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Latest revision as of 12:43, 4 January 2018

Return of Agent Singh
Date of Scene: 30 December 2017
Location: Triskelion, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Singh, Melinda May, Nick Fury

Singh has posed:
Its been a long 6 months. Basic training was flat out brutal. Even as Ginger steps ont othe Triskelion,she can hardly recognize herself. After an encouraging talk with A caped hero, she's ready to go.

The Agent in training is dressed in partial uniform. She is unarmed, Her jacket is open, exposing a SHIELD undershirt. Her pants are uniforms pants and boots on her feet. So, yeah she's in uniform, just being slack with zipping up. Immediately she begins looking around, Trying to find a superior officer to report in to.

Melinda May has posed:
Entering the main foyer area from the direction of the flight deck, Agent May stops to speak with one of the guards around before continuing on her way. She can't not notice Ginger, and she even greets the junior agent with a nod hello. She doesn't seem at all affected either way by the way she young woman is wearing her uniform. Perhaps because she's seen some rather ... creative interpretations of SHIELD's uniform dress code in the past.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh goes to attention as she sees Agent May. What do you know? She's learned a few things. "Reporting for Duty, Ma'am." She states sounding a little bit more soldier-y then she did before. She has the transfer paperwork to return to duty.

Melinda May has posed:
SO not her job, but May's not going to say that to this kid's face. So, she'll compromise. "Excellent. With me." She turns and heads for the elevators at a brisk pace, fully expecting Ginger to keep up. They're going to the Triskelion's equivalent of HR.

As they wait for the elevator. "Did you just return from basic, Agent Singh?"

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh smiles and does keep up fairly well. She almost snickers at the comment though. Still she keeps moving. "Yes I have, Agent May. Its been a real learning experience." She comments with a dreaded tone. "Learned a lot, Definitely better prepared for the job at hand now."

Melinda May has posed:
"Good to hear. I take it you've only just arrived? So you don't have assigned quarters yet." It's really a given, but May is asking anyway to confirm with Ginger. She might also have to show the kid where the commissary is so she doesn't end up wandering around lost and hungry.

The elevator arrives, and May sets it into motion.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh nods slowly, "I had quarters before but I am sure they've been reallocated by now. I am quite literally just getting back." She smiles as she steps into the elevator and lets the higher level agent lead the way.

"I've been practicing those moves you showed me before I got shipped off to basic. Sorta why I don't keep any firearms on me I guess." She shrugs and makes a little face.

Melinda May has posed:
May hms and nods slightly. "Probably a good idea. At least until you know you can trust your own reflexes." Besides, there are very few buildings on the planet safer than the Triskelion. They step out onto the floor that May had selected, and she again leads the way through what can really only be described as a cubicle farm.

The woman at whose desk they finally stop is middle aged and seemingly matronly, but she's wearing a sidearm much like May herself.

"New transfer from basic," is all May offers by way of explanation to the woman, and she looks at Ginger with a smile and reaches for the paperwork.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh smirks, "I know I can trust my own reflexes." She comments as she steps out of the lift and through the cubicle jungle. Times like this, she is much more content having gone through basic and having Field Agent aspirations as opposed to being a code monkey in a cubicle.

She hands over the paperwork. Turns out she's got good marks and such. She stands at ease as she waits for the response and quarters assignments.

Melinda May has posed:
The woman is efficient, getting the paperwork scanned and verified and filed, and Ginger's SHIELD access badge is updated with clearances for different parts of the Triskelion, mostly the training areas, the living quarters, and the commissaries and break rooms. Once all that is done, the junior agent is given a tablet computer with most of the pertinent information she might need while she settles in.

May waits patiently while everything is settled. She has a debriefing to take care of, but nothing else crucial for the rest of the evening.

Singh has posed:
Ginger nods and takes the things that she is given. She puts her badge on and then, she takes the tablet. She begins going through the information given to her. Its pretty common stuff.

Quietly she continues reading while the rest of the information that she was given.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Nick Fury knew that Ginger had just arrived and that May was taking care of her. Back to the Trisk once more. Deciding to check in on the new recruit just back from Basic, Fury meanders into HR, and stands in the background, absorbing everything. Shaking his head at the wide eyed HR Agent, Fury remains silent, prefrring to wait in the background while everything takes place. AFter all, no need to spook the new arrival.

Melinda May has posed:
May waits for Ginger to be ready to proceed, then leads her back toward the elevators despite being fully aware of Fury's presence. He'll announce himself when he's good and ready, and she's okay with that. "I can break down the rules to as simple a guidline as this: if your badge does not give you access to an area, you don't need to be there. If you need to be in an area beyond your access level an agent with the appropriate access will escort you." And while there have been a few muscleheads who seemed incapable of grokking that, she's confident that Ginger isn't going to be one of them.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh nods slowly and slides the tablet back. "Thank you. Understood." She smiles and follows along with May. Her attention shifts around, not the people but things. Reflective surfaces to be exact. Using those is enough to get an idea of who might be present...

She stops, turns and goes to attention, "Director Fury, Sir." She even gives a little salute.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Nick Fury leans against the wall, regarding the situation with a cool, appraising air. His eye follows the two Agents and the HR Agents, and waits for the paperwork to be completed. When they begin to head back to the elevator, Fury makes his presence known, although he senses that May already knew he was there.

    Fury notes the salute, nods and says, "Agent Singh." Fury nods again. "Agent May." His eye moves back to SIngh. "Welcome back. I take it your training went well, and you are ready to dive into real work?" Fury's frown awaits the response of both women.

    "Looks like we have to break you of bad habits already, like that saluting nonsense."

Melinda May has posed:
May nods to Fury when he greets them, and somehow manages to keep a straight face when he comments on the saluting thing. She hadn't had a chance yet to warn the kid about that. Which, if she knows the Director as well as she thinks she does, was very much intentional on his part. She stays quiet for the moment, figuring that Fury will ask her for any information he might want.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh smirks, "Apologies, Sir. To be honest though, if you dislike salutes why did saluting get drilled into my head at Basic?" She does file that information away. She won't be saluting again anytime soon. "Ready, Sir. Itching to get into the field and do some good. Though I should probably speak with R&D about Modifying my uniform."

Nick Fury has posed:
    "A lot of things gets drilled into yer head at Basic, Agent Singh. A lot of things. Now, Agent May here can break all of those habits, and put you on the straight and narrow.: His eye finds May and he says, "All those rigid, strict military discipline things can get you killed. It's good to be disciplined, it's not good when you advertise to the enemy that, oh, here we go, we got an officer of some importance. Let's grease him first." Fury frowns.

    "Why do you need your uniform modified? Ah..." It was obvious behind Fury's eyes that he catches up with what she was saying. "Of course." Fury shrugs, and looks to May. "See that it gets done. I expect there may be resistance, but I am sure a woman of your talents can get it through. If not, use my name. That always gets 'em jumpin'. They love me in Logistics."

Melinda May has posed:
"Shouldn't be a problem, Director." Because, really. When was the last time someone told May 'no' to her face without a REALLY good reason? She looks at Ginger a bit more intently, as if trying to figure out what about her uniform needs modification. She already suspects that's why it's not being worn per regulations, even if that really is another of those habits from Basic that will get broken post haste.

"We can go work on that now."

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh looks at the Director and then glances at May. "This is why." She reaches out, stretching her arms outward from her body. They stretch and stretch and stretch well beyond what is normally possible. The uniform can't exactly keep up. "I'd rather remain covered when I am out in the field. Modesty and all." She snickers a little bit. She looks at Melinda and smiles, "Thank you Agent May." With a quick release, her arms retract back to 'normal'.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury takes his eye from May, and then turns it to Agent Singh. Without, well, batting an eye, Fury nods, and says, "Of course. I am sure we can see if we can get some of those uniforms with the unstable molecules that Richards invented. I know we keep a few of those for our more...eclectic agents, Agent Singh. Although, I would suggest in the future you keep you...abilities a little more covert."

     Fury then turns, and presses the elevator button to summon the lift. Looking over his shoulder, Fury adds, "It is good to have you back Agent Singh. We can use Agents like you with the oncoming storm. Stay safe, and May will finish off your training. When ready, Level 2 will be waiting for you."

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh smirks, "I don't broadcast my abilities so much. I was just giving an explaination. I use my abilities when a situation calls for it." SHe smiles and nods. When he mentions the Oncoming Storm, she blinks and gives a very curious look. "huh. I will be ready." With that she steps back amd watches the Director head out.

Her attention goes to May and she smiles, "Lesson Learned." She almost laughs.

Melinda May has posed:
May nods to Fury again as he takes his leave, then returns her focus to Ginger. "Let's go get your uniform sorted out now." It's a quick enough journay, but it does require May's access to let Ginger through. "The Quartermaster may ask you some odd questions. Do your best to answer honestly, there's a reason for them."

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh nods and smiles. "Not a problem, Ma'am. I Got this." She smiles and follows along. "Didn't mean to show off. Its fun but kinda weird to be able to do that stuff. But, there are benefits." She shrugs it off.

Melinda May has posed:
"Of course there are. But as the Director said, your abilities are an advantage, but they can also single you out." And not just by enemies. "The less you advertise them, the better your element of surprise." She then gestures for Ginger to follow the Quartermaster when he instructs her to go with him.

It takes probably about an hour and the Quartermaster likely has a security level higher than May's, but when all is said and done the junior agent is sent back out with an entire duffel packed with clothing. Day uniforms, field armor, workout clothes, undergarments, the whole shebang. Of course, only the first two are actually comprised of those unstable molecules. The rest are regular garments.

Singh has posed:
"I understand. I don't really advertise what I can do. To me its a little weird. I mean being able to stretch and manipulate my body like I can do is really odd. I mean I could probably use it to partially disguise my appearance or something but I dunno." She follows along to the quartermaster.

Ginger smiles and steps away for a bit to get set up with proper uniforms and stuff that actually will move with her. That alone is a good thing for her. She smiles and is ready to Go!

Melinda May has posed:
May nods to the Quartermaster then leads the junior agent back to the elevators and they're underway again. "Let's go drop off your things then get something to eat." It is getting to be about that time, after all. And also, other junior agents are less likely to attempt anything resembling hazing if Ginger isn't wandering around by herself.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh nods, "Sounds like a solid plan." Sbe gives a quick wave to the Quartermaster and then its back to business. "Whats on the menu at the Commesary today?" She asks curious.

Melinda May has posed:
"Don't know," May admits. "Just got back myself." She was only gone for a day, though. "They usually have a good variety, at least." They're bound to have somethign the junior agent will like. Hopefully.

The living quarters are very much like apartments, just built into an extremely high security building.