letting her process that before he speaks on. "I always wonder why I didn't stay home. Why I came here instead of...well, doing anything else. Could have lived the quiet life, which is what I wanted...but I got struck by lightning. Normality was long gone. So hey.." he puts his hand on hers if she lets him. "Never doubt yourself. If you don't like what you've been doing, then go above your limits." he smiles to her big and warm, that country accent touching his voice once more.

Radiance has posed:
Hermione doesn't stop him when he rests his hand on hers. She takes a deep breath and lets it out in a long, slow sigh. "I guess I just... For as long as I can remember, all I wanted was to get married and have kids. Sure, some people would say I was a LIMA loser, but I was okay with that. I didn't have any big plans. I just wanted to be like my mom. Then I got all strong and stuff. I couldn't just stay at home. This... it's a gift. And I can't just take it for granted. I have to use it, for its intended purpose, to help people. But.... am I really helping? Am I making a difference? Maybe I should just go back home and marry Billy. Only, I can't marry him anymore. He's dating Rose Marie now."

Raijin has posed:
Raijin listens to every word she says, giving her hand a soft squeeze as he takes her words to heart, though when she speaks of if she's truly helping people and just going back home to marry a guy, Raijin just shakes his head. "Well....can't help anyone if you stop." he says with a soft grin. "Even the smallest actions affect the biggest change in one way or another. If you stop someone from being mugged, even if they don't voice it...you already made a difference in their lives. As for going home and getting married to a guy named Billy.....well, if you did that, I'd sure be sad." She could connect the dots as to why.

"Listen....your powers are a gift, you're right. you've used it wisely, far as I know. Though whenever you fall into this slum..." he points at the sky then, where the sun would most surely rise when it's time came. "When you see the sun, I want you to think of something: The night has to come before the day. You'll have moments like this where you'll doubt yourself...but when you see the sun rise, know that it has to rain before you can get a rainbow. So you keep on going alright?" he looks like he's alrieady about to kiss her...but he stops himself, wanting to help her rather than smooch on her.

Radiance has posed:
LOoking to Rayden, or rather Raijin, Min can't help but smile. "Oh, he wouldn't take me back anyway. Even if Rose Marie wasn't in the picture. Being stronger then the highschool quarterback is a little... immasculating. No one wants a girlfriend that can lift a car engine single handed." She leans in closer. It may seem like a tender moment, but in truth, it's also because she's cold. She's not figured out how to look heroic in the winter and stay warm yet.

"There you go, quoting Dolly Parton at me again. You keep that up and I'm taking you to Dollywood. Only... its closed this time of year."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner smiles big and wide at Hermione, and he wraps an arm around her completely when she leans into him, happily willing to give her his warmth. Though when she speaks about her being easily stronger than the quarterback, he can't help but laugh. "Hah! true, true. So....maybe I can be the lucky guy huh?" he smiles to her warmly then.

"Hey, if you want to take me to Dollywood, well, I'd be happy to come with you. I've never been." and at the end of those words...he starts to lean in, looking like he was going to kiss her on the lips. Gotta take the chance someday right?

Besides, this is like what? phsyical date number 3? 4? come on Rayner, get with the program.

Radiance has posed:
Min snuggles in as Rayden holds her, smiling as he talks about being the lucky guy. "Well, I might have to audition you with an arm wrestle first," she teases. As he leans in closer, she bites her lip nervously and then tilts her head up. All the signs say that she's a girl waiting to be kissed.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner can't help but chuckle at her words of arm wrestling her, to which he whispers "Gladly." Then? His lips touch hers in a loving kiss. It's slow, gentle, yet increasingly passionate. Rayner felt the spark the instant their lips touched. His offhand rose up to caress her neck and cheek during the kiss, though she can tell it's not the kind of kiss that would be governed by lust...

It's the kind of kiss that a romance novel describes such perfect, blissful caress of his lips upon hers.

Radiance has posed:
As the pair kiss on the rooftop, Hermione's glow grows just a bit brighter. Her arms wrap about him and she holds herself close against him, which is likely a good thing as she seems to grow lighter in his embrace. She gives in to the kiss completely, losing herself into the moment. Right now, there is just her and him, the whole world disappearing for a beautiful moment.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner hums as they keep kissing, sharing each other in the embrace. His arms fully wrap around her to pull her closer to him and he parts his lips just a little bit for the kiss to grow more passionate. Though they may decide to pull away just for air eventually....he is more than happy to cover her as she grows brighter and brighter.

He doesn't stop for a second until or unless she asks him two. He gave into her just as she had given into him.

Radiance has posed:
Min giggles into the kiss as she feels the hum on Rayden's lips. No one has ever done that before. Not that she has a lot of experience with kissing. Rayden would be the fourth guy she's ever kissed? She certainly doesn't stop him, continuing the kissing for as long as she can. However, as the kiss continues, Rayden may notice that he can't feel the edge of the roof under him anymore. If he should pull away to look, Hermione has them floating in the air above the building.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner smiles against her lips before he loses himself again when she giggles. at this point, Rayner's tongue has already slid in to tease hers at first, taking this one step at a time instead of a passion love-fest. He doesn't realize that they are in the air until he feels nothing beneath him. Pulling away for the smallest second, he looks around.. "Wow....."

Then his eyes return to her, and he caresses her cheek before he's right back to kissing her with a deep passion, his hand actually touching her leg now.

Radiance has posed:
When the kiss parts long enough for Rayden to look down, Min blushes and slowly lowers them back to the building. "Sorry. I .... I float when I get excited. Or nervous. Or surprised. Or angry. Or... Okay, I float a lot." She starts to blush but isn't given much of a chance before his lips are once again on hers. She doesn't stop his hands from wandering, letting herself once again be lost in the moment of the kiss. Her lips part, her tongue nervously teasing his at first before letting him take more liberties

Raijin has posed:
Rayner smiles as they briefly part lips. "You're amazing." he chuckles before he kisses her again, this time, his tongue wraps completely around hers in a very french kiss, his arms stay wrapped around her hourglass figure, though one of his hands manages to slide just under her shirt to feel the soft skin underneath.

Radiance has posed:
Min laughs softly as she is called amazing and she shakes her head. "Now you're just being silly. You're only saying that because you like me." She lets him kiss her again as as he starts to grow more passionate into the kiss, she lets out a nervous whimper. That whimper turns into a shy little squeal into the kiss, muffled by his lips and tongue, when his hand slips under her shirt

Raijin has posed:
Rayner smiles then and pulls away...but only after capturing her bottom lip with his teeth and giving it a harmless little tug as they part to catch their breaths. "I say it because it's true....I've never lied to you." he whispers then as they stay close. "hm....want to cuddle?" he offers with a small, but no less sincere, smile for his lovely lady.

Radiance has posed:
Hermione blushes as he pulls away and offers to cuddle. "You don't have to stop," she tells him, though she's clearly more then a little nervous. "We... we could... go somewhere more... comfortable?" Her hands rest on his chest, caressing gently. "I mean... if you want to...."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner smiles to her warmly, hand caressing her cheek as he looks into her eyes unfazed. Though he can see that she's nervous and doesn't shy from her touch on his chest. "I think I would love to Hermione." his hand glides down her arm to take her hand in his. "Come...let's go some place quiet." the warmest smile for her.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner took Hermione back to his house. His -house- and prompty showed her the living room, the stairs, and of course, eventually, his bedroom. Of course, there was a sizeable big screen television and a massive queen sized bed with pillows galore. and it was -soft-. Ocne they had arrived, Rayner turned to look at Hermione, his hands touching her hips as he closed the distance between them once more.

Radiance has posed:
Hermione looks at Michelangelo and frowns. "And you're my favourite painter."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner led Hermione back to his house. His -house-, didn't own an apartment after all. The house looked humble on the outside. But on the inside? Looked beautiful! With paintings of famous origin on the walls and other luxurious decorations. But even these are few in number. He leads her up the stairs by the hand, eventually arriving at his bedroom...which is large.

Inside the room front and center was a massive queen-sized bed with multiple pillows and more than enough blankets. On the wall was a large plasma screen television (VIZIO made) and to the left of the room was a bathroom, complete with toilet, sink, and shower. to the right? a personal office.

It's here that he looks at Hermione then, his hand caressing her cheek before he kisses her passionately without a word.

Radiance has posed:
Follows to the house, looking around as if she wants to see everything all at once. As the tour ends in Rayner's bedroom, Hermione swallows hard, but she doesn't say no. She glances to the bed, her toes fidgetting nervously. But when he leans in for a kiss, her hands slip about his waist to hold him close.

Raijin has posed:
As they kiss, Rayner's hands go to work...first removing and undoing the straps on his upper body clothing, and whe nthey are unfastened, they drop like soft cloth to reveal Rayner's rock hard physique and well toned muscles..then thoseh ands move to her, attempting to unzip that jacket and take it off.

Radiance has posed:
Min rests her hands on his bare chest, her fingers tracing along the muscles. She leans in close, her body shaking like a leaf against his own. "Rayner... I... I've never.... " She lets him take off her jacket though, looking to him with a sweet smile.

Raijin has posed:
After the jacket comes off and is set softly aside, Rayner looks right into her eyes at her words. "First time for everything right....Let me know when to stop...I don't want to force it." he smiels warmly at Hermione, his hands moving underneath her shirt to lift it...while simultaneously feeling the skin underneath. When she leaned against him, he leaned against her, their bodies able to feel each other without any kind of difficulty.

Radiance has posed:
She swallows hard, her breathing quick and short. She lifts her arms up, letting Rayner remove the shirt that matches the jacket and leggings. Only her sports bra and leggings left and she crosses her arms over her chest demurely. She kisses along his neck, her hands again stroking over his chest.

Raijin has posed:
Eventuallly, When Rayner sees all of Hermione's form minus her most private areas, which judging from her words none have distinctively used. Either way, this makes Rayner smile at Hermione's innocence, his pants being removed as he lifts his chin, giving her full access to his neck and jaw. Though...he turns and picks her up, setting her softly on the bed.

After, he removes his boxers, revealing a fully erect, long and thick cock that awaits her pleasure. He looks at her a moment, before he attempts to remove her leggins slowly.

Radiance has posed:
For all her protestations that she's not that innocent, that she's seen the animals in the paddock and has changed diapers before, there is quite a difference between that and seeing Rayner in his arousal. She bites at her lower lip, shyly looking away but daring the occasional peak. She helps as he tries to remover her leggings, slowly wriggling her hips as they ease down her hips.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner smiles at Hermione as she takes in his shaft in peaks, though as she helps him remove her legging with wriggles at her hips, eventually, he takes it completely off, his hands gliding up her legs as he also removes her panties, wanting to see her pink fold. Once that is done, he moves up touching her legs all the way until he's at her hips, kissing her stomach...then up...then up..until he reaches her bra. hands rising to remove that too.

Radiance has posed:
Hermione's toes curl as Rayner continues to undress her, little bit by little bit. As he peels her panties free, he can smell the scent of her arousal. Her waist is so slim, making the width of her hips and the curves of her bust all the more impressive. Once her bra is pulled off, her hands go to hide her breasts, her legs crossing. "I'm scared, Rayner."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner leans down to her so he could look her in the eyes since both of them were now stripped bare for each other to see. "Don't be." he whispers, looking her in the eyes with a loving look. his hands leaving her body entirely to caress her cheeks. "Shall we cuddle as opposed to..." a small smile then as he kisses her lips softly..then her jaw....