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Latest revision as of 20:25, 9 January 2018

Shady Deals
Date of Scene: 08 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: A pair of cats make a killing
Cast of Characters: Sabretooth, Catwoman

Sabretooth has posed:
"How /dare/ you use my trucks for your side business," snarls an angry, arrogant female voice, but it has an odd pitch to it, like it is coming through some bad computer speakers.

"You're... you're wrong. Your sources are wrong," Fear, anger, volatile mixture, from a high-voiced younger male. "You got no proof. Nothin'."

The location: dark industrial buildings beyond a patch of well-lit businesses. The restaurants are open, and making a good amount of general noise, which covers some of this shady discussion. Well, sort of. They are just in the back of an industrial warehouse area, next to a long chain link fence boarding the questionable property. There are two trucks, and a group of about eight various hired thug types, in and around the heavy doors of the warehouse. A big rig blocks the entrance off currently, though the driver is nearby smoking, and unconcerned about it all.

"We'll see about that," the woman threatens, confident. The men clearly hang up from the call, and abruptly begin to have a somewhat loud argument about how to get rid of the stolen "goods", because they can't be found with them, cheating on the boss's dime with the use of the trucks... blame gets batted around about whose really stupid idea it was to do some extra jobs.

Catwoman has posed:
    On the side of one of the buildings, hiding above the street light in the deepest of shadows, is a certain burglar with her claws sunk into the wall and holding her up. She has one hand on a large parabolic listening device mounted to the top of the light and her hand pulls back the headphone and presses it against her mask and she listens to the words of the would-be crooks. She is doing some recon work while her body continues to pinch and itch and sting in different places, so she's trying to keep her work load light for now, so Selina is here, attached to a wall listening to truck borrowers.

Sabretooth has posed:
Some names come in as they debate with each other. Most of them are pretty much expected: Razor. Tank. Tiny. Bill. Bill is clearly one of the leaders, along with Razor. They have several different types of merchandise. Bill is in favor of trying to sell things off quickly because they already are caught, so they should at least get some money. Razor thinks they should dump it all so that they aren't caught with anything. An unnamed voice thinks they're all going to die now, because one just doesn't try to scam a scammer. It becomes clear that their boss probably traffics something severe like weapons, and the boys decided to move some various low-grade drugs and some random-sounding stolen objects (jewelry, ipads, laptops) on the sly.

Selina isn't the only one aware of the discussion, there is another entity nearby taking it in. A heavily muscled and intimidating one. He's under her, not above, in the long dark shadow created by the streetlamp hitting across part of a wall. He just slid in out of nowhere, easy and comfortable in the metal jungle. Amber eyes reflect, catlike, as the large male observes her. Victor isn't deliberately being stealthy for the moment, he puzzles with her odd scent a little bit, skeptical.

Catwoman has posed:
    Selina remains on the side of the building and lowers her feet onto the branch of metal that the street lamp is hanging off of for added stability. She takes in a deep breath through the air when it hits her, scents, smells, everything seems a bit more pungent but she doesn't put two and two together just yet as the whole change is going impossibly slow.

    Selina squints her eyes as she keeps listening, and looks down at her feet to make sure she's stable and that's why she catches a hint of another person down on the ground, but she knows with herself hidding next to the light, she's nearly impossible to see, so the Catwoman doesn't worry too much, but she keeps an eye on him.

Sabretooth has posed:
Is she one of the Gotham heroes? Or something else entirely? Hmm. He can see extremely well in the dark, and though for the most part, this is because he can smell her up there. If she just smelled entirely human he'd probably have ignored her (although the clinging to building was noteworthy!). As it is, she's an interesting piñata up a pole. Victor moves directly under the pole into the direct light and shears two long claws along the metal, just to cause a horrible sound for her to enjoy. It's not loud for those without sensitive hearing or earphones really, though. He stares up at her, in a specifically 'Yes I obviously am staring right at you' fashion, even if the light is obnoxious to his sensitive eyes. There's no immediate threat, other than that he's just physically monstrous anyway. But it isn't like he's brandishing anything at her or growling. Yet maybe it was a warning.

Victor has a specific scent, and didn't stay upwind of her, though he is the direction from the men in the building (as if it mattered). He doesn't smell strongly right now, but what is there is feral, male feline predator.

Catwoman has posed:
    Selina looks down below her at the sound of the screaching and with a silent yelp her entire body tenses up in fear. That's not something she likes and so she does something about it. There's a sudden sound of a whip crack in the air and glass is raining down from the light as Selina broke it with her whip.

    She then slides down the side of the building with her claws dragging through the metal and she stands at her full height towards Sabretooth. She japs her finger into her chest that her head is level with, "What do you think you're doing!?" She asks in that stubborn way of heres, heedless of the way the crooks behind her might be reacting to her outburst.

Sabretooth has posed:
Victor doesn't move much, until she pokes at his chest. Even then, he flexed into it with a glower, lowering his head some. His shoulders flex and raise, naturally looking bigger in that manner. Really unnecessary but he does it anyway. He takes in the whip with a low pointed stare, and there's some angry reaction to it being present. He MIGHT not like whips. But he does appraise her with a positive eye; she's not bad to look at, obviously.

"Asking a question." Simple, direct. And chilly. "Whose side are you going to be on?" Victor asks, in a quiet, thick, low bass tone. He has some heavy canines that show when he talks and smiles, and he now does both of those. Any amount of experience with this type will inform really quickly that he's some sort of mercenary murdering type, this is not a cape.

"What was that?" Razor asks, having heard the break of the streetlight. They're paranoid, and some of them start to question if they are alone, voices dropping quiet.

Catwoman has posed:
    Selina might have been able to deduce what kind of man Victor is on the way down, but his broad stance and utter smell gives her a full picture of the man. Or at least the cliffnotes version of Sabretooth. With a flick of her wrist the whip falls down and she coils it up as she looks over her shoulder towards Razor and Bill and the rest before she looks back at Creed with a squint of her masked eyes.

    "I will be on my side. Is that acceptable for you?" She says with a crisp smile on her lips as she turns towards the gang of dumbies and stands beside Victor like they're about to have a cat-team-up.

Sabretooth has posed:
"Just a job; I don't care about the rest," Victor says in a straight, flat tone of death. There's a slice of amusement that comes in, though, across his expression. He's curious about her, it appears. Victor does zero attempt to hide his mutant qualities, the fangs are out, but not bared. He weighs her a long moment, rolls his wrists briefly as if stretching or preparing to fight, and then proceeds to move towards the clear objective. Which means he moves aside out of the light in a sleek half bound, and then advances quickly on the warehouse group, evidently attending to approach on the fence side. He doesn't say anything to Selina at all by way of direction, nor does he signal her. He also doesn't behave as if he expects her to get him from behind either. If it's a team-up, it will just be natural. Or... something else.

Catwoman has posed:
    Selina watches Victor slink off in a purposeful prowl before she moves on her own whims, moving in the opposite direction of Victor to circle around the crooks in an impromptu pincer maneuver.

    The Catwoman moves closer to the cars with a quiet approach as she slowly unwinds her whip again, getting ready to crack some bones and grab herself some guns or drugs or hopefully the jewelry she might have heard, or was it smelled... she's not sure at the moment, but she knows there's something worth her time in these trucks.

Sabretooth has posed:
Victor doesn't warn them or monologue or anything. He stays well out of sight, using his hearing and scent. And then decides it's time to begin. If Selina arrives too, well, that's fine. He bounds a few long steps and leaps the chainlink fence, landing directly on one of the men at the side, pulling him in a twisting motion backwards against the side of the building. Out of sight and silent.

"What was that?! Jim?" Bill asks, unsure if something even did just happen. They were mostly over by one of the trucks, starting to unload parcels that are likely the drugs.

"It's Batman," one of the other guys says, urgently. Seeing as it is Gotham, that would make sense. Two get skittish - Tank and Tiny - and they suddenly decide to bolt for the other van, rushing across the warehouse lot. "Hell with this!"

Catwoman has posed:
    Sitting on top of the van is a woman with tight black and dark grey costume, more than skin tight, but meant to be that way and she is sitting with her legs crossed and is buffing at the claws on the ends of her finger tips. She looks up with a smirk at the two men and smiles that winning grin. "Heya boys, leaving so soon?" She asks playfully before pouting and uncrosses her legs with her foot coming across one man's chin and her hand snapping out quickly and grasping the other man around his neck and she pulls him quickly, face first into the car window. Lifting her legs up and out in order to avoid the whipped man's face crushing her shins. With her legs up in the air, and her hands holding her whip tightly up she keeps tugging until the man's struggle ends.

Sabretooth has posed:
Catwoman's style is acrobatic and sleek, a dance, even, with her limbs and whip. Victor started reasonably acrobatic, just taking out that one stray, and briefly is aware of what Catwoman is doing atop that other van. But that was a brief glance, and now, well. Victor has since become something of a bloody ripping machine. He jumped out at Bill: in several quick strides that ended in a leap, landing and crushing the man under his weight against the bumper of the first van, with a hard downwards slam of clawed hand. Bill screams a little gurgling bit before he can't anymore. The other men there are horrified and shocked by the suddenness of everything, their arms mostly full of drug boxes. One deep in the van figures out he should probably defend himself and there's gunfire, before his strangled yelp when his buddy is thrown in there at him.

Selina's van, if she chooses to check it, is mostly full of packing materials and no interesting items. Surely there's nothing else in it, right.

Catwoman has posed:
    With her work done, the sounds of Victor echoing in the open area, Selian slips down, her thick boots landing on top of the back of the man she choked out, and her foot is sent into the man's head that she initially kicked. She has to protect herself right.

    Loosening the whip around number 2's neck, Selina recoils her whip and hooks it onto the belt behind her right him and she opens the back doors of the fan and takes in a deep whiff of the interior as she looks around and sighs. "Boxes and packing materials... And you call yourselves crooks. For shame."

Sabretooth has posed:
No, she definitely has the technology items in that van, easily. In the box of packing peanuts there are WAY too many brand new ipads and iphones to possibly be stored well like that. No wonder their boss was angry at them, this is a very trackable big van of problems.

Victor seems to be done where he is, and is cleaning up the people: in the sense that he is loading them into the warehouse itself, dragging them out by whatever limb he happens to snare. He cuts across the yard to Selina's defeated foes, to see if she killed them or what. He's swift and silent and will be right up on Selina pretty damn quickly. He's been shot, there are bloody bullet holes in a spray up from center chest to right shoulder, about four. His 2" claws on both hands are bright with blood; particularly so on right hand, up to wrist in bloody splatter.

Catwoman has posed:
    Selina turns around and with her green eyes she looks Victor up and down before she pauses and cants her head. "Healing factor huh? Or do you just not feel pain?" The professional thief asks as she steps over to the mutant and her diamond sharpened claws press agaisnt him as her hand moves under his jacket and rests on his chest. She doesn't seem too concerned about the blood.

    Selina stands on her toes and gets closer to the savage man and asks, "What's in the other vans?"

Sabretooth has posed:
Victor doesn't trust her, very obviously, when she slides over to inspect his wound and actually put her hand under his shirt and vest. But there's enough vague sensual quality to it that he's going to let her do it. And watch her. It's fearless, more that curiosity from earlier. If he's just a savage, he's pretty alert. It has only been a minute since the bullets got him, so there's some extensive healing, but not fully healed yet. He growls a little as she touches, barrel chest vibrating with the sound throughout. Which suggests he can feel just fine. "Yeah," Victor says, to her question. One or both, though the healing factor is pretty clear, and he's likely just not the type to admit about pain. He's healing while standing there, the bullets are working themselves free.

"Drugs. Ammunition, arms." A smirk. "Blood." He rolls his gaze over the van with the tech in it, but it's not in a possessive way. Mostly indifferent. "More in warehouse."

Catwoman has posed:
    "Good big fella, but just in case you get funny ideas, I'm calling dibs on this one." The thief says with a toothy grinning smirk as she looks over his shoulders towards the other vans and the warehouse behind. She pulls her hand back and turns it to look at the hints of blood on her finger tips, but there's none there, it's congealed on his chest incredibly quickly so again it's obviously the healing.

    "I don't much deal with drugs and guns, but you can have them if you want." The woman says as she watches Creed closely while she waits for him to decide to do what's next but she does comment. "It's smart to not linger too much longer. Those gunshots were bound to be heard by someone big guy."

Sabretooth has posed:
"The arms are part of the job." Victor shrugs some about her calling dibs on the tech truck. "So those I'm taking back." Which may make it suddenly apparent what the hell he's doing there: he's a paid hit. He didn't just happen by.

From his perspective he's letting her help mop up, it appears. He shrugs about the other van, noninterested. "Dump that van fast," he recommends, the first actually 'nice' thing he's said to her, because it was for her benefit, not just for his own usefulness.