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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/12/17 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=321, 77 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:321|Billy Batson (321)}}...")
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Latest revision as of 12:04, 4 January 2018

Pizza & Violets
Date of Scene: 17 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Shazam, Star Shimmer

Shazam has posed:
    As they enter the restaurant arm in arm, Kitora suddenly realized that she was late for an appointment and so, making apologies ordered her pizza to go and left as Billy led Star Shimmer to a table to order. He still had that goofy grin on his features, and perhaps even showing off a bit, definitely not immune to hormones and Star Sapphire energy.

    He helps Autumn into a seat and then takes his own and looks at a menu and then leans forwards, "So aren't you a Green Lantern? Gosh, I mean Green Lantern has a ring just like that... well, a green one at least."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer smiles and takes a seat. She smirks a little as she too looks at the menu. No, I'm not a Green Lantern. Think of the Greens as space cops who follow the orders of these little blue Aliens who happen to be jerks." She takes a moment to order a drink. "Okay think about it this way. When White light is broken down, it becomes a rainbow right? Roy G Biv." She smiles. "Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. There are Lantern Corps of each color. The farther you get from the Center, green in this case, The more difficult and dangerous they get. The most difficult and potentially dangerous of these being the outlyers the Reds and the Violets or Star Sapphires."

Shazam has posed:
    Billy tilts his head, "Huh... that's so heavy..." He says as he thinks about it for a second, "The Wizard never told me there were more than just Green Lanterns out there..." He orders himself a drink and says, "So I know Green Lanterns use willpower to power their rings... what do you use?" He's fairly curious, and maybe slightly smitten from being around the violet energy given off by Shimmer.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer snickers, "Love." She glances at her ring and it just flickers a little. "I wield the Violet Light of Love. Its a very powerful but completely dangerous. I just spent several months learning about it. Lets just say that just as I can use my ring, I can easily lose myself to the feelings of love. So I have to be careful. In the past, Some Star Sapphires would lose themselves to their rings. They would kill their loved ones and encase them in violet crystal. This would keep them preserved forever. It was a twisted thing, a means to be close to their love but... alose ruining it. I would hate to be in that situation."

Shazam has posed:
    Billy rears back a bit and blinks, "Holy moley... that sounds... Gosh..." He falls silent for a long moment, and then reddens a bit and asks, "So... uh do... you... have a loved one...?" He asks as innocently as he can.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer smiles, "Not a boyfriend or girlfriend. Being away for 6 months on a different planet tends to be a relationship killer. Honestly its my love for people that really drew the ring. I wanna help everyone I use music to help, I used to frequent the old folks home to help out because it was kinda sad to see them left alone like that."

Shazam has posed:
    Billy nods even though mentally he's doing a victory dance (totally the jitterbug) and says, "Oh really? That's really swell of you. I still help out the homeless because I once lived on the streets for years and plenty of folks there helped me when I needed it." He sips his drink and then says, "Gosh... so... you said no boyfriend OR girlfriend, so does that mean... well... you'd be willing... maybe... when you're not busy... I mean..." He reddens again and whispers super quick, "wouldyougooutwithme?" and squeaks then in embarrassment.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer smirks and has to laugh. "Sure. We can go out sometime. Just be warned, Star Sapphires tend to affect the other people's senses. If I am doing that I am sorry. I don't know how to willingly do that. Still I wouldn't mind going on a date." She snickers. The waitress brings around the drinks and she quickly takes a sip. "Oh my. There is nothing like the drinks you can get on Earth. I tell you that for sure!"

Shazam has posed:
    Billy's eyes go wide and then his goofy grin gets huge as he says excitedly, "Really?!?! YAHOOO!!!" And he literally jumps out of his seat and fist pumps the air before he stops and looks around. Everyone is staring at him now and so he slowly lowers himself back into his seat, totally super embarrassed now. He quickly gulps his drink down and says, "Gosh, well... if you are... there must be something there after all... you ARE really pretty, and my heart's pure and innocent and good... or so the Wizard says... it's why he chose me after all."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer smiles a little. Quietly she sips her drink. "So you become this extremely powerful Super Guy called Captain Marvel? Thats kinda cool. Gotta be tough on the body though. I don't know much about magic to be honest. I know technology. I sorta graduated Valedictorian and stuff this year. Thinking about College."

Shazam has posed:
    Billy blinks, "Holy moley, I never even graduated high school, you're lucky... I had to quit school after middle school because most of my rogues gallery know who I am and it was too dangerous for me to be in a place where they could hurt innocents to get to me."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer frowns, "Oh dear. You should probably finish school. I think I might have a couple leads somewhere of places where you could finish school in safety." She frowns. "I don't hold it against you. I just think everyone should be able to finish school in safety. I didn't become a umm... Hero until after I graduated. I had a dark angel watching out for me and wouldn't allow me to do stuff sooner. Well Multiple dark angels"

Shazam has posed:
    Billy shrugs, "I'm planning on taking my GED sometime, just, with being a hero I can never FIND the time." He then leans back and says, "Huh? Dark angels? I've never even heard of something like that and believe me as Champion of Magic, I've seen a heck of a lot!"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer smiles, "Batman and Batwoman were helping me. I was being clever." She giggles. "Batwoman was teaching me how to fight like they do before I became a Star Sapphire. So I guess even without the ring I'm pretty capable. Still using the ring is fun. I mean... nothing says fun like smacking a thug around with a big rose construct."

Shazam has posed:
    Billy raises an eyebrow, "You were trained by... Batman??? Holy moley..." He just stares at you for a long moment and then says, "Batman says I'm the only person in the world that can make him crack a smile." He admits, "Not that I know why, he sure is really serious."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer laughs, "Ummm He actually helped me out a lot. He got Bat Woman to train me. He actually rescued me from an abusive home." She shutters. "haven't thought about that in a while. It was him and Star Sapphire who helped me out of that nightmare."

Shazam has posed:
    Billy nods and says, "I'd... like to hear that story sometime... I know what that's like." He then stops and turns and looks at something unseen, "Uh-oh... the Wizard says there's a Czhkli demon summoned by a group of sorcerers and is running amok. I have to go, here..." He pulls out a business card, "Text me your number and when we're both free... maybe we can go catch a movie or something... I hear this new movie Star Wars: The Last Jedi is pretty swell!"

    With that he throws down enough money to cover both his and your order and then runs outside, calling out his magic word, "SHAZAM!" and then as Captain Marvel, flies off into the distance.