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Latest revision as of 20:26, 9 January 2018

Its Got to be Somewhere.
Date of Scene: 08 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gamora, Rocket Raccoon

Gamora has posed:
ITs a fairly rowdy night in this hive of scum and villainy.

Loud music, louder customers, and several fights going on inside the various corners of the establishment. There's a stage setup with dancing girls flailing their bodies about to the beat of the music and a lot of alcohol is being passed around in various sizes of glasses.

GAmora is seated in the back of the pub with one foot up on an empty chair and her back leaned back against her own. She's sipping from a tall glass of Damarian ale and watching the activity in the bar.

The Guardians had gotten back to Knowhere just a few hours ago. They'd been on a war-torn world and recovered a priceless gem from whats said to be the creation of the universe...

Peter was out trying to sell the gem, he said he'd wanted to go alone so Gamora had decided to come here.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket didn't care much about the gem. Only that it was really worth waht Quill said it was worth. And that he got his cut. he had guns to modify and that required credits. Credits make the wheels turn.

Deciding he didn't feel like going home just yet, he opted to tag along with Gamora. There were always a few chumps to beat out of their credits in the pub. Most were wide eyed FNG's or ship crews on leave. Either way it meant profit to Rocket. He'd found himself a poker game and settled in for the next dozen hands. By the time Gamora was finished with her drink he'll have a respectable pile of credits from the other five at the table. And their suspicions. "Boys! This is one hell of a night! I just got back, got off my ship, and thought - hey! Rocket! what better place than to come celebrate with a few games at the ol' Burnout? Gotta say, I didn't expect a few games of poker to cheer me up quite THIS good, though!"

Gamora has posed:
Gamora wasn't interested in cards, any form of them really... games like that weren't really her thing. She was more into observing the fights that would periodically break out and judging who would win, generally it was pretty easy to tell immediately. But sometimes the fighters would actually have 'skill' and those were the ones she really enjoyed to watch. Gamora especially loved going to organized fights, but there weren't any of those going on tonight...

Her eyes glanced over at Rocket when he started to boast about his winnings. "Careful." She said toward him. "You'll turn yourself into a target." She told him, Referring to announcing that he had a lot of money on him.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket waves a paw. "Aw, c'mon, mom. I know what I'm doin'!" he boasts. Then he takes a deep swallow of his own drink. Some thick, almost gooey yellow liquid in a glass complete with a handle. "These guys won't hurt me. I'm doin' 'em right. Playin' all on my own. I'm doin' 'em a favor! if they didn't lose their credits to me? they'd be going to the flop houses and gods KNOWS what kinda things they'd pick up there!" he sits back, satisfied. "No more. I'm out. Been a good night but there's no need for a guy to get greedy, right? So - thanks for making my first night back home an enjoyable one!"

The others at the table don't seem happy about the talking raccoon about to leave with almost all of their shore leave spending creds.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora hadn't known Rocket that long, and he'd managed to survive without getting himself murdered prior to knowing her... She wasn't even honestly sure how old he was. So she just smirked at his arrogance and raised her mug up for another drink from its contents before looking over at the others that he'd 'swindled' the money out of.

"You are as humble as you are tall, Rocket." Gamora said back at him, giving him a bit of good natured teasing.

When a fight broke out on the main level, Gam's eyes went there now, watching a giant 4 armed Ysmorian toss a near-human across a table and into the front of the stage where the women were gyrating to the music.

Gamora just grinned. "That is definetly going to hurt in the morning."

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket thumps his chest with a paw, "HUmble! yes! That is me! Rocket the Humble!" He begins scooping up his winnings, "It's hard not to be humble when you know as much as I do. I mean, c'mon. Amiright?" Then the fight breaks out and he's maddly scraping up his credits but many are hitting the floor. "Aw man! always when I'm tryin' t' get away!" he laments. "Hey! HEY! Getchur mits off my credits!" he back hands one of the other players tries to recover some of his lost income.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora's eyes left the fight as the smaller man was getting punched and then suddenly vanished, invisibility powers? Teleportation? Hard to say... "Hmmm. Interesting."

But the noise Rocket was making made her look over to him and she showed a little smirk. "You've won more than you can carry?" She asked him next. "What are you going to spend your earnings on there, Responsible Rocket?" She'd ask next before lifting her mug up for a drink from its contents and she looked back to the four armed alien that was searching for his fight partner who'd just disappeared.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket is scooping credit chips into his pockets, into his backpack. It isn't like he's an instant millionaire, right? But hey, every credit counts. "Gonna get the focus chamber parts t' get Ol' Beady Eye workin' right again. I love that gun" he declares. He doesn't try to stop the guys from grabbing scattered chips as he gets most off the table. "Sorry boys. Rocket's School of Gambling is now closed!"