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Latest revision as of 14:57, 8 January 2018

A Greeting
Date of Scene: 06 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Glacier

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey is located in the large hall that was once a dance/party hall inside the Xavier Home but was now filled with desks along the walls lined with windows. These desks served as the teacher's of the school's office spaces, as there weren't individual offices to go around for every teacher.

Jean had her own office off of this area, but she only used it for private meetings and moments where she needed quiet time. When she wasn't in need of that she was at the large conference table that also sat in the main room. At this table is where Miss Grey is now. She's been the VP of the school for about one full year now, she'd taken the job shortly after returning to 'life' and dealing with... her rebirth, so to speak.

Jean sits at the side of the table, amongst one of many chairs. She has her laptop out and some documents in front of her. Since its Saturday, there's no classes going on, and the redhead VP is wearing a black and red plaid button-up shirt with some dark blue jeans, rather casual for Jean... but hey, its Saturday.

She's typing on her laptop while her cellphone is buzzing with a text.

Glacier has posed:
Unfortunately, Maya knows none of these things, and simply knocks lightly on the doorframe, before peeking in. "Uh...M-Miss Grey? Are you...busy?" She clears her throat. "I've been kind of, ah, w-wanting to...introduce myself." The lanky girl seems nervous. Her breath's coming out in frigid clouds, too, but her suit seems to be containing most of her cold.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean's eyes looked up from her work, she pushed aside her phone and laptop and then stood up from her seat, smoothing out her shirt and then offering a soft smile across the table toward the double doors that were generally always pulled open. "Miss Caldwell, come in. Please. I've been meaning to track you down to welcome you to the school." Jean motioned to the chair across from her at the conference table. "Have a seat, if you'd like."

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell offers a nervous smile that's gone within seconds. She shuffles on in and carefully sits down at the chair across from Jean, but seems to have problems maintaining eye contact. Instead, she pretends to be focusing on the logo atop the laptop. "Well, ah...i-is there anything you need from me?"

Phoenix has posed:
Jean would watch the nervous Maya and then she'd smile faintly again. "Just to know that you're doing okay and not... disliking your time here thus far?" She'd ask before she'd step away from the table and move to one of the desks that was along the wall beneath the large windows. "And I need you to fill this folder of documents out, but its all just easy information and if you don't have the answer to the questions you can just leave them empty."

The firey redhead would return a moment later and slide a folder across the table to Maya. "You're setup with a room now right?" She'd ask next.

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell 's eyes move to Jean as she steps across the room. "Oh, no, it's...i-it's nice here. I mean, it's...better than the streets, even if the, ah...cold isn't much of an issue, eheh." She clears her throat. "Yeah, I've...got a room. Has it been, uh...H-Has it gone through you yet? I don't think it was anything official, it was just...to, uh, get me off the streets."

Phoenix has posed:
Now Jean sat herself back down across from Maya while listening to speak, she showed the other a warm smile and nodded toward the folder she'd pushed over to her. "Thats all listed inside the folder there. You can fill out what room you're in, among other information that'll help us get to know you a bit better." Jean's hands came to rest on the stop of the table's edge, one over the other. "You're welcome to enroll in some classes right now if you'd like, though I'd suggest taking just a few to ease into the experience some. Which you can also get from inside that folder." Another little smile and a light shake of her head. "Really, Miss Caldwell, we just want you to be happy here."

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell gives a few shallow nods, eyes trained on the papers now. "Right. I-It might, uh, do me some good. I...didn't finish high school, so...this should fill in the gaps, right? English a-and math, at least?" She finally looks to Jean's eyes, if only for a second, and shrugs, before hunching over the paper to fill out the answers. "But, um...y-yeah, I'm happy here. Thank you."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean nodded her head two quick and small times to the new student. "Thats right, yes. We help kids settle back into the routine of education and make sure that its tailored to their needs. We want those who have... mutations... or other similar situations to find this place to be the sort that bends to you, not the other way around." She'd then show a soft smile. "So, don't ever hesitate to come to me if you need something. Or any of the other faculty members. We're all here to grow and help one another."

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell nods quickly. "I, um...I appreciate it. Hey, uh, a-are there a list of rules or something anywhere? I was already told about the kitchen and food stuff, but, ah, what about my room? It's, uh...pretty cold in there, since I've...you know, -been- there. I-Is that...an issue, or...? Like, would any ice that forms...be a problem?"

Phoenix has posed:
Jean would then nod her head again down toward the folder. Her eyes went it to it, and the front of the folder open up on its own, then several pages started to flip and move until one particular page was shown... like a ghost had moved it all.

"Rules are there, listed out in detail." Jean said then to the other. "As for ice in your room. The only thing you really need to be careful with is to not damage things. For instance, I believe your room has a personal bathroom inside of it? You'll want to be careful around the plumbing, so as to not freeze it over."

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell leans away from the pages as they move on their own, then eyes the page shown. "Oh, uh...Alright, yeah. I was...kind of worried about that. Maybe I'll...open a window in my room and bathroom, a-and let them both...defrost, now that I've got this suit. I mean, i-it's not -bad-, especially in the bathroom, but...ah, the sink is...kind of frozen. Just the, uh, basin."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean softly shook her head then at the younger one and then smiled a little. "I'll send someone up to have a look at it." She told Maya. "We'll put space heaters near the vital areas that can't get cold and... well, we'll fix it all up to make it as safe and comfortable as possible for you. But its the dead of winter right now, so its best to leave the windows securely shut. At least until spring."

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell lets out a sigh, breath colaescing into a cloud, despite the warmth inside. "Right, right, um...yeah, that'd...be a good idea. Especially the bathroom." She takes a deep breath, then turns back to the page she was on and starts scribbling down more answers. After a second, she pauses, then puts the pen down. "Hey, uh...y-you guys do...criminal background checks, right? Just...a formality?"

Phoenix has posed:
Jean had a personal rule not to use her mind reading ability on anyone that didn't give her reason to use it... Maya hadn't done that, so she wasn't delving into the surface thoughts of the student, or anything beyond it either.

"We like to know of the criminal records of those that we take in here, yes." She told the girl. "Thats generally something that we let Professor Xavier deal with though, as we like to let him be the keeper of secrets people find most sensitive about their past, you know?"

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell slowly nods. "Uh, r-...right. I...may need to see him a-after this, then. Just to...clear things up." She lowers her gaze sheepishly and shuffles nervously on her seat, before bending back over the paper to finish the form. A few scribbles later, she scans it briefly, then, "I...think that's all? Unless I missed something?"

Phoenix has posed:
Jean reached out for the document when it was returned filled out. "You can keep the rest of the folder, it just has standard school information that you might want to look over some time." She pulled the filled-out document back to herself and showed a smile to her. "Thanks.... Maya, do you prefer?" She asked then, regarding the girl's preference on names to be referred to with. Some of the kids here had their mutant names they prefered, afterall.

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell holds the folder open for Jean to take the packet--though she's struck a line through "parents" and "emergency contacts", opting not to fill those in. "Ah, M-Maya, yes please." She pauses, then, "W-Uh, unless I'm...i-in my--Media's taken to calling me 'The Glacier' when I'm--I can basically...freeze water around me and...m-make a big...golem...thing to fight with." She gesticulates a bit with her hands, miming a giant of some sort. "I-I'd just like to keep those separate. Just, uh...Just in case."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean accepted the packet and laid it down with the other pieces of work in the small stack beside her laptop. She listened as Maya explained some of her powers and how they worked, a gentle nod was given. "Glacier is a pretty name." She said with a soft smile before moving on. "We'll have to get you in touch with our resident ice manipulator, Robert Drake. Hopefully he'll be able to help you with your skills as they develop as these are the things you've discovered so far, but there's likely to be more you've yet to find within yourself."

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell offers a small, but genuine smile. "Yeah, ah, Xavier told me about him. I-I'd...definitely like to meet him." She takes a deep breath, then, "Is...there anything else you need from me tonight? I was, ah, hoping to...train a bit in this suit, and get used to it."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean showed a brief smile and then shook her head softly side to side. "You've given me all I need at the moment. You can reach out to the other teachers in the school about joining in on their classes and some may come to you. But... in the mean time just relax and settle in... And as far as training goes. You can take the elevator down to the sub basement... the one that looks like it came right out of a seventies sci-fi movie? Follow the markers to the training room, lovingly refered to as the 'Danger Room'. There are a number of student prepared training programs that you can put your mutation through the tests with there."

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell blinks a few times, then hesitantly nods. "Huh. Uh, right. Danger Room. I'll...keep that in mind." She stands up from her chair and holds out a hand. "It was nice m--Oh, er..." She pulls her hand back and fishes out the glove tucked into the sleeve and puts it on before offering her hand again. "I-It was nice meeting you, Mrs. Grey."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean would rise up and she'd watched the young one put on the glove. After it was on she'd grin and reach out to accept the offered hand. "Its a pleasure to meet you, Maya." She told her. "Really, should you need anything just seek me out and let me know. I'm glad to have you here with us, we are very eager to make this place a place that you can call home going forward." She'd tell her with a calming and warm tone for the girl afflicted with the power of chill.

Glacier has posed:
Maya Caldwell can't help but smile wider. "Th-Thank you. Really. And, uh, pass my thanks on to Mr. Xavier, too." She pulls her hand away from the shake and, after standing around for an awkward second, bows her head. "Thank you," she repeats. "I'll...ah, be down there. In that Danger Room." She nods once more, then steps out.