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Latest revision as of 12:56, 4 January 2018

Magical Super High School Hi-Jinxs!
Date of Scene: 28 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Shazam, Supergirl

Shazam has posed:
    Metropolis Public HS 318 is only a few blocks from the Hall of Justice and several of the younger members of the Justice League go to it. No exception is the erstwhile "World's Mightiest Mortal" Billy Batson, he should be old enough to have graduated already but due to being chosen at a very young age by the Wizard, and several of his rogues gallery know his secret identity. It was too dangerous to go to middle school where his enemies could find him and possibly either use his friends and class or schoolmates as hostages and so he had dropped out for several years.

    It was only recently when Batman and Wonder Woman contacted him and offered him a position in the League and a place at the local high school where League members would be nearby to help in case of problems that he felt safe enough to go to school again. Consequently he's the equivalent of a sophmore and he has to constantly make himself to seem more pitiful, using the excuse of his previous homelessness to help hide his secret identity.

    It's about 10 AM on a blustery and cold Wednesday morning, and Billy is walking the hallways, heading for his next class.

Supergirl has posed:
Running in, Kara Danvers is late-as usual. Supergirl had to catch a car that careened off a bridge on some black ice, but it's no excuse for the glasses wearing nerdling. She's making sure her papers are all accounted for in the stack of books in her arms and doesn't even notice Billy until she bumps right into his back, jamming her books against him and falling back on her butt with an "oof." The petite blond pushes her glasses back up and looks wholly pathetic besides bumping into him with the force of a line backer.

Shazam has posed:
    And Billy wasn't expecting it and goes, "Holy moley!!!!" as he pinwheels his arms and then faceplants. His own books go flying out of his arms, mostly books on ancient mythology and the Greco-Roman Pantheon, along with his standard math and science books and papers. It takes him more then a few moments to get his bearings again and he mutters, "Ow..." before he turns to says, "Gosh! Are you ok? You bumped into me pretty ha..." when he sees the cute blond girl with glasses, his eyes go wide and he says, "Golly, hi there! I'm Billy, Billy Batson..." He gets up quickly and offers Kara a hand.

Supergirl has posed:
"Oh gosh. I'm really sorry!" Kara offers quickly and gathers up her things in a scramble before taking his hand. "Kara Danvers. I really didn't mean to bump you-are you sure you're ok?" She asks with a note of concern in her voice.

Shazam has posed:
    Billy rubs his head, "Oh, I'm fine..." He then smiles, still holding her hand, "I'm glad to meet you Kara Danvers!" He says and then blinks and notices all his books and papers strewn about, "Oh bother!" He gets on his hands and knees and quickly picks them up and says, "Were you getting to class? I could walk you to it if you like..."

Supergirl has posed:
"What? Oh! Yeah. I should get to class." Kara agrees and watches him, stuck in place for the moment as she adjusts the round, large glasses perched on her face. They're coke bottle thick, almost distorting her eyes a little. "Oh! You must have class too! Where are you heading?" She asks, a little franticness in her voice.

Shazam has posed:
    Billy waves a vague hand down the hallway, "Oh, I have Sophmore World History next... It's just down this hallway... how about you?" He adjusts his burden in his arms as he does so.

Supergirl has posed:
"Oh, AP Chem." Kara says and blushes, "but it's at least that way-ish." She settles her things and pauses, her keen hearing picking up sirens and she blows out a slow breath before resuming her flustered Earth teen routine. "So, umm, you're totally on the basket ball team right?" She asks and offers a laugh that sounds more awkward than anything else.

Shazam has posed:
    Billy is about to answer when he seems to zone out a sec and turns to glance at something in the sky that even with Kara's super vision can't see and then says, "Uh... what?" He says a bit distracted before he focuses on her again, "Gosh, basketball team? Golly, I wish I was... I, err... have a really demanding course schedule..." He laughs just as awkwardly as well. The Wizard speaks to him telepathically, . o O ( Billy Batson, a rogue magician has summoned a minor demonic entity nearby... you must go ). He mutters under his breath, "Fudge... I'm already behind... maybe I can get Ms. Prince to write me a note..." He then says, "Umm... I just remembered... I need to go to... the washroom... yeah..." Kara can probably hear more sirens and possibly the screams of people about several blocks away and the unholy screech of something monstrous. Billy then edges towards where the washrooms are, intending to sneak out the side and transform.

Supergirl has posed:
"Huh? Yeah." Kara says with the same distracted voice. She reaches for her phone and puts it to her ear dialing faster than human eyes can see. She's heading down a hallway briskly herself. "Hi, mom, I know it's a school day but..." She trails off, knowing her DEO agent foster mom is no doubt already aware.

Shazam has posed:
    He reaches the exit and making sure he's not seen, calls out, "SHAZAM!"

    Black clouds gather and instantly a magical lightning bolt flashes out of the sky and slams into Billy, changing him from a young man into the "World's Mightiest Mortal" Captain Marvel.

    He then leaps into the air and flies off in the direction of the disturbance, the Wizard's head floating in space beside him, saying telepathically . o O ( Billy Batson, you must find the sorcerer that summoned the creature, you will not be able to defeat it yourself as only the sorcerer can dismiss his creation. ) Billy sighs, "Gosh, that's going to be a problem... I still have to deal with the creature while I search... I wonder if any of the League are nearby, golly I could sure use the help on this one."

Supergirl has posed:
There's a blur of up, up, and away, Supergirl taking flight towards the demon thing. Really, this is preferable to chemistry anyway. She see's the red and gold and cruises over. "Need a hand? You shouldn't talk to yourself. I mean, it's handy for me, but baddies can hear well too sometimes." She offers with an encouraging smile.

Shazam has posed:
    Billy glances over and blinks and then goes wide-eyed, "HOLY MOLEY!!!! OHMYGOSH! You're... you're... you're SUPERGIRL!!!" There's literally hearts in his eyes and a huge blush reddens his cheeks and neck before he shakes his head, slaps his cheeks and gets control of himself, says "Golly, oh, I wouldn't worry about the creature hearing... demons don't understand human, or humanoid for that matter, language. And anyways, the sorcerer probably is too busy trying to control his minion to be listening to much. Magic takes a gosh darned lot of concentration to pull off." He glances down as the 10 foot tall monster is smashing buildings and cars and generally terrorizing central Metropolis and makes a face as he pulls up, floating and says, "Oh bother, it's one of THOSE kinds of demons... no wonder the Wizard didn't want me to try and take it on alone... that's a Abstergo Diabulus Compendis demon. It can take a pounding and not even feel it, it can't be knocked out, even with our strength. If Constantine were here, he could give us the ability to actually do damage to it, but gosh, we really need to find the summoner and get him to either dismiss his creation, or else lure the creature back to the summoning circle and trapping it long enough for me to hit it with my magic ligntning to seal it back into whichever of the 13 underworld realms it comes from."

Supergirl has posed:
"I don't know what any of that means." Supergirl admits and smiles. "Magic isn't my strength. So, simple terms-it can't be hurt, but you can stop it?" She asks and raises a blonde brow before looking at the beastie. "I could slow it down while you search for where to lead it?" She suggests and squares her shoulders as she flies. "It's not the only thing here that's indestructible."

Shazam has posed:
    Billy blinks and calls out, "Holy moley! Wait... I still need to..." He trails off as Supergirl flies off before he can warn her, the creature is ugly, with three gnarled and curled back horns on the head that is mishapen with broken tusks next to his mouth, shark-like fangs, 6 arms, an external heart that pulsates with awful looking black enegy and too many to number tentacles propelling it that leaves a very yucky slime trail that sizzles and somehow eats away at the pavement. The creature looks up with glaring and evil eyes that are red and filled with fire and it opens it's mouth and gives off a horrible window shattering roar and then a beam of pure black energy shoots out from it, slamming into Supergirl and sending her flying back. It's pure demonic energy and even yellow sun powered Kryptonian physiology is not immune to it as it HURTS a lot. Billy finished lamely, "Watch out for his mouth beam..."

    He's torn, wanting to help Supergirl, but knowing that if he wants to end this before too many people including Supergirl are hurt, he needs to find the summoner and either make him dismiss the demon or at least find the summoning circle and then lead the creature to it. He flies off searching alleyways as that's where he would think it would be found.

Supergirl has posed:
Bouncing a few times, Supergirl skids to a halt with a groan. "Oooow." She gets out and rolls to her elbows and knees as she pushes to her feet as she squares off. "I hate magic." She mutters and notes the mouth beam hurts. Looking at a totaled car, she hoists it up and flies at the demon's mouth with her improvised car gag to block the next mouth beam.

Shazam has posed:
    *CRUNCH!* The car is stuffed into the creature's mouth and it yells "GRWRROOROWLUUUURRR!!!" around it and swats at Supergirl with one of it's huge paws as it does so. It takes a few steps back and with two hands not otherwise occupied, attempts to yank the car out of it's mouth. It's getting a lot more mad by this point.

    Billy, for his part, frantically searches alleyways, nooks, crannies, but isn't having any luck. He closes his eyes and thinks to the Wizard . o O ( Wizard, I could use some help here!) The Wizard replies . o O ( Use your sense Billy Batson, the sorcerer and circle give off evil vibrations that if you focus, can see rising up into the sky. ) Billy nods and then opens his eyes and focuses and in a moment, can see two columns of angry red-black energy rising up in the sky a few miles away. He orients himself to there and puts on the speed.

Supergirl has posed:
Getting under the demon's hands, Kara punches at them to make it more work to get the car out of it's mouth. She yells, and blows her super breath at the monster to distract it. Buy time, buy time. She's so focused she doesn't notice it gets a hand between it's body and her-back handing her into a building where she leaves a Supergirl sized hole.

Shazam has posed:
    That's got to hurt, the creature isn't too fazed even by Supergirl's Kryptonian strength, but it does distract it. Sadly though, once it manages to backhand Supergirl it finally manages to get rid of the thing jamming it's mouth. It roars and throws it hard at her and follows it with a mouth beam. It's learning, and that's not a good thing.

    Billy tracks down the summoning circle, but the sorcerer is nowhere to be seen but the energy shows that he's nearby. Billy catches a glimpse of somone in a cloak running through a building and turns and smashes through the wall and narrows his eyes as he stands in front of the balding, fat, middle-aged man wearing a ridiculous red cloak with arcane tattoos all over his face and says, "Ok mister, you've had your fun, now dismiss the demon before anyone else gets hurt!"

    The sorcerer smirks and says in an oily voice and perverted look on his face, "Why, if it's not "The Big Red Cheese" Captain Marvel himself... I feel sooooo special! Let me think..." He looks up and taps his chin with a perfectly manicured finger and then says flatly, "In a word... no... Hthru'si! Get him!" There's a crash and through a wall, a two-headed ugly looking dog thing with a scorpion-like tail and needle-like claws on it's paws tackles Billy and sends him flying through the far wall of building, slashing at him.

Supergirl has posed:
Impact, double impact, triple impact! This is going to take Supergirl a minute. She starts to push the car rubble off her and coughs. "Now would be a good time Captain." She rasps and hauls herself out of the hole made by her body with some effort before eyeing the demon tiredly. "Alright, plan C. We're throwing you into space...maybe." She braces and flies up, grabbing at the demon to try and lift it off the ground.

Shazam has posed:
    It's heavy, and at the same time, hard to hold on to as it squirms and tries to bat at Supergirl as she pulls it into the sky. The demon screeches and manages to turn it's head in an angle that's inhuman, but just enough to clip Supergirl with it's mouth beam. It falls like a rock, slamming into a building at terminal velocity and rendering it and a couple neighbouring ones into rubble. It's a good thing that by now, the Metropolis Special Crime Unit has managed to evacuate the area for several blocks and there are no civilians nearby to get injured. It will take the demon a few minutes to get clear of the rubble before it can attack again.

    For Billy's part, he can't hear or see Supergirl struggling with the creature as he's having problems of his own, he picks himself up off the ground, a Captain Marvel sized dent in a dumpster where he ended up stopping and though he's not hurt it does slow him enough that it gives the two-headed dog demon minion a chance to charge once more. Billy reaches up and grabs each head as they try and slam him and the pavement underneath him furrows as he digs his heels in to halt it's momentum. The sorcerer is laughing as he runs away and Billy mutters, "Darn, of all the luck... well now... I guess we'll have to do this the hard way." He grunts as he pushes the dog minion back, step by step until it's near the summoning circle and then with a powerful punch, sends it into the middle and shouts, "SHAZAM!" and as the lightning comes, uses his hands to direct it at the summoning circle and the dog deamon screams as it dematerilizes into a hell-scape portal and then seen no more.

Supergirl has posed:
Clipped, Supergirl crumples, falling while she gets on top of the raw pain she's in. She hits the ground and this time isn't as fast to get up. Supergirl is down for the moment, the injuries from the magic demon's mouth beams adding up. She cringes against the pavement and presses her hands flat, arms shaking as she tries to get to her feet again. Her eyes dart to the demon, looking to make sure no one is caught in it's path.

Shazam has posed:
    The Demon screeches and tosses rubble aside, smashing more buildings as it struggles to get up, having trouble because it's appendages aren't exactly condusive to it. It flails more as Supergirl gets a chence to take a breather as Billy frantically tries to catch up to the sorcerer, but eventually has to give up as there's the scent of a portal that just closed and the sorcerer's energy signature disappears. "Darnit!" Billy sighs, "Well that was a downer, now we'll have to find a way to get the big guy back to the summoning circle... I hope Supergirl is doing ok!" He turns and flies back towards where the big commotion is.

Supergirl has posed:
Staggering to her feet, Supergirl picks up a rock and hurls it at the demon. "Hey! Down here!" She calls out. Seeing it struggle to get up does give her an idea. Getting out ahead of it she blows her breath, freezing the ground to try and make the awkwardly formed demon fall again. She picks up more rocks to hurl at it with her considerable strength to try and lure it into her trap.

Shazam has posed:
    The Demon GHRAWWWWWWWWWHS once more and scrambles to try and get at Supergirl, no more Mister Nice Demon, now it's going to destroy her or die trying! The ice however, does the job and just as it manages to make it almost to it's 'feet', it slips and the rocks slam into it and send it crashing through the rubble once more. It cries out in definite pain this time as it gets caught on some rebar and a tentacle gets tore off.

    By that time, Billy has maanaged to fly back and then says, "Supergirl, are you ok? I lost the sorcerer, we need to lure it back to the summoning circle... I have an idea... follow my lead!" With that, Billy flies to the creature, grabs it by a couple of tentacles, starts to spin it and shouts out, "Here's a fastball special... hit it towards 41st and Broadway, the circle is in an alley near there... SHAZAM!" As he says the magic word, he tosses the Demon in the air so that it gets slammed by the magic lightning, disorientating it enough so that it can't fight back as it flies towards Supergirl at supersonic speed!

Supergirl has posed:
Alarmed, Supergirl quickly puts on a brave face as Captain Marvel manhandles the demon and fires it at her. She looks about and hastily cocks back her fist before punching the demon towards 41st. Her cry of effort is ragged, but she puts her all into it. Her hands are so raw tears spill down her cheeks and she flies after the thing, battle worn and injured.

Shazam has posed:
    Billy and Supergirl chase the Demon as it slams into the ground, making a crater about a block from the circle and Billy lands then and seeing Supergirl stumble a bit, catches her and blinks, "Holy moley! It really did a number on you, didn't it... are you ok? I can deal with it alone if you need to go recover?" He then realizes that he's holding Supergirl, his crush and then turns red all the way from his face to his toes and let's go, "Err... gosh... I'm sorry, that was rather rude of me..." He scratches his head but all this has given the Demon a chance to recover and blasts Billy with a mouth beam. It doesn't hurt like it does Supergirl, but it still dazes him slightly as he's slammed through a couple of buildings as he took it point blank. The creature by now is damaged almost as much as Supergirl and 3 of it's arms are broken, several tentacles have been severed and one of it's tusks are broken.

Supergirl has posed:
"We Kryptonians try not to let them see us bleed." Supergirl says and starts to rally when Captain Marvel is shot through several buildings. Supergirl gets a very tired look on her face. She flies up and tries to get around the backside of the demon, remembering how it got line of sight on her the last time. "Captain! Where is the circle?" She calls out and starts to lift again.

Shazam has posed:
    Billy shakes and holds his head as he crawls out of the hole in the building a couple of blocks away and thins his lips and flies back and when he hears Supergirl, says, "Down that alley... at the end!" He helps Supergirl lift the demon and says, "On three, toss him into the circle and I'll pin him there and hit him with my lightning. That'll activate the circle and send it back where it came from!" He hoists it up and looks at Supergirl and says, "Ready? One... ... Two... ... THREE!" and then tosses the demon with Supergirl's help into the alley, flying after it.

    It lands and skids just inside the circle and Billy slams his feet into it's heart, pinning it there as he calls out, "SHAZAM!!!!"

    The clouds form and the air vibrates with electricity as a HUGE bolt of lightning comes from the sky, slamming down and encompassing the demon, circle, Billy and even several feet in diameter around it. The thunderclap is so loud that it literally causes a small earthquake and blinds everyone in the Tri-State area momentarily. When the light, smoke and shaking stop, Billy Batson lies there in a crater that once was the circle, untransformed and the demon is gone, sent back to the hell-scape it was summoned from.

    Billy looks up and then with a goofy grin says, "I hate demons..." before his eyes roll up into his head and he passes out from exhaustion.

Supergirl has posed:
Blinking blearily, Supergirl looks about and notices Billy. She widens her eyes in surprise but lands and checks on the human boy. She scoops him up, flying him to the roof of the school before setting him back down. Her own wounds are slowly healing, but the maid of might looks like she's been put through her paces. She slides her torn collar back up and covers her shoulder with her tattered cape. Looking toward the sun, she takes a last look at Billy and pushes off to fly into low orbit for some much needed solar radiation.