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Latest revision as of 14:39, 8 January 2018

Themysciran Arts Center
Date of Scene: 05 January 2018
Location: Themysciran Arts Center
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Andre Jackson

Wonder Woman has posed:
It was a cold snowy night outside, but inside the Themysciran Arts Center it was warm, bright and fairly busy. The weather was keeping a lot of regulars at home, but there were still those die hards who wanted to immerse themselves in everything Themyscira... especially since Diana Prince was on site tonight.

Diana had invited an entire school to the Arts Center to experience the various activities available here, and she'd just finished up a book reading with a large group of youngsters.

The crowd was farily thick, but not overly-so. People were milling about, going to the restaurant to enjoy food or to the lounge to relax.

Diana had greeted everyone who'd come up to her, and especially was all smiles for the children. The Princess stood tall, with heeled shoes on, a white slim-fitting sweater and a deep blue skirt. Her hair was tied up into a black bun on the crown of her head and she was moving to gather up a cup of tea off a tray that had been set down for everyone moments ago.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    It's bene a while since Dre has been back in Manhattan, his aunt lives here and well it's been bit long since he visited her. So he came up for the holidays, though now with teh holiday season over, he was going to be heading back to Gotham. Before leaving he wanted to go to the Themysciaran Arts Center, with each of the major superheroes seeming to be in different locations and well he was here, might as well meet Princess Diana.

    While the weather was crappy, he still explored a few places before finally having come full circle and meeting Diana as she greeted others. He looks to her for a long moment as he comes towards her, "Hello Princess Diana, or Wonder Woman...." he stammers as he looks to her. He blushes sightly as he looks to her. "How are you?" he asks.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had her tea held between her hands, her fingertips keeping it balanced. She was sipping it when Andre approached her and her blue eyes went to meet him. She was several inches taller than he was, her heels making it even more-so a noticeable element, so ehs looked down just a little toward him.

When Diana's teacup was lowered a smile appeared on her red painted lips. "Well hello." She said at him then. Her right hand extended to the young man. "Diana, is what I most prefer to be known as. Wonder Woman is... its an honorary title, shall we say." She showed a hint of a grin then.

"Welcome to the Arts Center for my people... Mister...?" And she searched for his name with her voice laced with a Greek accent that altered her words from typical American flavors.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Dre can't believe this, he really can't believe he is really meeting her, and damn "Your beautiful." he says though he thought it, than his eyes go wide. "I hope I didn't say that out loud." he says as he looks to her. He does smile as he watches her, "I'm Andre Jackson, but I go by either Andre or Dre." he says to her. He stretches a little bit, he smiles, "Ok Diana, nice to meet you." he reaches out and shakes her hand, he does have a firm grip.

    "I've spent quite a bit of time looking over and reading what I could before coming to see you. I like what I've learned." he smiles, "You mind if I join you?" he asks as he looks to her.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The compliment, whether purposeful or not, was well received as it made the tall Princess show an expression of flattery. "Awwww. Thank you!" She said back to him in a chipper tone to her smokey voice.

She'd return the handshake, her hand was strong but soft as silk. "It is a pleasure to meet with you, Andre Jackson." And then she'd use that same hand to motion to the cup of tea that were set out. "Please, help yourself. There is more to choose from in the restaurant, should you want something other than tea." And she looked back to him and lowered her voice to a whisper. "Some of the kids say that 'tea is boring' but I think they're craaazy." She'd then flash a grin at him.

"Are you with one of the schools?" She'd ask him then. "You seem a bit... aged beyond schooling level. If you do not mind me saying."

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Seeing that she liked the compliment, Dre feels a lot more at ease. He couldn't believe how soft but strong her hand is as they shake, he wished they could hold hands longer but she lets go, and so does he. He sits down at the chair indicated, he looks at the tea in the cup and smiles as he looks back towards Diana. He grins when she comments about the tea, he shakes his head, "I like to cook and I love tea." he says that last part in the same conspiratory voice she uses. He grins at her for a moment, "They are crazy." eh laughs. When asked about the school he shakes his head, "Nah, I was going to be heading back home to Gotham tomorrow, so I wanted to come here before I left and maybe, possibly." he goes quiet for a moment. "A chance to meet you."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana sat across from him a matching chair, she sat on the edge of it with her back held straight and her overall posture was attentive and proper. She gave him a faint smile then. "Then I would say that you have accomplished that goal, and you can scratch it off of your to-do list before you return home." She gave him another little grin then before taking another sip from her cup of tea. "And if you are an aspiring cook, then I imagine you will be quite the loved one to have around. I have found that everyone loves a good cook." She'd comment.

"So what has brought you over from Gotham? Are you visiting family, Andre?" She'd then ask of him.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Now having the attention of Diana, he smiles as he looks at her allowing himself to relax further and try to have a good conversation with her. "Well being a bad boy isn't all that great, women are changing about that kind of things I think and hope." he laughs. "But I do enjoy cooking, I took after my mom on that." he laughs. "Well maybe one day I can cook for you." he offers a smile ot her.

    Dre nods his head, "Yeah I was here visiting my aunt for the holidays." he says to her. "It's been a while since we've seen one another and both my parents were busy, they're cops." he says. Taking a moment to collect himself, "SO what are you doing here? I know this place is all about you and your people but what else do you do here?" he asks interested.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would smile at his first statements about cooking and then she'd nod softly to the others. "Police Officers are very busy, especially around the holiday when there are so many public events that have to be well secured. That is an admirable profession they have dedicated themselves to." She'd then smile for him before she sipped her drink again. At his last questions she'd lower her cup down again to just in front of her midsection. "I am an Ambassador to my people, and a founding member of the Justice League. So when I am not doing public scenarios such as this here tonight, I am generally traveling between locations... helping as many people, however I can, along the way." She'd show another soft smile then. "Or so I hope." She'd add with a little hint of a grin.

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Studying her face, taking in her eyes and smile. He nods his head a little as she speaks, taking in her words as she speaks to him. As she continues about helping people he shares her hint of a grin, "Well thats what I want to do myself." he says as he looks at her. "I want to help others. Seems you told me a bit about you." he pauses a bit. "Well for me I live in Gotham city and work at a rec center there helping kids, trying to show them that there is better things in the world outside of rocking gang colors, or wanting to be thugs or worse." he sighs a little bit. "Though I also walk teh neighborhood and do what little I can to help keep the streets somewhat safe, I don't have what the others have, but I do what I can." he says as he looks to her. He shakes his head a little, thinking he spoke to much, but he knows Gotham better than others, outside of the Police and that Batman guy.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana sat upon the edge of her chair with her back straighte and posture perfect, she listened closely and then nodded at his summation of his chosen calling. "That..." She starts. "Is a very humble and kind way to live your life, Mister Jackson." Another smile was shown to him. "If you ever think that my presence at your Center would help anyone there, then you are more than welcome to call me and tell me when to come. I would very gladly aim to help you with this. Though generally... my presence helps young women a bit more than young men, but even they seem to enjoy my company, if nothing else."

Diana would sip her tea again then. "I imagine that your parents are very proud of you as well. I know first hand how difficult things in the Gotham City area can be, I have been there many times trying to quell trouble that has attempted to show itself. It is good to know there are Gothamites fighting back against such kinds of trouble."

Andre Jackson has posed:
    He reaches into his pocket and takes out his phone and he hands it over to Diana, "Please that would be great." he says to her. "We are trying to get some new programs going, and if you have the time it would be great to have you there." he smiles. "Though there may be some who may see you who will want ot try to force you into a fight, we aren't in the nicest part of the city, which I like, but the gang members and thugs will see you unless you have a way of coming and not being known." he suggests. "As for the guys, of course a beautiful woman like you coming to the center, I wouldn't be surprised if you had both boys and girls in whatever you wanted to teach or show there." he laughs.

    Dre will take his tea cup and sip at it, he blinks a few times and drinks more of the tea, "My mom likes fresh prepared tea, she doesn't like that instant crap, I'm the same way." he laughs. He nods his head to her, "It's hard, but it can be a good place to call home." he says as he looks to her, "Thank you for coming and helping when you can."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's left hand reached ovr to accept the phone and then she placed her teacup on the table beside her chair and would look down upon his phone with her deep blue eyes. She'd navigate it and enter her information while he spoke. A smiled crossed her red lips, large and showinf off her perfect white teeth beneath. "Yes, well... whatever gets their eyes and ears in a position to listen to me and perhaps let me help them even just a little. As for aggressions or attempted fights... I am not afraid any of that, they will be sorely awakened when--and if--they would choose that path to take in life."

When she finished she turned his phone around and offered it back toward him. "There, you have my contact information. Feel free to text or e-mail with any plans you feel you would like to have me involved in." She flashed a little grin then. "I will have to send some tea with you for your mother, let her know that she is getting tea from Themyscira itself."

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Just being able to have Diana's contact info is wonderful, but the fact she wants to help him that is even more of a bonus. His hazel colored eyes watches her as she uses his phone, he doesn't want to abuse this privilege she is given him so he wouldn't. When she hands him his phone back, he takes the phone back and he quickly texts her all of his info. "Here is my info, call me if you just want to hang out, or if you want me to cook for ya." eh grins. Why not try to flirt, probably not like she has other hitting on her. He smiles, and as the tea that will be sent with him is from Themyscira, "Oh we will have to fight over that, this is going to be awesome, she is going to love it." he laughs. He hasn't really looked away from her this whole time, though honestly he's just enjoying this opportunity, "SO how is it fighting with the Justice League or just doing your own thing?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Being flirted with was an every day occurance for Diana Prince, just about any time she went into public infact. She didn't mind it though, so long those offering it did it in a kind and respectful way. She ven found it charming from Andre at this point, he was... in his early twenties? And she was pushing 1,000. It was cute, in a way. Diana smiled at his flirtations and gently nodded her head. "You better prime those cooking skills." She softly teased with a little grin that faded away at the other question that he ended with.

"The fights that the Justice League often finds its members within are... tense, to put it mildly. Never does one start, that I do not worry for the safety of my companions and League members. But even more-so, I worry that we are obligated to do good for this world and not make things worse overall for all those who are not within the League's membership."

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Dre smiles though he does watch her reactions, and as her smile fades after telling him to prime his cooking skills, "Well having some motivation does help." he blushes again. He than focuses and he nods his head, "Well let me be one of probably many you hear from." he says. He straightens his shoulders and he bows his head to her, "Thank you for doing what you and teh other League members do for us." he says. He lifts his head to look her directly in the eyes, "I know without any of you, things could be different, and just so you know, I do worry for all of you who fight the fights we can't fight, and your lives are just as precious as our own. Regardless if you have powers or not, a life is a life, all are precious." he tells her, if she is able to tell if he is lying or flattering her, he isn't. He's being fully honest, "Thank you very much, and just being able to sit with you and just enjoy tea, and my bad flirting." he laughs, "Diana thank you." he says to her. He relaxes, though he offers her his hand, "I hope you and I can become friends."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana held her soft smile at Andre's words. She nodded her head once to him. "Well we hope very much to stay alive throughout the wild situations we often find ourselves. Thankfully, however, there are more and more amazing super powered individuals stepping forward every day to assist us in these endeavors." Her blue eyes looked right toward some people that were making their way out, a couple with their children, the little girl waved at Diana and she raised a hand to wave back.

Diana looked back at Andre then. "I am sure that we will be friends, Mister Jackson. It sounds as though you hold a lot of the same values as I do, so that is a great start to a long friendship." She'd smile at him again before sipping from her tea. "I take it that you are not after a life of Law Enforcement yourself then?"

Andre Jackson has posed:
    He smiles, though he does turn to see where Diana is looking and he sees the girl and her mother. He turns to look back at her, feeling good that this meeting is going better than he thought. He's not making a fool of himself, he leans back, "No." he sys to her honestly. "I know what my parents do is frustrating, and even they do like what the hero are able to do that they can't. There has to be some form of law, but me. I want to join the ranks with you all, do what I can to help when I see things going bad, I don't have powers, but I push myself regardless."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would watch Andre with a calm and intent expression, she was an expert listener and gave those she was speaking with the utmost of her attention. After hearing what he said she softly shook her head. "I know this is... wrong of me to really say, all things considered, but... You do not -need- to have 'powers' to help people in this world. Not in the sense of the powers that you see the members of our League display when we have some grand epic battle that is witnessed by many of the world."

Diana shook her head side to side at him then. "The powers that you have are what you are doing with your Center. If you are trying to help those within your community see that they need not turn to a gang to make their lives hold meaning, but finding better paths for them to walk? That is just as good as being able to... lift a car over your head. Far better, really. In the grand scheme of our existances on this world."

Another sip of her tea was taken and then Diana flashed him a little smile. "But I know, coming from me that is probably silly to hear. Since I am the poster child of lifting heavy things and throwing them at monsters."

Andre Jackson has posed:
    Dre listens and he knows what she is saying to be true, "Honestly your fine Diana." he says as he looks at her. "I know and honestly Im not worried about it." he says as he looks at her. "I know what Im doing is important and I'm very happy about it." he says to her. He does grin at her, "I don't mind advice, honestly it's needed truthfully." he says to her as he takes his tea and sips at it.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana dipped her chin in a quick nod to him. A moment later and some people walked up to her to ask for her help with something, she told them she'd be right with them.

At this point, She'd look back to Andre and move to stand. "I better get back to my responsibilities tonight, Mister Jackson." She said with a smile after rising up. She'd reach out to offer him another handshake. "Thank you for the chat though. It has been quite enjoyable. I look forward to visiting your Community Center hopefully soon!"